Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Oct 1963, p. 10

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! Pkg»T« THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. October 3. 1963 Legal* NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS Not ice is hereby Riven to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, Mc- Henry County, Illinois, has certified to the County Court of MeHeniy County, Illinois, the cost of n local Improvement for the construction of h connected syssem of Hunitary sewers, Inciudloi: manhole*, stubs and all nec^imary appurtenances in Coon"> Heights and other street h, avenue*, and private and public place^adjacent thereto, known as the "Cooney HcinhtH l'isfrict Sewer Extension," in the Cily of MeHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, said certificate showing* the cost thereof, the amount estimated by them to be required to pay the accruing Interest on vouchers issued to anticipate collection of the assessment for said improvement and that the amount assessed upon the public and private property for the said local improvement does not exceed the cost of same, after allowing and deducting the amount required to pay the accruing Interest on vouchers issued to anticipate collection and further showing that the said improvement conforms substantially to the requirements of the original ordinance for the construction of same, except for roadway rehabilitation requirements of the contract, but the certificate and exhibits attached thereto establishing satisfactory completion requirements through an escrow agreement and other commitments assuring full compliance and satisfactory rehabilitation not later than July 1, 1964; an application having been made to the Court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true,' hearing of said certificate will be held pursuant to order of Court on the 21st day of October, 1963, at 11:00 A.M., CDST, or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring to do so may file objections in said Court before said day and may appear at the hearing and make their defense. DONALD P. DOHERTY President WILLIAM J. BOLGER HARRY M. CONWAY JOSEPH H. ETTEN LAWRENCE HUCK, Jr. THKODORE N. PITZEN RAYMOND L. SMITH Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. (Ptlb. Sept. 26, Oct 8, 1963) NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE) APPLICATION OF DEL) FREUND AND STATE) * BANK OF WOODSTOCK) AS TRUSTEE UNDER) TRUST NUMBER 936 FOR) CONDITIONAL USE PER-) MIT AND AMENDMENT) OF THE ZONING ORDIN-) ANCE OF McHENRY) COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ) Notice is hereby given in compliance with the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance that a public hearing will be had before the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals in connection with the application for Conditional Use Permit and amendment of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance for the following described property: The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian; also the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, and the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, (except that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East and West Quarter Section line that is 951.7 feet West of the East Quarter corner of said Section 31; thence West on a continuation of said Quarter Section line for a distance of 155.0 feet to a point; thence North at right angles to the last described line, for a distance of 180 feet to a point; thence East at right angles to the last described line, for a distance of 155.0 feet to a point; thence South at right angles to the last described line, for a distance of 180 feet to the place of beginning), In McHenry County, Illinois. Said property is located on the North side of Route 120, approximately two miles East of the Fox River, and is the site of the gravel mining, crushing, grading, washing and hauling operation that has been conducted thereon for twelve CLAIM FOR AID. TRANSPORTATION ARE REPORTED Stale Releases Amounts Certified To Sch<x>l Districts State Supt. of Public Instruction Ray Page has released the claims for state aid due the various school districts in the state for the 1962-63 school years. The McHenry county total reached $1,237,514.20. Individual claims in this area included McHenry high school, $.'15,981.12; McHenry grade school, $166,117.13; Spring Grove, $2,832.69; Johnsburg, $19,399; Ringwood, $3,466.05; and Harrison, $57,280.84. Throughout the state, total claims amounted to $174,720,- 800.72, or 4 per cent less than the estimated claim submitted by the schools in January. Of the total, $91,074.28 has been paid to the schools, with the balance of the claims to be paid in six monthly installments. The money already paid was deducted from funds appropriated by the 72nd General Assembly, with the balance to be paid from the $371,000,000 appropriated for the current biennium. The amount of claim is bassed on the average daily attendance of the schools and the assessed valuation of the school district. The state foundation level is $252 per pupil. McHenry county's share of state reimbursement for part of the cost of transporting school pupils in the state for 1962-63 was $180,407.95. Total claims to 102 counties is based on the number of miles travelled and the number of pupils transported during the school year. Payments are made to the county superintendents of schools, who then distribute the funds to the respective school districts. GIRL SCOUTS Welcome readers! As you can see, this is an entirely new column and a new venture in Girl Scouting. This column will appear on the last Thursday of each month and will contain all the news of girl scouting in our area. Each Girl Scout troop is welcome to have its scribe submit an article about their activities each month and thus keep us all up to date on their doings. The monthly Valley View neighborhood meeting was held on Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 1 p.m. in the American Legion hall and attendance totaled approximately twenty-five. Of the many leaders present, some of course, were brand new. Most of the troops are getting started for the year, and as always, we are looking for all the help we can get. Anyone interested in girlhood of America (our Girl Scouts) is welcome to any of our troop meetings or our neighborhood ^neeting. The next neighborhood meeting will be held on Oct. 16th at 1 p.m. in the American Legion hall. Anyone who has a Girl Scout uniform she is interested in disposing of is asked to please bring it to any of the neighborhood meetings. And if you are looking to attain one, this is also the place to go to secure it. There will be a junior round table session held on Oct. 9, at the American Legion hall from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., given by Mrs. Avis Gans. If you plan on attending, please bring a nosebag lunch and a cup for your coffee. Also, to you new leaders, there will be basic group leadership training course given at Crystal Lake on Oct. 15, 17, 22 and 23. Be sure to get your registration for same into council without delay. There are also other dates that this course will be given at different locations. Please consult your Sybaquay council news for more details. This column may seem short this time, but like all good things, we plan on growing. See you next month with all the news of your Girl Scouts. years; the Petition requests issuance of a Conditional Use Permit under Section 15, Paragraph C-7 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the continuation of such use for an additional period of ten years. Said hearing will be held on Wednesday, November 13, 1963 at the hour of 3:00 P.M. in the City Hall at McHenry, Illinois, at which time and place any person desiring to be heard may be present. Dated this 27th day of September, 1963. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By: John Looze, Chairman Attorneys for Petitioners: Joslyn, Parker, Kell & Conerty 116 Benton Street Woodstock, 111. Telephone: 338-1135 (Pub. Oct. 3. 1963) CONGRESSIONAL GROUP HEARS ATWOOD REPORT Congressman Robert McClory reported from Washington that a statement by Burton H. Atwood of Crystal I^ake has been received by the Sub-committee on Natural Resources and Power investigating water pollution. Mr. Atwood, a long-time conservationist who held national office in the Izaak Walton League of America, served most recently on the technical committee of the Public Health services investigating the water resources of the Great Lakes-Illinois River basin. Mr. Atwood declared in his statement to the committee: "When we conservationists decided, in the middle 40's, that the only way to solve this problem was by federal legislation, we were opposed by many state administrators who had iailoftl to accomplish the job for which they were paid. At that time, irinustry did not have the enlightened outlook which h^s come since they got interested in their • 'corporate image.' We only wanted Uncle Sam in the background with a big stick ready to swat those who failed to do their job. "We found, to our sorrow, that Uncle Sam doesn't stay in the background and, as taxpayers, we are horrified by the hundredfold increase in appropriations between 1956 and 19963 and the sevenfold increase in personnel because we still see jxillution on every side. "Residents of my own McHenry county recently found that the underground water was polluting hundreds^, of wells and traced it to ^septic tank cleanings being dumped 'into an abandoned gravel pit. I i heir pleas for help to the state sanitary engineer brought ;the reply that he thought it was a good place to dump. The citizens managed to get ihe gravel pit closed off and now they find the sludge is 'K>ing dumped into a swampy area from which it drains into j the Fox River ... j "Most of us taxpayers don't | know whether the township, II he county, the state of IIlinois or the federal government is responsible. All we j know is that we are paying j someone to do this job and it j is not being done -- we are being gypped . . . ! "Most conservationists think that Uncle Sam should still be in the background with a big stick -- and authority to use it when necessary -- but that his first job is to furnish moral backing, and some prodding, to the local agencies charged with doing the jbb. The Division of Water Pollution Control hands out some 5 million dollars a year To strengthen state and interstate water pollution control programs.' It would seem prudent to require such agencies to meet some standard of performance to qualify for these grants. Let's use 'seduction by subsidy' to get the job done." Congressman McClory complimented Mr. Atwood for his statement and noted Mr. Atwood's long experience with water pollution problems and their effect on wildlife. The water pollution hearings held recently in the Chicago- Waukegan-McHenry area are to be resumed next week in New England, where hearings are scheduled for Hartford, Conn. Further hearings on dates not yet determined are planned for the Pacific Northwest, the lower Colorado River HEADS MARCH OF DIMES DRIVE Robert C. Liebenow of Chicago, president of the Chicago Board of Trade, will serve as Illinois volunteer state chairman of the 1964 March of Dimes, Basil O'Connor, president of the National Foundation, announced in New York. Mr. Liebenow will direct thousands of volunteers during the Jan. 2-31 annual March of Dimes campaign in this state to raise funds for medical care of those afflicted with birth defects or with arthritis, and to support research into the Valley ajld possibly other sections of the nation. After the hearings are completed, a comprehensive report and leaifiative recommendation are exacted to result. ROBERT LIEBENOW cause and cure of these crippling conditions. Sometimes, also, once is more than enough. « kV A & P ' S P E R - R I G H T T O P Q U A L I T Y SIRLOIN STEAKS Excess Fat and Wedge Bow Removed A "Steak Man's" steak! Rich, lean beef with lust enough fat laced through it to make it juicy tender! e How can it be anything else -- it's "Supex-Bight Quality Sirloin Steak. Every one of In fine steaks is carved from sides ot Western beef. Round Steak RUMP ROAST PORTERHOUSE TBONE OR CUIB STEAKS fkfk 5151 Sirloin Tip or Round-Boneless Rollod and Tiod RIB ROAST 1st thru 4th Ribs 795H75 Chuck Roast Super-Right »79' u Smoked Butts ' 'H[b *59* y Fancy Shrimp *79' Freestone Peaches Cottage Cheese Pict Rips Mixed Pieces Cream Rich 3 2 29 Ox. Cans Lb. Ctn. "ameco Sliced 79 39 Cake Mixes Pie 12-oz cans EM*L EMM Gr<d* A Sunny- « doi. $|00 I amrlinnn Mont 100 rrtin *99* brook Small Size in ctn. • WWlCllWII "lCVl Bake 'N* Serve Biscuits 6 ££ 49c Facial Tissue™ 2 .fJoo 29* 3 LB. BAGS A&P COFFEE Apple Potato Chips TwinPack Beet Sugar White, Yellow, Marble Devils Food or Honey Spice--Ann Pago Jane Parker--Reg. 4* 4 19 Oz. Pkgs. Cheddar Cheese 69V f size 99 39 G.W. Brand Imx lb. Sandwich Cookies 3 *1" Jane Parker i-fc. 5 E. 59* Baby Foed^vUS 4£t 25' SAVE 20* EIGHT O'CLOCK MILD AND MELLOW 39 Lb. Bag *1 «». $1.59 RED CIRCLE 3K. *1S1 Reg. $1.71 B0KAR 3^ $157 COFFEE Reg. $1.77 RED POTATOES 1 0 2 9 U.S. No. 1 Northern Grown 50=99* Chopped Beef Star Kist Tuna Rice Melanese Rice Provence Armour's Star 12-oi Brand can tight Meat 614-oz. Chunk Style can Betty Crocker 5-or. Brand pkg. Betty Crocker 5V&-oz. Brand pkg. Betty Crocker UV£-ox. | Brand pkg. 55c 33c 49< 49< 59c Ballard Biscuits Wyandotte Olives Crisco Shortening Gusto Crackers Just Pop Into the Oven large Ripe B-iit 29' 35* Chicken Variety 7-or. can 7c Off Sale Pure #| lb. AA| Vegetable i|'« 09 Laundry or Dishes Nabisco Brand 8Vi*ez. New _l_ Snack Item P"®* Flavorkist Cookiesft 39 Or Macaroni Spaghetti Red Cross PHIstary Biscuits i 7-or. pkgs. Oven A S-oz. Ready y 27c pkgs. 29C CANNED VEGETABLE SALE! I • MP's Finest Fancy Sauerkraut i-t». • A&P's Whole Kernel Golden Corn 17 oz. e lona Select Ripe Tomatoes vle. . • lona Select Green Peas ir oz. £ • A&P's Golden Cream Style Com ir oz. • lona Select Cut Green Beans ism oz. MIX OR MATCH for SAVB UP to 35c P0RK&BEANS Sultana Fine Quality or Ann Page Red Kidney Beans Al-Po Bog Food Surf Detergent Breeze Detergent Rinso Blue Detergent Sta-Puff Rinse Liquid Rinse Fab Detergent 53c 28' Perfect forj-lb., 6-oz. A4|» pkl. Ol 14'/a-or. cans rag. pkg. 5c Off rag. size 30° 5c Off Label £44° Sta-Puff 10c Off Vt gal. bti. 7» Washday Favorite *£P'Sf R0ZE^YEGET£!tE SALE SAVE CASH AND PLAID STAMPS TOO! • Cut Green Beans IO-Oi. French Cut Creen leant IO-Oi. • Baby Lima Beans lt-Oz. > Fordhook Lima Mans lt-Oz. i Broccoli Spears le-Oi. i Cauliflower It-Os. i Mixed Vegetables 1t-C> • Green Peas • Chopped Br - • Cut Corn • Peas ft Cirrati • French Fries • Crinkle Cut Prlet BUY 5 GET 1 ALL PU£fiS EfrlCJiVE 7HBU OCT. 5. '.963 _

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