Thursday, September 12,1963 THE McHENRY PUUNDEALER TOUCHDCV/N OR FIELD GOAl SCORING You'll score a hit on every gifting occasion when you choose a present from our wide and varied array in all price brackets. AGATHA GIFTS & CANDIES 1242 N. Green Street Phone 385-0097 DELAY DEIAY OF GAME Never a delay in our service. We deliver fuel oil to your home promtly on order, at any time in any weather.f ANDRICK OIL CO. 610 S. Route 81 Phone S85-988S PROCEDURE Your best procedure for having your car properly serviced, is to come to MORRIE'S CITIES SERVICE 4502 VV. Route 120 Phone 385-2266 ILLEGAL PROCEDURl OR POSITION INCOMPLETE PASS PENALTY DECLINED INCOMPLETE Any meal is incomplete that does not include dessert. Check out our fine selection today. McHENRY BAKERY & CATERING 1238 N. Green St. Phone 385-0190 INELIGIBLE Ineligibl f rrish the thought! Anyone with a steady job is eligible for a quick cash loan from us. Pay us back in easy installments. Loans from $25 to $800. McHENRY PERSONAL LOAN CORPORATION 1257 N. Green St. Phone 385-5312 ILLEGAL Pag* Eleven SUBSTITUTION ' &;• • ' Our rental stock can substitute for anything you need. ED'S RENTAL. INC. 904 X. Front St. Phone 385-3232 SAFETY for safety's sake, keep your valuable »pers and securities in a safe deposit xix here. Cost is small. Investigate. McHENRY STATE BANK Corner Elm & Green Streets Phone 385-1040 TIME- OUT N YJV° 1 ^ c0' ^ AO.> <0*^ 4* K . TIME OUT Take time out to look at the: terrific values on all remaining 1963 Chevrolets and Corvairs. CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 908 N. Front St. Phone 385-0277 CLIPPING We're masters with clippers and shears. Tonsorially . . . we're the tops! Our skill makes a big difference ... in your favor. RIVERSIDE BARBER SHOP 1314 N. Riverside Drive INELIGIBLE RECEIVER DOWNFIEID PERSONAL FOUL CRAWLING; HELPING RUNNER PERSONAL You can always co n get- /I ting PERSONAL and accurate compounding of your prescriptions at McHenry's Friendly Walgreen Agency. NYE DRUG STORE 1325 N. Riverside Dr. Phone 385-4426 CRAWLING Car just "crawling' ulrmt;? Motor sluggish? It's time for a tune-up. Drive-In. BUTCH'S AUTO SERVICE 1002 N. Front St. Phone 385-0811 ILLEGAL USE OF HANDS HANDS Your savings are in safe hands. jSee how much faster your money will grow here. McHENRY SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 3611 W. Elm St. Phone 385-S4MM) l ILLEGAL FORWARD PAS' PASSING Don't pass up the opportunity to own a New 1963 Rambler V-8. Stop in today for our '63 Close-Out Sale. SEIBEL MOTOR SALES 4611 W. Route 120 Phone 385-5361 MOTION Our repair technicians are always in motion to answer your calls for repairs to your television, radio and stereo. FM RADIO & TV 1324 N. Riverside Dr. Phone 385-0979 BALL DEAD The ball may be dead, but we are always "on the ball" when it comes to proper insurance coverage for you or your business. STOFFEL & REIHANSPERGER 8908 W. Main St. ILLEGAL MOTION %AU DEAD; TOUCHBACK tHANDWA£DJ_ Phone 385-0300 Ready-For-Play The Plaindeaier is ready to cove* each play and all the action in area sports. Check each week's paper for results and details. McHENRY PLAINDEALER 8812 W. Elm Street Phone 385-0170 gAll READY-FOR-PLAY C / FAIR PLAY.. ILLEGAL SHIFT INT OPTIONAL GROUNDINO OFFSIDE »ASS INTERFERENCI BALL ILLEGALLY TOUCHED FIRST DOWN CONDUCT The conduct of our attendants is perfect; always courteous, prompt and efficient. < SCHREINER'S UNSPORTSMANUKI STANDARD SERVICE CONDUCT 8817 W. Elm Street Phone 385-0720 KICKER The "Kicker" never gets rough treatment here. We make adjustments with a smile. Anything wrong, we make right FAST. COAST-TO-COAST STORE 1327 N. Riverside Drive Phone 385-2040 SHIFT FIRST FRIDAY, SEPT. 13 McCRACKEN FIELD First Game, 6 P.M., -- Varsity, 8 P.M. McHenry vs. Grayslake FAIR PLAT IS YOUR PATRONAGE OF THE BUSINESSMEN THAT HAVE SPONSORED THIS PAGE Shift the burden of laundry work from your shoulders to ours. Enjoy new freedom from this chore ... at small cost. RAINBOW CLEANERS 1304 N. Front St. Phone 385-0927 GROUNDING Our agency has a thorough grounding in all phases of travel arrangements, tours and cruises. CHAIN-O-LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE S917 W. Main St. i *1111111- 385-5251 OFF-SIDE We are never "off-side" . . . always on your side when it comes to helping you with your insurance needs. EARL R. WALSH & JACK WALSH INSURANCE 8429 W. Elm St. Phone 385-0043 INTERFERENCE Is interference spoiling your favorite TV programs? Whatever's wrong with your set, we'll make right. Prompt service. L & H TELEVISION 814 N. Front St. Phone 385-0909 TOUCHED Some bod} ball, but nobody's touched us yet for sporting goods, hunting equipment and hobby items. ERNIE'S SPORT CENTER 1210 N\ Green St., Ph. 385-1000 FIRST DOWN Our prices are alway FIRST to go DOWN on famous make appliances. You get more for your money here! CAREY APPLIANCE, INC. 1241 X. Green St., Ph. 385-5500 Start the Clock There's no need to start the clock, we have the time to assist in all your insurance needs. NATIONWIDE INSURANCE CO. M. B. GRANT ulTARIJHE cloci(» 3812A W. Elm St., Ph. 385-4908 NO MORE TIME-OUTS