Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Aug 1963, p. 6

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i#9te Thursday. Augmt 22, 1963 V .• V - -. ... -• « %,,-«*, «.• . •HTlwmoir'"- 7G per word -- $1.40 minimum <**£*»<«• j^o ^ |^s ihan 20 word* JK #*** Jgptti Ittterttona - Jtc par won) -- $1.20 minimum »**«••- Service Charge On All Blind Ads. r -*• situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent and 3ard of "thanks must be paid in advance. CLASSIFIED COLUMNS OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR QUICK RESULTS -- PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD BATES Display ClawlfM First Insertion -- r- $1.30 per CoL Inch 2 Inch Minimum ' Repeat Insertions -- $1.15 per Col. Inch 4 Lines 8 pt. Type Per In. with 18 pt Signature. COPY DEADLWI --• Wednesday, 19:00 ftJfch OFFICE HOURS -- ' Daily except Saturday -- 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. •(•Motive I HAVE A 1959 Volkswagen serinn. Must see to appreciate. Call 815-385-4100. Ask for Tom. 8-22-63 1957 BUICK "Roadmaster 75" hardtop. New condition. Blue custom foam rubber leather seats, deluxe Cadillac interior, factory air conditioned, new brakes & shocks, everything powered except ash trayH. Less than 40,000 miles. Uses no oil. Get new bjg car performance for small investment. Best offer over $900. See at 4014 W. McCullom Lake fid., or call 385-0995 days, 385- 3831 after 6 p.m. 8-22-63 1955 TR-2 Convertible. Mechanically A-OK. Good tires. New battery. New fuel pump. Must sacrifice. Call 385-1373 days or 385-0848 after 6 p.m. *8-22-63 • COMPLETE LAWN mower and Go-Kurt repairs. Tony's Machine Shop, 3016 West Route 120, Phone 385-4962. 8-1-29-63-TF North & West General Contractors • Industrial • ResidentUL • Additions • Remodelling • Repairing "Before you dig too deep -- Call Us" FREE ESTIMATES Wonder Lake 653-5638 •10-25 thru 10-11-63-tf Septic Systems and Sewers Installed Trenching Water Lines Drain Fields Septic Tanks and Cesspools Pumped P.O. Box 331 -- McHenry, 111. Walter M. Garrelts Phone 385-2101 6-20-63-TF 1955 FORD pickup. Perfect. 1953 Chrysler motor With a ••53 beefed Olds Hydro, '57 Chevy pick-up fenders. See to appreciate. 385-7669. 8-22-63 Replacement Parts For All Cars Accessories and Seat Coveri COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 I Blk. East of the River Bridge I)pen weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 9-1-60-tf 100 BOATS AND MOTORS -- New - Used. All types at discount prices. Buy now and save. Ed. Wendt, "Complete Marine Center," Highway 12, Richmond Illinois. 12' alum., $159. 14', $189, X-15* deluxe fiberglass runabouts, $595, X-16', $T95, X-17', $895, Etc. Campers, sleeps 6, $399. Daily 9-8, Sun., 10-6. Phone 815-678-3231. 5-2-63-TF CUSTOM BUILT GARAGES and REMODELLING Room Additions -- Dormers -- Aluminum Siding -- No money down--Terms to suit Phone now for free estimate DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. WONDER LAKE 653-6I61 4-25-63-TF FftEE ESTIMATES ON . . . Aluminum Combination Windows and Doors Railing -- Gutters Roofing -- Siding Wall and Floor Tile Call FRANK GANS Representative 1602 N. Riverside Drive 385-1878 or 385-0885 EASY PAYMENT PLAN 7-3-25-63-TF DELUXE 14 FT. Mahogany outboard. 40 h.p. Elgin motor and trailer. Complete accessories, skiis, cushions, cover. Excellent condition. $850. 385- 1890. 8-22-63 1953 CHRIS CRAFT, 19 ft. inboard, 120 h.p. Holiday model with spot light and horn. Also includes trailer. Just refinished and overhauled. Excellent condition. Call Wonder Lake 653-7191. 8-22-63 Batineia CHARTER A BUS? Wiscohsin Permit to Operate No. W53816 City of Chicago Permit to Operate No. 3695 "Your there in time to Spare" WORTS TRANSIT COMPANY Phone: 385-1500 *8-1-22-63 MUNSON MARINE'S NEW CAMPING CENTER Plan Your Vacation Now Large Display Of Camp Trailers and Accessories Rent or Buy Rental Reservations Now Being Taken Now Renting -- Fishing Boats & Ski Boats Open Daily till 9 p.m. Sunday till 7 p.m. PHONE 385-2720 Volo, Illinois 8-1-29-63-TF LIQUOR LICENSE for sale in McHenry County. , Call Wonder J^ake, 653-5832 or 653- ,4251. v 8-15-29-63 tf FOR SALE -- Restaurant in McHenry. Call owner, 385-5296. 8-22-63 CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY (Conoco) Major Oil Company has new modern service station for lease in the heart of McHenry. Good established business. Minimum investment required. Excellent opportunity for right man. For information contact JIM GAVERS, 338-9882, Woodstock 8-22-63 £KmS3HM TREES AND bushes removed and trimmed, also light hauling. Reasonable rates. 385^ 3560. 8-22-29-63-TF ELECTRIC MOTORS and automotive generators and- starters, all types repaired, rebuilt and rewound. Phone 385-0183 Seaoo Sales & Service, Lilyirtoor. 5-3-62-tf Piers - Seawalls Boat Hoists New and Repairing Work Guaranteed Free Estimates PHONE: 385-4929 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE 7-18 thru 8-28-63 Let Our Diggers DO YOUR DIGGING • Seepage Beds • Trenching 4 Septic Tanks • Foundations Free Estimates Call Richmond 678-7116 JEROME H. MILLER 8-1-29-63-TF Concrete Work * Driveways Side Walks • Foundations 6 Garage Floors • Patios No money down--Terms to suit Phone now for free estimate DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO Wonder Lake 653-6161 5-2-63-TF i un iviuiwKo iepcuied Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, III Ph BAldwin 3-8491. 9-1-60-tf DRESS MAKING and alterations. Phone 385-6506. 8-22-63 MAJOR OIL Company -- Has modern two bay service station for lease in the McHenry area. The first 3 months rent free. Call Code 312 392-0804 for information. 8-1-29-63-TF Wharton Blacktopping Serving Your Area CALL KI 6-2513 or 438-7710 PROMPr SERVICE REASONABLE RATES *8-1 thru 22-63 McHenry Glass & Mirror Company Glass for Any Purpose I CUSTOM MADE STORMS I AUTO GLASS > COMBINATION WINDOWS Prompt Service 3322 W. Elm St. PHONE: 385-494® 10-18-62-tf C. S. G. Lawn & Mower Service Lawn Cutting Landscaping -- Yard Cleaning Sand, Gravel & Black fDirt Estate Care Complete Lawn Mower Repair Sharpening, Power .... $6.00 Sharpening, Hand .... $3.00 Pick-up and Delivery Service Call FRED YUNGNICKEL 385-1606 2504 W. Hueman Ave. McHenry, Illinois 4-4-6? fn- WANTED -- Call weekdays 385-6524. ROOM Mate, after 8 p.m. 8-22-63 1 Va ROOM kitchenette apartment, furnished, private bath and entrance, utilities included. Also sleeping room with or without meals. JUstice 7-4531. 8-22-63 CO IJXSPOT Id cu ft. f) $75, Schultz upright piano, 25; 18th Century mahogany edittoth Suite, $75; chrome 4 chairs, $30; used semi-automatic water $75. 385-0374. 8-22-63 dinette, Lindsay softener, 1 AND 2 BEDROOM apartments. Gas heat, newly decorated, stove and refrigerator included. Electricity furnished in one apartment. Phone 653- 2041. 5024 Barnard Mill Rd., Ringwood. 8-22-29-63 FURNISHED ROOM and garage. School teacher preferred. 385-2089. *8-22-63 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Electricity and heat furnished. 4714 Parkview, McCullom Lake Gate 3, 1st house on left, Mrs. Brennan. 8-22-63 SMALL OFFICE on Hwy. 120. Near town. Call 385-0430. 8-22-63 PISTAKEE BAY -- Small coach house. 4 rooms up, 2 rooms down. 2 baths. $80 per month. Phone 312 PA 5-2905. 8-22-63 LINDSAY WATER softener, $75; electric genital slicing machine, $<K). Phone 653-7576. 8-22-63 HORTON IRONER, $20; 4 rolls of new barbed wire; approximately 75 newcfedarfence posts. Best offer. • Call evenings 312-526-7313. 8-22-63 LIKE NEW, 9x12 rug, reasonable. Phone 385-5296. 8-22-63 21 CO. FT. FREEZER, like new, reasonable. Phone 385- 4616. 8-22-63 I^ADIO-TELEPHONE for boat or ear. Phone 385-0430. 8-22-63 BOYS' JACKET and winter coat, size 14, $20; combination storm door with screens, size 32"x6'8", $15. 385-3285 after 5 p.m. *8-22-63 GERMAN SHEPARD puppies. AKC registered. Champion sired. Phone 385-3517. *8-22-63 NEW LAWN nlower, latest model Jacobsen turbocone rotary, 3Vfe h.p. with grass catchher. Won as prize. $180 value -- $125. 385-5258. 8-22-63 £ (Vxtto&ix Cleaners -- Polishers Sales -- Service -- Supplies -- James Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd. McHenry, Illinois GALL 385-6027 111-62-tf S ROOM HOUSE near McHenry high school. 1 year lease, $100 per month. Call Active Realty, 385-0742. 8-22-63 12 CU. FT. deepfreeze, $15; like new bird cage and stand, $5; 1 gas space heater, $5. 385-1261. 8-22-63 ROOM, newly decorated house. Beautifully landscaped. Lake rights. Attached garage. Full basement. I Carpeting, drapes, electric range. Adults only. 385-5158. 8-22-63 MIMEOGRAPHING ADDRESSING Elliott System McHenry County Area Mailing List Available PHOTOCOPY Complete Letter Service McHENRY COUNTY LETTER SERVICE 1212-A N. Green St McHenry, Illinois PHONE 385-5064 5-l8-61-tf McHenry Disposal Service Phone 385-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. 9-l-60*tf Robert Kreier Formerly A1 Otto SEPTIC TANK and CESSPOOL PUMPING Prompt -- Reasonable Service PHONE 385-1819 If No Answer Call--385-0472 Residence 2712 N. Stilling Blvd. 11-29*62-tf For Heat MODERN 4 ROOM apartment, 2nd floor, 2 bedrooms, gas stove and refrigerator included. Lease. 385-0742. 8-1-29-63-TF 3 ROOM modern house - 5^17 West, West Shore Beach. Take 120 to Ringwood Rd., 1st road to the right. 8-15 thru 29-63 tf SHOP for small industry. 20K 48 with full basement. At present operating as a dress manufacturer. Mary Schiavone 385-3349. 8-15-22-63 5 ROOM COTTAGE furnished. Lilymoor subdivision. $90 per month. Call Crystal Lake, 459- 6207. 8-15-29-63 tf MODERN OFFICE space available. Air cohditioned. 3620 W. Elm St., McHenry. Phone 385- 0184. 8-1 - 29-63 tf 2 BEDROOM home on good black top road. Available Sept., 1st. Phone code 312- 945-0871 after 5 p.m. 8-22-63 2 BEDROOM ranch. Natural gas heat. 3108 Clearview Dr. and Oakwood, Wooded Shores, Wonder Lake. Phone Code 312 GUnderson 4-1274. 8-22 thru 9-5-03 COUNTRY CLUB Subd. -- room - private entrance and bath. Call 385-1328. 8-22-29-63 FOR RENT or for sale -- 1905 N. Oak Dr., 4 rooms, attached garage, 150'x90' lot. See Thursday thru Sunday. *8-22-29-63 FURNISHED sleeping room. Gentleman only. Address A. C. F., Box 432, McHenry, HI. *8-22-63 SUNRISE RIDGE -- Wonder Lake. 2 bedroom furnished year around house. Cabinet kitchen. Automatic gas heat. Call code 312 MU 5-6172 after 5 p.m. for appointment. 8-22-63 WIDOW IN McHenry would like to share her home with school teacher. Pay small rent and share food expense. 1622 W. Lakeview, Sunnyside Estates. 385-0930. 8-22-63 FURNISHED 2 room cottage with shower. Adults only. References. 385-4398 or 385-6536. *8-22-63 3 APARTMENTS - 1 room, 1% rooms and 2Vi rooms. All utilities, stove and refrigerator furnished. Shower and bath. Buck's Town Club, 3308 W. Pearl St., McHenry. 385- 3573. 8-22-63 ROOM - Teacher preferred. 1 Block from all public schools. 903, N. Green. Phone 385-4518. 8-22-63 ROOM IN business district. Private entrance and private bath. 385-5783 after 6 p.m. 8-22*63 APARTMENT -- Furnished or unfurnished. Above Ruck's Hardware. Phone 385-5700 or 385-1098. 8-22-29-63-TF PERMANENTS COMPLETE $4.9§ Open 9 a.m. Daily -- Closed Thursdays Work Done Exclusively By Students McHenry School of Beauty Culture 3661 W. Lincoln Road McHenry, Illinois 385-9850 N6 Appointment Necessary 3-21-63-TF Complete Septic Tank Service Septic Tanks & Cesspools Cleaned & Pumped Sewers Installed 24-Hr. Service RUSSELL RHOTON 385-6445 Residence - Johnsburg 11-21-62-tf ART'S UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park St. McHenry, 111. Recovering Restyling All Kinds of Furniture Phone 385-4725 8-30-62-TF FOR RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY 4 Bedroom Ranch style home with 2 car attached garage, utility room with auto, washer and dryer. Large cabinet kitchen with range & refrigerator. On 100x100' lot. River & boat dock rights. $130 Per Month Have other 3 & 4 bedroom homes to frent from $100 to $150 per month. SUNNYSIDE REALTY! Phone 385-0162 8-22-631 EXQUISITE HAND sewn silk lamp shades. All styles ranging from $5 to $100. Also shades recovered. Grams Lamp A Shade Studio, 256 E. Grand Ave. Fox Lake, 111. JUstice 7- 5358. *8-8 thru 22-63 McHENRY WINDOW & AWNING CO. Alum. & Fiberglass Awnings Roll-ups & Stationary •Aluminum Comb. Windows & Doors •Jalousies & Awning Type Windows IXL Kitchen & Vanity Cabinets Aluminum Siding & &Gutters FREE ESTIMATES NO CARRYING CHARGES 3318 E. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, Ill.r PHONE: 385-1180 7-11-63-TF MARGES STRETCH-A'Dollar, Ladies bulky sweater, $3.98, sizes 36-46; Gifcls' school dresses, $2.49 'to $3.49. Located on Rt. 120, lMs miles east of RlbHertry at Kent Acres. Open ThurS., Fri. and Sat. 'til .9 p.m. Sunday 'til 5 p.m. 8-22-63 F#r CORNER CUPBOARD; model airplanes, motors, etc; boys' clothing, 14; misc. crystal, antiques, old books, etc., 710 N. Center, McHenry, Saturday only. *8-22-63 RHEEM 50 gallon electric hot water heater. 7 years old. Be^t offer. Call 385-3414. 8-22-63 2 PC. DARK GREEN freiae sectional; gray chair and ottoman! odds and ends. Phone 385-2555. 8-22-03 AKC GOLDEN retriever puppies. Call 385-5090. 8-22-63 MODERN Cocoa colored hidea- bed coucn, $15. 385-2377. 8-22-63 G. E. ELECTRIC range, deluxe model, best offer. Oil stove with pipes. 385-3779. 8*22*63 CUB TRACTOR, John Deere, model "L" plus plow and cultivator. 3418 W. Johhsburg Rd. Phone 385-0167. *8-22-63 DART Go Kart - C Class, Dart Kart with 2 West Bend 820's. Electric starter. Reasonable. 312-741*1252 or 312-742- 5792. evenings. *8-15i22-63 FOR SALE-- reasonable, good oondition. Picnic table and benches; Nesco, with or without cabinet stand; rotisserie; french fryer. Phone 385*3087. *8-22-63 MALE PEKINGESE puppies. AKC registered- 10 weeks old. 385-0023. *8-22-63 CHILDREN'S clothing, coats and dresses, sizes 3 thru 14; women's, 12 thru 16. Excellent condition. Miscellaneous lamps. Call 385-2722. 8-22-63 20" ROTARY Mower. 3 h.p. 4 cycle, recoil starter, never used. 1 year guarantee. List $56.90. sell for $35. HYatt 7- 3583. 8-15-29-63 Carpets - Rugs Quality Carpeting in Wools and Nylons 9'xl2' Samples. This Month's Special While Stock Lasts it Rolls of Continuous FILAMENT NYLON Now $8.88 a sq. yd. Reg. Value $12.00 sq. yd. installed over heavy sponge pad 15'xl8' Room -- $275.00 Including Ta* -- Everything 90 Days Same as Cash Free Parking TIDY CARPETS AND RUGS Junction Rts. 120 & Cfty 14 WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Phone: 815-338-1000 5-29-63-TF4 RUGS AND Carpets. Special reduced prices during remodeling. Hundreds of colors and patterns to choose from, Rugs made up to your room size. Free alterations. Free delivery. 90 day bank financing at no extra charge. Open Mon. thru Sat. 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Fri. night until 9 p.m. Tidy Carpets and Rugs, June. Rts. 120 & City 14, Woodstock. 7-11 thrtf 8*29-63-TF* MALE TRI-COLORED Collie Puppy. AKC registered. Good with childrfn. Phone 385-1241. 8-22-63 POODLE PUPS - Silver color, 8 weeks old. Males and females. Pedigreed and registered. Guaranteed healthy. Call 385-0476. 8-22-63 BARGAIN - 2 wheel trailer, heavy duty springs, side boards, $79. Call 653-2303 after 5 p.m. *8-22-63 CHIHUAHUA Puppies - AKC registered. Call 385-5695 ® 385-6027. *8-22-8S Blacktop( Paving SAVE 10% or more while We afe working in this area. Home Drives -- Parking A specialty. FRfcfc Estimates Call evening br anytime Saturday and Sunday 312 DU 1*0838 •8-22-63 BLACK DIRT SAVE 60d PER YAfcD On 6 Yard Loads Gravel and Fill CALL 385-1786 8-22 thru 9-12-63 USED RUGS From $1.00 Sq. Yd. (the cleaning charge) to $5.00 Sq. Yd. (for the best used rugs in perfect like-new condition). Used rugs and remnants up to sizes 12'x23'. Remnants up to 15'x21' 50-oz. rubber coated pad $1.00 sq. yd. with purchase. Open 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday thru Saturday Until 9 p.m. on Friday night TIDY CARPETS AND RUGS Junction Rt. 120 & City 14 Woodstock Phone 338-1000 4-25-6b-TF WE HAVE three used spinet pianos available in the McHenry area. This is a wonderful opportunity. For information about these pianos write Lahglols Pianos Credit Dept. 1717 Monroe St., Madison, Wis. 8-15-22-63 POLAROID LAND camera with flash attachments, closeup lenses, filter lenses. Best offer. 385-6132. 8-22-63 WANTED TO RENT WANTED -- 3 MALES Oil 3 FEMALES TO RENT -- 8 BEDROOM HOUSE ON LAKE Completely Furnished PHONE -- JUstice 7-5092 Sunday Only 8-26-63 SHOES - SHOE$, Why Pay Mote? ALL SIZES -- WIDTHS Nationally Advertised in All Leading Women's Fashion Magazines BACK TO SCHOOL FLATS STACK and HI-HEELS All one LOW PRICE $2.75 pair S&S STORE Across from Round Lake Depot 363 N. Cedar Lake Road Round Lake, Illinois 8-15-22-63 Add a DE VAC Yectr Round Glasswall Porch Enclosure It'll tfrue -- Your porch becomes aftother liVHVg room. Sliding aluminum glass panels -- wood framed and scrooa. Tightly shut or open -- As you wish. Will last a house-time. Not a Jalousie. Architectually Correct -- See them or write: DE VAC Chicago Window Products 902 N. Front St. 385-5060 McHengr^Hl BIG STOCK REDUCTION SALE 'TILL SEPT. 1st ONLY ALL BEAUTY COUNSELOR products in stock 25c above wholesale price at McHENRY DOLL HOSPITAL 3025 W. Lincoln Rd. McHenry, 111. 815-385-2725 8-22-63 WANTED - Woman to work in nursing home on Pistakee Bay, near McHenry, from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Call 815-385-0461. 8-22-63 BEAUTICIAN WANTED or will rent space to beautician. Adorable Beauty Salon (Circle Grill Bldg.) East Route 120. 385-0890. 8-22-63 HOLD COSMETIC parties -- Earn $25 for 3 hours work. Everything furnished. Beautiful gift line Studio Girl Cosmetics. For full details, phone 385-2884. 8-22-63 MEDICAL •SECRETARY Immediate opening for full time secretary with thorough knowledge of medical terminology and dictaphone experience. McHENRY HOSPITAL MRS. McDONALD 3516 W. Waukegan McHenry, Illinois MS43

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