Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Sep 1963, p. 19

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Thursday, September 1Z 1963 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Ringwood LOCAL TEAM WINS PLAYOFF CHAMPIONSHIP Lor Brennan - ffX. £045 The Ringwood Softball team won the playoff championship last Friday (Aug. 30) by defeating Hebron iri the second of a two out of three playoff by a score of 4 to 3. These boys deserve a lot for the good games played. There were quite a few Ringwood spectators in the crowd cheering on the home town. Both the first place trophy and the playoff championship trophy are on display at a local garage for anyone wishing to see them. That ended the season for another year. Congratulations boys!! Community Club Meeting This is just a reminder that there is a meeting of the Ringwood Community Club to be held on Sept. 25 at 8:15 p.m. in the school houese. President Mrs. Clayton Bruce has informed me that there will be a discussion of the1 Old Ringwood school which has been purchased by the Barnard Mill Community Center. There will be a speaker present. The school board will also have some items of interest for the community as well as the school children. Plan to attend this first meeting as it is a starter for the coming school year. Sr. Hi. M.Y.F. Report On Sunday, Sept. 1, the Sr. Hi. M.Y.F. met for a Bible Study. Since this was our first meeting on Bible Study, we weren't sure of how we wanted to study it. We thought about reading a little and translating it so it's easy to grasp. Just to see how it would work, we began reading in John. This we found rather difficult, so we switched to 2nd Corinthians. Rev. Brenemajj helped us in our study. On Thursday, j Sept. 5, the office of the Mra.F. met for a council meeting> We plan to bring in our new members (the Freshmen) on Sept. 14 at a formal and informal initiation at Lake Geneva. We wanted to have' them attend at least one of our meetings before they came in so they attended our Sept. 8 meeting. At the Sept. 8 meeting we planned a program on hymnology by Ida Mae Walkington and Cris Fossum. The Worship service was conducted by laeslie Dicker and Sandy Josser and. A fall retreat is planned for Sept. 27 to plan our program for the year. The details will be printed at a later date. Linda Low reporter. Attend Dinner Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener were among twenty persons from the McHenry area who attended the Barry Goldwater dinner held at the Conrad Hilton Hotel in Chicago l*st Wednesday evening. Attend Schmitt Johnson Reception Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bauer and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brennan attended the wedding reception for their cousin, Lois Schmitt, and Donald Johnson last Saturday at the Johnsburg Community club. Bergs Of California Have Son Mr. and Mrs. Leland Berg of Alhambra, Calif., are the parents of their second son born Sept. 2 and weighing in at 7 lbs. 1 oz. He will answer to the by BUM Emerson According to one scientific theory, whip-lash injuries are as much an emotional injury as they are physical. In these traffic-bowi injuries the victim is often comfortable and relaxed, his car is moving slowly if at all and the liklihood of being hurt seems remote. Then, wham, comes a rear-end collision. The victim's spine becomes a cracking whip with his head and neck the whip's snapper. Whether physical injury is severe or slight, the emotional mind has been insulted. Ego, image and self all enter into the emotional aspects of a commonplace injury wjiich of late has suddenly developed rather uncommon psychological ramifications. Which reminds us -- you can expect uncommonly quick and courteous service at MILLSTEARM'S DRUGS' prescription counter. Prescriptions are a specialty, not a sideline, at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, 3720 West J£lm -- Jewel Shopping Plaza. Phone 885-3057. If you have any questions regarding pharmacy or public health which you would like to have discussed in this •elmnn, write to Russ Emerson, c/o this paper. name of Brian Kent to his parents, sister, Diana, and brother, Leland. The Bergs were former Ringwood residents. ftork Delivers Boy That big white bird delivered a little bundle of joy to the Boyd Do we Us on Aug. 30 in the Sherman hospital in Elgin. It's a boy. He will answer to the name of William David, and is the first child of Edith and Boyd Dowell. He weighed in at 5 lbs. 6 ozs., and was 20 inches long. His grandparents are the Earl Dowells of McHenry and Roy Harrison of Ringwood. Congratulations to the Dowells on the birth of their son. Johnsburg HETTERMANN'S AGAIN CAPTURES SOFTBALL TITLE Betty fie Herman Bunco Club Miss Mae Wiedrich was the which met in the home of Mrs. Lester Carr last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Viola Low took high with Mrs. Lizzie Thompson second, and Mrs. Helen Page, low. Attend Blackmail Reunion The Blackman family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman in Channel Lake on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan and Mrs. Nellie Hepburn attended from here. Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Webster Blackman and family of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brennan of Nippersink. Fred Schroeder of Woodstock also attended. ^ Attend Funeral Fred Wiedrich, Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Prennan, Mf. and Mrs. Charles Brennan and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brennan attended the funeral services for Charles Vogel last Friday. They were held in the Newcomer Funeral Home in Brodhead with the Rev. Lawrence Korback officiating. Here «N' There Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Mrs. Kenneth Brennan of Nippersink visited Mrs. Frank Newman, Sr., in Kenosha, Wis. Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Mrs. Nellie Hepburn called on William Claxton in McHenry on ^Saturday. Miss Margey McFarland has left for her studies at the University of Indiana in Bloomington, Ind. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McFarland. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kunz and daughter, Robin, of Lake in the Hills spent all day Saturday in the home of his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz. Mrs. Annabelle Blasius and six youngsters were Monday dinner guests in the Earl Kunz Sound repetitious? Well, I guess it is but it just can't be helped. If you're good you deserve to win. And that's just what this team did. They won the playoff championship by beating Vycital's team last Thursday evening, by an exciting score of 14 to 12. Dick Hiller was presented a beautiful trophy for being the league batting champion. His season average was a., rousing .621. You just can't: hardly beat that! Congratulations to the entire Hettermann's team for a job well done. Hospital Patients Eddie Streich is now home after spending about a week as a medical patient in the McHenry hospital. Please remember in your daily prayers Peter Freund, Jr., and John Freund. Both these gentlemen are quite ill and are hospitalized at this home. Mrs. Blasius' husband recently passed away in Round Lake. A Thursday evening supper guests in the Robert Bremen home was Loren Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. William Buttons of LaCresenta. Calif., are spending a couple of days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clavton Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Lutz and Mrs. Ames of DesPlaines were Monday callers in the home of Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. John McFarland and son, the Rev. John McFarland of Cedar Lake, Ind., spent a week fishing in Holcombe, Wis. Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy were Sunday afternoon callers in the Wiedrich-Wegener home. The Leonards are from Lake Geneva. Mrs. Joe Schmitt of McHenry and Miss Joanne Schmitt of North Chicago were callers in the Robert Brennan home on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fleiner of Chicago visited in the home of Mrs. Nellie Hepburn last Wednesday. That's it again. Before I close I'd like to remind you that during this month the Fossum girls will be knocking on your door for donations for Cystic Fibrosis. Be as generous as you can. This money is needed for CF research and care of these little victims. Thank you from your chairman for your help. See you next week? Poodle Grooming Boarding - Training Phone 385-2436 RUDY BECKER'S KENNELS 1018 W. Lincoln Rd. McHenry, DL (1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-in) dSig, ^it ^J4or&e l^anch Coldspring Road & Bull Valley Road Woodstock, 111. v HORSES FOR HIRE (per hr.) $2.00 Weekdays $2.50 Sal., Sun., Holidays HORSES FOR BOARD HORSES FOR SALE HAY RIDES AVAILABLE lit ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT +~J*rorAe Safe SEPT. 15,10:00 A.M. 1st ANNUAL +-JforAe ^how SEPT. 22,10:00 A.M. English & Western Classes, I.Q.H.A. & Open For Further Information Call 338-2878 or Visit ^it fc\anch 2'/a Miles South of Route 120 op Coldspring Road writing. The former is in the McHenry hospital and the letter Mr. Freund is in St. Joseph's in Elgin. Pete Weber spent a day In the Zion hospital after being hurt at work. He will be nursing a bone dislocation for about six weeks. Entering the Woodstock hospital to undergo some test? last Sunday evening was Mrs. Shirley Licser. We hope her stay is short. Get-well wishes to the people mentioned* above and any o»hers whi have been "under the weatiier." Sewing Guild Meets When the Pink Ladies Sewing guild of the Women's Auxiliary to tha McHenry hospital met recently they enioyed a most delicious dessert luncheon. Marg.?rct Bolin of McHenry Was hostess to the group in her home. Eight ladies vie re present including Nel Bergener, Esther Knapp and Mildred Kennedy of this area. Guest fo" the afternoon was Millie Broidinrr. Following the business meet:ng, a quiz game was played by the group. Everyone present had a most enjoyable afternoon. Death Claims Three Our co.nmunity was saddened once ogain when three of our residents passed away recently. 0:jr sincerest sympathies are extended to the surviving families of John Nott Mrs. William Nuemann and Mrs. Mary Thelen. Meeting Reminder Just a note to remind all the juvenile 311*1 Foresters of their next meeting coming up on Monday, Sopt. 16. It will begin at 7 p.m. in the community club hall. Congratulations Corner Birthday number 12 ojming up for Jean Hettermann on Sept. 17. Belated wishes to Roger Pechous who celebrated earlier this month. Six years ago on Sept. 7, Dick and Gloria Comstock said "I do." Anniversary wishes are in store for Dan and Betty Schmitt, Harry and Lu Ann Smith and Harry and Lois Thelen. All six have good reason for celebration this month. Returns To School Dave Himpelmann returned this week to the Pontifical College Josephinum in Worthington, Ohio, for his second Page Nineteen year of high School. To Dave and all the other young people of our area who are going away to school, we say "good luck." Make the most of your school days because it will pave your future. Daughter Number 3 Welcomed A new Miss has blessed the home of Dan and Dot Thurlwell of Cooney Heights. Vickie Lynn made her appearance on Sept. 2 in the Woodstock hospital land weighed a healthy 8 lbs. 1^1%-oz. Her two big sisters, Tammy Jo Ann, and Bonnie Jean, just can't seem to keep their hands off of her. That's real sisterly love. Besides aunts, uncles and cousins, Vickie Lynn is lucky enough to have lots of grandparents. Proud of the new addition are her maternal grandparents, Bill and Ruth Martinee, paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thurlwell, and great-grandparents Mrs. George Kiddelsen of McHenry, Mrs. Katherine Schaefer of Johnsburg and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martinec of Cicero. Much happiness to all. Lady Foresters To Meet Chosen to serve on the committee for the next meeting on Sept. 17 are Kathy Schaefer, Judy Jaques, Verna Schmitt, Lorraine Rutzen, Andy Oeffling. Florence Hopp, Darlene Huemann and Dorothy Hughes. On Oct. 2 there will be a luncheon and card party for all members of St. Agatha court No. 777. It will be held at the McHenry Country Club at 12 o'clock. The Day of Recollection for the Rock ford Diocese Association will be at the Poor Clare Monastary at Rockford on Oct. 12. The association advisory board meeting will also be held on that day. A note of interest to all lady Foresters -- Mrs. Art Klein will be present at the Sept. 17 meeting to show films from her recent trip t<> Alaska. This should prove moji interesting to all. Why not plan to be present. gency help answered by our squad are a call to Eastwood Manor where a visitor suffered a possible heart attack and was taken by the squad to the McHenry hospital. The same day they were called to the Falcon club where another possible heart attack was suffered. The patient was removed to the hospital in the squad ambulance. The next day a woman in Pistakee Highlands needed their assistance on an inhalator call. She was also taken to the hospital for further treatment. River Terrace was the scene of another of the squad's calls on a possible heart attack. This time an ambulance was called to transport the patient to the hospital. The second call to Pistakee Highlands within a week was also an inhalator call. The squad ambulance was used to take the patient to the McHenry hospital. Couple Exchange Vows Congratulations to Lois Schmitt and Don Johnson who became "Mr. and Mrs" last Saturday. Sept. 7 in a 10 o'clock service performed in St. (John's church. A reception 1 honoring the newlyweds took place later in the community club hall. At noon in a nuptial Mass also performed in St. John's church, Carol Weingart became the bride of Ira Kephart. The V.F.W. hall in McHenry \v;>s the scene of their receplion. Both couples received many happy wishes from their relatives and friends. We sincerely hope there will be lots of health and happiness in the future for Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Kephart. On The Go With The Rescue Squad The recent annual dance sponsored by our own Johnsburg rescue squad was a grand success. The squad members are most grateful to all who helped in making this so. you purchased a ticket to tldance, you did your part i> helping these boys continue their worthwhile endeavors. Most recent calls for emer- So long for another week! Spring Grove Local Ladies Tour Hawaii Eva Freund cards and refreshment® were served. flfrrs. Mame Tinney and Mrs. Molly Miller are joining a '^roup on a tour to Hawaii, stopping off at Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. William Shotliff are vacationing in Wisconsin. Mrs. Charles Freund, Victor Freund and Miss Martha Thennes will visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Korus in Bangor. Maine next week. They will be there for the christening of the new Korus baby. A boy, weighing 6 lbs, 8 oz. was born on Aug. 31. He will be named Joseph Charles. Vic will be the baby's Gttdfather and Mrs. Dan Freund will be Godmother by proxyV Members of her club'Met at the home of Mrs. Mark Pierce on Thursday afternoon. Prizes were won by Emma May, Mary Nimsgern, Mame Tinney, Clara Deinlein and Mary Klein. Lunch was served by the hostess. Offer Adult Courses At Fox Lake School Auto Show Paul Weber attended the auto show in Chicago last week. Twelve hundred dealers were present to view the 1964 models. A musical production was also presented at McCormick Place. CYC The first CYC meeting of the season was held at St. Peter's parish hall on Tuesday evening. Registration of new and old members was held. A lunch was serve^ Ushers Meet The ushers of St. Peter's met at the home of Anton Meyer on Wednesday night. There was also an evening at REMODELING Need a Room, New Kitchen, Garage? Design Service 8c Guaranteed Work With Experienced Crews "REE ESTIMATES Phone: 678-2861 Evenings -- Richmond 078-6681 McHenry Representative 885-3204 RIGID-FRAME GARAGES With Storage "RIGID-FRAME" Construction. It's new -- and so different -- and -- will save time and mon^l You can lraild it yourself on a weekend -- or we have reliable local builders ready to build YOUR GARAGE NOW! .. * Compare The Features! * Compare The Quality! * Compare The Price! No Money Down -- 5 Years to Pay Low Monthly Payments W S££ mYo"**1' Just ooe good look at CROWN wioaucrvfls, doors ee porch enclosures wll convince jm of their superior* itf in design, eoasttnctioa, openriaa and at**. So take t look todsfl iplfiii IW CROWW Storm Mode of hen*? SKlnNlod ttwammm, Iriph track of slnyl plastic • • • bo i to Mtal contact* Ho fodgsts or I to bond of bnok, C--ifort and urn* 7fce CtOWJI Am Amt mm'wcx m-HUm FOB EAST IBTltUirai JAaeW ctf Extra ttoavy ExINKWCI < •w<l C L ii iii > i" ii WSHa»tiv MitolMoHMM A Door NO MONEY DOWN EASY PAYMENT TERMS TO FIT YOUR BUDGET Pre-Finished Panelling as low as Sq. Ft. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street -- McHenry. Illinois Phone 385-1424 The Grant Community high school board of education again announces its adult evening school courses for the fall semester. Classes will begin the week of Oct. 7 and extend for ten weeks through the week of Dec. 9. Registration for the fall classes will be conducted on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Sept. 16, 18, 23, and 25 fjsom 7 to 9 p.m. in the general office at the high school. Five new courses will be offered this fall as well as a number of popular courses of past years. No satisfactory reason has yet been advanced for the habit of fish in some areas of the world--many different vareies --in casting themselves ashore at certain seasons. Natives in many areas say: "Fish go crazy." FLOWER WEDDING LINE INVITATIONS AND ANNOI NCKMKNTS K) ^ l c. See the complete catafogoe at McllKMRY ITUNIffiALER 8812 West Elm St, PROFE^lOim DIRECTORS' DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician 8827 West Elm Street Office Phone: aU4N8 Residence Phone: 885-9347 Honrs: Men., Toes., Wed. * *ri. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.y 1st, 10 uu. to 1 pjn. EARL K. WAl£g| INSURANCE •"> fire. Auto, Farm A Life Ih Representing MEI.MBI.ffi COMPANIES iVhts You Need Insuiwaee of Any Kind Phone 885-0048 or 885-0958 129 W. Elm St., McHenry, II DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1286 N. Green Street Office Phone: 885-0186 Res. Phone: 885-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed AU Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 8-69 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel and Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. 81 Phone 385-0950 8-68 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 678-7491 >/2 MUe South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 5-68 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined--Glasses Fitted 1803 N. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. * Fri. 4:00 n m. to 6 p.m- Tues., Thurs. & Fri. Eve. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sat. 9:80 a.m. to 5:00 No Hours on Wednesday Contact I.' iibkq Phone 385 226;$ MS

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