Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Sep 1963, p. 19

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\ Thursday. September 19. 1963 THE McHENBY PLAINDEALEB Pagtf Iah»l»ad Park PROPOSE DAlf TO INCREASE LAKE WATER FLOW Barbara Meurer -- 385-435C Kay Dram! -- £85-4811 Under consideration is the possibility of building a dam which would insure a greater flow of water into the lake. A drive for funds will be conducted in the near future. All residents of communities surrounding the lake are asked to participate. Those from the Park who wish to contribute can do so through their block captains, the board members or Helen Strandquist. Community House Schedule Wednesday, Sept. 18-7:30 p.m. Little League open meeting. Thursday, Sept. 19-8 p.m. Democratic Clut\ Friday, Sept. 20-2 to 6 p.m. dancIHg*~classes. Saturday, Sept. 21, 10 to 12 Baton classes. Monday. Sept. 23, $ p.m. Regular board? meeting. Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2 to 6 dancing. 6:30 to 7:30 Boy Scout Indian dance practice. 7:30 to 9 Boy Scout meeting. Thursday, Sept. 26 8:30 p.m.-Couples bowling meeting. For Community house reservations please call Jo Rizzo 385-2728. Football 4* All boys between the ages of 8 and 12 who have called about football or anyone wishing to play please be at the Little League field this Saturday at 2:30 p.m. for football. Girl Scouts Our plea for mothers to start a Brownie and Girl Scout troop has been answered and we hope can soon become a reality. Watch this column for move details. Blue Bundles Fran and Nickolas Di Blasi are the proud parents of a baby son who tipped the scales at 8 lbs. 16 oz., and is 21 inches long. His birth took place at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, on August 24. Young Michael Anthony has two brothers, Nickey, age 4, and Brian, age 3, who are mother's willing helpers. Michael's paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Di Blasi are In New York, while his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kuhn, are residents of Arlington Heights. We'd like to extend oursincerest best wishes to the proud family and God watch over young Mike, keep bim healthy and happy for his entire lifetime. nard who spent several days as a hospital patient again. Our wishes also go to Paul Schwegel who is a hospital patient and we hope Helen Strandquest's cold is much better and that Billy Eckhart'i five stitches necessitated from a dog bite are all healed and his leg is okay. Our best wishes also to Gladys Hafer who is laid up in bed with a lame foot. She slipped and fell coming out of the beauty parlor last Satur- Birthday Doings A birthday party for the two younger Humann girls, Meg and Barbara, was held Saturday with ice cream, cake and soft drinks being served to Grandpa and Grandma Humann, Don's brother and wife, Phil and Chuck, and their four children, Phillip, Charyl, Jim and Pete, his brother, George, and wife, Joan, and girls, Debbie and Patty, and his Uncle Harold McCuire and his Aunt Julia Smith. Last Saturday night marked a special event for three children. A triple birthday party wsa held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Slonina for Karen Slonina, age 8, Mark Slonina, age 1, and Joey Parisi, age 3. Three rounds of happy birthday were sung in the darkened kitchen, lit only by candle light. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parisi, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parisi and three sons, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Parisi, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cholewa and two daughters, Nancy Slonina, Carole Slonina and boy friend, Bob, Margaret Jean Parisi and Barbara Murphy. Welcome Party Lyda Radisch has told us to have all you ladies who have never attended a welcome party to mark your calenders now for Oct. 24 at 8:30 p.m. for the next welcome party. Newsletter Deadline Afly organizations wishing their news in the newslc ter please, get it to Lyda Radisch by this Saturday, Sept. 21, Birthday Wishes Our very best wishes go to the following people who are celebrating their birthdays next week, to Tee Bujak who celebrates Sept. 20, to Ray Bottari who will be 14 on Sept. 21, and to Sherry Jones who will be 13 also on the twenty-first to Billy Bates who will be 14 on the twenty-third, to Randy Funk who will be 2 on the twenty-scfcond and to David Wagner who will be 9 on the twenty-fourth. May you all have a very enjoyable day. Get-Well Wishes Our sincerest wishes go to each and everyone of the members of our subdivision who have been felled by the flu bug lately as well as to John Bar- New Residents We'd like- to extend a very warm welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marshall who are residents at 5109 W. Shore Drive. They were formerly residents of Michigan. We sincerely hope they find nothing but good health, happiness and many new friends in their new home. Parisi who celebrated on Sept. 10. . flfoap *4ih,' Trop 459 has haa Its first parents night for their new year. The meeting had twentyseven parents in attendance. Scoutmaster Druml explained to the parents that our troop will be unable to attend this fall's district camp-o-ree because of lack "Of necessary help. The date conflicts with the little league dance and as most Scout leaders are also incolved in Little League it's a-little impossible to be two places at once. They are planning a weekend camp-out to / White Pines state park however. Please, parents get your boys' insurance fee in so he'll be able to go camping. Several of the boys received new ranks at the meeting. Named Senior Patrol Leader was Dennis Druml, Jimmy Grothman was named Assistant Senior Patrol leader. Taking over the Hawk Patrol as patrol leader is Mike Daurio, his assistant is Kirk Links, who is also the troops new scribe. Walt Mrotz was named patrol leader of the Wolf Patrol while Russ Rode was made assistant patrol leader to the Dare Devils. Frank Ficek, Jr., was named as the troops second bugler. New Scout Larry Jensen received his neckerchief, Chuck Fernstrom and John Reining earned their tenderfoot patch and pinned a replica of their award on their mothers as did Jim Grothman, Frank, Jr., and Kirk Links who reached the rank of first class scout. The rank of Star scout has been reached for the first time in the troop. This rank requires five merit badges, and a good stiff board of review, Troop 459's first Star Scout is Dennis Druml and we would like to add our congratulations to all those Dennis has received. Hope he reaches his goal, Eagle Scout. Colors wefre retired and refreshments served by Agnes Prazak, Kay Druml, Vicky Bottari, Jane Grothman, Dottie Becker, Dolores Belaholvy, Arlene Bartos and Gloria Vanek. events. A style show which will be held at the Country Club on Nov. 13, and of course our annual Snow-ball dance, Dec. 7, to be held at the Johnsburg community hall. The report of the smorgasbord which was held in June was given by Toots Gerstad. The hall was decorated with hats to follow through with the crazy hat theme and most of the women had on a crazy hat. Our judges were introduced and presented with lovely corsages to show our appreciation for their coming. The final decisions were hard to come by as everyone had put a lot of work into their hats but they finally came up with the following: To Dottie Becker went first prize of a beautiful glass decanter, and to June Gilbertsen who had a hat of bakery goods went second prize, and third prize went to Delia Julian who had a real birds nest with birds fluttering around it. Bowling Neafcnti All couples of our mixed bowling league will meet at the community house on Thursday, Sept. 26 at 8:30 p.m. Condolences Our deepest sympathy as well as those of the entire community are extended to the David Ladd family on the recent loss of his mother. Togetherness Helen and Gene Kraskiewicz celebrated their twenty-eighth year of wedded bliss on Sept. 14. These two fun loving people enjoyed their very special day having a terrific time Also belated anniversary greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clean Up Day Results We want to commend the women who came out last Wednesday to help with the cleaning at the community house. The chores planned were not completed so we did what had to be done, the cupboards, dishes, etc., plus the windows and the drapes. We are getting new drapes in the near future and if every one will watch so that the tables and chairs are not pushed up against them they will last much longer. Women's Club Another Women's club meeting was underway at the community house last Thursday, with the discussion of coming Little League News To all of you who get tb& paper on Wednesday evening please, remember .tonight is election of officers so we hope there will be a good turn out. The date of the league's dance grows ever closer. You'll have a real good time and also be helping in one of the financial endeavors of the league, sp buy a ticket even if you don't use it, you'll be helping out. An other one of the Leagues Father-son banquets is scheduled for next month. This also is given gratis to the boys and their dads as is their yearly outing tc Sox Park. Strolling Through We Park Irv Becker escaped injury one night last week when his car started to burn as he drove to work. We're real glad Jrv wasn't hurt and that he noticed the fire in time, to prevent serious damage to his car. That was quite a mushroom the Bockman boys were diS' playing throughout last week, must have been the granddaddy of all mushrooms, it was that large. Lyda Radisch had her good friend, Florence Trew from Chicago, over for a few days. They enjoyed many extra cups of coffee and lots of gossip. Jessie and Nancy Matthews went to a wedding shower Friday evening fov Jessie's sister, Kathy. Nancy is. going to be a Junior bridesmaid for the coming wedding ana is quite excited about it. The Gerstuds spent a lovely weekend with Toot's folks at a cottage at Witter Lake in Wisconsin. Tom and Er!r»a Hountras had a Jot of visitors last week. On Sunday Mrs. L. Waldbart, Mrs. A. Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. O. Waldbart, and Mrs. T. Younghans. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. R. Malone came out from Chicago to spend a few days and on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. P. Pagalai from Arlington Heights spent the day with the Malones they told us of their trip to Europe. Both had spent 2 months abroad. Grandma Helen Strandquist helped granddaughter, Joyce Mahoney, celebrate her birthday on last Sunday. While she was at the party she missed a long distance phone^call from son, Larry, Jr. The Jack Oakford family attended the very beautiful wedding of Petey's brother, Duke Grondy on last Saturday. The nuptial mass was celebrated by a school chum of Pete's and Duke's at St. Bernadine's church in Forest Park. Breakfast was served at a hotel in Chicago. The entire wedding party visited Duke's mother at the hospital where she has been a patient for two weeks. Duke presented his mother with a white orchid corsage. Mrs. Grondy was very thrilled by everyone being allowed to visit. Pictures were also taken in her room. The evening reception for 300 guestp was held at the V.F.W. Hall in Forest Park. We'd like to wish the newlyweds many years of happiness and good luck. Charlene Wimmer had a McHenry Shores PARTY HONORS PAULINS MARRIED FIFTY YEARS By Beraice Wilson 385-4380 On the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary the Harry Paulins were taken to Christ the King church in Wonwer 1-ake where their wedding was blessed. Following the service friends and relatives gathered for a big dinner at their son's home and many lovely gifts were received. It was a busy, wonderful day and will be remembered for a long time. Birthday Wishes Best wishes for a happy day go to Gerald Morris on Sept. 20. Leonard Liss on the twentysecond, Robert Dobbertin, Sr., on the twenty-third and Nancy Lokay, Reva Peters arfa Timothy Wetzel on the twentysixth. third. May they all share many moij-e happy years together. Beach Duty ^ On Sunday morning. Sept. 22, Bill Corcoran will be coordinator for the beach detail and C. jSimonsen, D. Musielak, R. Barrows and E. Barden are on duty. There is only one more week to go on this job, so let's get on the ball. It has been reported to me that some days there are only one or two who show up which isn't fair to the men who go down to do the work assigned to them. If everyone puts in about one hour during the summer months the area will be neat and clean. New Baby for Kingstons Pat and Ken Kingston announce the birth, of their first daughter, Coleen JoAnn, born Sept. 5 and weighing in at 7 lbs, 6 oz. Coleen has a big brother at home to look out for Anniversaries Matthew 'Sam' and Julia Zeimet will be celebrating their thirty-third anniversary on Sept. 20, Emmet and Helen Barden and Ronald and Beverly Verstege on Sept. 21 and Tom and Pat Burke on Sept. twentyterrific surprise shower for her mother, Mrs. Charlotte Jourdan, in honor of her folks thirtieth wedding anniversary. The party was not only a terrific surprise but also a wonderful evening for the following sorority sisters of Mrs. Jourdan's; Carolyn Jourdan, Ruth Brown, Marie Haberkorn, Jean Carlson, Rose Baker, Lou Ryan, Dottie Kerrigan, Norma Hoch, Helen Candell, lsabelle Buckley and Mary Monahan. her. Congratulations to tttt family. News Briefs Tracy Brunke has won Chart prize in the portrait contest held in a local store. There were three other winners in this contest and the pictures submitted will be on display at the store for a month. Congratulations to Tracy for beipg chosen as winner. Don't forget Saturday, Sept. 21 is the SSAC steak cook out at the beach. You can get your tickets from any of the members or just come down. If you have been to any of the previous affairs you know how good the meal is and! liquid refreshments are included in the price of the ticket so hope to see you all. It takes a real old-timer to remember seeing a gal wa)k backwards into the wind. WATER SOFTENER SERVICE SAME DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES & MODELS • Service 9 Rebuilding • Repair 9 Cleaning Out • Overhauling • Installation O Reconditioning • Removal ALL WORK GUARANTEED WATER SOFTENER SALES NEW -- USED -- REBUILT 385-5566 ^Koieno WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES McHenry, Illinois by Russ Emerson If you were to draw a circle from the top of your eyes to the corners of your mouth and then across the bottom of your face, you would have what is very likely the most dangerous area of the entire human body for infection. In this particular area infection may spread two ways -- down into the glands of the throat or in toward the brain. For this reason, it is unwise to fool with blackheads, moles, pimples or any skin disturbance in this area. It is not unwise, however, to have your prescriptionsj f i l l e d a t M I L L S T R E A M DRUGS, INC. where quickness and quality are assured. We might point out that prescriptions are a specialty, not a sideline, at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC., 3720 West Elm -- Jewel Shopping Plaza. Phone 385-5067. If you have any questions regarding pharmacy or public health which you would like to have discussed in this column, write to Russ Emerson, c/o this paper. Household Hint: Rust problems in fabrics, bath tubs, enamel, chrome, tin, etc? A new product made in Denmark makes rust vanish quickly, jtasiiy and completely. Just apply with a cloth, wait until rust disappears, and rinse. Called "Magica Rust Remover," It's the best we've ever seen. It If available now at Millstream Drugs. WWTWvwr. going ' IIPBri'Jli going... ,,, mtwmzmmmmmmmwwmmMwmwy liiSIBBS: ""'"if • * % •I illilli ii ' ^ ' 4 s " S wmM i - ' '-«>T almost gone Dtn't ililss your last chance to save during Rambler's Savingest Days every economy run officially entered. Better hurry! Come in today and see how much you can save on America's best car values during your Rambler dealer's Savingest Days clearance of brand-new 1963 Ramblers! Join the Trade Parade to RAMBLER 6-V-8 Never before have so many people bought so many Ramblers so fast. Result: While we still have a good selection of factory-fresh 1963 Ramblers, they're going like wildfire. So, hurry in and take your choice: Luxurious Ambassador V-8s with up to 270- hp; roomy, new high-styled Rambler Classics --Six or 198-hp V-8; Rambler Americans that offer the 125-hp miles-per-gallon champ of SEIBEWklOTOR SALES^l W. Rt. 120, McHenry, III Reasons Why To See Us If You Need A Water System or Well 1. Only trained personnel in their respective Held of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps 7. Our men and machines are completely insured 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection 9. Parts available for all makes 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points 1L EAST MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON DISPLAY own. THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUBBPi Located in tho Village o£ McCullom Lake 2Vk miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry 885-5252 or Residence 885-0718 HARVEST FESTIVAL A BUMPER CROP OF OUTSTANDING VALUfS! Plenty of FREE Parking In Rear of Store STORE HOURS: Mon. - Tues. • Wad. • Than.. 9-5:30 Friday 9-9 Sat. 9-6 Closed Sundays Doefleeced Lined - Gaberdine Slacks • Sturdy Gaberdine # Bright Washfast Colors • Popular Boxer Styles # Warm, Neat Reg. $1.79 Value This Week Only HANDKERCHIEFS REO. $1.00 Pk* Hexachforophene Treated Against Germs FIBERGLASS AIR FILTERS * »0x2O4* »Mx2S.k 20x20-fo. e 20x25-in. fiet maximmm performance trom heating acid air coricRtionmg systems «iHi liters mat let air MR, keep dwt 8UW • Package of Tea Finest quality^ movtf cotton. About 17-in. sqpa*e» Neat hemstitched bowler* CHORE GLOVES REG. 59c 44c • Top Value Buy For Men! Double-thickness throughout, rubberized, sturdy. Rib-kni* cuffs. Men's size only. Tan. Tapestry Print CORDUROY x SNEAKERS To* Styh Vulcanized rubber sole and heel, cushion arch support MuJticoioc. $944 WASTEBASKET RIG. $1.9* • Crystal-Cut Styrene Beautiful deep-etched design. Choice of crystal dear, milk alass white or charcoal black. BOYS' LINED TWILL JACKET REG. *9.95 $788 * Machine Washablo ' Warm quilted lining, heavj knit collar, cuffs. Zipper. Our Reg. $1.19 Yard! First Quality line Wale $100 CORDUROY " j Women 's - Girls' STRETCH $199 Value - isun 8-18 Fall Colors and Black Ben Franklin McHENRY ILLINOIS I

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