\ ' - 4-' '.'i 'im*# Page Twenty-Eight. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. August 22, 1963 •PUBLIC PULSE 7 *"5(The i'laindcaler invites flhe- public to use this col* |mn as an expression of Ijheir views on subjects of eneraL interact In our •Community. Our only request is that writers limit ^themselves to 300 words or "fess signature, full address tend phone number. We «#sk, too, that one individual not write oh the Jlame subject more than ?«nee each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) THE JTTNTftR COLLEGE ISSUE "To the Editor: "I don't for a moment questlbfi the sincerity and intentions of those interested in promoting a Junior college in Mc- Itenry county, t do question that they are aware of the significance «f whit they are doing. "It is said such a college as is proposed would qualify for state aid in addition to the ocal taxes to support it. When objection is made it is answered by a shrug of resignation and .he Rtatement that that's the way things are done these days. "And so they are, too many )f them. But that does not nake them mprally right nor -economically sound; nor does it advance the principles on which our country was founded and grew to its greatness, but aids in destroying our freedom. And because too many things are done that way today (through taxes) the Russians won't have to bury us. We are doing it ourselves.. With as much curtailment of individual freedom and government ownership of property as presently exists, we are already deep in socialism, whose aim, . along with that of communism, is to place the ownership of the means of production and distribution in the hands of thp state, i.e., to destroy private ownership of property. "State aid is regarded as a great boon. Where does it come from? You. Every time any level of government spends money it has to first take it from you (or do so through deficit financing, which debt also falls on you, the taxpayer). Further, state aid to schools poses the same problem of control as federal aid, as opposed to local control. "Complaints, are mounting against fiscal recklessness on the Federal level, and gradually people are learning of the unsoundness of profligate spending. Yet, when the same thing is proposed locally, where people can better fight this recklessness, what do they do? They support it. And when they do they are asking for all the taxes and controls they get. "It is under the delusion of doing good that ur fine citizens are lured into helping the socialist cause. Do you say this is different? How can a thing be good if it is based on an immoral act? I question the m6- rality of taking from some by force and giving to others. Would you, as an individual, approve such action? Then what makes it right for a group of individuals called a political entity? Do you wonder if I have a "social conscience?" I believe in th* Golden Rule. I do not believe in stealing. I would like to see everyone have everything so long as he does not steal from others in the process of petting it. 'Therefore, if the demand exists, I recommend a private school be established. If there is not sufficient demand it would not be economical sound privately, and worse than unsound if tax supported. Once started the later would have to be further subsidized by taxes. 'There will be those who will say, "But what of those who can't afford the tuition a private school would have to ask?" In the first place a private school would not ask tuition to high that it would price it&lf am* of *he market. To do so would mean failure before it started. But assume a reasonable tuition were still too high for some would-be students. There was a tim? in this country when it was a matter of pride to work one's way through school. Why not now? In that day people were too proud to take handouts, to "sponge off" others, or otherwise seek support at another's expense. Today these things have beep blessed as "legal" and our people have fallen for such immoral procedures. But they don't have to. They can be safe-reliant in the good old American tradition. To work one's way through school is infinitely more admirable than accepting a handout at the forced expense of others. Then, too, there's such a thing as earning a scholarship If an individual desires to learn a trade or further his academic study, he can find a way with or without a school in this county. If the desire is not great enough, further schooling would be a waste of time and money. "Friends and neighbors, with a government supported school, pull in your belts, plan to do without some pleasure you enjoy, or cut down on scone necessity, for your taxes will increase and your freedom to keep the products of your labor, what you earn, will decreaseunless you use your gift of American business ingenuity and come up with a private' school. It's being done elsewhere. It can be done here. "Sincerely, "Hermona C. Beardslee "(Mrs. Louis B., Jr.) R. 3 "Woodstock Illinois" Only 3 copies of Noah Webster's first dictionary are known to exist--Harvard has one, T r i n i t y C o l l e g e , H a r t f o r d , Conn., and American Antiquarian Society, New York City, have the other two. Ships passing through the Panama Canal pay a fee, based on tonnage of ship, but averaging between $4,500 and $5,000. PROCLAMATION ! WHEREAS, the welfare of the underprivileged children of the community is always of present concern to all the people of the cities of ^McHenry and Wonder Lake of Illinois; and WHEREAS, the welfare of the underprivileged children can be realized only through the participation of the community in activities directed to that end; and WHEREAS, under the sponsorship of Kiwanis clues of McHenry and Wonder Lake a day is set aside for the purpose of encouraging greater pro-, grams in this important area of society; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this occasion is to provide, wherever possible, assistance in bringing to those in less fortunate circumstances. NOW, THEREFORE I, DONALD Doherty, mayor of the city of McHenry, Illinois, and Walter Dean, supervisor of McHenry Township, do hereby proclaim SEPT, 27 and 28th as Kiwanis Peanut Day in McHenry and Wonder Lake and urge all citizens to give full support to the aims and purposes of this day and cooperate toward its success. DateeP this 19th day of August, A.D. 1963. Signed Donald Doherty, Mayor of McHenry, 111. Signed Walter Dean, Supervisor or McHenry Township BE WISE USE TH^ CLASSIFIED Ben Franklin! Has Everything For BACK TO SCHOOL! Ok l\ SPORTS BAG Zipper dosing has lock and key. Sturdy frame. Perfect . M for gym $Z«44 LUNCH KITS Fitted kit of lithographed metal. Vfe-pt. vacuum bottle. * Reg. $2.69 >2*22 Reg. *1.19 Lunch Kit, No vacuum... $1.00 JBl SCHOOL BAGS , Rtg. 11.00 I abric Bag Rubberized toshedthe rain! Lunch pocket 88c Deluxe Rayon Baq Asstd. plaids. . $1.77 SPACE-MAKER BINDERS Front cover folds back and under-- requires one half the desk space. 87< Easy-Care for Student's RoomI PLAID BEDSPREAD 72x90" BLANKET Cotton and rayon. Washable, fast color in blue, red or green. Twin or full size. $399 Rayon w<th nylon. 61110 acetate binding.Turquoise, $*599 beige, red, pink or gold. $3 .^s ••y* LOW-CUT OXfORDS Sizes 2Vz to Hi-Cut Shoe $3.4" $2.99 BOY'S SLACKS "Slim-line" in $2 cottoh. 6-16. BOYS' BftlKFS Knitted, m In M |A S,M, I. 4m Pkg.9l.l7 trp«wr) t«r P«P«r TYPEWRITER PAPER $1.39 350 sheets standard SVfexll-in. size. Unruled white paper. Pencil Tablets--8x10 in. jumbp thick! MAD BINDERS Zaniest IOO titles, ytl I Waterproof plastic covers. Choice of 2 or 3 ring styles. Zany Book Covers. Water resistant. 4 in pkg 39« A ONWARD WHIII PAST! UK • 5 02. plasIT ©^ tic jar with J Iwwn pwT tl il sprfM^r. -- 29c faMtt WBAREVER CARTRIDGE PEN FREE with 12 ink cartridges. Reg. $1.00. 77* SAVE ON SCHOOL SHOES $3.99 - $4.99 $2.44 - $4.99 $2.44 - $3.99 Boys' Girls Girls' Flats No K> BRILLIANT CRAYOLAS Sixteen different colors in box. Scissors - Blunt style 25c, pointed -29c Rubkleen Eraser--soft green rubber.. ...17c Wood Rulers--choice of styles ...10c School Compass- removable pencil... ..25c Push-O-Push Ball Point Pen ...10c 10 Ball Point Pens .. $1.00 Disney "Winkie Eye" Pencil Cases... ...39c White Paste, plastic tube. ... 25c 24 Colored Pencils, free sharpener.. ...49c Watercolor Paints, box of 8, brush.... ...29c Clip Board Choice of designs ...59c Webster's School Dictionary.. $1.00 12V»-3 SNEAKERS White duck uppers, tapered toes. Crepe type soles. $1.99 Tnn-agi NYLONS Seamless 15 denier run resistant. " 98* v , r»9. \J 69c BOBBY SOCKS Hi-bulk orlon. Misses'8-11.... 54c Giant Package FILLER PAPER Regularly $1,49 Top Quality Onward Brand 500 Sheets 2 or 5 hole punch 450 Sheets 3 hole punch 99 Pkg. Reg. 89c Economy Sixo Packago / / 300 Sheets 2 or 5 hole punch; 270 Sheets 3 hole punch... O0c Fk®* Blue Canvas BINDER fitted with ACCESSORIES Reg. 79c Binder fitted witn 25c filler paper and 10c reference index. $1.14 Value 88c LEAD PENCILS Three 29c packs, 10 pencils each -- total 30 7TC i Sm $8\ fix / m' V Girls' 7-14 DRESSES Easy-care fabrics in plaids, stripes, colors. - $3.99 4 to 6X PLAID SKIRTS Wash 'n wear pleated style. Red or blue. $2.99 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Wash 'n wear cotton plaids, checks, prints and solid colors. Long sleeves, semi-spread collar. 6 to 16. Reg. $1.79 $144 Clipmate Binder has spring clip inside front cover, filler paper and index. $1.35 Value Heavyweight Binder with f i l l e r paper, loose-leaf dictionary, drawing WAO guide. $1.92 Value X GIRLS' PANTS White cotton knit. 4-12 33c COSMETIC BAGS Gay pr \ and ^ colors. Print SCARFS Silk and rayon, • - 31-in. square... 5V* We Have Our Complete Line Of Winter Jackets In Now! Girls' -- Women's -- Boys' -- Men's At a Saving on Comparable Quality Select Now and Use Our Lay-A-Way Plan You Can Have It Paid for by Oct. ~ -- / • . . . * • ACETATE SREEFS Misses' sizes 5-10.Reg. 49c. 3#c BILLFOLDS Boys' and girls' favorite styles. a HEAD BANDS Stretch nylon knit. Reg. 39c. 2I< BEN FRANKLIN McHENRY, ILL. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT STORE