^ .'.y--„-""';: tr; **» " ; . . :; |£ --* •'>«"' Pagt Two In*" •" •• • • pv; j y *Vhifa" THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. August 22, 1963 KatHryn Kirk To Wed Soon \ Mr. and Mrs. Hu^li R. Kirk of 119 N. River road, McHenry, announce the approaching fall marriage of their daughter, Kathryn Kirk, to Mr. Robert C. Trendler, son erf Mr. and Mrs. John Trendler of 1012 W. River Terrace, McHenry. The couple will reside in Downers Grove. JANICE SCHUELER HffsB Sohueler To Marry In November Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schuefer of 819 W. Southside, Lilymoor, have announced the1 engagement of their daughter, Janice Lynn, to Mr. Frank J. May, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. May of 3710 W. Freund avenue, McHenry. Mis* Schueler, a 1961 graduate of McHenry high school, is employed in Crystal Lake. Her fiance is a 1956 graduate of the local high school and is employed locally. The young people have selected Nov. 30 as their wedding date. Shower Honors Sojna Andrews Baby showers in any community are pleasant; baby showers that really surprise re extremely rare. Mrs. Laura Smith, Mrs. hristine Williams, Mrs. Laura Bo 1 ford, Mrs. Louise Winters and Mrs. Jody Doran were organizers and hostesses Friday evening, Aug. 16, for a surprise girl baby shower for Mrs. Sonja Andrews at the Andrews Homfey. 1615 North Woodlawn Park Drive, McHenry. Honoring the "momentarily expected" Steffanie Andrews and her mother were Mrs. Marie Kasper, Mrs. Gertrude Jessup, Mrs. Irma Blomgren, Mrs. Marie Mullere, Mrs. Mildred Thomas, Mrs. Ruth Buckner, Mrs. Evelyn Beck, Mrs. Paula Harrison, Mrs. Gladys Welty, Mrs. Mabel Martin, Mrs. Martha Fulton, Mrs. Peggy Kasper, Mrs. Margaret Marchi, Mrs. Carol Sek, Mrs. Elva Dunn, Mrs. Pat Borcovan, Mrs. Betty Davidson, Mrs. Eleanor Cole, Mrs. Mary Risch, Mrs. Jody Doran, Mrs. Laura Smith, Mrs. Laura Belford, Mrs. Sandra Leonard, Mrs. Lorraine Thomas, Mrs. Ilia Toerae, Mrs. Christine Williams, Mrs. Louise Winters, Mrs. Joan Stull and Mrs. Gladys Jones. Two young misses, Diane Belford and Nancy Winters, were responsible for the decorations and served as junior hostesses. Storm Andrews was in attendance as -Ms mother's bodyguard. - LINDA 8CHOP* Tell "tmRagcment Of Linda Schopp . * Mr. and Mm*--Kenneth " Schopp of 007 S.' Cfl'lild Path, McHenry, announce the en- - gngement of their- daughter, linrUi Kay, to Victor C. Mem- -sdhing of 1370 Oakwood avenue, -I>sPlaines. Linda is a 1962 graduate of .McHenry high school. , Serving Gnlld - Meets For Lunch . - The McHenry Hospital Sew- ™Ing guild held its monthly meet- -Ing at Nellie Bergener's home *on Thursday, Aug. 15, with a ^dessert luncheon. Twelve members were present. At the business meeting they discussed. articles to make for Christmas. A game was played ;and prizes went to Mildred ^Kennedy and Lorraine Linde- ^man. : The next meeting will be • Sept 4 at Margare* Colin. Shower Hearers {Sandra Jones Miss Sandra Jones, who will .be a bride of Aug. 31, was guest of honor at a miscellenenous shower held last Sunday at the home of Miss Judy Phannenstill. Co-hostesses were Miss Phannenstill and Miss Judy Gregory, both of whom will be attendants at her wedding. Fifteen friends and relatives enjoyer an afternoon of games and visiting, and saw Miss Jones open her many lovely gifts which were placed under a beautiful umbrella. The color scheme was in pink and white. A tasty lunch was served by the hostesses. 'family Gathering At Conway Residence A family get-together was held at the Robert Conway Jiome recently* Honoring their guests of th* week, Sister Mary Hilda (Mary Conway) of Lincoln, Nebr., her companion, Sister Mary Jean Agnes "of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. John Conway of Flint, Mich. Those present for a day of games, a picnic lunch and reminiscing were Mr. and Mrs. Al. DunJap and, family df Elkhorn, Wis.;-Mr. and Mrs. Morris Powell and son, Mr. and Mrs. George Adams, the Jack Whalen, William Wilson and William Adams families of Elgin; Leo Conway of Chicago; Lurayne Conway, Mrs. Eleanor Miller, Mrs. Florence Doherty, Mrs. James Doherty, the William Weyland, Robert Conway and Bob Adams families of McHenry. SptitSUMMER FROLIC A mid-summer frolic is be- ~lng planned for Sunday, Aug. ^25, at 1 o'clock at the Lakejnoor fire-community building ~£or the benefit of the Lake- 3pioor Scout drill teams. There 7«(p}1| games and nriws. arrf tiw public is invited. YOUTH COMPLETES ANNUAL STUDENT COUNCIL WORKSHOP --Gary Walsh, 814 Center Vfreet, McHenry, a student at Marian Central high school, Woodstock, was among 139 high school students taking part in the second two-week session of Indiana university's third annual Stydent Council Workshop, Aug. 11 to 17. The students studied public speaking and pariimentaiy procedure; Indiana school laws and regulations as they apply to school activities; the aims and objectives pf the Student Council, and the growth of this citizenship training program. Miss Schmelzen Radiant Bride A lovely bride of Saturday, Aug, 17, was Miss Karen Row Schmelaer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schmelzer of 7811 W. Bull Valley road, Mc Henry. In a ceremony takfr|g place at Grace Lutheran church, Woodstock, at 3 o'clock that afternoon, she exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. Harold L. Jepson, Jr., son of the senior Harold Jepsons of 806 Balmoral drive, Dundee. Rev. Henry Neal officiated at the nuptial rite, for which Donald Beyer acted as organ ist and Jim Jepson, brother of the groom, sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Wedding Prayer." The church was decorated with bouquets of tfhite Fuji mums. Miss Schmelrer was radiant in a full length gown of white, styled with cap sleeves, and scalloped applique set into the bodice, forming a V in front and trimmed with sequins and seed pearls. Her fingertip veil fell from a tiara of rhinestones, and she carried a cascade bouquet of white Fuji mums and stephanotis. Miss Pat Wiskur of Zion, a college roommate, acted as maid of honor, and bridesmaids were Donna Schmelzer of McHenry, sister of the bride, Carol Brown of Edison, 111., a college roommate, and Margaret Lamb of Barrington, sister of the groom. They were attired similarly in gowns of ice blue peau-de-soie, fashioned street length, with boat necklines forming V's in back. All of the attendants wore maching blue hats and shoes and carried white and blue Fuji mums. The little flower girl, Kathryn Kane of Richmond, wore a white dreSs with ice blue sash. Robert Filip of Batavia served as best man and groomsmen Were David Lamb of Barrington, his brother-in-law, Robert Schmelzer of McHenry, brother of the bride, and Jim Jepson of Dundee, brother of the groom. Bruce Gardner of Solon Mills acted as usher, and Lawrence Kane of Richmond was the stately ring bearer. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Jjchmelzer selected a silk dress in blue design, with which she wore beige accessories and a pink rosebud corsage. Mrs. Jepson wore a twopiece pink suit, darker pink accessories and ft- deep red rosebud corsage. A reception for 325 guests followed the service in the church hall, with a buffet supper being served. Jean Wortley of Naperville, a college friend* circulated the guest book; Mrs. Fern Beyer of Woodstock, a friend, poured coffee; Mrs. Dorothy Stamper of McHenry, a friend, served SUMMER PICNIC AT POLISH CAMP ' SUNDAY, AUG. 25 , A summer picnic, with games and refreshments, will be held at the Polish National Union camp, on the northwest she rev of McCullom Lake, Sunday, Aug. 25, sponsored by St. Francis parish. Music will be furnished by George Dzialowy. At 5 o'clock in the evening there will be a service celebrate by Fr. E. Chzansweski The public is invited to this special day's festivities. McHenry Area Girls Graduate As Nurses At St. Therese Hospital Bridal Couple CARD OF. THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, spiritual bouquets, flowers ami the many acts of kindness extended to us at the time of death of our Mother, Rosalie Hausheer. Special thanks to Msgr. Healy of Harvard, Father Dording of Johnsburg, Father Baumhoefer and the sisters of St. Mary's: also The George Justen home. Mr. & Mrs. George Hausheer Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Pitw and Gene Adams *8-22 S3 CARD OF THANKS To all my friends and neigh bors: Many thanks for gtfiK, flowers, cards and all kindnesses shown during my recent inactivity. Margaret Masquelet *8-22-63 punch; and Dorothy and Kathryn Curran of McHenry and Mrs. Virginia Peacock of Woodstock, all friends, were In charge of gifts. The couple left on a honeymoon trip into Michigan, and upon their return will reside in a new home at 3409 W. Ringwood road, Ringwood. Mrs. Jepson attended McHenry high school and graduated in June of this year from the University of Illinois, majoring in elementary education. The bridegroom attended Dundee high school and graduated in 1960 from the University of Illinois, where he majored in agriculture. The former Miss Schmelzer will teach in the Clay street school in Woodstock this fail. Her husband is fieldman for the Production Credit Association of Woodstock. JANICE WAKITSCH pit al. Miss Miller will remain ;if St. Theres* hospital until her forthcoming marriage in October, after which she will bo on the staff of MacNeal hos- I'ital in Berwyn. The commencement program « ll include a high Mass by the iplain, Rev. Peter F. Hayes, t which selected guests will N invited by the graduates. At I p.m. the commencement exercises will begin. The Rev. Raymond J. Spitzer, C.Ss.R., of Pine City, Minn., uncle of of one of the graduates, will be the guest speaker. Diplomas will he conferred by the Director, Sister Annella, S. Sp.S. Benediction will follow. CHILDREN'S HOME MEMBERS ENJOY ROTARY PICNIC MARRIAGE LICENSES Harold. Jepson, Jr., Dundee, and Karen R. Schmelzer, McHenry. Richard J. Daley, Evanston, j and Gail L. Brefeld, Chicago. Dennis Freund, Wauconda, and Elizabeth Olszewski, McHenry. Douglas Wood and Ester Arnold, both of McHenry. GEORGETTE MILLER The Misses Janice Elizabeth Wakitsch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Wakitsch of 3919 Hillcrest place, McHenry, and Georgette Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Miller of 5410 N. Wilmot road, McHenry, will be among thirtytwo students who will graduate during the commencement exercises Sunday, Aug. 25, at 1 o'clock at St. Therese hospital school of nursing in Waukegan. Both Miss Wakitsch and Miss Miller are graduates of St. John's school and the McHenry high school. The former plans to work at McHenry hos- On Thursday afternoon, Aug. 15, the Rotary club of McHenry held its annual picnic for the Woodstock Children's home. The picnic site was generously made available by Captain Davy Jones, owner and operator of the very beautiful 500 acre Powder Horn ranch. A hilltop location, complete with shade trees, a natural springfed swimming pool, and refreshment stand, made possible the conduct of a picnic without parallel in the history of these events. The adults and children were all given wagon rides through the beautifully wooded trails, a wonderful experience and reminiscent of the old "hay ride" days. To top off the games, rides, hiking and swimming, the members of Rotary served a tasty feast. The usual hamburgers and hot dogs were supplemented by the unbeatable delight of corn picked on the property, husked, and tossed into a hugh kettle of boiling water and then covered with melted butter. There were more than 117 people in attendance, with forty children and five of the staff members of the Woodstock Children's home being a part of this. Of the Rotarians, twenty-eight members and their Rotary Anns attended, bringing thirty children of their own. The W. H. Petersons, Jr. DeWane Studio Photo Miss Georgia Zamstorff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Zarnstorff of 230 West First street, Woodstock, exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. William H. Peterson, Jr., son of the senior William Petersons of 17817 Rt. 14, Woodstock, in St. Mary's Catholic church m=-that city July 27. When you are right, you'can afford to be courteous. When you're wrong, you've gotta be. IN MEMORIAM la loving memory of LMter V. Adams who passed away one year ago August 23 ,1962. Gone but not forgotten A precious one from us has gone, A voice is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. The boon his love had given And though the body slumbefs here, The soul is safe in heaven. The Adams Family *8 22-© Christian Science Radio Series 9:90 a.m. WATT, 820 kc Sunday, August 25 "ARE YOU GIVING YOUR CHILDREN A GOOD HOME? BERKSHIRE stockings o $1 Aug. 22 Sept. 7 Don? mfu. out on ill •pjxKturmy to md liflulflr ftfet SakPM f I Mi $!.O0 |S.W •717 W. Llna St. McHenry. IB. Roars: Daily 9:90 - 5:99 Fri •:«§ - § jbid T 4fQ44> h+iaw? That the McHenry State Bank's installment loans (also commonly called consumer loans) increased 50% during the year 1962 and are continuing to increase during the year 1963. This department under the capable management of Vice President James E. Larkin specializes in auto loans for both new and used oars, but also handles loans for all worthwhile purposes. The reasons for the spectacular increase in the McHenry State Bank installment loans are many, but most prominent reason is that more people now realize that BANK RATES ARB LOWER. There is no middle man to share in the profit (cost to you) when ment to buy certain insurance from a particular company when you make your auto loan directly at the bank. There is no requirement to buy your car from a certain dealer, (We would, however, highly recommend any or all of the local dealers) when you make your auto loan directly at the bank. The McHenry State Bank can and will make you a loan for any worthwhile purpose if you qualify for a bank loan. Because the banks primary purpose is to safeguard the depositor's funds, not everyone can qualify for a bank loan. The bank cannot risk the safety of its deposits by making loans that are not properly secured or to persons not being good credit risks. Because the McHenry State Bank makes loans with the minimum credit risk, its rates are lower. /"X. If you qualify for a bank loan and most peopW do. take advantage of the savings by financing your new car, home improvements, appliances, personal needs and any other worthwhile needs at a & tf-ull SeJuuee Hank McHENRY STATE BANK+2 385-1040 "Always Serving You -- ALL WAYS SINCE 1906" FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HIC KORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES X • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 -- Just East of Route 12 - Phone 385-6280 voio, m. iend them back to College looking their best in clothes that are SANITONE-CLEAN! Sanitooe-deaft means clean as new. An the dirt's out, so colors regain their sparkle! Our Sanhone Soft-Set® dry cleaning banishes limpness too. We actually duplicate the original mill finish of the fabric, restore drape and fit, make Inst season's clothes look and feel like new. Try our nationally advertised Sanitone service...discover why it's America's top value in dry cleaning. Call on us today and avoid the back-fco-scbool rush! 5 A NITON F SAVE 20% OFF on school clothes to August 31st.' Dial 385-0927 For PICKUP SERVICE il CASH and CABBY PRICES RAINBOW CLEANERS 1304 N. Front St., McHenry Aeross from A. P. Frennd Ball Park Store Honrs: 7:90 a.m. to 6 p.m. There's Always Plenty of PARKING AT RAINBOW'S DBIVS-IN vi