I * •«!».«£* NATIONAL M FOOD STORES Wa Reserve fit* Ri<JM <° IMt Quantities . . . p'ict' Effective thru Oct. IJth w Chicago and Illinois Subarbaa Stores Only COLORADO CORN-FED BEEF AT NATIOHAL CHUCK MUST S§§§$ 200 EXTRA S&H STAMPS Witk This Coupon and tHe Purchase of One 5-Lb. Size STAR CANNED HAM WHAT AM mit Ona Coupon Par Cuitomtr -- Coupon Expires Oct. 12th -- RIB MtSy For k»»g ^Voait **»'« 11 Co,°* temp*'"9 "J ja.jf at »tt b«». rado Corn-Fed Beet aT T»t thru 5*h RN» S§§§S§SH5S§§§SJ ( 100 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One 3-Lb. Size ARMOUR STAR HAM WHAT AM Limit Ona Coupon Par Customer -- Coupon Expires Oct. 12th -- PEImwood Form Quality Prime TURKEYS FISH AND SEAFOOD SO FRESH 3>° <"-il00 FISH STICKS . SMOKED-CHUBS . . lk- 55® / mssm Taste Tempting CHUCK STEAK . • L' b. 49* Round tone CHUCK ROAST . • Lb. 59* Boneless CHUCK ROAST • Lb. • 69# i Boneless^. . . Rolled Baaf BOSTON ROAST • 79° 1 Lb. • Colorado Corn - Ftd Ittf o » o 0 0 RIB STEAK . • -Lb. BEST BLADE CUT Lb. ... i Mi<n»i iMWiirir[iiniiff|i MDfeKM THI FIFTH WIETS COUPOlT FROM NATIONAL'S COUFOH BOOKLET FOR HUNDREDS OF EXTRA S & H STAMPS M EXTRA STAMPS with H>« P«rcli«a <* »5 00 or Mwt . . Excluding tha Purchase ol Alcoholic Beverage' Cigar»IWB - THIS WIIK'S COUPON GOOD FOR SO IXTtA S * H SMMM With tha Purchase of $2.50 or Mora M E A T 10 IXTtA SIH GRffN STAMPS With tha Purchase of On# 2 Lb. Can NATCO VAC PAK COFHt 35 EXTtA S 1 H GREEN STAMPS With tha Purchase of Ona l2-o*. Pkg. TOP TASTE MOWNIES 2S DPHA S * M GREEN STAMPS With tha Purchase of On. 4 Roll P*ck IATHROOM VANITY FAIR TISSUE 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS Wit* This Coupon and the Purchase of Ona 3-oz. Jar NATCO VANILLA EXTRACT Limit Ona Coupon Par Cuitomar -- Coupon Expires Oct. 12th -- 4th and 7th Rib *•••* Elmwood Farm quality turkeys art better ba« causa they ara selected from only tha finost (Broad Breasted Flocks) In tha northarn grow* ing country. OSCAR MAYER "JUST CANT BEAT THAT NATIONAL MEAT" U.S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED CHOICE I UAIN I dcAI I MAI INAMUINAL MtAI LEG 0LAMB 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One 4-oz. Can NATCO GROUND PEPPER Limit On. Coupon Par Cuitomar -- Coupon Expiret Oct. 12th -- I4RS. PAUL'S FISH STICKS . MRS. PAUL'S . _ 7-«. MINIATURE CRAB . ».'• MRS. PAUL'S tel. FRIED CLAMS . . »>• S5 39# SLICED BACON HILLSIDE 49* SLICED BACON lb.' lb. +x.. <;v»f LAMB RIB CHOPS Lb. 89e Genuine Spring Lamb LOIN CHOPS .... Lb. 98' Choice Lamb SIRLOIN CHOPS . . Lb. 79° Lamb BUHa SHOULDER CHOPS . Lb. 49' Boneless . . . Rolled SHOULDER ROAST . Lb. 69' U. S. Inspected Choice Lamb BREAST or RIBLETS . Lb. 19' * T" T h i s g a n u i S p r i n g L a m b wifll perk any meal. Et piece is valuway £Ut and trimmed! 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One 1-Lb. Box PRINCE MOSTACCIOLI 522222223302 s Coupon 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS I With This Coupon and Purchase of One 20-oz. Jar GRAPE TOP TASTE JELLY or JAM Coupon ' ,> w SO FRESH SALAD DRESSING H1W IRA--Assorted Low Calorie BEVERAGES. . . White or As 9t. Jumbo Rolls Facial Tissue . . . White or Assorted Colors IK Off Label--STA PUP LAUNDRY RINSE Hlf. Gal. 75. NATCO -- Rod No. ft ft KIDNEY BEANS Oc.°.!. *1°° paper SCOT TOWELS.. SALE f~* COTTIES 3mg\* SCOTT -- Assorted +% 60-ct. *%#%< Ron. 4Qe FAMILY NAPKINS . 2 »'<• 29 ASSORTED BATHROOM SCOTT TISSUE iMINuff Quick or Regular QUAKER OATS REGUtAk OATS. t • v ' v IB-ox. . Box sorfe *d Colors 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One 8-oz. Bit. MILANI SALAD DRESSING Limit Ona Coupon Par Customar -- Coupon Expires Oct. 12th -- ,100 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One 9-oz. Jar YE OLDE TAVERN SHARP CHEESE Limit Ona Coupon Par Cuitomar -- Coupon Expires Oct. 12th -- FRESH MARGARIN KRAFT'S Famous Cheese Spread VELVEETA.... 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One 16-oz. Pkg. FALBO SCARMORZE CHEESE Coupon 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One 14-o:, Pkg. VIC DAMONE CHEESE PIZZA Tfswn TREASURE CAYE BLUE 4-ox. CHEESE pk* Sliced American NATCO CHEESE Limit Ona Coupon Par Customar -- Coupon Expiras Oct. 12th -- " z m *•: Fill your freezer during these low, low prices. GARDEN FRfcSH Frozen Vegetables • Broccoli Cuts • Butter Beans • Cum • Mixed Vegetables • Peas • Peas & Carrots i|00 10-or. Pkgs. IB -5Sv^ DAWN DEW" FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES Juicy Fresh Flavor CALIFORNIA VALENCIA 3f' ^ m m ^ ' ' ' . < ? . r{ul E^inq Dew IDAHO VA-" POTATOES FRENCH FRIES. • • 2-Lb. $ Pkg»' 00 m MELONS • 49° SAVE CASH BOLERO 9-ox. Orange THERM-O-CUP . 29 With This Coupon and a $5.00 .or Mora Purchase Price Without Coupon $1.00 limit Ont Coupon Par Family- •r-Coupon Expires Oct. 12th -- BOLERO ORANGE THERM-O-CUP This WaakS c , it Orange and it'* Tl .>lh4 for . . . Only tmm JM ~ With Coupon and 55 cr Mi l ! a.ihase Fresh MUSHROOMS Lb" 4! RIPE GOLDEN BANANAS Doz. 129' • Lbs Nutritious and Delicious SWcET POTATOES Lb. 10 J/f r*P*Tr.uit TOP TASTE--Made with Dairy Fresh Buttermilk WHITE BREAH f """PPI.-G,. "B*Y'S uttrs " I N K . , . 1 ( 1 ' r o u t . » • - " « t t SO EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One Giant Box EASY LIFE DETERGENT 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With Tbis Coupon and the Purchase of One 3-Lb. Pkj. of C O I L AY 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of 15-oz. Can SPRAYWAY GLASS CLEANER Limit Ona Coupon Par Customar -- Coupon Expires Oct. 12th -- Limit Ona Coupon Par Customer -- Coupon Expiras Oct. 12th -- Limit Ona Coupon Par Customar ^-Coupon Expiras Oct. 12th--« foisnjnex xasntddax. SSSSSSSaSS®^; 100 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of Om SPLIT TIP BROOM 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of Quart Bottle of CLO SOFT LAUNDRY RINSE Limit Ona Coupon Par Customar -- Coupon Expiras Oct. 12th -- 100 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of 46-oz. Can GLO COAT FLOOR WAX Tfnrmm Limit Ont Coupon P«r Customer -- Coupon Expires Oct. 12th -- 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Sbupon and the Purchase of One tOLL-O-MATIC SPONGE MOP limit Ont Coupon Per Cusfomtr Coupon Expires Oct* 12th--* limit Ont Coupon PerCustomtp M Coupon Expires Oct* I2tlt~ 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One l CORN BROOM 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of Ont GEM DUST MOP Limit Ona Coupon Par Customer -- Coupon Expires Oct. 12th -- 100 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One 14-oz. Can RAID -- House and Garden Spray Limit Ona Coupon Par Customer -- Coupon Expires Oct. !2tk -- XsutAk