Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Aug 1963, p. 3

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Thursday, Auquat 32, 1968 TUB McHBNRY PUUHDEALEB FIRST PROFESSION IN ORDER TAKEN BY SISTER MARY SISTER MARY SIENA The first profession of Sister Mary Siena in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Diving Savior has been announced. She is the daughter of Dr. ahd Mrs. L. L. Kogan of Spring Grove. Sister Mary Siena, formerly / known as Mary Louise Kagan, is a graduate of St. Peter's school, Spring Grove, and Divine Savior high school, Milwaukee, Wis. She entered the Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Savior in the fall Of 1960 and was received into the novitiate in 1961. Followng the Novitiate, Sister will continue to reside at the Provincial Motherhouse in Milwaukee where she will continue her studies. The Sisters of the Divine Savior conduct grade and high schools, hospitals, orphanages, and homes for the aged in this courttry and as foreign missionaries. The general motherhouse of the Congregation is in Rome, Italy, with thirteen provinces throughout the world. FATHERS CLUB MEETS The Marian high school Fathers club will hold thoir monthly meeting on Aug. 27 at the school. Guest speaker will be William Fraser of Gabriel - ll PRQFE^lOflRL DIRECTORY DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic PhystaMm* ; 8327 West Elm Street Office Phone: 885-074B Residence Phone: 885-4)847 Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. £ Prl. 10 B.m, to 9 p.m. Sat., 10 &.m. to 2 p.m. KARL B. WALSH INSURANCE IH Auto, Farm 6 Life Ik Representing SELLABLE COMPANIE& When Ton Need Innraaoe of Any Kind Phone 888-0048 or 886-0958 429 W. Elm St* McHenry, ID P*r6ona$6 Mrs. Anna Phalin of Thorsby, Ala., is spending some time with Mcttenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Koltz, Judith and Robert, of Pelhatn, N. Y., were entertained in the Robert Thompson home a few days the past week. Mrs. Verena Owens of Rock- ! ford is a guest of Mrs. Ethel Molly this Week. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund were Sunday visitor# in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Jay Seymour, and family in Wheeling. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Homo vacationed at the Dells in Wisconsin over the weekend. Mrs. Faith Risley, Mres. Elizabeth Michels and Mrs. Elvera Durland were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Helen Clark in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing of Libertyville Wer^ here to attend the Weingart reunion at the city park Sund Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saelens and family of St. Charles and John Aylward of Elgin were recent visitor in the Robert Conway home. Mr.,jand Mrs. Clinton Martin were Visitors in the Glen Morrison home in'Evansville, Wi?., Sunday. Miss Debby Griffith entertained a group of fifteen friends at Veteran's Acres near Crystal Lake, Saturday in observance of her fourteenth birthday. They were chaperoned by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Griffith. Miss Pat Bowxsein spent the weekend at her home in Granville, 111. Mrs. Irentf Guffey was a Sunday guest in the home of her son, William, and family in Richmond. Her granddaughter, Cathy Guffey, returned home with her to spend the week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallace of Beloit were guests in the Martin-Tomlinson home Saturday. They were accompanied by their daughter, Miss Helen Wallace, who has just returned from four years teaching in South America and will attend Columbia university this fall. Miss Maty Slgworth and Miss Doris Clinansmith of Woodstock joined the group for dinner that evening and later, pictures taken on the Martins' recent trip to Hawaii were erijoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon and Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, Maribeth and Tommy, were recent visitors in the James Wagner home in Milton, Wis. Misses Mairion Early and Bea Mahoney, registered nurses from Hirtes hospital, were guests of Miss Viriginia Williams recently. Chicago relatives here to attend the' wake or funeral of John Wirtz last week included Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fielding, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eckert, Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wirtz, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wirtz, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wirtz, Ed. Wirtz and son, Mrs. Gertrude Veogue, Mrs. Rose Wirte and sister; also Misses Therese and Catherine Neumann, Mrs. Tessy Changelon and Mrs. Lewis Fielding. Mrs. David Powers was a DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1286 N. Green Street Office Phone: 885-0188 Res. Phone: 885-6191 Hours: Daily 9:80 - 5:00 Tues. & Frl. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed AU Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 8-68 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel and Ornamental Visit Oar Showrooms Fireplace Equipment t Miles South on Rt. 81 Phone 885-0900 8-68 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Program* Richmond 678-7491 V2 Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsbnrg • Wllmot Road 5-68 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARl Optometrist Eyes Examined--Glasses Fitted 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. ft Fri. 4:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tues., Thurs. 8 Frl. Eve. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sat. 9:80 a.m. to 5:00 pan. No Hours on Wednesday Contact Lenses Phone 8854262 weekend gueftt in the home of her son, William, in Batavia. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. 3. Miller spent several days last week in the William Morgan home at Eklhorn, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bacon, daughter, Marilyn, and son, John, returned to their home in Yardville, N. J.. Friday after spending a week with relatives here. Friends here will be interested to know that Marilyn, a graduate of Notre Dame high school in Trenton in June, will enter State Teachers college in Glassboro, N. J., this fall. Mrs. J. C. Holly. Mrs. Holger Pedersen and Mrs. George Worts attended the August meeting of the McHenry County Past Oracles club held at the home of Mrs. Ila Eggers in Elgin. Algonquin members will be hostesses at the September meeting, when a picnic will be held at the city park there. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Thenn& s, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Diedrich and Mrs. Harold Justen visited relatives in Saukville, Wis., Thursday. Mrs. Lawrence Huck, Sr., Mrs. Charles Gibbs and Mrs. Art Thelen vacationed in Dorr county, Wis., for a recent weekend. Visitors in the home of Mrs. Nick M. Justen Wednesday of last week were Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wichert and sons and Mrs. Sue Mulcahy of Chicago and Mrs. George Slavin of Hebron. Mrs. Elvera Nye and Miss Bertilla Freund attended the junior conference of the C. D. of A., held at LaSalle, 111., on Aug. 11. Mrs. George Bohr, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Winkel, Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Vince Adams and Misses Louise and Dorothy Walsh were among the folks from here who attended the wake or funeral of the former's sister, Mrs. Catherine Wagner, at Grayslake last week. Mrs. Nick M. Justen, daughters, Clarence and Mrs. Marie Martin, and the letter's daughter, Gretta, visited Sister Nicele at Rockford Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gustafson and daughter, Karen of Chicago spent the past week in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. James Powers accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. "Huppy" Schoewer of Chicago, have returned from an enjoyable vacation in which they visited Sault Ste. Marie, the Sioux Locks and many other places, of interest around Lake Superior. The Jam6s Dwyer family of Oak Lawn and Miss Mary Dwyer of Chicago were guests of Mrs. Walter Walsh Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell and the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder of Elkhorn, Wis., called on McHenry fri&nds Sunday. 0SMTU Navy Band To Visit City McHenry Hospital Admitted to McHenry hospital during the past wetk were Debra Smith, Mary Story. Gerhardt Leske, Barbara Douglas, Katherine Reining, Melvin Stiles, Denise Thomas, Michael Michalik, Jr., Dale Langer. Emma Fuchs, Margaret Barbour, George John, Carrie Sue Carlson, Edward Frett, Arthur Jungwirth, Jr., Scott A. Moore and Marcel la M. Raiford of McHenry Ava Britts, Cory Cross, Geraldine Blackstone, Anthony Squeo, Diane Henneman, Lloyd Grady and Nancy L. Peterson of Crystal Lake; Danfel Noncek , of Grayslake; Erna Sanberg of Ingleside; Hilda Reinicke, Linda Knoblock, Alma Emms, Lisa Poster and Elsie M. Whitman of Wauconda; Robert Engelsman, Gene DeVaney and Mary T. Cusack of Chicago; Roy Jorgensen and Gregory Nelson of Cary; Linda Welch of Woodstock; Paul Karls of Spring Grove; Bernice Leshena and Anna Kirbach of Wonder Lake; Dorothy Ostergaard of Palatine; Jo Gardner Kelly and Noel Parisi of Fox Lake; Robert Polkey and William Polkey of Round Lake and Rose Marie Buol of Algonquin. Memorial Hospital Among patients in Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week were Richard Anderson, Sibre Whiting, Susan Peters, Marlene Schroeder, William Miller and LaVerne Reed of McHenry; William Jahn, Florence Calvins, Mary White and Walter Faust of Wonder Lake. Harvard Hospital Patients in Harvard hospital this past week included Jerome Kalk and Hans Flach of McHenry and Mrs. William Roeske of Ringwood. L * V^v.5 ** -\*i Callom-Knoll Holds Kiddie Party Aug. 31 The Clillorn-Kftoll association of MeCullom Lake is sponsoring a party for the ctrttdren of members on Saturday, Aug. 31, starting at 10 arty Chairman t>f tfl# event is "P&nc^ Chief JTack Schlofner, who is being assisted by Roger Kinsey and Ray Lary. There will be gapies, cogi* plete with prizes, and the <oefreshments • will include dogs and soda pop.,.... , . , • • Mr. Schlofner announces there is still tlrtie Tof paWffts to join the organization and have their children eligible to attend the party. Fq( rrternbJJ'- ship see President Roger Kinsey or Treasurer Mrs. Earl Murray. . ^ A musical treat tor McHenry residents will feature the NaVal Training Cente$ band in an appearance at the McHenry V.F.W. clubhouse grounds on Wednesday evening, Aug. 28, at 8 o'clock. Resident Changes The Gerald Larkin family moved recently from 3502 W. Waukegan street to the home of the late Mrs. Wheelock on Draper road. August 28-24 Community Methodist Church Rummage Sale -- Engdahi's Barn. August 24 Rummage and Bake Sale-- St. Peter's School, Volo--Sponsored by St. Peter's Church. August 25 Knights of Columbus Basket Picnic -- City Park. Big Hollow Board Meets Before the August meeting of the Big Hollow school board, members made an inspection of progress on roadway and parking area in the school grounds. Problems relating to two storm drains and a sidewalk area were resolved. Eight bids on chain link mesh fence were opened but no contract was awarded landing Architect Robert Swanson's reviews and recommendation. Supt. E. H. Taveirne notified the board that the anticipated enrollment on opening day will be 31T. One year ago the school opened with 303 and the highest enrollment at any one time during the year was 308. The school staff is now complete with the employment of Mrs. Lorette Rogers of McHenry as a primary teacher. Mrs. Rogers was a student at Northern Illinois university and formerly taught at Algonquin. Mrs. P^ugene Lianas, wJ< taught a second grade clt will return this year and -> assigned to teach fourth gra> < Teachers return to their ties on Thursday, Aug. J'j. They will meet with otlxr Grant township element) rv school teachers at the Sh WATER SOFTENER SERVICE SAME DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES & MODELS • Service • Rebuilding • Repair • Cleaning Out • Overhauling • Installation 9 Reconditioning • Removal ALL WOttK GUARANTEED WATER SOFTENER SALES NEW -- ) REBUILT 385-5566 WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES McHenry, Illinois CAREY APPLIANCE Presents.. Hem DIAL the power you need with the cleaner that's 30% more efficient on rugs.., IVz times more power with tools. NEW HOOVER DIALA-MATIC • Mtttft Dose 11 InM height CotwmiMt, * Clean* mgt « only • HoOvei can bectuss it beats as t sweeps, as IK cleans. •KM* size tfcrow-mrfy completely ONLY <1.50 ci imm wk. • ThtOtoner fbot WoWts < • M Horsepower Motor - t • Exclusive Double-Stretch ROM • Combination Rug and Floor Nozdb • A QuaHtyCbamr at a Pric* We are your authorized Repair Center for all Hoover Cleaners. We stock a complete line of belts, bags, brushes and other parts necessary to keep your Hoover at top operating efficiency. 1241 N. Green Street CAREY APPLIANCE. Inc. Phone 385-5500 9:00 a.m. to attend a morning program dealing with audiovisual instruction. Rig Hollow is a participating member in a film co-operative being sponsored by several area schools. The afternoon will be devoted to faculty meetings at Big Hollow. It is anticipated that highway construction will permit the busses to operate under the normal schedule rather than the emergency schedule necessary the last few weeks of school. This means busses will follow routes and times as they were at the opening of school in September, 1962. Census tabulations^have not been completed but Supt. Taveirne urges that all new and transfer students who have not yet registered, contact the school immediately. SC HOOL SUPLIES The Johnsburg P.T.A. will be selling school supplies on registration day, or at the latest, on the first day of school. ATTEND FUNERAL Among the out-of-town folks here to attend the wake or funeral of Mrs. Krthryn Conway last week were Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Whiting, Mrs. Margaret Rasmussen, Robert Sutton and son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gustafson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes and Mrs. Ed. Hall of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin ol Winnetka; Dan O'Shea of Sylverster, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. John Sandola, Urbana; Mrs. Maurice LeBrownx and sons, Marquette, Mich.; Mrs. M. E. Kaddatz, Genoa City Wis.; Mr. FAMILY RKlJNlOfT ~ The reunion of the" Kngeln family was held Sunday, Aug. 18 at the V.F.W, grounds. There were about fifty present, including Mrs. Gertrude Miller of McHenry, Mrs, N. F. Steilen of Chicago and Peter Engeln of Fort Meyers, Fla. Unable to attend were Mrs. t)ora Klass of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., and Mrs. Louise O'Shea of Chicago. and Mrs. Robert Saelens, St. Charles; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kelly, Libertyville; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whiting, Dr. and Mrs. Delbert Whiting, John Aylward, Mrs. Ed. Tetlow, Mrs. Edward Hoelscher, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keller, Elgin; Mf. and Mrs. Delbert Hook, Mrs. Norma Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cfterd, Miji and Mrs. George Rockenbach, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Rockenbech and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burge, Grayslake. Puppies" Shot*: Featured at ROTH Shoes 1246 N. GreM fro tectO •Mm 'Mr mm ^OR .A f AVI M*4 SAHS MiOLiDAYL Coronation FOAM QUILT New Sports Car look with bucket seat design. Heavy quilt in roll and pleat channel that looks and feels like leather. A truly deluxe interior. Regularly Priced at $39.95 and up NOW ONLY $24-95 Installed Thru Labor Day Weekend Only Here's a cover with a vinyl so rich it looks like genuine leather but will not crack or fade. Contoured fabric prevents slip and slide. - - - Affords comfort - plus riding with an accent on deluxe beauty. Elegant trim and styling. CHOOSE FROM FOUR POPULAR COLORS Fits Most Popular Cars from '53 thru '62 / /' .J SAFETY BELTS "^et our experts install safety belts on our car today. Our belts exceed all CAA specifications. Reg. $10.95, now only ... $£50 INSTALLED FLOOR MATS Van Guard sets (as illustrated) complete wall to -wall rubber front and rear. Reg. $16.95, now $095 AUTO SFAT COVERS « CONVERTIBLE TOPS < Routes 14 & 31 Crystal Lake (In Ero Mfg. Co. Bldg.) Look for Giant Ero Water Tower Open - Mon. thru Thurs. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pjm. Friday 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sat. - 8 30 a.m. to 4:30 p.ra. PHONE 459-4120

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