Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1963, p. 16

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I fftg® Slxt*in THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB Thursday, October 10, 1963 lohnsburg JUVENILE GIRL f FORESTERS PLAN HALLOWEEN PARTY <1 Betty Hettermsnn On Monday evening, Oct. 21, from 7 to a the p:irl juveaile 'members of the Foresters will join in on a Halloween celebration. All members are urged to attend in costume or forfeit a fine. The evening's activities will take place in the community club hall. Also on the agenda for this date is ' the beginning of a series of dance contests. All the girls who participated in the last contest will remember h«w much fun it was. You can ha^e in. re fun by attending this next meeting- Just t!i? rc?ukir xlues will be collec'.sn at this moating. Home From The Hospital We al> wore very happy to learn.John Frcund is now recuperating at his home. Mr. Framd was a recent patient at St. Joseph's hospital in Elgin. Please remember him in your daily prayers for his complete- recovery. Best Wishes To Mrs. Klein, even though they are a little late. This pleasant lady observed her $ghfy-riin'th tirlhday on Sept. 30. She was rurrounded by her family that evening and Ihey all enjoyed cake and coffee. Happy birthday to Mike Het- !£ermann who celebrated his eighth natal day on Oct. 3. ^*"Joey Dehn will light ten candles on his birthday cake *m Oct. 25. Congratulations to alll Reminder The men Foresters will meet •onight (Thursday > in the "ggrtiYnifnity club hall at 8:30. 8.O.8. Issued _3Irs. Jane Malek has s«nt <wrt a call for help from the •mothers of children attending St. John's school. She needs twenty-five mothers to aid in tflfe playground duty program. -W TELEPHONE YOB TOO NEED • EXTENSHM PUOKEI JRIO Jvfl UHl XfUW tM the step-«tvMf ioiwenieiM oi am pmniRB a dap. M jNwteiephooe*na% or eal your IBmoii Bel QJU i; I k* BELL (f^LJ Ti<ti KPiiom 1*11 N. Court Street Phone: 385-9981 If tw«rtty«fhr* mor« sign tip, each one participating in the program will only serve once a month. If you can spare 50 minutes once a month, please call Jane at 497-3190 and volunteer your services. W.C.O.F. To Meet Oct. 15 At the next meeting of the W.C.O.F., which will take place on Oct. 15, something pecial is to be on the evening's agenda. "Come to get your secret pal." Sound interesting? -- details will be oxplained at the meeting. Committee is as follows: Dorothy Himpelmann, Cathy Michels, Kathleen Moehling, Jane Mann, Nancy MeAuliff, Mne May. Cliara Nell and Agnes Frcund. Boaatifnl Fall Wedding One of the prettiest weddings of this season took place last Saturday morning at 11, in St. John's church. The ceremony united Georgette Miller and Jerry Sobiesk in marriage. Everything about the day, including the perfect weather, went along with out any kind of trouble. The newly weds greeted relatives and friends at a reception later in the day in the community club hall. We wish to extend many wishes for happiness to the new Mr. and Mrs. Sobiesk. Sodality To Welcome New Members Ten minutes before the 8:30 Mass next Sunday in St. John's Church, the Blessed Virgin Sodality will welcome its new members. All sodality members are urged to participate in this Mass and the breakfast which will follow in the community club hall. Hats off to the Holy Name Society members who have generously offered to make breakfast and do the dishes! Any parish women wishing to join are asked to call Hilda Thelen, 385-2623 or Dorothy Himpelmann, 385- 3693. Wonder Lairs KIWANIS CLUB PEANUT SALE MOST SUCCESSFUL Mary Lou R&rtog • Horace Wagner, Peanut Day chairman for Wonder Lake, announced that the club arknowledges the fine cooperation in helping to promote the annual Kiwanis Kids' Day Peanut sale which is held each year on the fourth Friday of September. He stated the Wonder Lakers ran rightly be proud of their part in this worthy drive, just as the Kiwanians are proud of the small part each of them plays in this event. Karly returns indicate the drive has been the most successful Peanut Sale ever. This is made possible largely by the assistance of organizations such as yours. Bob Myers, president of the Kiwanis of Wonder Lake, announced that his club raised $1,063.45 on Peanut Day. The .funds collected will be used to aid Kiwanis youth projects In this area and in particular, the school for retarded children at Wonder Lake. edible wHd plants, a nijPMei> event, signaling and star study. All patrol* received a yellow ribbon. The untimely storm forced a few patrols to double up because of slight "leaks." Since the growth of the troop is go rapid, camping supplies are always needed. The Higgins, Lamont and Schleicher Families loaned' their tents for the weekend. Many, donated pots, pans, and utensils to the troop. Many more are needed and would lie greatly appreciated. Most parents attended the picnic Sunday afternoon at the Campsite closing the weekend events and helped break camp. The Troop Leaders, John Doherty, Scoutmaster, and John Wines, Ass't. Scoutmaster, and Tom Peek who worked so hard for its success were assisted by Rich Ruzicka who transported the Scouts to and from the camporee. Bill Wines and Robin Ruzicka provided the edible plants, eleven pints of mushrooms and they ran short!! It was announced that the Troop now has its own bugler, Charles Mansfield, a new Tenderfoot. We're proud of them all!! c r e a t i o n Chahrnwm -- BrtWe Hansen. A special welcome to our new members Mary Lee Gustavson, Chris Sullivan, Laura Kiddell, Gerry McCall, Kathy Borta, Cheryl Elbersen, and Mr. Dusthimer. a Our next meeting will be Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. at the Lutheran church. Linda Diederich- Reporter. Boy Scouts Awarded Blue Ribbon!! That real "Go-Group" the Wonder Lake Boy Scout Troop is very proud of their latest addition to their Troop Flag a "Blue Ribbon" for their fall camporee, Sept. 27-28-29. The fall campout was; held outside of Crystal Lake with troops from the Kiswaukee district in competition. Troops were judged on their hike-in and camp set up, with ten points scoring. Each Patrol was also individually scored on axmanship, Happy Birthday Mary Kay Wines celebrated her eighteenth birthday last week with a wonderful party and all the fixin's. Nomads Of Tlie Ope» Read Delores Wines and Dorothy Nemsick are leaving Saturday ftfr a two weeks trip to Tucson, Ariz., accompanied by Mike Wines whoi will see to it that the two gals behave themselves. They are driving and should have a grand and glorious time. Happy highways, kids, and hurry back. a freak accident last week, breaking two vertebrae. Triple Celebration At SWanson Home Three very special occasions were celebrated last week at the home of the Roy E. Swansons of 4217 E. Wonder Lake Road. A fbmily dinner was arranged and grandson Eddie celebrated his sixth birthday and Eddie's Mom, Nancy, Mrs. Secil E. Vogts of Woodstock, also celebrated her natal day. Also, the Swansons' other daughter, Carol, Mrs. Samuel E. Mitterling of Wondermere Road, successfully passed her state board exams and is now a registered nurse. Our best wishes to all three. Double Birthday Celebration Kay Lefebvre and Marge Summers both celebrated their respective birthdays last Satur day with a party for about twelve friends at the home of Kay Lefebvre. I understand both of the ladies admit to American Legion Post News October and November promises to be a busy time at the post home what with the juke j being just a shade over 21, or box hobgoblin dance on Oct. 27 was it 31 or was it -- never in the afternoon and the turkey mind. Happy birthday anyway, trot dance on Nov. 16. I also was told that (me of my A reminder to those who owe I TOPS girls was there and dues - Why not drop down and ! stayed loyal to the corps and pay up fellas? We're doing our withstood the tempting whipbest to make the Post the kind i ped cream pie and all the other Squai Answers Thousands Of Calls Since the rescue squad first came into being over eleven years ago, the members have answered about 2,306 calls. This count is pretty close to accurate as far as we can tell. From time to time I will endeavor to give you a running count on the number of calls these boys answer. The reason for this count is just one small way the public can see what a big, big job these fellows do without any payment whatsoever. Included in this 2,306 count are the following calls: On Sept. 17, an afternoon call to a home near Hamburger Hill brought the squad out on a possible stroke call. The woman was taken by the squad ambulance to the Mc- Henry hospital. Sept. 21, a possible heart attack was suffered by a woman and she was taken to the hospital also. A Streetwood, 111. resident slipped and fell while visiting in the Bay area and was taken by the squad to the hospital, for X-rays on Oct. 22. Two days later on the 24th a respiratory and medical call brought the squad out once again. The patient was taken by ambulance to the hospital. On Oct. 2 the squad members went to the fire in Pistakee Highlands to lend their assistance if needed. Oct. 3, Sunnyside was the scene for another of their calls. A resident suffered a respiratory ailment and was taken by ambulance to the Woodstock hospital. That's it for now. See you next week. you want to belong to but we can't do it unless you pay up 4-H Wonder Workers News The Sept. 30 meeting was called to order by Jackie Hansen at the Nativity Lutheran church. The first order of business was to elect new officers. They are as follows President, Jackie Hansen, vice-president, Kathy Ahrens, Secretary, Kristine Weisenberger, Treasurer, Mary Lee Wight, Reporter - Linda Diederich, Federation goodies on display. That's my girl! That takes real intestinal fortitude and I'm proud of her. Wonder Woods News Directors meeting will be held at the home of Harold Evans on Monday, Oct. 14, at 8 p.m. Our deepest sympathy to the Robert Sandgren family. Mary's mother passed away on Thursday, Oct. 3, in a Chicago hos pital. A speedy recovery is wished Delegate - Pat Hansen, and Re- Harold Evans who experienced Christ The King' Church News On Saturday Oct. 19, Stephanie Gale of this parish and Frank Perry of St. Mary's Mc- Henry, will be married. We welcome back our own Mantallete Sisters who will teach in the Catechetical School. Next Sunday night- Oct. 13- the Bridge-Canasta tournament will brc;in at 7 p.m. in the school hall. Each team will piny once a month (on a Sunday evening). Coffee and Cake will be served. Play will continue thru May. Proceeds will" go toward expenses in opening our own junior high school in 1965. Thursday, Oct. 24, is the date for the annual card party given by the Altar and Rosary sodality. Tickets may be obtained from any member or at the door. *AJtar and Rosary Sodality: The Altar and Rosary Sodality held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, Oct. 3. Before the business meeting there was a holy hour in the church. During the business meeting delegates who had attended the DCCW Convention in Rockford recently told of the various meetings and workshops they attended and of the discussions and lectures they heard. Mrs. Mable Pike, Mrs. T. Wasilewski, Mrs'/ Jeap Ehlen and Mrs. Delores Wines gave the^e reports. The members approved the suggestion that a breakfast be held at Millie's in Wonder Woods in November. This will be the first Sunday in Novpm- ' her. Contact Mrs. Shirley Doherty for further particulars or reservations. 653-7276. - Program for the evening was a report by Mrs. Hedda Bird 8hd by Mrs. Delores Wines. Both ladies had attended a group of lectures at a hotel in Highland Park recently and they reported on these meetings. Mrs. Bird's subject was "Americanism" and "Communism „in the South American Countries" and Mrs. Wines report was on the civil rights situation. Both reports were very well given and gave the audience much food for thought. Refreshments were served by the committee. TOPS Meetings Wonder Lake TOPS Club meets every Wednesday at the home of Mary Lou Hartog, 4105 E. Wonder Lake Drive. If you are interested in joining TOPS, call me for information. I will be happy to explain the club to you and arrange for an interview. My phone number is 653-7276. In case you haven't heard - TOPS is only for women who have a serious weight problem nnd want to do something a b o u t i t . FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO Route 120 -- Just East of Route 12 -- Volo, 111. WILLI KOENEMANN • 22 VARIETIES OI KATSiAtUES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES Phone 385-6230 Now-buy a new dectricdtyer and save up to !60 h the aext 00 days over 25,000 Chfcagoland people wfD Iny dryers--most will be flameless electric. Read why you sbosld Iwy electric. Right now--and for a limited time only-- Commonwealth Edison and Public Service Company, in cooperation with your dealer, offers you a chance to save as much as $60 on any new flameless electric dryer. (A cash bonus of S20 from Commonwealth Edison, plus up to $40 that you normally save when you buy an electric dryer instead of gas.) For the average family, this equals about 3 years offree drying! And electricity is simplicity. Because there are few moving parts, electric dryers coat tan to maintain And with no pilot light, your dryer costs nothing when not in use. Clothes dried electrically also come out fresh® and cleaner because there an no fumes, flames or products of combustion to mix with them. What's more, nothing dries clothes faster than today's electric dryers. (Only 26 to 30 minutes for a full load.) Seeyour dealer now for details. Satisfaction on any less electric dryer is guarantee^ of course. ««i waNtkfcjv. C Public Service Compmty © Commonwealth Edison Company SALE CONTINUES thru SATURDAY ~UVa£qxeeH AGENCY M. riflri'i sf.-j mmMWm mum r*" ""WO FOR A PENNY MORE THAW REGULAR PRICE OF ONI! SHOP EARLY MANY QUANTITIES STRICTLY LIMITED Everyday Drug Needs Shaving Needs • 55c Rubbing Alcohol Air* WALGREEN. Ifrot. Z/JU 89c Lacto Bismadine 0/Qfl Soothes upset stomach. 8-ox / vl# 79c Beverage Sweetener n fnn liquid for foods, beverage, cooking. 6-az.,&/0U 69c Eye Lotion 9/711 With eye cop. Octine. is)!... // |U $1.79 Sleep Capsules a jig ANIDON. Bottle of 36 69c Mineral Oil 4/7fl« WALGREEN. Extra heavy, pint ./ / / II 98c Acne Cream ninn KELLER. Hides, heals. 15-oc............ .C/U%i 98c Eye Drops «IQQ ANEFRIN. Soothing relief. %-OX.|........C/viJ 98c Saccharin 0/QQe 1000 '/4-gr. Tablets, effervescent. I••..... Z/vv 53c Walgreen Aspirin OJC/U Guaranteed quality, 5-gr, loo's. ....,.,./|Unl 45c Gly. Suppositories OIAR* Infants or adults. Bottle of 12...........ZjlQ 39c Cold Sore Balm KELLER. '4-o*. tube 66c Merthiolate Tincture. 2-oz. bottle $1.00 Glide Cefenate 9/101 Powder or ointment for athlete's foot...... Z | I 79c Zinc Oxide 0/Qfle KELLER. Antibiotic. Ointment, 1%-ox. tube. ZjOU 75c Laxative Pellets ni-tn Thurets. Gentle relief. 150 L\ I 0 $1.79 Anefrin APC 0/180 Antihistamine Tablets, bottle of 50 L\ I $ 1.39 Hygienic Powder n u ^ Tonnette Deodorizing, antiseptic. 12-oz.... LJ I $1.19 Amoray Deodorizeron^ Choice of 5 Kent*, 12-or. aerosol *-j I | j 69c Smokers' Tooth Paste •• •• -...2|1" • •• •• 69c Pre-Electric Shave PO-DO, sets up whiskers, 4-ox...^..»«•. 98c Shave Lotion Briargate, spice scented, 5-or..... ...... 98c Briargate Shave With Witch Hazel. 6-o*. aerosol......... 98c Men's Cologne Spicy Briargate. 5-oz. bottle 85c Po-Do Speed Shave Aerosol, regular or menthol. 11 .2/70* .2/99* .2/99* 2/99* 2/86* Toiletries .2199* .2/90* 2/40' 2/67' WALGREEN. 5<4-ox. tube. •69 c Smokers Mouthwash Refreshes mouth. 8-oz., 2/70« 2/70« Baby Needs • • • • • • • • 98c Cold Cream PERFECTION. Freshly made, 8-OZ 89c Shampoo with Egg FORMULA 20. 8-or 89c Bubbling Bath 9/Qfle Apple blossom, pine, tea rose, carnation. .fc/UU $1.29 Hand Cream n H31 PERFECTION. Makes hands feel soft, 9-or.. .// I 98c Roll-On Deodorant TJDY Prefects for hour 2/99' 39c Waving Fluid LA PEGGIE. Non-sticky, 6-oz............ $1.09 Hair Spray FORMULA 20. 4'2-oz 89c Cream Hair Dressing FORMULA 20. 8-oz. bottle 98c Dandruff Shampoo FORMULA 20. Helps control, 8-oz 23c Maree Peroxide 20 volume, 4-ox. bottle 89c Cream Shampoo FORMULA 20. It's lanolized. 4-oz $1.69 Hair Spray FORMULA 20. 11-OX. .2/40* 2/1ia 2/90* .2/99* 2/24* .2/90* ..2/1" Olafsen Vitamins 89c Baby Lotion O/Qflc PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. 8-oz. Z/oU 59c Children's Aspirin ofcfle t~--i ,00, //bll« rj $398 AYTMAL W/MIH. 2/3" | I 75c Babykof Syrup nilC* r=i LJ ^ <•' tUbc • $6.95 OLAVIIE "M" Ther3.i«»....2/6* I 47c Castoria OlAQc r11! ••--I 3..,. J/4B' Q $3.29 0LA VIT01 SOLUTION „. 2/3a 79c Child. Cough Syrup n inn- •--i [_| $2.79 AYT1NAL MULT. VIT. ioo-,.. 2/2w G $5.79 GERIATRIC TABLETS IOC*... 2/5" • c7w„^fr°ri"r b,l:Lqui.d 2/80* • $1.98 vitamin e 2/1* • KELLER. Antibiotic, tube of 12.. ••••••••• 2/70* • $3.79 SUPER AYTINAL JR. loo's.... 2/3" • ANEFRIN. Antihistamine. AO's.... • $6.45 01AVITE THERAPEUTIC «,,2/64S • ?J;!s'*r'ihis,:..S^ 2/l» • $2.89 JR. AYTINAL W/MIH W...2/2M • *8N!™*""b.u?.^"".®!?..2/90« • $3-98 THIAMINE CHLORIDE **...2/3" • 2/99* • $1-39 COO LIVES OIL «... 2/1* • Antibiotic. Cekl attacker, 1 ox. ...2/90* • $1.19 BREWERS YEAST TAB . tsv*. 2/1" MILLSTREAM DRUGS 3720 W. Elm St. Jewel Shopping Plaza tfe \ me SHOPPING BAG WITH PURCHASE AT QUR DRUG DEPARTMENT SHOP DURING ONE CENT SALE DAll We invite yoo h? come in and shop Mn many bargain? on sale in every depart ment of the store during our ONE CENT SALE. There c re big savings for you, in eluding many more items at le Sale prices that space does not permit us to shew. LIMITED TIMS OFFER--SCi YOUR DEALER NOW

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