Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Oct 1963, p. 23

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Thursday, October 3,1963 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pag© Pisiakee Highlands PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION RESIGNS POST Kay Sleltoeb HYatt 9-8414 At the regular annual board of directors meeting, president Thomas Warczak offically resigned. The new slate of officers for the next term of office will be: President, Milton Crosdale; vice-president, Bill Lange; treasurer, DeWitt Rapp; financial secretary, Betty Warczak; Secretary, Lee Conway; sergeant- at-arms, Henry Bolens; and road commissioner, Thomas Warczak. The new slate of officers took over their first meeting, Oct. 2. The board was sad to have Tom resign and they thanked him for all he had done for the association and our community. We are §ure Tom will enjoy being just Tom again, he has worked very hard and poured many hours of work in to his office and he deserves a big hand and we wish him every luck in what ever he does. If every one will support the new slate of officers as they did the past ones, much could be accomplished. Every year sees many new improvements in our community and it is forging ahead very progressively. celebrated very quietly with members of the family. We all join in wishing Hank and Marge many more years together. I hope you were flooded with cards and good wishes oa your special day the best to you both. St. John's Notes The St. John's Home and School association held its first monthly meeting Sept. 23. The following women were elected to offices: Mrs. Gerald Brennan, president, Mrs. Thomas Huemann, vice-president, the two from the Highlands holding offices are: Rosemary Lutz, secretary, and Beverly Lewandowski treasurer. The women from the Highlands who are chairmen for the hot lunches are: Rose Farwell, Lee Conway and Betty Warczak. Room mothers were assigned and they need women for playground supervision any day from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Any mother interested in taking a day may, call any of the officers and they will be happy to assign a day to you The C.Y.J, held its meeting Sept. 29 at 7:30 p.m. in the Johnsburg community club. All high school students are most welcome to attend these meetings. Plans for the bowling league were made and the club has some interesting events for its members this year. A reminder to all members of the Blessed Virgin Sodality, to bring in as many new members as they can for the Oct. 13 investiture. Mount Hope Church Notes Reverend and Mrs. Doenecke have taken a home in Whispering Hills, on Jasper Street and will be moving in the first week in October. Reverend Doenecke held his first services as Pastor of Mount Hope church Sunday, Sept. 29. The regular monthly board meeting was held Sept. 23 and they are looking forward to working with Reverend Doenecke. Sept. 19, the executive board of the Women's Society of Christan Service attended the fall rally at the First Methodist church in Crystal Lake. The workshop clinic was held from 9:45 a.m. until 2:24 p.m. the members from Mount Hope who attended the afternoon workshop clinic were: President Shirley Wiley, vice-president Phyliss Meckley, treasurer Delores Oakley and recording secretary Delores Gregg. The girls enjoyed a social and very instructive afternoon. Sept. 18 the first prayer meeting was initiated and was well attended. It is hoped more folks will attend the weekly prayer meeting to be held every Wednesday, from 7:30 to 8 p.m. After the prayer meeting the regular weekly choir practice will be held. Any member of the church is most welcome to join the choir. Sept. 27 a group of women from the church attended the Harvest Home Festival at the Lake Bluff Children's Home. The girls enjoyed a delicious luncheon and spent hours browsing around all the bazaar booths. All monies realized from the big affair will, go to the Children's home. The Women's Society of Christian Service is busy preparing for their big bazaar to be held Nov. 2. Items for the bazaar will be greatly appreciated. If you are handy making things, this is your chance to make up some nice items and help your church at the same time. Road Construction Under Way On Broadway Last week Broadway was getting a new face lifting, road graders, levelers, etc., were busy preparing Broadway for a new face. The stretch to be paved will extend from Fox Lake Road into Round Hill subdivision, the street is being widened and draining ditches will be made. The residents on this stretch of Broadway are very enthused about their good fortune. Let's" hope some day all of Broadway will be paved. News Of Your Friends And Neighbors Birthday greetings go to Dorothy Forslin who celebrates her birthday Oct. 5, and to Victor Fick who celebrates his eighth birthday Oct. 9. Donald Jenkins celebrated his fifth birthday Sept. 27 and his playmates in the neighborhood along with a few of his chums from kindergarten helped him celebrate with a nice party. Donald is very proud to be going to school and he is eager to get there every day. Friends and neighbors extend their deepest sympathies to Herb Lindemann, whose mother, Minnie Lindemann, passed away Sunday, Sept. 22 in Iowa. She passed away while rocking in the chair waiting for fter daughter to come back with the mail. The family was deeply shocked as she was very active. Mrs. Lindemann was 77 years young. Visitation was held at the Lain and Sons Chapel at 5501 N. Ashland in Chicago. Funeral services were held at 1:30 p.m. at the Bethesda Lutheran church, 2449 W. Farwell. Interment was in Concordia cemetery, Wednesday, Sept. 25. Sept. 21 Diana Murgatroyd and her children spent the day in Maywood, visiting Diana's parents and doing a little shopping. Dick and Haze Morley had a busy weekend, Sept. 21. They entertained Dick's sister, Helen, and hubby, Don, from Round Lake. On Sunday they spent the day going to auctions with Lee and Harriet Marshall from Johnsburg. Joe, Liesl and Georgie Hanisch spent Sept. 21 in Chicago visiting with Joe's parents and doing some big city shopping. Joan Malek returned to school last Thursday after being home with a severe case of tonsillitis. Mamma Jane was busy keeping her entertained. Joan was happy to be back with her kindergarten class. Louise Jacobsen spent a couple of weeks in Roselle, 111., taking care of her mother-inlaw who is very ill with heart trouble. Congratulations to Dick and Bobbie Doppke who were blessed with a pink bundle from Heaven Sept. 19. The baby girl was born at St. Therese hospital and has been named Michele. The Doppkes have lived in the Highlands for two months. They purchased the Schultz home on Woodland Drive. Along with the congratulations we welcome them to the Highlands. Sunday, Sept. 29, Don and Audrey Morin and kiddies spent the day in Chicago with Don's parents to help celebrate Audrey's birthday and their anniversary which was Oct. 1, and to help celebrate Don's mother's birthday which was Oct. 2. They enjoyed a very delicious dinner and a huge cake to honor all three events. The Steve Petrovs entertained their family over the Sept. 21 weekend. The weekend of Sept. 28 they were in Skokie with Steve's sister. The time is getting short for Steve's sister to return to Yugoslavia. She has loved every minute of her time in America, but like all of us, there is no place like home and she is getting anxious to return to her homeland. Sept. 22 found the following families enjoying the Lake Region Post 703 picnic: Murgatroyds, Jenkins, Wilsons, Waldins, Heirs, Orlowskis, Staudenmaiers, Seldons, Zenners, Sarvers, and the Erbins. Every one had a grand time and enjoyed the delicious food. Hank and Betty Zenner and their kiddies enjoyed a camping trip to Savanna Sept. 20 and 21. Best wishes to Agnes Wroblewski who underwent surgery Sept. 20 at St. Therese hospital. I am happy to report she is coming along fine but slowly and we all hope to see her back in the Highlands real soon. Keep the cards coming, they help so very much. Belated birthday greetings go to Jerry Janquart who celebrated his birthday Sept. 24, with his family. Kay Reilly enjoyed a visit with her sister, Stella Malinowski, from Chicago. Sept. 23, Ellie Wroblewski entertained the following gals in her home for a demonstration: Mary Seldom, Mrs. Trent, Kay Reilly and her sister, Stella, Irene Kolan and her daughter, Marilyn, Harriet Wilson and her daughter, Barbara, Mrs. Jamuson and her neighbor, Marie, from Pistakee Hills, Mrs. Herman, Anna Cohrs, Dorothy Jenkins, Terry Pfingsten and her neighbor, Frances Groth, and Blanche Haefliger. Ellie served delicious* apple slices, chocolate nut bars, coffee and punch, Ellie loves to fuss and everything was served so beautifully. Sept. 18 through the twentieth Ellie and Ted Wroblewski entertained Ellie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Benatti. and her brother, Vincent, Jr., from Oaklawn. They were busy looking over the area in hopes of ing this area their home which would be very nice for the whole family. , Saturday evening, Sept. 28, was a night of dancing for many of the folks in the Highlands. Some attended the dance at the community center, the others in McHenry at the American Legion home for the benefit of the Little League. From all reports both dances were very successful. Spankuch, will be celebrating-; troop: Carol Staudenmaier, her birthday. This past week was a lost one for me, Saturday, Sept. 21, while tieing the boat to the pier, a boat hot rodder came down the channel full speed ahead, with the big wave I lost my balance and fell in the boat and tore the ligaments in my right leg and knee, so I have been hobbling around with the aid of a cane. I never knew a leg could swell so big, I didn't get anything done around the house, but I sure did get a lot of phone calls for news. My neighbor, Liesl Hanisch, served us a delicious dinner oh Sunday. It is a blessing to such grand neighbors, not only did she cook the dinner she brought it over and set the table for us. This being laid up is murder, I would much rather be working around the house and walking on my own. A huge orchid to Jane Malek who has signed up as a volunteer worker every Wednesday at the McHenry hospital. She started her first day Sept. 25. Jane will put in a full day and I am sure every patient under her care will feel brighter and more cheerful, Jane has such a great sense of humor and such a sunny disposition. Jane has three daughters in school and to fill in her days she has done something she has long wanted to do. Good luck Jane and I know you will enjoy every minute of it. Bill and Emma Rosengart recently enjoyed a family reunion. Eighteen of Emma's family were on hand for a very delicious dinner. The gang enjoyed boating, games and cards. Happy birthday wishes to Bill Rosengart who celebrated his birthday, Oct. 1. Sorry we were late Bill but I know you had a grand birthday. Oct. 7, Bill's granddaughter, Shirley Teen Club News A special meeting of the Teen Club was held Monday, Sept. 23, at the community center. The Teen club welcomed the following new members: Tom Hawk, Skip Bauer, Larry Marx, Tom Brill, Patricia Kosick, Chris Zelinski. A nominating committee was elected and the members of the committee are: Dale Bolens, Ricky Ferris and Shirley Spankuch. The next meeting will be held Oct. 7, at which time the election of officers for the Teen club will be held. Please be on hand to vote for your favorite candidate and to enjoy a social evening. Girl , Scouts The Girl Scout Troop welcomes Mi-s. Russel Jensen as a committee mother. There are now twenty-five members in the Girl Scouts. The Scouts, took an all day hike Sept. 28. They took Ringwood P.oad to the Johnsburg-Wilmot Roiad, turned right and went to the Arthur Thelen farm. While on the hike the girls had to cook part of a meal. After their visit at the farm they hiked back down Broadway. This hike will help them enrn thoir Gypsy Badges. It was a grand day i~or the girls who really enjoyed the day outdoors and thoy hoj>e for continued nice weather. Brownie Notes The first fall meeting of the Brownies was held at the community center Sept. 24. The older members welcomed the following new members to their PROFEJ^lOnfll DIRECT0RV DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician 3327 West Elm Street Office Phone: 385-0743 Residence Phone: 385-0347 Hoars: Mon., Tues., Wed. A FrL 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. KARL B. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm * Lite Ik Representing COMPANIES When Yon Need Insurance of Any Kind Phone ttff-0043 or 885-0953 129 W. Elm St., McHenry, III DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: 385-0186 Res. Phone: 385-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Toes. A FrL Evenings 6:90 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-64 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Vt Mile South of Rt. 12 on Structural Steel and Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Phone 385-0950 8-68 Water Supply Programs Richmond 673-7491 Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Christine Thelen, Susan Zil ligen, Jamie Malek, Patty Lewandowski, Donna Krispin. Debra Rosenquist, Lynn Goll and Susan Becker, and Patty Bourbon. The older members are Grace Jones, Joyce Malek, Theresa Bauer, Alice Wilson, Joyce Murgatroyd, Marie Kielch. The Brownies will meet every Tuesday after school. Mrs. Jane Malek has consented to work as Mrs. Wilson's assistant and it is a great help to Mrs. Wilson and she is most grateful for Jane's help this year. The girls enjoyed their first meeting very much. Last Minute. Items. Sept. 24 Harriet Wilson and Anna Cohrs spent the afternoon visiting with Harriet's mother, Agnes Wroblewski, at St. Therese hospital. Sept. 28 Joe and Lie&l Hanisch, job and Eva Van Empel. John and Margaret Kapolnoky attended the German October Fest irt Burlington, Wis. All three, couples are here from Germany and the October Fest is one of the biggest highlights every year in Germany. No matter how content they are here in America there are still things and loved ones they miss and they are very happy to have found a bit of their homeland here in America. They really enjoyed the two day Fest. The Jay Story family have rented their home on Lake street and have moved back to Chicago. The new tenants are relatives of the Stanley Darmodys and we hope they will be very happy in the Highlands. The executive board of tlu Johnsburg P.T.A. met at the home of Hazel Morley Oct. 1. Hasel served 'some very delicious snacks and after the meeting they enjoyed a relaxing discussion. Extra fancy congratulations to James and Shirley Dyson who became the proud parents of a baby girl, th'.ir first child. Baby Lynn Michele was born Sept. 25, at 2:45 a.m. in Victory Memorial hospital in Waukegan She weighed in at seven pounds. James' mother has been staying with them for a while and she is really thrilled oyer her new grandchild. The very best to all three Dysons. Fritz and Sally Jo VonBruenchenheim accompanied Betty and Corkie Zenrler on their camping trip to the Mississippi Palasaides Park, in Savanna, last weekend. ATTENTION PLEASE' The Sunday school rally day of the Mount Hope Methodist church will be held Oct. 6. Star of Light awards will be presented to the children for perfect attendance. Promotion certificates will also be awarded to the classes. Promotions for classes will be assigned to the children, please have the children there for their awards. My neighbor have been doing many kind things for me all week and I hop? in another week to be getting around perfect. Your cheery cards made my days brighter. Until next week please be kind to one another and may God take a special liking to you all. I hope you enjoy the long column this week. It has been a life saver for me. * MECHANIC TRAINING Gov. Otto Kerner has announced plans for a pre-apprenticeship training program for automobile mechanics and body and fender repairmen. The training program will prepare men between the ages of 18 and 35 for employment as auto mechanics and body and fender repairmen in state of Illinois garages. The program was developed in accordance with provisions of the Manpower Development and Training Act in which the federal government will pay the training costs amounting to approximately $13,170. TMs 'includqt -institutional an<J , oti-the-joji training. The announcements and application blanks tat available from the offices of the Personnel Department, 121 State Capitol, Springfield; 160 N. LaSalle St., Chicago; 2liJM 14th St., Herrin; and local offices of the Illinois St&t? Employment Service. Candidates will be given aptitude and oral tests. The aptitvtffp, tests are scheduled for 8:30 a,m., Oct. 5 at Brown's Buklness college, 611 E. Monroe St., Springfield. Auto Insurance Cancelled? NO ONE REFUSED -- ANY AGE 1 Reasonable Rates * Financial Responsibility Filings Stay out of "Pool Insurance" and have Full Coverage' TEENAGE INSURANCE --j Full Coverage JAN-MAR INSURANCE 385-7667 Peter WJ. ^uiten Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 385-0063 Waldlns Celebrate Anniversary Hank and Marge Waldin celebrated 30 years of wedded bliss Sept. 27. The Waldins finding a home here and mak- Registered Professional GORDON E. SERGANT Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. 81 Johnsburg - Wilnjot Road 11-63 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined--Glasses Fitted 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. 4b FrL 4:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tues., Thurs. & FrL Eve. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No Hours on Wednesday Contact Lenses Phone 385-2262 8-ar Everybody out of the rut ... the *6* / Buieks are here! Buick Skylark: A very personal car with a flair for acti * in 3 m w looks, new ga*>»»ving engine. Probably 1964't best full-size value Our happiest problem for '64 was: how to beat a winner? According to thousands of owners, the 1963 models just about had it made in all departments. But--when your name is Buick--you just don't rest on your laurels. You keep pushing to make a great car greater. So . . . the '64 Buicks are new--but new. New engines, V-6 or V-8 (you'll like their new gas economy), new, smoother, extra-cost option, Super Turbine Transmissions (and who, but Buick, would build in an altitude compensator?). Youngest looking Fisher Bodies in town I Visit a showroom, sit In any one of the new Buicks, and practice this short easy line: "My Buick." Sounds good, doesn't it? .above mil, they're BMJiCKSt SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALER. AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALERS IN THIS AREA: R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES, 1109 North Front V

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