Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Sep 1963, p. 2

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' ' -"\ i/Sk © THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, September 12, 1963 ' « > ' ? > CHARLENE WILDE Wilde - Booster Betrothal Announced Mr. and Mrs. Arno WHde, 614 South Cornell, Villa Park, announce the engagement of their daughter, Charlene Diane, to Kenneth M. Booster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry H. Booster of McHenry. Miss Wilde holds a B.S. degree from Valparaiso university, Valparaiso, Ind., where she was a member of Kapi»a Psi Omega social sorority. She will serve her dietetic internship at the University of Michigan Medical center. Mr. Booster will complete his studies at Valparaiso university in the fall, where he is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon national fraternity. Rummage Sale For St. Peter's Church Mrs. Kugene May, chairman of the Home and School committee, and Mrs. .Joseph Brown, Jr., commitlee chairman for the rummage sale set for Sept. 21 for the l)eneflt of St. Peter's school, are making preparations and going ahead with plans for this event. They are asking all ladies of the parish to go through their closets and attics for anything that is no longer usable tc them but may be of some use to others. Bring all articles of clothing, dishes, jewelry, etc., to the hall before Sept. IN. For further information, contact either of the ladies mentioned above. The public is welcome. There will be refreshments served. CHORAL CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS FOR NEW SEASON Lee Hiller was re-elected president of the McHenrj Choral club at the first meeting of the season held las Monday evening. Named to serve with him were Phyllb Glysing and Tim Wheelock, covice- presidents; Patty Brooke, secretary; and Ruth Barger, t reasurer. The entinr_£venirtg was de- ( voU»d irr"?T~"diRcViKsion of bus- f iness in order to permit time *' for full evenings of rehearsal in the short time prior to the holiday program. Forty-one pernios attended and voted unanimously in favor of a number of recommendations made by the officers. \ Bridal Couple CAROL WEI NGART SATURDAY BRIDE OF IRA KEPHART The program was outlined, and practice will begin next Monday evening, Sept. 16, at 8 o'clock sharp in the high school music room. New members will be welcomed into the organizations until the deadline, which was set as the first Monday in October. " 0 | GOP Committeemen Invited To Picnic . . ' > .w Kotiilik Stqdio Photo THE KENNETH LOESCHES Miss Nancy Anderson of Sunnyside Estates and Mr. Kenneth Loesch of McCuHpm Lake were united in m^friage in a wedding ceremony solemnized in St. Patrick's Catholic church on Saturday, Aug. 31. R e p u b 1 ican committeemen from the 12th district and their wives have been invited t(K,an informal barbecue picnic ;<t the home of Max Wildmnn in Lake Bluff on Saturday, Sept. 14. The lawn behind the Wildman home will be decoratel in carnival style, and in addition to the usual food, refreshments and music, a number of politically motivated games will be conducted. SHARON O'LEARY Sharon O'Leary Engaged To Wed Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Leary of 2119 S. Draper road, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sharon Ellen, to James E. Chrisman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chrisman of 3712 W. Main street, McHenry. No date has been set for the wedding. -•0J •. • *; ,•* * - rip#* ' I tV >?• m *-<» rtt $-• ROSE HERTEL Young Couple Plan February Wedding Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hertel of Turtle, Wis., formerly of Illinois, announce the engagement of their daugnter, Rose Catherine, to Francis Matthews, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ferguson of 308 Stanton Point road, Ingleside. The couple plan to be married in February in St. John's Catholic church, Johnsburg. Kagans Celebrate 25th Anniversary Dr. and Mrs. Louis L. Kagan of St. Peter's parish. Spring Grove, celebrated their silver wedding on Aug. 31, when a solemn high Mass was read in St. Peter's Catholic church at noon. Rev. Edward Lehman, pastor, was celebrant, Rev. Robert Hoffman, former assistant pastor at St. Peter's was deacon, Dr. and Mrs. Kagan's son, Leigh, was sub-deacon. Leigh is a seminarian at St. Paul seminary in Minnesota, studying for the priesthood for the Rockford diocese. Their four other sons, Patrick, James, David and Michael, were at the altar serving the Mass. Their only daughter. Sister Mary Siena, SDS, a nun with the congregation of the Divine Savior in Milwaukee, were their granddaughter Mary spent the day. Also present was their granddaughter Mary Irene Kagan and their daughter- in-law, Mrs. Patrick Kagan. A dinner served to 175 guests in the parish hall followed the mass. Hold Birthday Party For Two Four-year-old Kevin Shay and his cousin, Lennie Ainmond, 2, of Meadowdale, celebrated their birthdays on Labor Day when a family gathering was held at the home of Kevin's parents, the John Shays, in McHenry. Present to enjoy a bartiecuev were Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Bykowski, sons, Ron and Jim, and Mrs. Catherine Kieras of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. John Kuczkowski of West Shore Beach; Mrs. Harry Shay, Miss Alice Shay and William Shay of Johnsburg; Mr. and Mrs. James Delaney and daughter, Peggy, of Oak Park; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ammond and Phillip of Meadowdale and Kevin's brother, Darren Shay. Sewing Guild Of Hospital Meets The Pink Lady Sewing guild of the Woman's auxiliary of McHenry hospital met at the home of Margaret Bolin in McHenry last Wednesday, when a tasty dessert luncheon was served. Attending the meeting were Celia Blake, Lilah Jordan, Tess Kelly, Aunt Lily Breading, Nell Bergener, Esther Knapp, Mildred Kennedy, Marge Moreth and Gert Snell. After the business meeting, a quiz game was held, and the membership reported a most enjoyable time. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for their cards, flowers and visits while I was in the hospital. Special thanks to the Johnsburg Rescue Squad. James Geier *9-12-63 Frett Family Reunion Sunday The annual reunion of the Frett family was held Sunday in the city park. Approximately 150 members enjoyed a day of visiting and reminiscing. Stater* Celebrate Their Birthdays Two young sisters celebrated their birthdays at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. E. Joseph Bousser, Park street, last week. Beth and Cathie Weber, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber of Barrington, were 3 and 4 years old ^respectively on Sept. 5 and 6. In attendance at this happy occasion were Mrs. Robert Weber, the former Marya Bousser, Mrs. Grace Sweeney, the great-grandmother of the girls, and Mrs. Gene Dobyns and daughter, Mary Grace. <•'(>( i M I'll Knights of Columbus Pot- Luck Dinner- K. of C. Hall. September 18 McHenry High School PTA-- School Cafeteria 8:15 p.m. September 21 Dinner Dance Moose Lodge --Serving 6 to 9 p.m. Dancing. Rummage Sale St. Peter's Parish Hall - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Refreshments. September 24 McHenry County Pan Hellenic Meeting 8 p.m. -- Mrs. Eleanor Behrend Home, 1803 S. Lily Lake Road. September 25 Lecture Luncheon Club -- Noon- McHenry Country Club --Dr. Bergan Kvnns, Speaker. September 26 Roller Skating Party--8 p.m. --Sponsored by Viscounts Association. September 28 Lakeland Park Boy's Baseball Club Dance --- 9 p.m. -- American Legion Home. October 3 Fall Party of C.D. of A.-- Public Invited -K. of C. Hall. October 4 Rummage Sale--9:30 a.m.-- Zion Lutheran Church Basement. October 28 Bake Sale -- Just en's Furniture Store -- Sponsored by Viscounts Parents Association. MARRIAGE LICENSES Robert C. Trendler. Downers Grove, and Kathryn J. Kirk, McHenry. Allan McMillan, Crystal Lake, and Marie P. Granger, McHenry. Donald Johnson and Lois Schmitt, both of McHenry. Leonard ^Hodgson, Round Lake, and Dbjores M. Wagner, McHenry. To feel your best. LOOK your BEST! SANDRA ICiLER Sandra Igler To Marry In April Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Weingartner of Pistakee Bay announce the engagement of their daughter, Sandra Mimi Igler, to David Paul Wojdakowski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Wojdakowski of Wauconda. Miss Igler attended McHenry high school and Moser secretarial school. Her fiance attended Wauconda high school. The wedding will take place in April, 1964. Edward Haack To Wed Eastern Girl Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lynch of Caldwell, N. J., announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary„ to Edward Haack, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Haack of McHenry. Auto Insurance Cancelled? NO ONE REFISEIJ -- ANY AGE Reasonable Rates Financial Responsibility Filings Stay out of "Pool Insurance" and have Full Coverage INSIRANCT ?»„?? ~ rage JAN-MAR INSURANCE 385-7667 'Botany' 500 recommends Sanitone Drycleaning For that grand, well-dressed feeling, let us give your clothes professional Sanitone Service. Using the most advanced methods, our skilled operators carefully clean, press and reshape clothes to their original fit. Try us! RAINBOW CLEANERS ' 1304 N. Front St. Phone 385-0927 FOR PICKUP SERVICE OK SAVJS. CASH AND CARRY " ALWAYS PLENTY FREE PARKING AT RAINBOW'S DRIVE-IN "Miss Carol Weingart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Weingart of 3808 N. Weingart road, McHenry, exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. Ira Keptiart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Kephart of Lake Shore drive. Spring Grove, in a lovely ceremony last Saturday. Sept. 7. Rev. John Dording officiated at the noon nuptial hi:;h Mass, for which the adult choii sang. IVuquets of gladioli adorned tlie altar, and the bride placed a bouquet on the altar of the Blessed Mother. (liven in marriage oy ber fa'I her, Miss Weingar*. was charming in a floor length, silk organza dress styled with lace bodice, scalloped sabrina neckline, long lace sleeves and a bustle effect in back. A floral headpiece held in place a three-tiered, elbow length veil, and she carried a prayer book topped with stephanotis and ivy. Janet Weingart acted as maid of honor for her sister, and bridesmaids were Mary Jo Weingart, another sister, Pamela Kephart, sister of the groom, and Marilyn Fuchs, cousin of the bride. All were attired in champagne-colorod, street lengtl| dresses featuring lace bodices, bell-shaped skirts and short sleeves, trimmed with moss green. Cabbage roses highlighted their moss green headpieces, and they carried cascade bouquets of tropicana roses. Leisa Rae Weingart of Johnsburg, cousin of the bride, was the pretty flower girl, wearing a moss green, silk organza dress, and a wreath of flowers on her head, fashioned of stephanotis and fern. She carried a basket of rose petals. Stately ring bearer was Michael Weingart, brother of the bride, who carried the rings on a pillow. Richard Peretto of Champaign, 111., served as best man and groomsmen were Robert James, Forrest Berg and Les Schlung, all of Fox Lake. Ushers were Jeffrey Kephart, brother of the groom, and William Comstock, cousin of the bride. Mrs. Weingart chose a poiidre blue brocade dress, with which she wore a blue feather hat and an orchid corsage. Mrs. Kephart chose a blue floral print dress, a blue feather hat and similar cor- A breakfast for forty guesis followed the ceremony at the bride's home. Later, 325 guests gathered at the McHenry VFW clubhouse for a reception. After a wedding trip to the Dells, the young couple will make their home in Champaign. Miss Weingart is a 1959 graduate of McHenry hfgh school and in 1962 of St. Therese school of nursing. She has been employed at Weiss Mcni orial and McHenry hospitals. The bridegroom graduate J from Grant high school in Fox Lake and is now a student at the University of Illinois. Guests attending the wedding included Mrs. John Fuchs, the bride's grandmother, of Humphrey, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kephart, the groom's grandparents, of Chicago; Mrs. Glenn Good, grandmother of the groom, of Kewanee; Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Fuchs, Misses Rose, Jane and Mary Fuchs, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fuchs and daughters, Karen, Barbara and Arline and Doris Ann Nemhoff of Humphrey, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fuchs of Omaha, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. I^ee Wieser and son, Stevie, cf Columbus, Nebr.; and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Good and family cf Danville, III. Newlyweds $875 Realized From Church Rummage Sale About .$875 was collected from the all-churph rummage sale held in AugustKat the Engdahl barn, sponsored by the Community Methodist church. All proceeds will \be applied' toward the mortgage?^, Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan and Mrs. Urban Comes headed the committee in charge of the event, and are most pleased with the cooperation of so many people in making it a success. Kotalik Studo Photo THE LARRY BENDERS It Was a beautiful ceremony at St. Mary's Catholic church McHenry, on Saturday, Aug. 31, that united in marriage Miss Sandra Jones of this city and Mr. Larry Bender of Newman, 111. The newlyweds are making their home in Princeton, New Jersey. DIVORCE GRANTED William J. Booth of McHenry was granted a divorce from Bemadette M. Booth in circuit court last Friday. People are poor, not because they have nothing, but because they are nothing. NOTICE a In order to clarify Inquiries directed to this office regarding payment dates on Special Assessment (Cooney Heights and other areas), I wish to direct those persons on the assessment roll to notices received from the City Treasurer for correct information. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk sage. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1963 Orv & Ray Bobek's CRYSTAL RECREATION CENTER 44 BRINK STREET CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. • Featuring Direct from WBKB-TV JIM LOUNSBURY and the ALL STARS Presenting His Record Hop • Dance Contests * Many Special Guests • Free Records & Record Albums • Join the TIGER'S DEN (limited membership) FOR INFORMATION CALL 1-459-9790 $ 23,000,000 00 THE McHENRY STATE BANK proudly announces that Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, 1963, the bank's total resources reached $23,- 000,000.00 thus enabling the bank to maintain its leadership as McHenry County's largest financial institution. This $21,000,000.00 increase in a little more than twenty years is due to many things . . . but primarily, it is due to the confidence the entire community has placed in the bank. We at the McHENRY STATE BANK would like to thank our customers for making this splendid growth possible. We know you are the bank's most important asset and we pledge to continue to merit your trust through sound management and courteous service. To our friends who are not currently customers of McHENRY STATE BANK we invite you to open your account at the bank with $23,000,000.00 in total resources. You will enjoy banking in the convenient, attractive colonial building. You will rely on the bank's fifty-seven years of experience with community needs. You are assured of safety, sound management, and customer satisfaction by the McHENRY STATE BANK in the heart of McHenry, where savings draw the maximum rate of interest with maximum safety. There is No Substitute for in the Bank

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