Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1963, p. 12

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*RPt*IK Pag» Twelve THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Thursday, October 24, 1983 Lakeland Park HOLD WELCOME PARTY FOR WOMEN OF SUBDIVISION Barbara Meiirer -- S85-485G Ray Drnral *-- 885-4811 ^ ' Trmtght Thursday, Oct. 24, is Jlthe long awaited date that Lyda Radisch nnd her w^lcom- '.mg committee have been waiting for. They have plans for a - wonderful evening of fun p'an- "ned for all new and old women -residents who have never attended one of these affairs. Now all these hard working ladies would like is a large attendance. so come on ladies give them a large turn out. You'll not only have an evening ~ out but will get a chance to meet many of our subdivision's fairer sex, you'll enjoy the . games ahd also the refreshments. Time: 8:30 p.m., place, Cofljipunity House. Little League News This is to serve as a reminder to all of our residents who pick up the paper on Wednesday evening; tonight at 7:30 there is an open meeting of the Lakeland Park Boys Baseball Club. Hope many of you parents can spare an hour to attend. Girl Scout Troop „ The long awaited beginning •"<of our Girl Scout Troop is to 1Se Monday, Oct. 28, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Maureen Johnson and Dorothy Dowell are to be the leaders. They have been taking leaders' training. Come on girls between fourth and sixth grades join the troop, you've asked and asked and now is the time to prove to these two how badly you wanted, a Girl Scout Troop. Mrs. Johnson can be reached at 4:385-6504 and Mrs. Dowell at 385-5876. Anyone having uniform* that they may not be using any longer why not contact these women, we're sure they will find someone to fit them. Good luck to the troop from both of us, also hope you appoint a scribe and keep us posted on your activities. Red Crom Drive We have no way of knowing what the actual collection for the drive was but we do know C how very hard the Boy Scouts tried to make it a success. Scoutmaster Kd Druml and the following boys did a very fine job of covering the subdivision for Vicki Bottari, who was chairman of the drive. One of the Boy Scouts who lives in Lily moor deserves a very special pat on the back, he walked all the way here at 9 a.m. just to do his share, nice going Mike Ossler. Also from the Scout Troop were; Kirk Links. Tommy Wagner, John Reining, Mark Bartos, John Arient, Bob and P«.us.> R o d e , J i m m y F r a n k l i n Jimmy Grot hman. We hope that maybe we gave enough to warrant a Red Cross instructor for swimming lessons this summer. ^ Happy Birtlid:iy To You Today-Thursday, Oct. 24 has Nancy Matthews reaching age 8, Jay Os*man, and Petey Oakford, share this day also. My number three son, Dennis, becomes a teenager also today. Saturday, Oct. 26, Susan Gerstad gets to blow out her candles. Irv Becker, who admits to being able to vote celebrates on Oct. 30. Finishing the month of October and sharing Halloween are Wilma Atkinson and my fellow bowling teammate, Donna Rode. To each of you and to all we never hear . about goes our very best wishes -- not only for the day you celebrate but for many more, "Happy Birthdays." * Wedded Blis« That real nice couple, Jerry ' Und Lloyd Wagner, celebrate _ their anniversary on Thursday, Oct. 24. Sure hope they have a wonderful day and also have many more years of being together. Football New* All boys who have handed in their permission slips are suppose to report at the Community House at 1:30, Saturday, Oct. 26. There will be a game at McCracken Field against the McHenry Midgets. Come on mom and dad let's help our boys bring home their first victory. Remember boys all permission slips have to „.be handed in to play in the game. Belated Birthday Greetings We'raH^Hh really sorry we didn't have ybur natal day date on time out qur wishes are still for the verW best to you. Oct. 12 Cathy Efroesser turned 15 and on the twenty-second Ken Grothman added another year. ts New* Cub Scouts *" Last Saturday abotit twentyfive of our Cubbers under the supervision of Cubmaster Bob Matthews, Den-mothers Shirley Koch and Joan Florek, Denchiefs Dennis Druml, Danny Kamp and Kevin Druml left here at 8 a.m for a visit to O'Hare Airport. The boys ate lunch on the observation tower and watched incoming and outgoing planes from there. They were met by our Ass't. Scoutmaster, Irv Becker, as he completed his night's work and he took the boys into freight cargo and explained how freight is loaded and weighed. Each of the boys received miniature wings and all sorts of literature about planes. Mr. Clar Haerle should be commended for giving Mr. Matthews some male help. It's a real shame that so many Cubbers and parents who had planned on going couldn't make it. It sure proves discouraging to leaders to make plans and end up with very little help. The Cub Scout Halloween party which was held last Monday evening will be written up in next week's paper. There are still two dens who are unable to have den meetings because of lack of Den mothers. Your help in this matter would be so greatly appreciated by the very anxious Cubbers. How about it mom, can you give a couple hours a week to some deserving little boys? Contact Mr. Matthews if you can. Boy Scout News At the meeting of Oct. 15 much of our meeting was spent in discussing our Fall Campout. This coming weekend is Oct. 26 and 27 and arc the important days. Because very few parents seem to take interest in our activities we do not have enough people to drive us out to our camp-site the night of Oct., 25. This means that we will leave the morniing of the twenty-sixth. Leaving a day later forces Mr. Druml, our Scoutmaster, to cancel our award trail hike. We just won't have the time for it. Don't forget fellows; your camp-out fee must be paid and you must have your insurance fee in too, as well as a note of consent from your parents or you will not be allowed to go^ We, the boys of Troop 459, result of--the Red Cross drive that we will be able to receive instruction in many of the classes in first aid, life saving and etc., that the Red Cross gives. We have several new faces in the Troop, I will give their names in a later column, • but we still have room for ,a few more. Join us now. Respectfully submitted by Kirk Links, Scribe, w Troop 459 Scoutmaster Druml has told us since Kirk submitted his column that he has received a few offers to drive on Friday after school and if a few more are received the Troop will be able to leave then. If anyone can drive on Friday, please, contact Mr. Jim Daurio at 385-3160. Strolling Through The Park Our community can well be proud. Chosen as homecoming king at McHenry high school last week was our subdivision's, John Hickey. John is a very popular senior at the school and is also vice-president of his class. Seeing as how I played hookey two weeks ago Barb decided it was her turn this week. Five women from the Community Methodist church attended a spiritual life retreat beginning Sunday afternoon and going through Monday afternoon, Barb was one of them. It should be a very enjoyable experience. Ken Grothman and Joe Prazak celebrated their birthdays together with the help of their ever lovin' wives and children. Also helping in the festivities were P'leanor and Clar Haerle and Joe's mother, Grandma Rose Prazak. We had several days of celebrating our twenty-second anniversary last week. We were feted at a wonderful dinner by Mary and Jim Daurio and then Saturday evening Eddie and myself along with Mary and Jim were guests of Dottie and Irv Becker's. They sure helped us celebrate and gave us some memories we'll be long in remembering. Several of the ladies from our subdivision enjoyed a delicious smorgasbord luncheon at the Community Methodist church last week. This was their annual United Nations luncheon where each circle was in charge of serving food from a different country. The nationalities represented were, Oriental, Swedish, German, American and one that Barb couldn't remember no matter how hard she tried. Everyone enjoyed the different kinds of food very much. Last Thursday afternoon Lorraine Arient was hostess for the surprise birthday party on Eva Bott. Luscious cake and coffee were served after cards had been played. Joining in on the afternoon's festivities were Hattie Manning, Leonora Abbott, Wilma Atkinson and Carole Humann. Last Tuesday the Meurer family were surprised by Barb's sister, Joan Ellis, and her five children. She came down just at the right time as she ended up helping Barb plant some spring bulbs. Carole and Don Humann attended a dance for the Plumbers Union last Saturday. Before going to the dance Don took Carole out for an eventful Hungarian dinner. Welcome home to Paul Schwegel. Sure hope your hospital stays are at an end for a long time to come. The Eckhart family spent last Sunday visiting with friends in Delavan, Wis. Nedra's says they had a wonderful day and also enjoyed the wonderful colors of Mother Nature. On Saturday Nedra ventured into the city for the monthly meeting of lier Daughters Club. Petey Oakford and her niece, Pat McCullough, celebrated their birthdays last Sunday with a dinner at Petey's mothers in the city. Pat celebrates on the twenty-second and Petey celebrates on the twenty-fourth. They had a wonderful dinner complete with birthday cake and candles. Jeanette Hertzog was among the women giving denfonstration parties last week. Attending her party were Nedra Eckhart, Sharon Fisher. Joan Mooney, Judy Long, Charlene Wimmer, Mary Antepenko, Carla Hutchinson and Helen Kraskiewiez. As long as we're talking about demonstrations Eleanor Haerle had one last week also. Delicious high caloric desserts were served to the following ladies, Donna Rode, Vivian Stelle, Ann Wohnrade, Jessie Matthews and Ethel Schade. While we're talking about Eleanor she is just bursting with pride and with justified reason, Eleanor picked up twenty-two pins on her average by bowling so very well last Saturday. Your teammates are also very proud of you Eleanor. The Tripoley Club surprised Louise McEnery with a terrific luncheon held in Lake Geneva. The following gals helped with the complete surprise and day, Delia. Julian, Ruth McMahon, Edna Hountras, Grace Mandziara, Ivy Lezak, Ann Hcrzog and Helen Kraskiewiez. Fashion Show Ladies mark down the date of Nov. 13 at 8 p.m. now. It's the date set for the Woman's Club fashion show at the McHenry Country Club. Chairwoman for the event is Carole Humann and you can obtain tickets from her by calling 385-1605. Hope You're Better Heard Greg Mayer has had a broken thumb as a result of football, hope it's much better by this time. Melvin Radloff was a patient at McHenry hospital last week. Joe Prazak is still sporting his bandaged finger, hope that bang he took on it at work last week didn't undo anything. Clubs And News Barb and I are just as anxious to write news of people and of our numerous clubs as you are to read the news but we do need YOUR help. It's your column, your news, we only try to put it into writing but without you telling us this becomes very hard to do. We can spend hours dialing numbers to no avail Please won't you help? Every organization must have someone in charge of publicity, so how about having an item put in the column. If we're not home just leave your notes in the door, we'll call you for any thing we don't understand. Hope we hear from all the clubs we have in our subdivision. This also goes for all individuals, birthdays, parties, visits, weddings, births, anything, help us fill our column with things of interest to all of you. We'll be very grateful. We have the Scribe, Kirk Links of Boy Scouts giving us a weekly article as well as Aggie Prazak who does the football news. We hope there will be many more. Community House Schedule Wednesday, Oct. 23, 7:30 p.m. Little League Open Meeting, BOLGER'S HAS THE $pQexitsr. KOOKIFS"* HALLOWEEN CARDS » : BY NORCROSS of couR$a. BOLGER'S 1259 N. Green St. Phone 385-4500 A. oCetter ^rom oCocL er A TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS: Because of our negotiations with Humble Oil Company to which we are intending to sell only a portion of our property pending re-zoning, a rumor has been circulating around town that we, Locker's Flowers, are going out of business. To the contrary, we are planning to improve and enlarge our business to better serve our customers by building a modern flower shop on the remaining piece of land at Elm and Third streets now occupied by our green« houses. HUGH AND ELEANOR LOCKER Patty Baird went back to school last week. Since she became ill last February, she has been unable ti attend regular classes. Dur- 'frig her stay at the hospital, she kept up with her school work there, but when school began in September it was decided best for Patty not to attend classes at the school. J remember a classmate, when I was a girl, who missed two years of. schooling because of illness. Today, Patty is able to attend classes without ever leaving home. Our McHenry School board and board of health have arranged for the telephone company to set up an intercom system in the Baird home which is directly connected to Mr. Taylor's sixth Holiday Hills Patty Baird Back In School Inez Tou3|| Thursday, Oct. 24, 8:30 p.m. Welcome Party, Friday, Oct. 25, 3 to 6 p.m. -- Dancing Classes. Saturday, Oct. 26, 10 to 11 a.m. - Baton Classes. Monday, Oct. 28, 8 p.m. -- Regular L.P.P.O.A. Board Meeting. Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2 to 6 p.m. Boy Scout Meeting. Please contact Jo Rizzo at 385-2728 for cancellations or reservations. Bridge Club Our ladies Bridge Club met last week at the home of Ann Leigh. Ann served hi-caloric refreshments which the following ladies enjoyed to the utmost, Ann Herzog, Ruth McMahon, Louise McEnery, Ivy Lezak, Lucille Deitz, Ruth Chadwick, Delia Julian and Joyce Braun. Taking top honors for the evening were Ruth Chadwick, first, and Ruth McMahon took second. Community House It has been brought to our attention that many of the people who make reservations for use of the community house fail to notify Mrs. Rizzo if they find they do not need to use it. Our custodian goes down to open the doors and turn up h e a t f o r a l l s c h e d u l e bookings and many times waits for long periods with no one showing up. We wouldn't like it if it were done to us, so please, if you find you will not be using the community house for a date you've reserved please contact Mrs. Rizzo so the hall is not opened. grade class at McHenry junior high school. Patty feels 'right at home' in the class since three of her classmates are from Holiday Hills, namely Bonnie McWilliams, Linda Exline and Guy Filip. Both excited and happy to start school again, Patty can hear everything that goes on in class, and with just the push of a button, the whole class can hear her voice, so that she can actually participate in class discussion and work. Another young girl from McHenry, whom Patty was introduced to as Lucy, attends class via the intercom system also. Isn't modern science wonderful?!" The only thing Patty is missing is a ride ^n the school bus, and recess, and even that will come in time. PAUL OPPERMANN LEAVES NORTHEAST PLAN COMMISSION The Northeastern Illinois Metropolitan Area Planning Commission accepted the resignation of Paul Oppermann as executive director, at its annual meeting, Oct. 17. In submitting his resignation at the meeting, Oppermann said., he intends to join the ^a^ltv^of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., in February of next year, as Albert Farwell Bemis Lecturer in Metropolitan PU.nning. The Bemis Lectureship is in M.I.T.'s School of Architecture and Planning. "It will be hard indeed to leave an organization which I consider immensely useful to Athletic Club Turkeys Have you ordered your Holiday turkey yet"7 No??? Well, it is a little early. Since you haven't, why not check with one of the members of the Griswold Lake Athletic Club to see about the possibility of getting one from them. Twilite Bowl Mary Mahon, Jean Baird and Irene Weiss have been busy making calls to get reservations for the Twilite Bowl, sponsored by the Woman's Club, to be held on Nov. 16. It's possible, if you haven't heard from one of them that they were unable to find you home. So that no one who wants tc go is missed, if they haven't called you, why not give one of Hiem a call and make sure of your reservation. Everyone had such a good time last year, and this year they have added the choice of bowling scotch doubles, if you prefer. Refreshments will be served after bowling. Be sure to get your reservation in early! Spook Parade Don't forget your costume for the spook parade. It will be held on Friday, Nov. 1, at 6 p.m. Watch next week's column for route and details. Greetings A happy birthday to mighty mite, Tommy Lundelius, who will be 5 years old tomorrow, Oct. 25. Congratulations to Lavon and Jim Dowhin who celebrate 22 years of wedded bliss this Sunday, Oct. 27. That's all for today, news was scarce again this week. PLEASE keep those calls coming in--without your news-- no column! As soon as I take this column down to the Plaindcalcr office I'm off with- my family to spend the weekend in South Bend with my sister and to see the Notre Dame -- U.C.L.A. game. the metropolitan area it serves --and certain to become more useful still," Oppermann told the Metropolitan Planning commission. "At the same time, the opportunity to help prepare future planners at one of the country's great planning schools is extremely attractive to me." Chester R. Davis, president of the nineteenth-member planning agency, thanked Oppermann for agreeing to remain as executive director until Jan. 30 "in the interests of our heavy current planning program." Mr. Oppermann has spoken before McHenry organizations on severrfl occasions. TRASH FIRES Fireflies have wings and so do sparks from trash fires. And, according to the Institute for Safer Living, these sparks are about as unpredictable in flight as fireflies."They float along on the slightest breeze, they shoot upward on jet streams of hot air. and often land some distance away in grass, leaves, brush or building corners. Burn outdoor trash in a screened container Also, wet down area around the fire and keep a water hose handy. llllUIHlHIIHIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllUn ** For Thai MAN ! In Your * ud CHAMPA too..: Hinne'i nothing that gtts to close to a Dad as a gill •f wearable*. Choosa froa our complete telectfom. Store FOR men 1245 N. Green St. Phone 385-0047 McHenry, I1L Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA <«iitHHi»HiiiiHiiiiiiiiiuiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiMiiumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMfli RIGID-FRAME GARAGES Two-Car Wiih Storage "RIGID-FRAME" Construction. It's new -- and so different -- and -- will save time and money! You can build it yourself on a weekend -- or we have reliable local builders ready to build YOUR GARAGE NOW! .. * Compare The Features! * Compare The Quality! * Compare The Price! No Money Down -- 5 Years to Pay Low Monthly Payments $EB FORJose one good look m CROWN windows, doors oc porch eodoswttts wM, convince yon of their superiority in design, operation and appeas* ance. So take a look «K»(iiXf| mm atotm n» at own NRL TM" ftt-HUNG FOR EASY Jfcxto of fnfrH btwdd MM MfctokateHfeta* VMH* y- AA *M1 .cI r11a fofn- R• voor NO MONEY DOWN EASY PAYMENT TERMS TO FIT YOUR BUDGET II Pre-Finished Panelling as low as 14 C Per Sq. Ft. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-1424 L* ^.

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