Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1963, p. 2

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Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. October 10. 1963 SoaEif Hold Shower For Darlene Schaefer A miscellaneous shower was given last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Bob Manke, honoring a bride of the near future Darlene Schaefer. Thirty-two friends and relatives were present to enjoy the party imd see Miss Schaefer open b< i many beautiful gifts. Hostesses were Mrs. Manke and Miss Dolores Klapperich. The table was attractively decorated for the occasion, from which cake, coffee and punch were served. Miss Schaefer will be married on Nov. 9 to Don Aeverman of McHenry. Couple Wed Fifty Years Timothy Paul Butler Baptized Sunday Timoihy Paul was the name chosen for the fifth child and second son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Butler who was baptized at St. Mary's church Sunday, Oct. 6, with Mr. and Mrs. James Tonyan of Crystal Lake acting as sponsors. The new baby was born at the McHenry hospital Sept. 20, weight 5 lbs., and 13 ozs. He was welcomed home by Carol, 9, Diane, 7, Tom, 5, and Susan, 3. Mrs. Butler is the former Nancy Nelson, daughter of the Magnus Nelson of Crystal Lake, formerly of McHenry and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Butler of McHenry. Jeffrey Aim Four Years Old Jeffrey Scott Aim celebrated his fourth birthday anniversary last Friday, Oct. 4, when his mother entertained twelve of his little friends and their mothers at luncheon at the Aim home in Cooney Heights. A tasty barbecue was enjoyed, after which Jeffrey opened his gifts. Later, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred J. Bouchard of Crystal Lake, the maternal grandparents, and Mrs. Harold Aim of McHenry, the paternal grandmother, en- Joyed cake and coffee in honor of the occasion. THE L. K. IIARKINGTONK A surprise party on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary was held at the Highland Shores community house recently, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Harrington. The happy couple, who moved to Sunnyside village six years ago, were married at the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Chicago. Mr. Harrington, now retired, was employed for forty-three years by the firm of Gridley Maxon & Co., brokers on the South Water street Market. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington, who reside at 1421 Bayview Lane, Sunnyside, are the parents of William and Lewis, both sergeants with the Chicago police department, and Mrs. Terese Pitt of Highland Shores. They have eight grandchildren. Homemakers Enjoy Membership Tea The McHenry County Homemakers Extension association held its annual membership tea Sept. 27 in the Farm Bureau auditorium. Mrs. Mitchell Kane, second vice-chairman of the ass o c i a t i o n a n d m e m b e r s h i p chairman, presided as hostess for the afternoon. Mrs. Katharine Neumann, Home Adviser, spoke on "You and the Cooperative Extension Program." She then introduced Mrs. Genevieve Hughes, assistant home adviser, who told of her part in the Extension Service in the county. Mrs. Ervin Plote, county chairman, introduced Mrs. John Emery of Lemont, 111., who is the director for District II, of which McHenry county is a part. Mrs. Emery spoke of the history and purpose of the Illinois Homemakers Extension federation, which is a part of National Home Demonstration association and the Associated Country Women of the World. K. M. DIEDRICH NAMED FORESTER CHIEF RANGER Court No. 594, Catholic Order of Foresters, held annual election of officers recently and named Kenneth M. Died rich as chief ranger. Others elected to serve with him were Donald M. Freund, vice-chief ranger; Gordon J. Schmitt, past chief ranger; Richard S. Freund, recording secretary; Hubert G. Liptrot, financial secretary; Victor J. Freund, treasurer; Joseph M. May, speaker; James G. Doran, youth director; Alfred P. Regner, trustee; Robert J. Vogt, Jr., and Paul R. Yanda, conductors; Peter Weingart and Bernard Bauer, sentinels. Other trustees are Norbert Mauch and Jos. L. Bauer, Rev. Fr. Eugene C. Baumhofer is spiritual director. Installation was held Oct. 1, with George P. Freund as installing officer. 0<1 <>»•«•« II Woman's Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital Annual Fall Luncheon Meeting -- Fontana, Wis., Abbey -- 11:45 a.m. October 12 Knights of Columbus Dinner Dance -- McHenry Country Club. Luau Dinner -- Fire-Community House, Lakemoor -- 6 p.m. -- Dancing. October 14 League of Women Voters Meeting -- 8 p.m. -- Mrs* Jody Doran Home, 3512 W. Pearl Street, McHenry -- Topic, "United Nations." October 15 McHenry Township Republican Women's Club Meeting-- Community Methodist Church Hall -- 8:30 pm. October 16 Adult Girl Scout Neighborhood Meeting Legion Home -- 1 p.m. Woman's Club Fall Tour -- Meet at Methodist Church at 9 a.m. October 17 Woman's Society of Christian Service Meeting -- Noon. October 19 Dance -- Fire-Community House, Lakemoor -- 8:30 p.m. -- Sponsored by Firemen of Station 3 of Lakemoor. October 24 "Call to Prayer and Self- Denial" Service -- Sanctuary of Community Methodist Church -- 10:30 a.m. October 28 Bake Sale -- Justen's Furniture Store -- Sponsored by Viscounts Parents Association. Annual Community PTA Carnival -- Junior High School -- 5:30 to 9 p.m. October 29 Paul C. Hoffman Unit, American Legion Auxiliary Card Party -- 8 p.m. -- Legion Home, Richmond. November 2 Bazaar -- 4 to 9 p.m. -- Mount Hope Methodist Church -- Gifts and Food. November 7 Buffet Dinner and Annual Bazaar -- Sponsored by Ladies Aid Society and Friendship Guild of Zion Lutheran Church -- Dinner 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.; bazaar 3 to 8 p.m. November 9 All Nations Dance -- Sponsored by Lily moor Association -- Club Lilymoor -- 8:30 p.m. November 14 McHenry County Woman's PanHellenic Benefit Card Par- PENNY SCHOLTZ IS MARRIED IN CANDLELIGHT RITE The Community Methodist church wa« the setting for a lovely wedding last Saturday, Oct. 5, at 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon when Miss Penny Sue Scholtz became the bride of Mr. Dennis W. Taylor, Jr. Miss Scholtz is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Scholtz of 3408 W. Second avenue, McHenry, and her bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Taylor of 3915 Dolores drive, McHenry. Rev. Ernest Carder officiated at the candlelight service, with Ralph Neubaum, uncle of the groom, as vocal soloist. Miss Scholtz was radiant as she approached the altar wearing a white taffeta dress, floor length, with chapel train. It whs fashioned with chantilly lace,Jjscalloped neckline, trimmed^ vvith iridesccnts and pearls and long, pointed sleeves. Her fingertip veil extended from a crown of pearls, and she carried white roses surrounding a white orchid, and a cascade of tiny red rosebuds. Miss Nancy Lockwood acted as maid of honor, Miss Margaret Mary Scholtz of Chicago, the bride's cousin, was bridesmaid, Miss Lynn Hammerstein of McHenry, her niece, was junior bridesmaid, and Miss Sandy Rose of Chicago, her niece, was flower girl. The adult attendants were attired in iridescent bronze taffeta, street length dresses styled with bell skirts. They wore cabbage roses of matching colors, with short veils, and carried bouquets of glamelias and glads. The flowergirl was attired in beige chiffon over taffeta. Donald Schmidt of Mount Prospect served as best man and Phillip Lunaburg of Mount Prospect and Keith Taylor of Johnsburg, brother of the groom, were groomsmen. David Wnek of Chicago, cousin of the groom, was ring bearer. Mrs. Scholtz selected a beige brocade dress with matching gloves, brown hat and other accessories, Mrs. Taylor wore an aqua silk embroidered dress with darker blue accessories. A reception was held at 7 o'clock in the evening at the V.F.W. clubhouse for 175 guests, after which the couple left on a week's wedding trip. They will reside in Hartland. The groom is employed at the Admiral plant in Harvard. REGISTER ALUMNI When "old grads" register at the alumni booth at McHenry high's homecoming this Friday night, Oct. 11, they will be asked to fill out a card. In an effort to plan courses and revise the program of studies to better serve the students now at McHenry high, a survey is being conducted. Information needed will be present occupation, courses in high school that have proven beneficial, and suggestions for new courses to be considered as additions to the present curriculum. Opinions of people now employed in various fields is of great value. Before game and at half time alumni are asked to stop at the booth and give their ideas to assist in the study. TAKE FALL TOUR The McHenry Woman's club will enjoy a fall tour of the Kettle Morraine country in Wisconsin on Wednesday, Oct. 16, with luncheon planned. Those interested in making the trip are asked to meet at the Methodist church at 9 a.m. and go by bus. ty and Fashion Show -- Legion Home -- 8 p.m. November 28-24 "The Wizard of Oz" -- Children's Theatre Presented by Ann Varese -- Sponsored by McHenry Girl Scouts -- McHenry High School Auditorium -- 2:30 p.m. Miss Miller Wed Saturday Miss Georgette Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Miller of 5410 N. Wilmot road, McHenry, was a pretty bride as she walked up the aisle of St. John the Baptist church last Saturday on the arm of her father to become the bride of Mr. Gerald Sobiesk of Argo, 111. Miss Miller is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Miller and Mr. Sobiesk is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Sobiesk of 6072 S. 74th avenue, Argo. Rev. Fr. Martin Sobiesk. OSA, of Detroit, Mich., brother of the groom, officiated at the nuptial ceremony, for which the children's choir sang. The altar was beautifully decorated for the occasion with bouquets of white glads. Miss Miller was charming in a gown of silk faced poie de soie, fashioned with controlled skirt and sleeveless bodice covered by a bolero of hand clipped chantilly lace. It featured a cummerbund at the waist, and chapel train ol' lace held at the waist by a self bow. Her tiered pearl crown of crystal drops held in place a bouffant illusion veil, and she carried a crescent shaped bouquet of Fuji mums and stephanotis. Acting as her maid of honor was her sister, Nancy, and bridesmaids were Nancy Weber, Janice Wakitsch and Mary Ann Laukis, friends. The flower girl was Celeste Tomashunas. The taffeta, street length dresses of the older attendants were designed with tiered skirts, full, floor length overskirts caught at the waistlines by self bows, all in jadette green. They wore matching hair braids of flowers which held full blusher veils. Their bouquets were circular, with white mums in the center, surrounded by bronze mums. The flower girl wore a floor length jadette green dress fashioned with full shirt. James Sobiesk, brother of the groom, served as best man. His groomsmen were Tom Gowgiel, Walter Udzile and George Sobiesk, all cousins. Junior groomsman was John Miller, brother of the bride. Mrs. Miller was attired in a gold dress with lace bodice and chiffon skirt, gold shoes and a hat of autumn shades. Her corsage was of bronze mums and stephanotis. Mrs. Sobiesk wore a brown dress, matching accessories and gold hat. Her corsage was similar to that of Mrs. Miller. A 1 o'clock dinner was served to fifty guests at the Johns-, burg Community club, which was also the setting for the evening reception attended by more than 400 friends and relatives. The newlyweds left for a trip to Nassau for two weeks, and upon their return will make their home in Berwyn. The bride is a graduate of the McHenry high school and of St. Therese school of nursing in Waukegan. She is employed as a nurse at McNeal hospital, Berwyn. Her husband graduated from St. Rita's high school in Summit and is an electronics MISSIONARY WORK TO BE TOLD WSCS MEMBERS OCT. 17 On Oct. 17, Mrs. Lawrence F. Rockey will travel to McHenry from Freeport, to tell about the missionary work of her daughter, Kitty Rockey. who spent three years in Laf'az, Bolivia, as a missionary pharmacist in the American hospital at La Pa/. She will speak for the W.S.C.S. of the community Methodist church. Mrs. Rockey is an enthusiastic, interesting speaker and has slides to accompany her lecture. She is very generous with her time, traveling from place to place to tell of the work in Bolivia. Any proceeds from her lecture tour goes to the emergency fund at Santa Cruz and Montero, Bolivia. K i t t y R o c k e y i s n o w on f u r lough and in the states attending Southern Methodist university for further schooling. Several of the women in McHenry who attended the School of Missions in July met Kitty and were greatly impressed with her experiences. Since United Nations day falls in October, again this year a United Nations; luncheon will be served, with guests-welcome. Circle members are asked to contact their chairmen to learn what part of the world that group will represent and what food should be brought for the lunche >n. Prayer service1 will begin in the sanctuary at 11:45. Luncheon will be served at noon in the dining room, with a program to follow. From Oct. 25 to 31 is "Week of Prayer and Self-Denial" and prior to this important week, a special service will be held in the sanctuary of the Com munity Methodist church on Oct. 24 at 10:30 a.m. Anyone wishing to attend is welcome. Honor Pastor On Anniversary About 150 members of the congregation of Zion Evangelical Lutheran church gathered in the church hall last Sunday evening to attend a dinner honoring their pastor, Rev. Carl Lobitz, on his fortieth year in the ministry. Ed. Reid acted as general chairman of the event, assisted by Larry Booster and Gene Ullrich as special chairmen. Following a sumptuous dinner, an informal program was enjoyed, including a story of the lifef of Rev. Lobitz, read by Mrs. Adelaide Patzke. Community singing was led by Ed. and Maria Guettler. At the conclusion of the festivities, the congregation presented their pastor with a gift in appreciation for his outstanding service to the church for many years. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who remembered me with visits, cards and gifts during my recent stay in the McHenry Hospital and to both of the auxiliaries to Post 4600; V.F.W. and the American! Legion for their beautiful potted plants. These kindnesses are very much appreciated. Mrs. Beulah Vachet *10-10-63 Marriage Licenses Raymond Marshall, Chicago, and Elaine Levato, McHenry. Philip Meyer and Martha Page, Ringwood. PIANOS For Rent At MIDWEST ACADEMY of MUSIC CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all for the flowers, cards, visits, prayers offered in my behalf during my recent stay in the hospital. I am especially greatful to Father Dording and the other priests who visited me. Leo Died rich *10-10-63 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schaefer, Gary and Sharon, spent the weekend fishing at Mauston, Wis. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for their prayers, visits, cards and many kind deeds during my recent illness. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Eugene Frost 10-10-63 Mcllf »• Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kaitschuck of Barrington are parents of a son born Oct. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Polit became parents of a daughter Oct. 2. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Wheeler Oct. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Fred LaDuc of Wonder Lake announce the birth of $ daughter Oct. 4. A son was born Oct. 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Goran B. Engstrom. Harvard Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Michael Novak are parents of a son born Oct. 3. ifar. and Mrs. James Hunt announce the birth of a daughter Oct. 2. On Oct. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClory became parents of a daughter. Memorial Hospital On Oct. 1, Mr. and Mrs. John Foy of Wonder Lake welcomed a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. James Van- Fleet announce the birth of a son Od. 1. A son was born Oct. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kotyza of Wonder Lake. Other Births Robert Hugh, Jr., is the name selected by Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ambrose of Crystal Lake for their first child, a son. The baby weighed 6 lbs. when he was born at Sherman hospital, Elgin, on Oct. 5. Mrs. Ambrose is the former Anita Barger of McHenry. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barger of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. A. Ambrose of Monroe, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mass are parents of a son born Oct. 4 at Sherman hospital, Elgin. BAKE-RUMMAGE SALE There will be a bake and rummage sale for the benefit of the Exceptional Children's Social organization Saturday, Oct. 12, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. • at 2617 Michael street, Wonder View subdivision, Wonder Lake. Refreshments will be served. CARD OF THANKS Many thanks to all my good neighbors and friends for their prayers, cards, visits and many other kindnesses extended during my recent stay in the McHenry Hospital. Special thanks to Father Parker, Father Holmgren and the nurses at the hospital. Emilie Drucker •10-10-63 BREAKS ARM Miss Mildred Kinsala suffered two broken bones in her arm, above the wrist, when she fell in her home last Saturday night. PLAN SQUARE DANCE A square dance will be held at VGrant Community high school from 8 to 11 p.m. on Dec. 7 for the benefit of the Mount Hope organ fund. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Murison of 3407 Venice avenue, became parents of a daughter at Sherman hospital, Elgin, during the past week. A daughter was born at Sherman hospital, Elgin, to Mr. and Mrs. John Zimprich of 2801 N. Iroquois Trail. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Woods of 2611 S. Riverview Drive announce the birth of a daughter recently at Sherman hospital, Elgin. technician at Pioneer Research, Berwyn. ATTEND CONFERENCE County program development will be the major topic for discussion at the annual fall conference of thq University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service Oct. 15 to 18 in Urbana. Ralph Burnett, McHenry county farm adviser, and Mrs. Katherine Neumann, McHenry county home advisor, and their assistants, Mrs. Genevieve Hughes and Roger Wenberg, plan to attend the sessions at the Illini Union on the University campus. Use The Classifieds - OPENING SOON - FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ^he C^aAuai ^lioppe A 1/jew <Skoppe LOCATED AT 1216 N. GREEN ST. McHenry, Illinois Watch for our Grand Opening 3911 W. Main St. McHenry, 111. Yes, $10.00 rents a practice piano for 6 weeks (plus a small delivery charge). A six week piano course only $15.00. Bring this ad to the Midwest Academy of Music and receive our Bonus offer of two (2) Free Lessons. For the finest in Music Introduction, Instruments and accessories. Lowest prices on all musical instruments. I will not be undersold. 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