V, Thursday,. August 22. 1963 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pag« Twenty-On»: Jobnsbnrg Community Club Adds New Wing Mty Hetterm»na 'i m*i\ • j Nf'-i'MHr" completion is he 48 to the Johnsburg Community club building. This wing shown at left, was added to the present building to give more facilities for dances, parties and weddings. Included in this new addition is a beautiful rectangular bar measurng 24 feet long and 13 feet wide, an entrance, two washrooms and a cloakroom. Everyone in the surrounding area is looking forward to seeing this addition upon its Completion. This is just another step forward for the Johnsburg Community Club. Dance Time Again The big "once a year" dance that everyone looks forward to at this time of the year is just around the corner. The Johnsburg rescue squad will sponsor their eleventh annual dance in the Community club hall on Saturday evening, Aug. 31 Getting tickets is real easy--just contact any of the squad members. They will be most happy to accommodate your needs. Your help is needed to keep their equipment up to par. This is the one small way you can show your appreciation for the terrific job they do all year round. Not only do you help them but you also have a good time doing it. Be sure to bring a few extra tickets. Keep in mind the Johnsburg rescue squad is made up voluntary help. Picnic In The Offing St. John's Court, 96. C.O.F. family picnic will be held in the Joe E. Freund woods on Spring Grove road Sunday, Aug. 25. All members and their families are invited to attend. To be eligible for the attendance prize, please be on the grounds by 12:15 p.m. Bring your own lunch basket, table and chairs. Diaper Line News Mr. and Mrs. Leo "Hiller recently welcomed a new grandson tinto heir family. Their daughter and son-in-law, Bob and Norma Knox, of Crystal Lake became parents of their sixth son. and ninth child. Robert William Knox, Jr., is the name selected for the newest member in their family. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schaefer were sponsors for the infant when he was baptized at St. Thomas church. The1 third daughter, who was named Mary Catherine, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Buss of Milwaukee on July 30. This young lady weighed a healthy 9 lbs. 11/oz. upon arrival. Mrs. Buss is the former Adele Schmitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Schmitt of Spring Grove road. Our very best wishes fqr future health and happiness to the parents and grandparents. On The Go Arnie and Clara Michels and their two daughters and Bill May and son, Richard, spent a hectic but enjoyable five days in Ohio last week. The sextet left early last Wednesday for New Regal, where their destination was the Florian La Fontaine home. On Thursday they traveled to Dayton to participate in the beautiful service held in the Precious Blood Convent, where the La Fontaines' daughter , Sister Gladys Marie, received her black veil. Saturday, Aug. 17, they attended the wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wiswasser. The La Fontaines daughter, Carol Sieb inallier, exchanged vows with Mm. Wiswasser on Aug. 13. The reception was postponded until Saturday. The Michels and the Mays also visited with Clara's mother Mrs. Anna Bugner. They returned home Sunday, tired, but very happy. Fire And Rescue Squad The firemen of Station 2 answered a call to extinguish a fire in a home on Lincoln road last week. Damage was kept to a minimum. The rescue squad members also went out on this call. Last Wednesday evening the rescue squad was called out when a woman lost control of her car and hit the bridge. She was taken to the hospital for treatment. On Sunday morning several of the squad members assisted in administering first aid to a youth who was cut on the face near St. John's church. He was taken to the doctor's by his father. Celebrate 50 years We all join in extending the very best of wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Coltman upon their golden wedding anniversary. The Coll^ ' man's--Doc and Emma of Sun* nyside Beach--celebrated their golden anniversary, Saturday, Aug. 17, at the home of their daughter, the Boehlkes, in Des- Plaines. The children and families from Parma, Ohio, Aurora and Minneapolis all participated in making it a wonderful celebration. A sumptuous supper was served and the many flowers telegrams and cards surely made this a memorable occasion. Gift Receipient Beautifully wrapped gifts of all descriptions were opened by Lois Schmitt last Wednesday evening in the community club hall. She was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower given by Elaine Schmitt and Janet Smith. Some fifty ladies were on hand to see the gifts opened by the bride-to-be. On Sept. 7, •Lois will become the bride of Donald Johnson in a ceremony which will take place in St. John's church. Around The Town Two of our young men who recently went into service are stationed at Lackland Air Force base in Texas. They are Terry Oeffling and Pete Weber. The Gerry Hsttermann family spent two days in Milwaukee last week, where they attended the state fair. On Wednesday, Ed Dot and Eddie Hettermann and Leo and Mabel Smith were fair visitors. Roger and Gloria Pechous and their three youngest returned here last Thursday after spending almost two weeks in Florida. Roger's dad suffered a heart attack recently and they spent most of this time visiting him. Recent weekend visitors in Monroe, Wis., were Pete and Kathleen Oeffling, Mrs. Katie Guzzardo and Mrs. Annie Guyser. The Rudy Fischers entertained her sister from California for a week. Their brother was in serious^ condition for several days suffering from burns received in an explosion. Death Claims Two Our sincere sympathies are extended to the surviviing members of the John Regner and Mrs. Rosalie Hausheer families. Both passed away last week. That's it again! Please keep my phone ringing. If at first you don't succeed-- try again. BARRINGTON WILL CELEBRATE 100TH YEAR THIS WEEK The village of Barrington is celebrating its hundredth anniversary this summer, and Aug. 22 through 25 has been officially proclaimed as centennial celebration dates. An evening pageant On all four nights at 8 8o'clock will be a feature of the event. There will be industrial exhibits in the1 Hough street school gym days and evenings throughout the celebration. Other special attractions include a square dance on Cook street from 8:30 to 11:30 Friday, a parade of marching units, bands and floats at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon; a street dance on Park street that evening and an art exhibit all day Sunday Be modern with H. E. BUCH & SON PLUMBING & HEATING 8012 W. Rt. 120 McHenry Phone $85-0048 MOM! RIGHT PRICE PLUS DOUBLE PLAID STAMPS At Nye Til MA«DO«AU» PLAID SCAMP •OVERBOOK Drug From Now School Starts ON ALL SCHOOL SUPPUES We can and do give Plaid Stamps with no increase in price -- It's Nye's Policy NYE DRUG INC "Wa&fAaeM. AGENCY i' i u" i u' ^11' j11' |' i H1'1 i"'!'1 '111' 11 fc CI MAGNETIC BINDER Fold over^ magnetic grip cover with top hole posts* "f "76 In colors^... 11 Top 77' to ARTIST Shop here for 1SCHOOC BRUSHES 10 assorted size camel hair brushes. \| \| 39i c ^ V Big Stick LIBRARY PASTE fe pl< 23 BULLDOG Pencil Sharpener tumble 99 Precision befit. Durable steal Modes. * * • In popular 11,1 color*-- oz. in a safe plastic bottle with ^ spreader cap... CRAYOLA CRAYONS Features a built-in sharpener.. Twist-locking Attache Case Sci'f (• t tiisfant t@xon« > jnd edges. •ger, blade J gg I5"xii"xa%^..| plus Tax Walgreen VITAMUN C f lAVOtfO CHEWABLE Orange Flavor VITAMIN C Replenish daily fieea any* ' • anytime. 1 OOm g. ouiiie oi 100... | AH Purpose Black & White FILM Sizes 620, 1 20/ 127 31188' MEMO BQOKS Fopor sldo "• - -'1' Ac cc|ii bound.......,.!-...:; | Men and Ladies' BILLFOLDS Fine groin loalliois in variety of styles, >f HQ colors I »» * Srain*~*~--< 1 BKiki- CASE j. iu..e Texon. Luck & 2 straps. Fabric gussets, bound edges. 10"xl5"x3'A" i, Plastic Covered I Looseleaf BINDER BINDER Tough plastic covers I Handy pockets on In for long wear.f* m * I ,ide of coven. 4 4A 2 or 3 rings. IkJI I 1 aSP YOUR CHOICE 2 or 3 rings* In designs... Zippered BINDER 2 or 3 Ring J BINDER Vinyl covered. Booster openers. Choice of designs n A 0 Handsome cowhide gra>ned vinyl ^ CQ finish. • In Colors patterns Jefferson PEN & PENCIL 1 Smooth writing p'-«- with extra refill, Fl pencil with ||||| extra loads, erasers.,. Ay Seteetm tf CRAYOLA CRAYONS Box of 16.21' 24', 29 Stuff Resistant Deluxe flff^JMSchoolbaa § 1 *xtra side pocket. Removable shoulder strap. In colors........ CUB STAPLER well built for lots we* 1AQ 'n Colors.. I** 1000 Nf> TYPEWRI" ERASERS spemu SHEET PACK FILLER PAPER 8 x 10W * Hole j Wide or narrow rule with margin YOUR CHOICE 186 SHEET PACK 8Vz All FILLER PAPER Popular narrow rule witl 43c margin. Fits 2 hole binders LOOSELEAF Canvas covered with 2 or 3 rings. A C In colors Scuff-Ro*i»tant & LOADS OF OTHER VALUES