Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Sep 1963, p. 18

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Thursday, September 12. 1963 1^*:'jjg *'" V. i-rf stwood Manor FIRST AFFAIR FOR TEEN CLUB E SUCCESS iverne Saynor 385-5429 M i * Ori Sunday, Sept. 1, the teen "^felub held its first social affair, di dance. A grand time was had % all who attended. From the fesponse of the teenagers to this affair I am sure that the Hext pne, to be1 held soon, will fee evfcn more of a success. Teen Club AtY p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3, there was a meeting of the Eastwood Manor Teen Club at the barn. At this meeting there were suggestions brought up lb to who would be our per- , tnanent counselors this year to help puide the Teen's meetings. The parents of E.M.P.O.A. who were elected were Mr. and Mrs. .Gilbert Moore. A motion was , also made to change the night of the meetings to try to make it convenient for everyone. Meeting nights are now every •first and third Mondays of each month at the usual time. Any mothers wishing to donate trading stamps toward another ping-pong set please see our treasurer, Kathy Eternick, or call her at 385-2514. At this meeting-*we also discussed a Halloween party for either the week before or the week after Halloween. Although the attendance was small, we accomplished enough -"to get this wagon on the "road." First of all, we decided *Dot to wear costumes. We will _ have a scavenger hunt for -which Mr. and Mrs. Moore will *make lists of objects out. Of ^course, if anyone disagrees with - ~«ny of this, please bring it up at the next meeting. Someting , which everyone agreed upon •"Was that each member was al- ~ towed to invite a date and an- - other couple, and there would Hae a small charge for singles . Tahd couples. - ti - - Cheryl Filip donated her re- "^tSOrd player for the party. Any- , one bringing records please • only bring 45's. There was too " much confusion with albums. Next meeting is Sept. 16. - Please try your best to be " there. We can's have a party without any -money or plans, ~ and we can't have any money .~~ar plans without more than ten - members at every meeting. .Anyone who did not pay their «~4ue6 at the last meeting, please Z Wy them Monday, Sept. 16. - Lynn Saynor Secretary and Reporter children were Sunday visitors at the Lonnie Campbell home. Bill and Judy Huemann and boys were Monday visitors at Bill's parents home, the Joe Huemanns of Johnsburg, for a steak barbecue. Gail and Roger Crokin went into Chicago to a show on Friday night. On Sunday, they had a family get together at the Donald E. Johnson residence in McHenry for a farewell for Gail's brother, Richard, who was leaving for Purdue University. Georgia and Jim Wilson attended a luau at the home of the Howard Biederers in Mundelein, George's brother, on Saturday evening. This was a welcome home for Georgia's nephew who has been in the service in Germany. The Lynn Stuarts had as weekend guests, Lynn's parents, the Charles R. Stuarts of Muncie, Ind. Both of Lynn's parents celebrated their birthdays while here and as a special treat they went out to dinner in Wisconsin. The James Olsons had Toni's family over for Labor Day. An outdoor barbecue was enjoyed by all. Mary Prudhome of Duluth, Minn., was the weekend guest of the Tim McCormacks. There was a family picnic at home on Sunday, and to end the weekend, boat ride on the river on Monday. Faith Presbyterian Church Sunday, Sept. 15, the summary will be entitled "Christian Unity," from Ethesians I. Tuesday, Sept. 17, there will be choir practice at 8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19, the Women's Society will meet at 8 p.m. Around The Manor The Glen Messers spent the weekend at Antioch. They visited with cousins from California while there. Guests at the Frances Pickett home were Gwendalyn and Steven Courtney and Mrs. Mary Jones. The Walter Kucks had as Sunday visitors Liz and Bob .Schwinn and family. A double belated birthday celebration was held for Pam Schwinn and Barbara Kuck. A cookout was held and of course birthday cake was served. Betty and Bob Campbell and Cub Scouts The pack meeting for Pack 162 was held at the barn in Eastwood Manor at 7:15 on Aug. 29. A treasure hunt was held. Due to poor attendance each boy went out by himself. Doug Messer was the winner. Refreshments were served. Birthday* Birthday greetings go to Craig Sigman who became 10 years old on Sept. 6; David Garrelts who became 8 on Sept. 7; and to Bob Stoll who celebrated on Sept. 8. Also to Bonnie Biederer, Richard Hawkins, Jimmy Salo, who became 4; and Brian Massheimer, who also became 4, who all celebrated on Sept. 11. Get-Well Wishes To Winnie Hansen who is home recuperating from an operation. Hurry and get well. Elect Officers Election of officers for EMPOA will be held Sept. 20 at 9 p.m. in the barn. Please come out and vote for the nominee of your choice. The following have been nominated: Chairman, Richard Weigman and Glenn Messer; Vice-chairman, Antone Fillip. Marilyn Salo and Elmer Borcovan; Recording secretary, Pat Borcovan, Larry Brodin and Charlotte Urban; Correspondingsecretary, Carol Roths, Dorothy Messer and Frieda Durkin; Board of Directors, Gilbert Moore, Harry Durkin, A1 Bianchi and Fred Woodbury. APPROVE BILL Among bills recently approved by Gov. Otto Kerner was one which provides for the restoration and rehabilitation of the former State Capitol at Vandalia. The building is along the new Lincoln Heritage Trail and is a principal point of interest for tourists. Another approved bill will enable the Department of Agriculture to do much needed research upon diseases of livestock and swine, particularly upon a now fatal disease of swine, transmissible gastroenteritis. FARM SERVICE WAY INSURED AUCTION LOCATION: 4Mi miles Southwest of Richmond, 111. -- or 2 miles East of Tryons Corners -- 10 miles North of McHenry, 111. -- Follow arrows off of highways 12 and 31 or Greenwood blacktop. REASON: Settle Estate. -- Lunch on grounds. Auction To Start 11:00 A.M. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 16 Earl Mecklenburg Est. VANETTA MM ivLKNBI K*. Admin* Kt. 2. Richmond, IU. 52 HEAD OF Hl-UKADE HOL8TEINS Artificial bred -- Nibco -- Good young herd of Hi-Producing Cattle. -- Vaccinated -- Examined for pregnancy. 37 Cows, 9 fresh or close springers, 9 due October, balance • milking and bred for year round freshening; 4 heifers, bred for December; T Heifers, ready to breed; 4 Heifers, 9 mos. FEED -- 40 Ton Straw; 600 bushels Oats; 43 acres Ear Com. TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT -- IHC Super Mounted with power steering, torque, wide front end, A-l condition, 13x38 and 12x38 chains; IHC "350" utility with mounted mower kit for 3 point hitch; IHC "M" with M&W pistons; John Deere "MT" with mower; 3 IHC 2-row cultivator; John Deere Plow, 3-14 in. on rubber with throw away lathes; Case 10 ft. wheel tandem disk; New Idea No. 200 PTO manure spreader; John Deere 8 ft. field digger; Gehl silo filler; IHC hydraulic ram; Farmrite 16 ft. sprayer with 2 55-gallon drums; IHC No. 8 8-ft. windrower; MC green crop chopper; rear boom for 3 point hitch; IHC No. 244 corn planter on rubber; New Idea manure loader No. 503 with snow and manure buckets; Mayrath 40 ft. PTO elevator with spout and hopper; 2 stock tanks; lever drag, IH, 4 sections; lever drag, 2 sections; 2 wagons, electric wheel with flat racks, like new; New Idea wagon with green feed rack- New Holland side delivery roll a bar; heat housers; wagon with Knight PTO box; wagon with silage bunk; DeLaval milking machine, pump; 3 Surge units; C.P. 260 gallon bulk cooler, 2 years old; wash tank; pipeline for 40 cows; milk house heater; 1963 Ford F-250 % ton truck with 4 speed transmission, 3,000 miles, heavy duty rear end, like new; 2 300-gallon fuel tanks; air compressor; 24 foot feed bunk; 2 new 12x20 tarps; neck chains; miscellaneous tools and equipment. LIBERAL TERMS: Usual friendly Farm Service Way Terms Available. For Farm Real Estate -- Sales ft Purchases -- Contact our affiliates Bob Keefe St Associates. AUCTIONEERS -- Henry Freeman, Hebron, I1L, Win. Russell, Woodstock, 111. CASHIER -- Milt Reik, Lake Geneva. Wis. CLERK & REPRESENTATIVE --- farm Auction Service, Inc., Lake Geneva, Wis. Wonder Lake REUTER FAMILY ENJOYS PICNIC IN BULL VALLEY Masy Lm Hartog The Reuters had a family picnic last Sunday at the home of Don Reuter in Bull Valley. Present at the party were Helen Reuter and daughter, Phyllis, of Wonder Lake, Paul and Joyce Reuter and their two children from Woodstock, Joan and Sonny Spieiman and their four children from Chicago. Ann Landman and two of her grandsons from Chicago, A1 and Betty Reuter and their six children and Don and Sally Reuter and their four children. There were four generations represented. Ann Landman who is the great grandmother, Helen who is the grandmother, Don, Paul, Joan and Phyllis who are her children, and ten grandchildren. A1 and Betty Reuter are the brother-in-law and sister-in-law of Helen. Sounds like a chapter out of One Man's Family doesn't it. I know they all had a wonderful time because this group has a good time whenever they get together. Double Birthday Party for Bob On Sunday afternoon - Sept. 1 - the Bob Armstrongs of Oakwood Shores had as guests Bob's Dad - Alan Armst rong - from Chicago, Joan's parents the Schmalings from McHenry and his aunt and uncle the Leo Hartogs (that's us). They had a barbecue and Bob and Leo had a perfectly "smashing" game of badminton which left them both in the state of exhaustion. They're gettin' too old for such "goin's" on. Anyway, as far as Bob was concerned that was his birthday party and he planned to go bowling in the evening. Needless to say he was "shook" when somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty of his friends walked in on him in the evening and proceeded to have a real fine party I think he was even more surprised to find out his wife Joan was all prepared for the group with plenty of food, etc. And she said they were going bowling!!! Never trust a woman'. X Happy Birthday To Walterine Rochowscz who will be "sweet seventeen" on Sept. 15. (How van that be when her mother's only 29? She must have been a child bride.) Belated Congratulations Because of our early deadline last week we missed out on several items but one that I still Wttrti M> :;rf in i.'. ;• "hi'iirty congratulation to Joe and Pat Sullivan on the birth of thHr son on Aug. 29. Joseph Patrick Sullivan, Jr. They'll never have to ask him what his nationality is when he goes to school. Young Joe has a sister Mary Lee waiting at home to spoil him too. Sunday Guests It seems that a great many people were in the mood for company this past weekend. This was to be my weekend f<>r my annual trek to the big city to attend floral design school on Saturday and Sunday but I decided to stay home and have company instead. I'm getting to be such an old stay-athome that I hate to leave even for a weekend. (I can just he;ir a certain friend of mine about 2500 miles away saying HO HO HO) Guess maybe I'm just getting lazy and besides those new-fangled cement sidewalks just kill my feet. Anyway our guests were the Bob Leesi from Mt. Prospect and Mai y Lee's mother and father - Mr. and Mrs. Lavecchia of Chicago, who have just returned from a three months trip to Italy, and their son and daughter, Vito and Martha. Vito is a professional bowler and manages a large bowling alley in the city. This is of great interest to my bowlinsminded mate. Mr. and Mrs. Lavecchia had the floor (or the lawn) for the afternoon and told wonderful stories of their trip which was their first time home in about 40 years, and also the first time they Jiad ever been in a plane. They visited brothers and sisters and even Mr. Lavecchia's mother who is in her 90's. We thoroughly enjoyed having them all for the day. Weekend Guests From St. Vincent's Every so often I find a nice note or letter in my mailbox or left at the shop from Cathy (Majercik) Boppart, telling of some trip they took or some particularly nice gesture they made and I am always happy to print it. Cathy and Loren are two fine people at this week's letter proves. Rather than spoil the tone of the letter with any comment of mine I want to print it just as it was written and I'm sure you will agree with me, that there should be more couples just like them. "Loren and I thdught it would be nice to have as our guests for Labor Day weekend two underprivileged children from St. Vincent's orpnanage. Our guests were Pearl and Tex McGnigal. We picked them up in Freeport on Friday night and on Saturday morning we went to the Elkhorn County Fair. < >n f • iimi i,iv wf visit, i- !ii.y Notice! The following stores will be CLOSED SUNDAYS and will be OPEN Wednesday afternoons for business at $ Regular Store Hours: McGee's Store for Men f Ben Franklin Store parents in Wonder Lake, the Allen Phillips, where the children were taken for a boat tide on the lake. After a picnic at my parents home we traveled to Hartland to visit the John Bopparts where the children enjoyed helping with some of the farm chores and Tex even drove the tractor all by himself. On Monday we had a picnic at home in Harvard and returned the children to the orphanage late Monday afternoon. We enjoyed having them so much. If you know of anyone who would like to take a child for a weekend or on a vacation during the summer have them write to Father Fry at the orphanage and they would be most willing to let them go. The joy one feels in knowing you are doing something for someone else is something you car never forget. You know the good Lord will reward you in His own way. We plan to take other children on different weekends during the summer. I only wish more people would open their hearts and hom^i to these children from the orphanage." Sincerely, Cathy and Loren. (Need I say more?) Bullet Holes In Law Office Window At the time of this writing (Friday) there is still no clue as to who put the eight bullet holes thru the window at the office of Francis Higgins, Attorney on Hancock Drive in Wonder Lake. They were put there some time Wednesday night, and discovered when the office was opened Thursday morning. A glass wall in the inner office was also damaged as well as the wall. Legion Post News The sound of laughter and gayety you heard coming from the Legion home on Saturday night - Aug. 31 - had a two fold purpose. A surprise birthday party was held in honor of two members, Chuck Caley and Howard Dolan. Chuck received some extra special gifts which he claimed he would always cherish. Everyone had a wonderful time. The membership drive is moving ever upwards towards the goal of 100 per cent. New memberships and renewals being turned in each day. Send or bring your dues and while you're at it why not bring along a new member at the same time. The new pool table has been Lakemoor-Lilymoor Plan Auxiliary Annual Outing Shirley Scftuerr S85-M45 The Woman's auxiliary has picked a pj^ce near Marengq for their annual outing this year. It will take place Wednesday, Sept. 18. Those going will meet at the schoolhouse grounds and will leave at 10:30 a.m. Members in good standing will have tl|eir allowance of dues taken out of the treasury for the outing, balance of the tickets will be made up by the women who are going. Those members who do not go will forfeit their allowance to the installed so come on down all of you Legionaries and see if you might not be another Willie Hoppe or Mascani. The next regular meeting is on Sept. 11, at 8 p.m. All members are requested to attend and participate in the discussions and business that takes place. OVERHEATED MOTORS fke(htoO$tk1b<ut Don't let o dogged Radiator spoil yogr Vacation... RADIATOR Cleaning and Repairing AT IOW, FLAT-RATE PRICES Estimate , treasury. If there is any misunderstanding please contact Connie Johnson at 385-3908 or Shirley Scbuerr at 385-2645. Ladies League Held its monthly meeting Wednesday, Sept. 4. Alter the business An hand Was taken care, of bunco was played Winners were Connie Smith, Lu Gravenstuk, and Viola Arbogast. Booby prize was won by Sophie Paterson. Hostess for the evening was Connie Smith. The next social evening will take place Wednesday, Sept. 18. Back From Their vacation tto Kentucky are Elmer and Ruth Kronke. Also back from their vacation to Richmond, Minn., are Chuck and Marion Abel and daughter, Susan. Also Bob and Marylyn LoPresi and children, Glynn, Liane and Bob, Jr. A1 and Pearle Stineman spent the holiday weekend taking in the interesting seights of New Glarus and Little Norway. Wis. In Closing Are you or do you know who is the oldest resident or residents of Lilymoor and Lakemoor. If you do please let me hear from you. A lot of the residents of both subdivisions started out as summer residents and then became year round residents. So let me hear from you. NATURE'S PROTECTION: The western mouse has developed a black coat in lava flow areas, a red pelt in red soil or rock areas, and white fur in the White Sands National Monument Area--but are identical, otherwise. Every Radiator Flow Tested New & Rebuilt Radiators ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERVICE 8004 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, IU. Phone: 385-0783 0$ Reasons Why To See Us If You Need A Water System or Well 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing x" 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps 7. Our men and machines are completely insured 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection 9. Parts available for all makes 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN 8TOCK McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES at PUMPS Located in the Village of McCullom Lake miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry 885-5252 or Residence 885-0718 Special Subscription Offer For College Students SEND YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER away at college, their home town newspaper, THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER. Think of the pleasure it will give them keeping up with home town activities; news and pictures ^of relatives, friends and neighbors! This offer expires soon. So do it today and save on the regular subscription rate. Next Best To A Letter From Home ... Is Your McHENRY PLAINDEALER Sent To Your Boy Or Girl Attending College., Gentlemen: | Enclosed find $3.00 subscription to start im- I mediately and continue to June 1, 1964. I | MAIL SUBSCRIPTION TO: | | Name .. | I Address | I City & State | I SENT BY: | I Name .. | I Address y, Remittance Musi Be Enclosed With Order Special Offer Price $ 3.00 To College Students for 9 Months Subscription to Start Immediately and Continue to June 1, 1964. SAVE $1.25 ON THIS OFFER CLIP THIS COUPON AND MAIL TODAY McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, I1L 60050

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