THuraday. September 19. 1963 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALElt Page Thirteen Wonder Lake WONDER WOODS LADIES GROUP OPENS SEASON Mary Loo HartOff • The Wonder Woods Ladies Group will have their first fall meeting at Millie's Pizza Place on Tuesday evening, Sept. 24. This is for all the ladies of Wonder Woods and a season of entertaining evenings have been planned. The ladies meet one a month. All W. W. ladies are invited. Dick Rusnell Due Home Soon The Jack Russell family are walking on air these days. Their son, Dick, who has been in Vietnam for two years is due home next Tuesday, Sept. 24. The midnight oil will be burning in their house while they listen to Dick's stories of his adventures, and while they bring him up to date on all the news of the past two years. Return From Nassau Eloise and Jack McCafferty returned last Thursday from a four day trip to Nassau via the champagne flight. It was their first flight and they loved every minute of it. They left O'Hare Monday morning and two hours and thirty minutes later they set down in Nassau. They went as representatives for Eloise's brother who is in the appliance business. Representatives from all over the country were given this trip as a special incentive prize. Eloise reports they were treated like royalty and were given rooms at - the Island's newest hotel, and were guests at calypso parties, boat trips, swimming parties, beach parties, etc. She says she won a Limbo contest and has the pictures to prove it. the Sam Lamonts - who celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary on Tuesday Sept. 17. May you have another 60 years together. Post News The regular Post meeting was held on Wednesday, Sept. 11, at 8 p.m. Committee reports were heard and new members were introduced to the body present. The American Legion baseball team banquet was held at the post home on Sept. 17. Good food and a good time was had by all in attendance. Happy Birthday To three young citizens who will be eight years old - Roberta Lynn Rasmussen on Sept. 20, Heather Lamont on Sept. 24 and David Ayers Who will be 8 on Sept. 17. Happy. Anniversary To that swingin' twosome, Coming Events On Saturday, Oct. 26, there will be a Halloween juke box dance at the post home. Starting at 8 p.m. Cash prizes will be awarded for the costumes that are worn. Admission is free and a great time is in the offing. On Saturday afternoon starting at 2 p.m. all you kiddies mark down the date and the time. That's when the children's Halloween Party takes place. There will be prizes to be won and free goodies to all kids who attend. It will be your day, so come down for a fun filled afternoon. Remember the date, Oct. 27 at 2 p.m. On Saturday Nov. 16, at 8 p.m. in the evening. the post will hold a turkey trot dance. Make up a date with your chicken and get her down to the turkey trot at American Legion hall. New Years: A super colossal gala New Years Eve party is in the planning stages by the entertainment committee. Keep an eye on the column for further particulars in the future. This is an event no one will want to miss. Harvest Dane* On .Saturday, Oct. 5, the W. L. Volunteer Firemen's auxiliary will have their big harvest dance at the American Legion hall in Wonder Lake. The auxiliary will serve barbecued beef and ham sandwiches to the hungry ones. That's only two weeks away so mark the calendar and come down for a real good time. Kitty Has Quite A Fall I think the cat who was up in the tree at the Meyerowitz home on Evergreen Drive in Highland Shores probably has only eight lives left after last Saturday. Leo Hartog and Bob Lee took their tree chimbing equipment and went out to rescue a cat who had been up in the tree since Tuesday. Bob climbed the tree and went out on a high limb to get the cat but she dug her claws into the bark for all she was worth. When he tried to disengage her from the bark she jumped and down she came - about 70 feet. Leo expected to go over and pick up a dead cat but 'twasn't so. She landed on all fours and took off at high speed. If she was such an aerial artist why didn't she jump four days ago? and to Sandra Schmunk and Kenneth Young-Both couples will be married at Christ the King church on Saturday Sept. 21. Sunday, Sept. 29 - The Diocesan Council of Catholic Womefi will hold its 5th biennial convention from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Boylan high school in Rockford. All women welcome. Altar and Rosary Sodality: Ladies of the Altar and Rosary are reminded to keep open the following dates in October. Thursday Oct. 3, - regular meeti n g a t 8 p . m . ; S u n d a y , O c t . 6 - Corporate Communion at 7:30 Mass; Thursday, Oct. 24-Annual fall card party. Annual Family Gathering There was an annual family gathering at the Mort Woodward home in Wonder Woods on Sept. 7 to celebrate the birthday of Mort's mother - Laura - who was 85 years young. Laura stayed on until Tuesday Sept. 11 when eleven ladies dropped in to say hello and have coffee and' cake with her. Christ The King Church News William Condren (Bill), son of Mrs. Alice Condren of 7413 South Drive, left from O'Hare last Saturday to fly to Cromwell, Conn., where he has been accepted as a student for the holy priesthood for the Diocese of Rockford. He will attend Holy Apostle Seminary in Cromwell. Bill is the youngest of four children. His sister, Mrs. Betty Schell, lives in Mt. Prospect. A brother, John, lives in Chicago and a brother, Jim, lives in Arizona. We all wish Bill the best of luck on his venture and we know his mother is very proud of him. Mrs. Marie Ray has generously offered the use of her home in Sunrise Ridge to house the Sisters on Saturday nights during the coming year. Nativity Luthern Church News Saturday at 9:45 a.m. Church Councilmen and other parish leaders will meet at the church and then leave by car for the Rockford-Waukegan District Assembly at Saint Mark Lutheran Church at George /yid Powell Avenues in Waukegfan. This meeting's program will feature the evangelism, parish education, social ministry, stewardship, and worship areas of activity. Our local committees on these five areas are invited and encouraged to be represented. The training sessions for each will provide opportunity to learn and offer suggestions from the needs of the local congregations. All pastors of the district are likewise to be present. The meeting will conclude at 3 p.m. Marriages Best wishes to Barbara Ellen Jacobson and Edward J. Caron EDUCATION CLASSES County residents interested in fundamental education in various lines are reminded that the Adult Education center of Woodstock Community high school is holding registration between Sept. 23 and Sept. 30. The fields of study include homemaking, commercial, fine arts, liberal avts and special interest courses. Those who c.%*e to register may contact the center at 338-3336. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS Waltz through washday Enjoy a new Hamilton Gas Dryer on 60-day free home trial fneskneu JJ Mot^lkcuv-A \Myul-At{. . l Pastry Shop TreaH l« Choose. DANISH KRINGLES 8 INCH SIZE - UCQ LAYER CAKES FRESH m D|C HOT APPLE™* Beg. *1-15 FAMOUS SAMSON SITE CARD TABLE WHICH DOES DAD PREFER? Pork, Beef, Turkey, or, lamb? . . Whichever it is, you can serve your family's favorite for less when you shop at Jewel. For . . this week these choice quality meats are so economically pricedl > Stup in for your share! - wt « t ? "* " W (^ J.v: >h! #/•}* with $25.00 in Jewel s Gold Register Tapes GOV'T. INSPECTED GRADE A 10 to 14 lb. size TURKEYS OSCAR MAYER I HOT DOGS GOV'T. INSPECTED EXTRA VALUE TRIMMED - 4 LB. RIB PORTION Exclusive twin air stream gives extra fast, extra gentle drying MODEL 94M3 Enjoy these Hamilton exclusives on our special trial offer: one air stream to cradle clothes while they dry, another to quickly carry away used moist air. "Sentry" Drying Control with option of automatic shut-off or timed drying cycles. Temperature Guide with four settings for safe, ideal drying of all fabrics. Zinc coated drum doesn't flake, peel, or rust. Enjoy modern gas economy, too. Gas dries over four loads for the cost of one, compared with other types of. dryers. Gas gives instant heat a^d dries clothes almost as fast as you can wash them. Your clothes come lout soft and sweet-smelling. Special 60-day free trial. Select the Hamilton you wish to try for 60 days --at your Northern Illinois Gas showroom. No down payment required. We're sure you'll want to keep your Hamilton, and you can arrange for low payments with up to 36 months topay. However, if you're not delighted with your Hamilton after your home trie. , wc it uncci luiiy pick it up.There's no obligation, of course. Your Hamilton dealer, too, has an exceptional offer on a modern gas dryer. M0D&4T3 Handsome matching Hamilton Washer also available. NORTHERN A ILLINOIS AGAS Seriict vwW the clock 4-LB. LOIN PORTION . . . . .lb. 39* U.S. CHOICE -- SQUARE CUT ECKRICH'S FAMOUS LAMB SHOULDER ROAST J 7lb. SMOKED SAUSAGE FIRST OF THE SEASON! f\ FANCY, MICHIGAN / MCINTOSH 4 LB APPLES bag PRUNE PLUMS MICHIGAN PEACHES BARTLETT PEAIf? PHONE 385-2081 eweii' iJ P/*"r inceeeAd -Are J!i WHOLESUN ower ORANGE JUICE < oz. can ASSORTED COLORS & WHITE Charmin Tissue pkg. of 4 rolls JEWEL MAID WHITE BREAD »«-w ORANGE. GRAPE, PUNCH. ORANGE-PINEAPPLE Hl-C DRINKS ««.- Del Monte TUNA MOTT'S APPLESAUCE 4 6 oz. cans 25 oz. glass -J-fappy Fanu&eA £hop -At Jkujtelf