Bandif, November 14.1963 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER McHENRY PLAINDEALER 8812 West Elm Street EataMsfard t/ftf 885-0170 Published Every Thursday at McHenry, Illinois - by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY. Larry E. Lund -- Publisher A<iele Froehlich, Editor Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, HMnois NATIONAL EOlTOtlAL a#c6ti3m Subscription Bates In McHenry County Outside McHenry County 1 Year $4.00 1 Year $4.50 6 Mos. $2.25 6 Mos. $2.50 t Mos. $1.50 3 Mos 81.7D iLunois BS8ICHT10B Obituaries CLARENCE R. DRAPER Clarence R. Draper, 86, a lifelong resident and farmer in the McHenry area, died at his home at 216 S. Draper road last Saturday noon, Nov. 9. He had been in failing health for sometime, but his condition did not become serious until about a week before his death. Mr. Draper, a respected member of the community, was born Aug. 16, 1877, son of Joseph and Eliza Thomas Draper, on the site of the Miller garage on Front street. The family moved within the next year to the Draper homestead on Draper road, where he always made his home. He is survived by his wife, Lena; two daughters, Mrs. Vera Campbell of Milwaukee, Wis., and Mrs. Bethel Blecka of Flagstaff, Ariz.; two sons, Joseph at home and Glenn of McHenry; four grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home until 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, when Rev. Ernest Carder of the Community Methodist church officiated at last rites there. Also participating in the services were members of McHenry Lodge, No. 158, AF & AM, of which Mr. Draper was a member. Burial was in Woodland cemetery. JACOB FRADINARDO Services were held last Thursday morning in St. Peter's Canisius church, Chicago, for Jacob Fradinardo, 70, of Chicago, who died Nov. 4 following a year's illiness. The deceased, a brother of Fred Fradinardo of Lilymoor, had been employed by the city of Chicago. Other survivors include another brother and three sisters. Woodstock; two granddaughters, one of them Mrs. Jean Nickels Reed of Woodstock; fourteen great-grandchildren, one sister and two brothers. Funeral services will be held at 2 O'clock Thursday after noon in the Pierce-Bier funeral home, with Rev. A. Stanley Beck, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery, Woodstock. ANGELA TENNES Mrs. Angela Hennes, 66, of 7420 Marblehead road, Wonder Lake, died unexpectedly Saturday, Nov. 9, in her home. She is survived by her husbarn, Henry J. Tennes. The body was removed from the George R. Justen & Son chapel to the Klemundt funeral home in Chicago for final arrangements. MATHEW HESS Mathew Hess, 73, of Island Lake died unexpectedly of a heart attack Friday afternoon, Nov. 8. Local arrangements were made by the George R. Justen funeral home here, after which the body was removed to the Ray Kruse & Son chapel in Chicago for last rites. Visits Capitol J. R. Levesque of McCullom Bake, McHenry county Republican central committee chairman, is shown here, at left, with Rep. Robert McClory of the 12th Congressional district they stood near the Capitol building. Mr. Levesque was in Washington recently in connection with his Naval service and other duties (he is a lieutenant commander in the Naval Air reserve). Following meetings at the Pentagon, he visited Rep. McClory and later had a brief tour of the Capitol. WOODSTOCK PLANS PRESENTATION IN A-A CITY CONTEST JOHN F, GRAFF John F. Graff, 84, of 7404 Maple drive, Wonder Lake, died Thursday, Nov. 7, in Veterans Research hospital, Chicago. Mr. Graff was a Spanish-American war veteran. He is survived by two daughters, Mildred Beyer and L- iff?' Mmv ; Iwft Specific points to illustrate Woodstock's All-America City presentation in Detroit, Mich., were announced this week by John L. Strohm, Woodstock resident who nominated Woodstock as a candidate in the contest sponsored by Look Magazine and the National Municipal League. The basic points will be illustrated with king-size blowups of special photos to dramatize each goal. Strohm will give his talk before the jury at the National Conference on Government in Detroit on Tuesday, Nov. 19. dren; two great-grandchildren; and a sister, Margaret Hanson. His wife, Elizabeth, preceded him in death. The body was taken to the Vriendt chapel in Chicago. A funeral Mass was sung Tuesday morning in the Church of the Advent, Chicago, with 1 i-ai cT.-sT In Ct tj'u'* trill,s <vnv f- BLANCHE SHERARD Services for Mrs. Blanc ho Sherard of 9111 Memory Tr.ul Wonder Lake, were held IH day in Warren, 111., with burial in Elmwood cemetery. Mrs. Sherard died Nov. 5 in Memorial hospital, Woodstot ! She was a native of Dubuqm Iowa, where she was born May 9, 1882. MARY DIBLER Mrs. Mary Dibler, 93, of Woodstock, died Monday e\ r ning, Nov. 11, in Memorial hospital, Woodstock. She h<ui been living with a daughio. Mrs. Mildred Nickels, at 4309 W. South street, McHenry, lor the past several months. Mrs. Dibler was born July 4, 1870, in Grums, Sweden, came to this country in 18hh Moving to Woodstock af her marriage to Lincoln Dibler in 1899, she was a lc • time member of the Firs, I Methodist church there. In addition to Mrs. Nickels, sli< loaves a son. Edward, of NOTICE The TURKEY AD PAGE which appears on Page 18 contains an error. The ad stales "28 turkeys will be given away in each store." THE AD SHOULD READ: 28 Turkeys will be given away, ONE in each store. The McHenry Plaindealer Country Living Minutes Away From Chicago's Loop. Beautiful Marian Parkway in Crystal Lako. Just An 8 Minute Walk From the Northwestern Commuter Slaiion a THE LEXINGTON $22,700 Inc. Fully Improv. Lot CUSTOM BUILDERS Other homes priced from $16,900 to $24,500 FRETT BUILD ON OUR LOT OR YOURS The Lexington a 7 room two "story Colonial with 1548 square feet of living area plus • Attached Wc»r garage • Concrete drive • Full baserrent • Four large bedrooms • loads of c.loset spic- • One and one-hal' baths storms & screens • Powder room located next to kitchen • Pivotal foyer • Formal din ng >oom • Mass've 23 foot living room PHONE: 815-459-19J9 Op»n da" D-ve 10 0 T1. cu* today to 7 pm. ' dsy to 6 p.m. T ? entfuni? Mtron Pjr•kkwwaavv on (Tar-a Cot'j Av-_) jGr.Cnyjtel Late, 2 rn !os w?it c I d m. R-. 176 Rt. 31. Tr. Yci;r Horn t; Gi tuf. COURT BRIEFS Justice Court In the court of Justice of the Peace Charles M. Adams last Saturday, Melvin P. Slazas of Waukegan was fined $35 for following too closely. Speeding charges were made against Henry M. Skogstad of Wilmot, Wis., who paid $12, and Thomas Simpson, Wonder Lake, who was fined $10. Siles Fletcher of Berwyn was fined $10 for passing in a "no passing" zone. Malicious mischief was the charge against Martin L. Weinmann of Spring Grove, who was fined $40. Magistrate Court Marshall P. Pearson of Rt. 9, McHenry, was charged with disorderly conduct in the court of Police Magistrate Donald Howard last Thursday night and fined $100 and $12 costs. A total of $85 for this amount was suspended for six months. Harold Justen, Jr., of Rt. 120, McHenry, paid $11 on a speeding charge. Earl Kratochvil of Woodstock was charged with improper lane usage (failure to signal) and given a $10 suspended fine. He paid $5 costs. Elmer Dilling of Chicago paid S20 on a rockle^s driving charge. A divorce costs many times the price of a marriage license, but often seems to be worth it. LOAN OFFICER SURRENDERS TO AGENTS OF FBI Thomas O. Campbell, 35- year-old vice-president and treasurer of the First Savings and Loan association of Woodstock, surrendered to the FBI in Springfield last week Wednesday night. He had been indicted Oct. 31 by a Chicago federal grand jury on a charge of embezzlement of funds from the firm. It has been indicated that the loss may run as high as $17,- 500, although Campbell was charged in the indictment with theft of only $3,000. He was said to have $12,227 in his possession when he gave himself up. Following his surrender, he was turned over to a U.S. deputy marshal and held for preliminary arraignment in federal court in Springfield. FBI agehts were called into the investigation because of federal insurance of the association accounts. They obtained a warrant for Campbell on Oct. 28 before U.S. Commissioner C. S. Bentley Pike in Chicago. Most people who fail in employment do so not because of lack of ability, but lack of applying that ability (lack of application) and lack of persist- COLLEGE GROUP ASKS SEPARATE SCHOOL FACILITY It has been proposed that the McHenry County Community college could be started with a levy of about 3 cents per 100 dollars of assessed property value. This proposal suggests that the high schools or other public properties be used after hours to achieve this low operating cost. Freeport Community college, in 1961, began in just this way. A maximum levy of 18 cents was voted for education and nothing for building. This school used 6.9 cents the first year, is using 9 cents this year and expects to use 11 or 12 cents in 1964-65. Freeport college pays no rent or maintainence. The overhead of the college is covered by high school funds. The college has also been able to borrow heavily from high school funds to establish a library and to increase laboratory facilities not provided,, for by an educationalonly levy. Freeport has approximately one fourth the property value of McHenry county. The Community college presently has about 200 full-time students enrolled. McHenry county is asked to consider a levy of 9.6 cents for three times as many students, plus library, maintainence, etc. The Citizens committee does not.feel thisjedu.-.. cational levy to be unreasonable. . Freeport college hopes, through the activities 'of their newly established foundation to raise money which will some^ day permit them to have"" a campus and free them from the restrictions placed,'upon them by physical association with a high srhonl. The McHenry Counly Citizens c6mmittee- h«is asked for additional mon*y-to provide sr"separal0 facility f&f the express purpose of avoiding these conflicts froA the start.. ~ ~ v . .Anyone... desiring, a~ speaker te premnt the Community College' prdpflfcal tO~Tfteir social or civic group should contact aith* er-Gene Lose* €48-4551 or Stuaft Hughes~arW399C I'SE TIlti'CI.A^iFIK!)!* Enznrator. AVOID COSTLY SEPTIC TANK TROUBLES Enzivator Ruck's Hardware 3902- w. Main St. OAK PARK HOTEL West Shore Pistakee Bay FISH FRY Every Friday 75' OAK PARK HOTEL Pistoke* Bay Road To Rt. 134 McHenry Dinners Served Friday, Saturday 8c Sunday Cocktail Lounge Open Daily 1 It Does - Try NYE DRUGS Your Friendly "Walgreen Agency" and See! 1326 N. Klvenide Dr. Phone Sto-443* FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY IN THE McHENRY AREA Have Your Doctor Contact tts For McHenry's Friendliest Prescription Service. COMPARE & SAVE - SHOP THE T H R I F T Y C E R T I F I E D ) WAY MOTHER -- NEVER EVER MEAT SO TENDER NOW FEATURING at your Certified Food Store in McHenry Western Lazy Aged Beef Tenderness In Every Cut Every Time Pleasure Packed with Goodness, Tenderness and Natural Beef Flavor GUARANTEED TENDER OR DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK YOU TOO CAN BE THE BEST COOK IN TOWN--TRY SOME SOON TRADING STAMPS are NOT Worth 10c Per Lb. Compare Our Prices AND SAVE CASH. HOME FREEZER MEATS U. S. CHOICE SUGAR CURED BRISKET Corned Beef 65 Hind Qtr. . . 59c lb. 100% PURE LEAN $1.13 Beef Loin . 79c lb. Beef Round 65c lb. Ground Beef 45 Front Qtr. . 47c lb. BOSTON BUTT Half Cattle . 47c lb. NO PROCESSING CHARGE Pork Roast 39i PLACE YOUR ORDER N O W For Fresh Dressed lee Pack More Flavor TURKEYS LEAN MEATY PORK STEAKS..45 tb YOUNG STEER BEEF LIVER .49 n> DOMINO SUGAR 10 lb. Bag $1.09 With a $5.00 Purchase CERTIFIED RED LABEL BEVERAGES 2 qts. 29* S lb. Tin CRISCO »C| RI PILLAR or Liver . .. VETS DOG FOOD 13 lor $1.00 24-oz. Bottle SAFFLOWER OIL 43c| Vl Size Tin BREAST OF CHICKEN TUNA 25c. Rat^i'dy Ann - Vi Size Tin WHITE TUNA 3 lor $1.00] RUTFJF«*d.y Ann - 2Vi Tin FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 for $1.00! HILLS BROS. Rep. or Drip COFFEE 2 LB. TIN $1.23 PH MONTE CATSUP RAGGEDY ANN FRESH PRODUCE DAILY I' I «>1411)A SWEET CORN (• K * • i PEPPERS CUKES RADISHES CAMPBELL'S SOUP No. I4 'Tin 14-Ot. CreamofYegetable • *2' Ms. CAMP8ELL'S SOUP 0Na 1 CC< Cream of Chicken • • • j Tin Dt> O^'amo!Mushroom . .St?;,1 55* Cut'Green Beans.. .2 21 49c DEL MONTE DEL MONTE: COUNTRY'S DEUGHT , Lb* ^9° Pumpkin 2 tL 35C Butter ctBRAGGEDY ANN GREEN MINT ~ DEL MONTS RedGnnamon Pears 29 Spinach . RAGGEDY ANN v/ CI- MCJ D* I Spiced Peaches £ 37° Sliced Pineapple.. RAGGEDY'ANN ^ 303 pp. DEL MONTE R.S.P. Cherries 2 ™ 55 Crushed Pineapple RAGGED* ANN D& MONTE " 2 301 OOc Tin. 33 No. 2 OCc Tin , 1 9QC Tin Red"saimon ^"49* dapple • . .. .^35' Miracle Whip i ® 55° "Nggft, Drink.... .VHWj |4-Oi. OOc DEL MONTE 2 9 S D r i n k , RAGGEDY ANN Spiced Apple Rings Jar 391 We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. >Shp Corner Elm & Green FOOD CENTERS Sale Dnte*.'/"' Nov. 14, ^5 $ 1Q. COMPARE & SAVE - SHOP THE T H R I F T Y C E R T I F I E D