Page Twenty THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday# October 10, 1963 McCullom Lake ELECT OFFICERS AT ANNUAL LADIES CKF LAKE MEETING Eve Levesqoe -The Ladies of the Lake will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. First order of business will be the Annual election of officers. The current executives are Elma Nelson, president; Joanne Mai, vice-president; and Marie Mc- Kkn, secretary-treasurer. They have done a wonderful job this past year and deserve commendation for it. Another diligent worker for the organization is Petey Schmidt who has charge of special events. Her parties have been spectacular and she also deserves honorable mention. The gals will also discuss the forthcoming Halloween party party and make arrangements for same.We cordially invite all women of the community to fijfend. We have a nice club but would welcome new members. Shall we see YOU at 8? Second Son And Fourth Grandson For Mass Family For three families on Lake Shore Drive there is joy and jubilation with the birth of Andrew William Mass. His mom ana' dad are Julie and Ed Mass and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mass are the paternal grandparents. The two families reside on either side of the lake road. Another family sharing in the happiness is Anita and Dan Mc- Mahon who also live on this street. The li'l guy was horn at 11:30 Friday morning (Oct. 4) at Sherman hospital, Elgin, and tipped the scales at 6 lbs., 15 oz. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Gaulke of Fleming Road, Woodstock. There are two great-grandparents involved and they include Mrs. Vida Gaulke and Bill Desmond, both of Woodstock. This is the fourth grandson for Neva and Herman Mass and the eldest is only 2Mi! Won't those lads have fun growing up together? Daddy Ed was a Lt. j.g. in the Navy until his discharge la^ June. After leaving the service, he went into the construction business with his father. The Junior Masses have one other son -- Mark, 17 months of age. Mother and son rejoined the family on Tuesday and we congratulate all, including aunt Melinda. Village Board The president and trustees will meet in regular session on Monday, Oct. 14, at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. The public is Invited. Live And Let Live With the advent of the fall season, there will be plenty of leaves to burn. The tangy, acrid aroma can be delightful, unless one receives the smoke and odor coming directly into the house. We received one complaint already about indiscriminate burning of leaves and hope there will be no others. This party also complained of having her hedges trimmed and cut down by her next door neighbor. A little compassion for the rights of others can go Rr long way towards making "life beautiful" instead of annoying. Appointed To Regular Duty Ken Loesch who had been a member of the reserve staff of police officers has gone on regular* duty, by appointment of Chief of police Jack Schlofner. Sun, Fun And Bathing Time for their annual "baths' by Russ Emerson Nutrition, often confused with dietetics, is the study of how foods, once consumed, affect your being. Nutrition is a personal matter and often determines how you look, act and feel. To a great extent your body is composed of protein: skin, muscles, internal organs, hair, nails, the base of your bones and even your brain. It becomes evident then that a sensible and health-giving diet is not to be considered in bulk or lack thereof, but in provision for an adequate protein intake to keep each cell functioning normally. We hope it will l>ecome evident. too, that MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC. is always a good bet for the best of prescription s e r v i c e . P r e s c r i p t i o n s a r e quickly but carefully filled at MILLSTREAM DRI'(iS, INC., 3720 UViit Elm -- Jewel Shopping Plaha. Plionc 385-5057. If you have any questions regarding pharmacy or public health which you would like to have discussed in this column, write to Russ Emerson, c/o this paper. . "w and four of our villagers are traveling some distance for the pleasure. Friday morning, Jean and Hugh McDonald, accompanied by Jean's sister, Theresa Cunningham, and Fred Matthesius left for Hot Springs, Ark., where they intend to "clean up" for the whole year. More on this when they return. In their absence, May ^Kennenberg and Ed Caron are "minding the store." Reading Material And Division Needed The request for books, magazines, and playing cards is still on and Mrs. Carrol will need them shorthy. If you have anything for her, please call 385- 3615 and she will be happy to pick up. The articles will go to the veterans confined to Downey hospital at Great Lakes. This is an American Legion project and Bobbie is the rehabilitation chairman. Series Sadnos* Bill Brerjnan made good use of the "crying towel" presented to him on Sunday. Seems as though the Yankees were due to win "one game and Bill proceeded accordingly. His lachrymal glands were working overtime. Those elated by the defeat were Tony Hocin, Dewey Fricke, and May Kennenberg. Traumatic Experience The "blessed event" due at the Bjork residence will not take place even though requests for the puppies had already been made. For more on the story, ask Vic Adams and Ole Olsen. "Where The Deer And The Antelope Play" According to the latest bulletins from Clayt Nelson, the territory for antelope is Gilette, Wyo., and he really came home with the "bacon." He arrived home late Sunday night accompanied1 by his son and wife, Dr. Cliff and Glad Nelson of Battle Creek, and Dr. Charles Mandy of Lakeworth, Fla. These four were members of a party of eleven who traveled to the west for fishing and hunting and they successfully^ accomplished both. The rendezvous point for the group was in Wisconsin. From there, they motored to Harlowton, Mont., where the trout fishing was divine and productive. Then it was on to Yellowstone National Park for two scenic days of sightseeing before continuing to Gillette, Wyo., through the Big Horn Mountains. A total of six antelope and one mule deer was bagged. When the three Nelsons and Dr. Mandy arrived about midnight Sunday, the problem was storing the one antelope which will remain here for consumption. Clayt and Dr. Cliff scouted the possibilities of suitable refrigeration and struck "pay dirt" at a bistro in town. The deer now reposes with the beer. Good combination, huh? The group covered over 3500 hundred miles on. their tour. Couples Play Sunday's delightful weather put Junior Scheid and Merv Schmitt in a beneficent mood and they offered to take their wives along for their weekly golf game. During the nine holes they played, Helen Scheid made a lovely shot and Merv was so "impressed/; he almost went into orbit \JDuring the excitement, Mer^ lost his pen, but he's none the worse for wear. Orchid Occasions Belated greetings to Kathy O'Donnell who was 15 on Oct. 3 Eight candles on the cako for Linda Meyer, today, Oct. 10....Today also finds Phyllis and Denny Straumann eligible for congrats on their fourth wedding anniversary... .It will be 33 years in "double harness" for Theresa and Will Schultz tomorrow, Oct. 11... .Maude and Art Stuhlfeier will observe the fifty-first anniversary of their marriage Monday, Oct. 14 ....Fourth birthday for Steve Mai on Oct. 15. Best wishes to all. The water table is going down but this grand weather is enjoyed by most. See you next -week? Try writing with your left hand, sometime (unless you're a southpaw)- all things are difficult without knowledge and experience. Lakemoor-Lilymoor LUATJ DINNER SATURDAY OCT. 12 BENEFITS L.I.A. Shirley Bcbuerr 885-2645 This Saturday, Oct. 12, is the big evening for the Luau dinner sponsored by the L. I. A. It will start at 6 p.m. till ?? It will be held at the firecommunity house in Lakemoor on route 120. There will be dancing and prizes. A good time is planned for all Tickets are available from any of the members of the L. I. A. or at the door the night of the dinner and dance. Preceeds of"" the luau dinner will go toward the Christmas party for the children. ! Firemen's Dance The firemen of Lakemoor Station 3 are holding their annual dance Saturday, Oct. 19, at the fire-community house on route 120 in Lakemoor, from 8:30 p.m. till ?? Come out to the dance and have a good time. Tickets are available from any of the firemen, or at the door the night of the dance. All Nations Danee The Lilymoor association is holding their annual dance Saturday, Nov. 9. This year it will be an All Nations dance. The dance will be held at Club Lilymoor from 8:30 p.m. till ??. Proceeds will go toward community improvements. Tickets will be available from the dance committee who are Lawrence Schuerr, Chairman or his coworkers, Hal Vornkahl, Fred Fradinardo and Herb Polinski. Tickets will also be available at the door the night of the dance. Ladies League The Ladies League held its monthly meeting Wednesday, Oct. 2. After the business on hand was taken care of bunco was played. Winners were Sophie Paterson and Jean Dember. Booby prize was won by the hostess of the evening, Rose Zalenka. Baek From A two weeks vacation in Chicago is Lu Gravenstuk. Although she had a nice time in the big city she is glad to be home. It's A Boy Laurel Hertel presented her husband, Mike, with an 8 lb. 3 oz. baby boy. Friday, Sept. 27. The baby was 20 and % inches long. The proud grandparents are Bud and Alma Hueckstaedt of Lilymoor and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hertel of Libertyville. This makes Bud and Alma's first grandson and Mr. and Mrs. Hertel eighth grandchild. Congratulations to you all on your blessed event. Anniversary Greetings go to Harry and Lil Neumann who are celebrating their wedding anniversary today Thursday, Oct. 10. Greetings also go to two more couples. They are Bob and Marylyn LoPresti and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leske. They all will be celebrating their wedding anniversary Sunday, Oct. 13. Congratulations and hope you all celebrate many more together. o Birthday Greetings go to Mrs. Orrilla Sammons. She will be eightyeight years young tomorrow. Friday, Oct. 11. Greetings go to Master Greiner. He will be a great big three years old Saturday, Oct. 12. Still more greetings go to Earel Belford. Earel will celebrate his big day Monday, Oct. 14. Many happy returns to you all. OBSERVE 75TH ANNIVERSARY Sunday, Oct. 13, Zion Lutheran church at Marengo, will have special festival services to observe the seventyfifth anniversary of the Zion Lutheran school. A cordial invitation is extended to graduates, confirmands, former members and friends to join the congregation in celebrating seventy-five years of continuous teaching service. A light lunch will be served at noon by members of the Parent Teachers league. Coffee and cake will be served after the festival service in the afternoon by members of the Ladies Aid. Use The Classifieds PROFE^lOnflL DIRECT0RV DR. JOHN C. GOETSCIIEL Chiropractic Physician 8827 West Elm Street Office Phone: 885-0748 Residence Phone: 385-0847 Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. St FrL 10 a.m. to B p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 12-63 EARL R. WALSB INSURANCE fire, Auto, Farm A Life k Representing BELT ABLE COMPANIES When Ton Need Insurance d Any Kind Phone 885-0048 or 885-0958 129 W. Elm St., McHenry, m DR. JOHN T. ORAT Optometrist 1286 N. Green Street Office Phone: 885-0186 Res. Phone: 885-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed AU Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-64 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel and Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. 81 Phone 885-0950 8-63 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 678-7491 Zz Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 11-63 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined--Glasses Fitted 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues., Thura & Fri. 4:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tues., Thurs. & Fri. Eve. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No Hours on Wednesday Contact Lenses Phone 885-2262 8-6T T •u at\„Q*e.ni1b e .of 01 we . 01 C •at"** YES! Now you can say, "Charge It Please' Once again, during this, our 25th Anniversary Year, Gladstone's Department Store is introducing a completely new customer service! For the first time in our history, we are inviting you to apply for credit with us. Why are we doing this? For only one reason--to make buying, and most of all, paying, easier for you. We feel that people should be able to buy what they want to buy, when they want to buy it. This credit system, we feel, will help you do this. Come in today and find out about our charge plan. We would like you to have a Gladstone's Credit Card. GLADSTONE'S "The Store for Everyone 1219 N. Green St. McHenry Phone 385-0182 r a