Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1963, p. 10

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•V *:•}% ••" / THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, November 14, 1963 . «, . Mrs. Edla Antonson has ref iu* "turned from a two month visit iO Z ih the home of her "son, Carl L. » Antonson, and family in Mar- • tlnsville, N. J. Z Mr. and Mrs. H. fi. Schaefer «• have been enjoying a two weeks •Vacation to the home of their son, Earl, and family in Alame- - da, Calif. They made the trip ~t)y train. Miss Genevieve Knox was •"entertained in the home of her Z, friend, Mrs. Margaret Ras-f -« mussen, in Chicago a few days^ ^ the past week: Z. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harasha *» and children of Wautoma, Wis., *' spent a, few days the past week *> with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Mary Turner, who Z makes her home with her son, ». William Jordan, and wife, left - recently to spend the winter in Z Florida. Mesdames May Siadek, Elsie • Rieker, Lorraine Cory, Luella Z Lockwood, Lilah, Jordon and - Miss Frances Vycltal of River- ~ view Camp, Mrs. Mabel John- Z. son and Mrs. Eva Bacon of - Fox River Valley Camp, R, N. Z A., attended the Royal Neigh- L bor convention held in Wood- *• stock Thursday evening. Z Mrs. Alice Brooks and the - James Brooks family were din- ~ ner guests of relatives in Mt. ~ Prospect Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan ™ spent a few days recently in the home of their granddaughter, - Mrs. Thomas Morris, in Oak Lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Coleman of Roselle were Saturday guests in the home of Mr. and ; Mrs. Henry J. Stilling. Z Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence - of Chicago were weekend guests of McHenry relatives. Mrs. Nick M. Justen and daughter, Clarene, motored to Rockford Friday to pick up her granddaughter, Gretta Martin, and Joanne Bolton, Students at St. Thomas hall, there, who came home for a ' Weekend visit with their parents, the Carl Martins and John Boltons. On Saturday Z Mrs. Justen and daughter, Mrs. Martin, and Gretta, Mrs. ' Joseph L. Bauer and Mrs. Bernard Bauer went to Milwaukee - to attend the bazaar at St. ~ Joseph's convent. « Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pfivlick "" and children of Waukegan Z visited McHenry relatives Sun- «' day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brugger, son. Robert, of Keno&ha, <•» Wis.; «nd Mn, Ann Witt of ^ Chicago were Sunday guests .» In the: Fred Bienapfl home. • Mrs. Eva Aebischer of Chi- 6Sg6 Is spending several (fays • in the Louis Stoffel home. •* " Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nichels ™ i>f Barrington, Mrs. Walter »•* Kirchoff of Rogers Park, Mrs. Elvera Schroeder and Mrs. Z. Jeafl Thill of (Crystal % Lake were among the out of. town folks here to attend the dinner Z &nd bazaar at the Zion Luther- • an church last Thursday. ^ * Mrs. Ray Sabath was a weekend guest of friends in Chicago. Members of the Alpha Theta ^ chapter of Delta Kappa Gam- • ma from McHenry who attend- ^ fed the meeting at Marengo, Saturday, Nov. 9, included Lillian Bolger, Nellie Doherty, I Eleanor Foley, Dorothy Gibbs, Genevieve Knox, Dorothy Ullrich and Carolyn Bauer. Mrs. F. J. Aicher and brother, Leo Heimer, returned Sunday from a week's visit in the home of their nephew, John Hoffman, and family Indianapolis, Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh and Miss Genevieve Knox attended a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. E. C. Kimmel in Elgin Sunday afternoon. The party honored Miss Margaret Hemmer of Huntley who is to become the bride of Joseph Manning of Elgin on Dec. 28. Mrs. Clinton Martin left this (Thursday) morning for Summerfield, Fla., to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. John Neuharth and Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson attended the flower show sponsored by the Elgin Garden clubs at Lord's Park pavilion in that city Sunday. A (able set up for the McHenry Garden club by Mrs. John Neuharth, Mrs. Theodore Arvidson and Mrs. Earl Kruckow took third place in its class. Mrs. Alice Frasier has returned to her home in Grinnell, Iowa, after a several days visit in the home of her sister, Mrs. Ray Page. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tomlinson and daughter were in Chicago Sunday where they saw the flower show in Lincoln Park and also attended the Moscow Circus at the International Amphitheatre. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams and daughter, Virginia, were dinner guests in the home of Miss Roba Kellogg in Waukegan Saturday evening in observance of the forty-second wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Mesdames Ben Tonyan, Anton Williams, Fred Smith, Mike De&en and Joseph Williams spent a recent day in Milwaukee where they attended the bazaar at St. Joseph's convent. Miss Joanne Bolton was home from Rockford to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bolton, and on Saturday in company with her parents and a friend, Barbara Borelli, attended the bazaar at St. Joseph's convent in Milwaukee. Twenty-seven members of the McHenry County Past Oracles club from Harvard, Woodstock, Crystal Lake, Algonquin and McHenry were present at the November meeting held at the home of Mrs. George H. Johnson on Tuesday, Nov. 5, with Mesdames Agnes Wissell, Eva Bacon, Susan Olsen and Beatrice Peterson assisting. A pot-luck luncheon at 1 p.m. was followed by a business meeting and social hour. Their next meeting, a Christmas party, will be held at the home of Mrs. Ila Gumprecht in Crystal Lake on Tuesday, Dec. 3. Fourteen members of the Pink Lady Sewing Guild of the Woman's auxiliary to the McHenry hospital enjoyed a luncheon at a popular eating place in Fontana, Wis. The affair honored one of their group, Mrs. Nellie Bergener, who is leaving soon to make her home in San Bernardino, Calif. Mrs. Paul Karls and Patricia Glosson spent the past weekend in Fort Knox, Ky., where they visited with the former's son, Pvt. Paul Karls. They had a very enjoyable time COME IN NOW! Double Plaid Stamps with Our Lay Away Plan! 20% Deposit Holds Your Item Till Dec. 15 • Cosmetics • Toys • Sundries • Watches • Billfolds, etc. NYE'S FRIENDLY PHARMACY 1325 N. Riverside Drive 885-4426 FARM SERVIC E WAY INSl RED AUCTION Location -- On the Palmer Firm - 3 miles South of Hebron, 111., on Highway 47 to Thayers corners - then % mile East -- or 7 miles North of Woodstock, 111., on Highway 47 tp Thayers Corners then M mile East. Reason -- Death of my husband. APCTION TO START AT 1:00 P.M. Saturday, November 16 MRS. OLiVK MORRIS. ADMINISTRATOR 31 CROSS BRED ANGUS 3 Cows with calves; 1 Heifer, bred; 22 Calves, 6-9 montKs; 2 Calves, 4 months. HOGS 12 Pigs, 100 to 150 Pounds. FEED 800 Bales 1st and 2nd Crop Alfalfa Hay; 700 Bushels Oats; 70 Acres Standing Corn. TRACTORS A EQUIPMENT Allis Chalmers D-14 with cultivator, power steering, 3-14 In. mounted plow, 1960, A-l condition; Cock Shut Tractor; 8 ft. Tandem Disk; Manure Spreader; Hammer Mill; Drive Belt; New Idea 7 Ft. Power Mower; New Holland Hay Baler; Case 2-Row Corn Planter; 38 Ft. Elevator; Stock Tank; Lever Drag, steel, 3 sections; 2 Wagons, 1 on rubber; Sprayer; Milking Machine, pump and motor; Pipeline for 34 Cows; 2 Surge units; Pails, Strainers, etc.; 2 Wash Tanks; Hog Feeder; Hog Trough; Miscellaneous Small Tools; Some Scrap Iron. LIBERAL TKRMS: Usual Friendly Farm Service Way Terms Av&Hable. For Farm Real Estate - Sales & Purchases -- Contact our affiliates Bob Keefe & Associates. Auctioneer -- Henry Freeman, Hebron, 111. Cashier -- Milt RHk. Lake Geneva, Wit»= Clerk -=- Wally Van Esmond, Clinton, Wis. - • f aHm auction service, inc. Legal STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY) BEFORE THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER OF THE) PETITION OF THE CITY) OF McHENRY, McHENRY) COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN) viewing different caves in the area in beautiful Indian summer weather. Pvt. Karls, who is in the armor division, is leaving for a new assignment at Aberdeen Field in Baltimore. Mrs. Henry Stilling spent a few days recently visiting her sons in Lombard. REGARD TO THE AMEND-) MENT OF -PARAGRAPH) 9 OF ARTICLE IV, AND) ARTICLE IX-A.-2 OF THE) ZONING ORDINANCE OF) THE CITY OF McHENRY) AS PASSED AND AP-) PROVED BY THE CITY) OF McHENRY ON THE) 12th DAY OF MARCH,) A.D. 1962, AND AS SUB-) SEQUENTLY AMENDED. ) NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compliance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Mc Henry, Illinois, as passed and approved by the City Council of the City of McHenry on the 12th day of March, 1962, a public hearing has been ordered by the City Council, said hearing to be held on the 6th day of December, 1963, to amend the following provisions of the existing Ordinance: Paragraph I 9, Article IV, under General Conditions, and Article IXA.- 2. It is the desire of the City Council to clarify Paragraph 9 of Article IV concerning zoning classification of annexed property, and to amend Article IX-A.-2 by providing that permitted uses in the said District may be permitted both above and below the main floor in the "B-l" Commercial Retail District. Said hearing shall be held in the City Hall of the City of McHenry on the 6th day of December, 1963, at the hour of 3:00 p.m. All'persons having an interest in the proceeding may appear at said date and time. s/ DONALD E. JOHNSON Chairman, City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals John E Looze REVOKE THREE DRIVER LICENSES WITHIN COUNTY Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the revocation of the driver licenses of Wiley R. Cleveland, Crystal Lake, and Kenneth J. Erickson, 4510 Wonder Lake road, Wonder Lake, both for driving while intoxicated, and Richard City Attorney City of McHenry, Illinois (Pub. Nov. 14, 1963) Have you applied for a Charge Account at GLADSTONE'S, INC.? N. Schowalter of Hebron for three violations. The license of Carroll L. Patterson of Cary was suspended for three violations. Probationary permits were issued to Douglas F. Adams of Presidency. Rt. 9, McHenry, and James A* Wilhite of Rt. 1, Harvard. H?nry Harrison held the job' of county clerk at North Bend, Ohio, when elected to the Regular c h e c k - u p s and ' maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find qut for yourself. V ^ Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Auto Service "24-HOI'K TOWING SERVICE" 1002 N. Front St. 385-0811 McHenry, 111. RED DELICIOUS APPLES 10. U,S Gov't tInspected A&P's Super-Right FIU-A-BOOK CUT-UP *33* if you cup and redeem au rm coupons lists* mow Shank Portion Butt PortioR A&P'S SUPER-RIGHT 14 to 20 LBS. NO WATER ADDED COOKED BIG, JUICY Washington Grown 29*39 mm HALF UL 49< CINTER HAM SLICfS Super-Right Smokies '^ 49* Fresh Chicken Legs *3$ Halibut Steaks S *.39* Fresh Chicken Breasts *45 Instant Coffee Wise. Swiss Cheese White Bread Nescafe IO-oi. 20c Off Label ]«r Rich Hot-Like Flavor lb. Made with Buttermilk 20-oz. Jane Parker loaf 99* 69* 19* Bond's Pickles Apple Pie Pecan Meats Sliced Polish, Kosher or Plain Jane Parker Oven Fresh A&P large Stuart Halves--was $1.29 3,ri M? 39 '2T 99 551551 SRI f» ? Va VALUABLE COUPON 1AA Ixm WORTH 100 PLAID • WW fTAUBi With The Purchase Of Pineapple-Grapefruit A&P q 46-oz. $< Drink w cans I Coupon Expires Nov. 16, '63> Limit One Per Customer »Tlf?l«TWflSTS*fUrT VALUABLE COUPON AAA EXTRA WORTH 7(1(1 PLAID AWW STAMPS With The Purchase Of A> nour'i Star Canned jr lb. $ Ham O can < oupon Expires Nov. 16, 'i imit One Per Customer SBilCTSrrafSfTl! fX MAYONNAISE Quart Jar "Ma 'yo nnaise ma,ki,e„s thif-e tsraelaadt1 L»OCb w«-"»ucrs> i®u i Andioo, at that .ow, price. What a buy! ------ ENJOY mm* COFFEE MILL FLAVOR fresh-ground flavor you can't get in a am Wiicht#. "l£l$ZD EIGHT OtWCI H •• 3-lB. m» - 55* RICH AND FULL-BODIED RED CIRCLE '.S 59« 31L *1.71 VIGOROUS AND WINEY B0KAR !S!i 6K 3.1b *1.77 EXTRA PLAID STAMPS With The Purchase Of Jane Parker Ciant With The Purchase Of Mel-O-Bit Affler. or Pimento Cheese 12-oz. BS SS Jelly IH Coupon Sxpires Nov, 16, 63 si's Ro" »• Limit On* Per Customer Coupon Ixptros Nov. 16, '63 Limit One Per Customer Purchase < Coupon Expires Nov. 16, '63 Limit One Per Customer Grand Duchess Frozen Instant Soap Granules Liquid Detergent Beef Steaks Fels Naptha Gentle Fels Graham Crackers Reynold's Wrap Shellie Beans Plastic Wrap Cut Rite Wax Paper Sandwich Bags Nestle's Morsels Orleans Dog Food 20-oz. pkg. 3-lb., 3V2-01. pkg. 20-oz. btl. Flavorkist Butter Honey Aluminum Foil Stokley Brand Cut Rite Cut Rite Brand Semi-Sweet Chocolate 89c 79c 65c Mb. $400 pkgs. | 35' a 4Qe jh "fv 29< 29c 2^45' 49' Assorted Flavors Good Luck Brand 25 ft. roll 16-oz. cans 100 ft. roll 125 ft. roll 75 ft. pkgs. 12-oz. pkg. Knorr Soups Margarine Pillsbury Biscuits Ballard Biscuits ^in Imperial Margarine Lucky Whip Buttercup Cookies Chocolate Syrup Hershey's Gold Medal Flour Scot Towels Minutes Topping for Desserts Supreme Bakers Wondra Soft Absorbent Horse Meat 2™ 45c Kleenex Tissues 4c Off Special FREE... COFFEE MILD, EIGHT O'CLOCK j WITH THE PURCHASE OF... COFFEE MAKER 12 t JO Cup Size NOW ONLf $995 VALUABLE COUPON BB50W | I - T - IF i ^ - n - si i Hi W [ With The PurckiM Of Our Own Instant 3-oz. Tea jar cot Mil Kxplr«» Nov, 16, '63 I lit On* Per Customer x&gussisxsautf VALUABLE . COUPON 1 9'/2-OZ. tin 9%-oz. pkgs. I - pkg. of 600 VALUABLE COUPON EXTRA PLAID STAMPS SllliiSSU VALUABLE COUPON WORTH 100 With The Purchase Of . . . Waldorf _ _ SS Hair 13-oz. Qy £ 1 •• Spray can I || Coupon Expires Nov. It, '61 I l imit One Per Customer •• * m « n s tTWKT'VM'TWTMWmmTWM^" " •*<"*" •• * •• uiiihi j " * VALUABLE , H mi VALUABLE COUPON EXTRA PLAID STAMPS With The Purchase Of , . . Sultana a lb. QOc Rice JL bag wv Coupon Expires Nov. 16, '63 COUPON With The Purchase Of Aluminum ;»iuihsaiiEia I ;• j*-1 m h :: I E« Reynold's Foil 18" ' pa Coupon Expires Nov. 16, '63 | I Limit One Per Customer !I WB1 1'• l•ti1 w M tg • ••• iI •H• ml » l1 iI ftfJ | • ••I . UJ VALUABLE COUPON With The Purchase Of . . . Spotless Plastic Garbage pkg. QQc Bags of 20 Coopos't ( »i)tfes Nov tfc, '<bJ tjmic (»«• Per Cuifrurm-f •Mr i" •W• ii cni i« amii iama fi k* « sari1 1 VAlUABLfe COUPON With The Purchase Of . . « P» Sunnyfield 1-lb. ywc m Butter ctn. / / ™ •• Coupon Expires Nov. 16, *£ n t. t imit One Per Custome r »®» B•S 1t. 1a2aS '«f l•S• "^ m"n "« *w• .r •w• «r •n• I. am3m •«•i it Huas t# aa AH.aSIj VALUABLE COUPON EXTRA PLAID STAMPS 181H it With Tho PurchaM Of . . Whit* Beauty Short- 4 lb. jpai ening w can D # Coupon Expires Nov. 16, '63 Limit One Per Customer With The Purchase Of Jones Links Pork Mb. Sausage pkg. Coupon Expires Nov. 16, Limit One Per Custom 89 a rcj b k i ; «£sei si Frozen Beef, Chicken, Turkey and Others Banquet Dinners Reg. 11-oz. 49^ Dinner 5 DtriWAilt 1000 MtHCIUUir unci 1111' s GIVE PLAID STAMPS All pricosjtffective thru Nov. 16, 1963 ^ZISISSISSISS VALUABLE | «« mmt -mTmV «• ••• II wiBwLw*.w mzrm ALUABLE OUPON VALUABLE COUPON COUPON EXTRJ PLAID STAMI w»tn The Pvrcheie Of Warwick Milk or Dark Chocolate Mb. ^ With The Purchm Of Mazola 32-oz. # #| Oil btl. 07 Coupon Expires Nov. 16, '63 Limit On* Par Customer with The Purchasa Of Kosher 1-lb Franks pkg. Coupon Expiree Nov. 16, '63 ijmit One Per Customer Cherries Coupon Expiraa Nov, 16, Limit On* Par Customs RUSS 32TUTKJ • sfiisstnxs SS^SSiSS VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON EXTRA PLAID STAMPS EXTRA PLAID STAMPS m m EXTRA WORTH 7S PLAID STAMPS With The Py chase Of Superior at Sondwara Dccorassa ;• i s| i *2 «tcor* h i M PaPer h The Purchase Of iel Soft Facial a boxes With The Purchat, Duncan Hines :«k?t49cH French 8-oz. Dressing btl. 39 Coupon Expires Nov. 16, '63 Limit One Per Customer Coupon Custome With The Purchase Of . . . a&p Sharp or Mild Cheddar 8-oz. ^Qc Cheese bar w# Coupon Expires Nov. 16, '63 Limit One Par Customer «KIBt!S __ ssiSSLS*: VALUABLE COUPON With The Purchase Of Flavor Kist Cookies Chocolate Bon Bons Coupon Expires Nov. 1«, '63 4. mat Cm Pei f :omer 2boxes Ar of 200 JmZf Coupen Expires Nov 14 t: l. lit. * Osie Per < ;t!uir «r *« >** < wm ir ffrn t mm * mm i «a I -- I

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