Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1963, p. 12

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to THEUSHEWtT PLMTOEAIBB Thursday* Nofwmhet 14, 1989 Lakeland Park SCOUTS COLLECT CHRISTMAS GIFTS JtOVL DIXON SCHOOL * *• Barbara Meiirrr - 885-4356 Kay Druml Our Cub Pack and Boy Scout Troop will be knocking on your door for contributions for the children at Dixon school. These contributions do not mean only cash which will . be used to purchase things, but it also means toys, combs, "perfume, soap, candy, cookies - and anything that might provide some joy to these children. Toys that can be repaired will be accepted and fixed up by the scout leaders. This is a ^worthwhile project that our scouts have taken on and are to be commended for it. If you have ever visited Dixon you would see the need for pleasures for these people. One cottage I visited recently had 'seventy female residents, ranging from the very young to the senior residents, even a hand- ^ kerchief means a great deal to them. They don't know or have the worldly pleasures we all take so very much for granted, wouldn't your Christmas morning be more complete knowing you helped to provide someone who has so much less than you with just a small amount of joy? Many of these residents don't have a person in this world to visit with them or to take them out of the grounds for even a precious few hours, let alone give them a few things to call their very own. It doesn't take much to please them and in helping out I'm sure you'd have a good warm feeling knowing you made someone happy. Please help the Scouts out when they knock at your door or call Scoutmaster Ed Druml or Jim Daurio at 385-3160 or Cubmaster Bob Matthews at 385- 6042. May God bless the leaders and scouts and you for your efforts. Warning We'd like to take this means of warning all our residents to keep their youngsters out of the woods on the South side of the highway. The woods has been a favorite spot to hike to for lunch and just plain hiking by many of our youngsters and oldsters as well. The woods has now been leased by a hunt chib and it could prove very dftogcruus to be walking where others are shooting. moreheTpful for their next affair. Little League Because of the fourth Wednesday of the month being the day before Thanksgiving the meeting has been moved up to this coming Wednesday, Nov. 20. All parents of all Little Leaguers are invited to attend the meeting at the Community house at T:30 p.m. "Our Bent To You" Today Thursday, Nov. 14 has Nancy Kane celebrating her fifth year. On Friday, Nov. 15 that terrific Italian cook, who claims she's as Irish as Paddy's pig lays claim to being able vote, hope you have a good day Mary Daurio. On Nov. 16 Steve Knor will be 5 yrs. old. The 18th has Beulah Hoard as honored guest. The following day being the 19th has Johnny Zimney blowing out the candles. Little master Mark Koch reaches that very active age of three, on the 21st. May God be good to each of you on your own special day and on all the ones to follow. Pack Meeting The November Pack meeting of our Cub Scout Pack is on Monday, Nov. 18. Place, the Community House, time 7:00 p.m. Come on all you parents get down there on time and help your son's Den try to win that coveted honor flag by being in attendance. There will be skits, awards and refreshments. Come on parents of all Cubbers be at the Pack meeting on time. Fashion Show To all of you ladies who get the paper on Wednesday evening please, remember tonight at the Country Club. It'll be a terrific evening out. Belated Birthday WfebM Belated birthday wishes go to Michael Miyaki who was 6 years old Nov. 11 and to Bob Kozy who celebrated Nov. 7. Our best wishes go to you both and may God be with you in the year to come. Boy Scout News At last Tuesday's meeting the main discussion was our winter camp-out. Our Scoutmaster, Mr. Druml, said there will ^be no camp-out unless there is snow on the ground. During the meeting, Back- Pack camping was covered. There is a patrol project in which each patrol must make a menu for an overnight campout. Scouts, start talking to your parents so that they will come to our Christmas party and pantomine show on the night of Dec. 17. All new boys must bring in their insurance money before they can go on any Scout activity. Keep working on your Indian Dance so we will be in shape for the engagements which Mr. Druml has us scheduled. Respectfully submitted by Kirk Links, Scribe Troop 459. Margie (No Tfore) Becker was bed ridden for several days last week, glad to say she's back up to par now. Little Tommy Daurio ended up with a terrific reaction to Halloween. Tommy had to have a visit to the doctor and a shot to counter-act the reaction he had gotten from all the Tricks or Treats. Heard Michael Krug has been sick, we hope he's better now. Our best wishes also go to Fran Cina who is in McHenry hospital as the result of an auto accident. To each of you goes our speediest recovery wishes. Birthday Party Celebrating Alan Moll's ninth birthday last Sunday were his, grandma and grandpa Glander and his uncle Harvey and aunt Betty from Mt. Prospect, also his two cousins, Craig and Scott Glander from Elk Grove. The boys enjoyed the after noon by going to the show. Strolling Through The Park Our congratulations and best wishes go to former residents Barbara and Mel Malinowski on ttio adoption of a 15 month old baby boy. The baby is named Jerry and he is a red head just like Barbara anfl her little girl Rita. Lyda and Bill Radisch are actually floating on cloUd 9. Their ninth grandchild and sixth granddaughter made her entrance at 4:50 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 8. Theresa Ann is the brand new daughter of Jackie and Carl Riley of Chichgo. Dad, mother and baby are all reported doing Just fine. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bell, Shirley and Chuck Lexow and their children spent last Sunday visiting with the Radisches. The campus at Champaign will probably never be the Joyed dinner at the Daurios. Mary sure can cook and I firmly believe Mary is trying to put back all the weight Kay has lost. Poor Sue Grizley had a terrible time remembering names at the Woman's Club meeting. same. Our fun loving Gayle When you learn the tricks of Laursen went with her dad to attend the dance last Saturday. Gayle's sister, Karen, attends the University of Illinois. Still don't know if Gayle went along to keep her dad company or dad went along to keep track of his two girls. Knowing Gayle, we know she had a ball. Sue and Ron Funk's home bulged again this weekend with guests. It's almost a weekend ritual at the Funks' home. The Driftnls once again enremembering names Sue, clue us in, we're no good at it either. Rosemary Haase and her five children from Rolling Meadows spent Sunday with her school chum, Petey Qakford. Jack pleased all tTis youngsters with a hike in the woods. Our ladies Tripoley Club played at Grace Mandziara's home last week. Many delicious tid-bits were served to the following ladles who all enjoyed a very wonderful evening, Della Julian, Louise McEnery, Ruth McMahon, Edna Hountras, Ivy Lezak, Helen Kraskiewicz and Ann Herzog. This group sure does enjoy their evenings of card playing. That real nice Assistant Scoutmaster, Art Tiffany, spent Saturday morning helping out our new Girl Scout Troop go on their very first rainy hike. Bet Art is getting confused but to be commended for his help. He'll really be teased by the Boy Scouts. Sunday, Delia Julian had Mrs. Helen Hatley of Fox Lake and our own Ann Herzog for a very delicious dinner. Ivy Lezak joined them later for a session of Tripoley. If there ever was an angel from heaven John Johnson's sister, Isie, must be one. She drove out from Chicago last Sunday to pick up Mary, Mike, Judy and Johnny and took them back in to the International Amphitheatre to see the "Moscow Circus." Maureen went along as far as John's folks house where she stayed to visit and do a little Christmas shopping. It must have beeh a wonderful day for all of them. Highway 90 from New Orleans to El Paso has been described as "one of the most interesting roads to drive over, in U.S." as it passes through so many different types of country, and through five distinct rainfall zones. "" Woman's Club The November monthly meeting Of the Woman's Club is now only memories and minutes in the secretary's book. President Vicki Bottari opened the meeting with a good bang of her gavel and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Each committee chairwoman was called upon for their reports as were the secretary and treasurer. Gayle Laursen reported that she thought the Snow Ball Dance ad book was the best. Jo Rizzo explained in full detail the coming Christmas party and it sounds like a real good time in store, so members get that dollar to Jo for the party and also start looking for that grap bag gift. The Christmas party is to be held at the McHenry Country Club. Six new members were welcomed into the club at this meeting. Refreshments were served and another meeting came to an end. The ladies are now very busy trying to sell tickets to their annual Snow Ball Dance which is to be held on Dec 7. These dances are always very enjoyable so purchase your ticket from any of the club's members and plan on having a wonderful evening. Girl Scout News Our brand new Girl Scout Troop ventured forth on that rainy Saturday morning for their first 2,1> mile hike. The leaders, Maureen Johnson and Dorothy Dowell^fiad Art Tiffany, Boy Scout Assistant Scoutmaster, as moral support for their first venture. The hike ended at McHenry Dam from which point the girls were transported back by Mrs. Koehl. Lunch was eaten in Mrs. Johnson's basement and when the weather cleared the Scouts made "Some-mores" in the backyard. It's a shame it had to rain for this first hike but the leaders and girls showed they too can take it and are not the so called weaker-sex. The troop now has three patrols, the Blue Bells with Carole Jaenicke as patrol leader, Blue Velvets has Cathy Humann as leader and the Happy Girl Scouts has Patty Anderson. Theresa Oik is treasurer and Alicia Sweeney is scribe. Sure hope Alicia gets weekly articles to us. We both hope the weatherman proves Reminder Soouters Just a reminder for all Boy and Cub Scout leaders, Den mothers, committee men and any niterested parents, tonight at Grace Lutheran church in Woodstock at 8 p.m. is the Roundtable meeting. These meetings are held each month. Hope our Pack and Troop is well represented. Bowling News This Saturday at 9 p.m. our mixed bowling league will be trying to really get those strikes and spares. The fourth place Dodgers will be shooting against the seventh place Pirates. First place Cubs will be pitted against the sixth place Braves. Being tied for second and third place these two teams will really be trying their best, Sox and Yankees. The last place Mets tangle with the fifth place Orioles. Should prove a most interesting evening. May the best teams win. Future Girl Scout Little Heather Lynn Frazier made her grand entrance into this wonderful world at McHenry hospital on Nov. &. She weighed in at 7 lbs 4 oz. Mr. and Mrs. Frazier are so very proud of their new daughter and also of hjg brother who is also very "pleased to have a brand new sister. May God bless the Frazier family always. Community House Schedule Friday, Nov. 15, dancing classes, 3 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16, Baton classes, 10 to 11 a.m. Monday, Nov. 18, 7:30 p.m.. Cub Scout Pack meeting. Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2 to 6 p.m., dancing classes, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Boy Scout Indian dance practice, 7:30 to 9 p.m. Boy Scout meeting. Wednesday, Nov. 20, Little League open meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 21, regular board meeting, 8 p.m. Please call Jo Rizzo at 385-2728 for any cancellations or reservations. Hope You're Better Our speediest recovery wishes are going to Lloyd Wagner, who was involved in an accident on last Sunday. At this writing we don't know if his leg is broken as the doctors thought. Sure hope not and that Lloyd is soon home from Woodstock hospital. Glad to see Mickey Gladman up and about again. Lovable, little r DL fU J-hnry PlamLaL •Suggests Personalized Stationery for Christmas Gifts Ryiex-the gift that's made to order for the occasion Handsomely packed $2.50 to $5.95 WRITING CASE & PERSONALIZED STATIONERY Handy size portfolio for carry-along or at home use. Black vinyl (folded size 9%"xl2%"). Has pocket for stationery pads and envelopes. Writing area has removable blotter. With this smart case comes a full box of Rytex Personalized Stationery of 100 padded sheets and 50 envelopes. This letter-paper is of fine quality white vellum with name and address in blue ink in style shown. Ideal gift for anyone on your list man or woman. $5.95 AUJJ-EU4. RYTEX "HI" BOX For teenagers. Your favorite teenager will love this. Fine quality white vellum paper with colorful illustrations. Name imprinted in red. Decorated box for keepsakes when the stationery's gone. 24 decorated sheets, 24 decorated envelopes. $3.00 RYTEX-HYLITED INFORMALS A delightful and useful gift for any lady on your list. Fine quality, smooth, white vellum, paneled informals with name Rytex-Hylited in shaded Roman lettering in black ink. 100 informals and 100 envelopes. Smartly boxed. $2.75 60 RYTEX ZOO TALES COLORING STATIONERY For all the little angels ^on your list. Teaches .Ahem to write and coloi too. Outline drawings of charming zoo animals OH sheets of envelopes foi coloring. Includes box oi coloring crayons. Person alized with name in re« ink. Very gaily boxed. 21 sheets, 24 envelopes. $2.50 RYTEX EARLY AMERICAN Beatiful stationery beautifully boxed. Finest quality Rytex ragcontent paper that crackles with distinction. Elegant tissue-lined envelopes. White paper with white tissue linings and blue ink. Blue paper with blue linings and blue ink. Grey with grey linings and grey ink. Green with green linings and green ink. Imprinted with name and address in script style (as shown) or block style. 100 single sheets and 50 envelopes. $3.50 W! • \o |"KS These elegant cream-smooth white note sheets are an ideal gift. They are personalized with a monogram beautifully embossed (raised lettering) in a rich shade of blue ink. Smartly boxed. You'll be proud to give these as gifts. 50 monogram note sheets and 50 envelopes. $3.95 SPECIAL: 100 MONOGRAM NOTES 100 ENVELOPES $5.95 p ill AMTMONV H DSANIO 4)e«uswuiikmaHuri< Jfc* * ANTHONY H D&uno 2)0 AUOUITA nrnirr. Order now for Christmas Gifts RYTEX DECKLE EDGE VELLUM Always a very popular stationery -- a Rytex 1 ' classic. And always a welcome gift. Luxuriously smooth, deckled paper ; in white, blue or grey | vellum. Script or Roman I (as shown) imprint style |in blue, grey or mulberry ink. 100 single sheets and 50 envelopes. $3.00 RYTEX WONDERSEAL ENVELOPES & MATCHING NOTE PADS Wonderseal envelopes seal at a touch. No moistening required. Padded note sheets are so convenient for quick, informal correspondence. Finest quality laid vellum in white or blue. Imprinted in style shown. Blue or grey ink. 200 Wonderseal Envelopes and 200 padded sheets. $4.50 RYTEX CHATELAINE So beautifully packaged in a gold foil covered reusable, hinged cabinet. Finest quality white deckle edge vellum paper personaliyed in script (as shown) or block style lettering. Blue, grey or mulberry ink. A truly lovely and useful gift. 100 single sheets and 50 envelopes. $3.50 »•--•••» I • McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, HL Mall Order Coupon Please place my order (Number of boxes) of .... (Name of Stationery) at $ a box, imprint as follows: Name only on "Hi" Box and Zoo Tales) Name * Street City, Zone, State ; Color of Paper Imprint Style Color of Ink FOR INFORMAL OR MONOGRAM t NOTES USE COUPON BELOW: (Number of bxs.) of Rytex-Hylited Informals at $2.75 a box. Name on Informals (Number of bxs.) of Monogram Notes at $3.95 Monogram on Notes * (Number of bxs.) Double Quantity Monogram Notes at $5.95. Monogram on Notes • ORDERED BY: Street City, Zone, State • Charge • Payment enclosed Sorry, No C.O.D.'s For additional orders write on separate sheet of paper.

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