Wednftwiay, November Tf, 1963 THE McHENHT PLAHkufeAT.yyi Eastwood Manor JOINT SERVICES FOR METHODIST, FAITH CHURCHES Laverne Saynor 385-5429 Faith Presbyterian church presents a busy schedule. Wednesday, Nov. 27-No Brownie Meeting today. 7:30 p.m. - The Youth Fellowship will meet at the home of David Hadley. Thursday, Nov. 28-9 a,m. - Joint Thanksgiving service with the Community Methodist church at the Faith Presbyterian church. Nursery facilities will be available. Nov. 30 - 10 a.m. - Confirmation class. Dec. 1 - Sunday - First in a series of Advent and Christmas sermons. Dec. 4-6 p.m. - Brownies meet. 7:30 p.m. - Session 8 p.m.- Board of Deacons. Birthdays Many happy returns of the day to Bessie Barnes who ridded another year on Nov. 22 and also to Susan Griffeth who became a very sweet little three years old. There seems to be a lucky number as Michael Smithson and Julie Biedercr both blew out three candles on Nov. 23. Steve Rohrer celebrated on Nov. 24 and Cheryl Fenner, Dclores Pickett and Peggy Weirich all blew out their candles on Nov. 25. Nov. 26 Connie Dethlefson became a year older and Nov. 27, today, Robert Welms is 15 years old and Gary Stoll is 12 years old. Around the Manor Visitors at the Walter Kuck home on Friday evening were the W. Bee family of Wauconda. Saturday evening Walt and Eleanor celebrated their anniversary by going out to dinner and dancing afterwards with Tom and Betty Schweiss of Fox Lake. Sunday afternoon the Kuck family spent visiting with Tom and Betty Schwiess of Fox Lake. Margaret Pickett and daughters, Delores and Debbie, spettt Friday night and SatuMs^r visiting 'With Margaret's mother. Mrs. Mary Jones of Waukegan. Saturlay they went to Milwaukee to see the Moscow Circus. The girls really enjoyed themselves immensely. . Sunday visitors at the Dick Fenner home were Robt and Helen Del Santos and children of Maywood. Lydia Fenner spent the weekend visiting with her parents in Chicago. The time \tfas spent just relaxing and also ^geTOevfh i with a shopping trip to the loop. Gail and Roger Crokin have just returned from a vacation trip to Clearwater, Fla., where they visited with Gail's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson. This was the first time that baby John had seen his great grandparents, and of course he thrilled everyone by taking his first steps while there. They also visited with Gail's aunt and uncle in Tampa. They also visited Wecki Wachee, where the mermaids are, while there. They returned home by way of the Smokey Moutains and Gatlinburg, Tenn. In Indianapolis they stopped to visit Roger's brother. Richard Crokin. Their last stop was made at Purdue University to see Gail's brother, Richard Johnson, taking him out to lunch. In return Richard gave them a grand tour of the campus. E.M.P.O.A. Marilyn Salo is chairman of the children's Christmas party to be held at the barn on Dec. 21. The time is from 1 to 4 p.m. There will be a tree trimming party immediately after the next E.M.P.O.A. meeting which will be held on Friday, Dec. 20, at 9 p.m. Everyone is asked to bring an ornament, with your name on if you want it returned. and your own refreshments. Mr. Bianchi volunteered his services as chairman, for an ice carnival to be held in January. Watch this column for further information. The Thanksgiving party that was held on Nov. 16, at the barn, was a huge success and well attended by Manorites and friends. ATTENDS ACADEMY Dr. Lee Gladstone attended the sixteenth annual meeting of the Illinois Academy of General Practice in Chicago) from Nov. 17 to 20. He was one of 1,400 general nractioners from throughout the state attending the convention. The doctors heard a series of nineteen lectures by expertsi in the various fields of medicine and studied numerous scientific exhibits to learn of the latest developments in methods and equipment. The 120,000 pound statue of Vulcan, on Red Mountain, Birmingham, Alabama, is the second largest iron statue in the world. Lakemoor-Lilymoor Mourn Several Deaths In Area ShWej Scfnierr 380-2045 No words can express our deepest sympathies to Lee Bassi and her family on the loss of her husband, Vic who passed away Friday Nov. 15. No words can express our deepest sympathies to A1 Godina and family on the loss of his wife Irene who passed away Friday Nov. 18. No words can express our deepest sympathies to Elmer find Ruth Kroncke on the loss of their son, Edward. Edward of Williams-Eark passed away Monday I^ov. 18. Our deepest sympathies go to Helen '.Wolf on the loss of her father-in-law, Chester Kautz of Chicago. Our deepest sympathies go to Lorraine Raven and Donald Brent on the loss of their mother, Mrs. Wealer of Franklin Park. Mrs. Wealer passed away Tuesday Nov. 19. Get-Well Wishes go to Mrs. Ferrara. Mrs. Ferrara entered the Mc- Henry hospital Friday, Nov. 15. Get-well wishes go to Frank Pogany. Frank is a patient at the McHenry hospital. Here's hoping you both are now home from the hospital and in the pink of health. Auxiliary News A reminder that this coming Monday, Dec. 2, is the monthly meeting of the Woman's auxiliary. It will be held in the large hall of Club Lilymoor at 8 p.m. Hostesses for the December meeting are Helen Rodde, Pearle Stineman and Eunice Tobey. SeHng CTuh The sewing club held its first meeting Monday, Nov. 18, at the home of Pearle Stineman. Several,^ of the girls learned how to lay out a pattern and cut it out. Anyone who is interested in sewing or learning now to sew come on out to the sewing club. Those ladies who know how to sew will be more than willing to help you our. They will be meeting at Ruth Young's home Monday, Dec. 2, and at Connie Johnson's home Monday, Dec. 9, at 12:30 p.m. Give Ruth a call at 385-4578 or Connie a call at 385-3908 and fell them you are coming. If you'vebeen wanting to learn how^tosew here's your chance. Birthday Greetings go to Gary Leske. Gary will celebraie his sixth birthday Thursday, i^Jov. 28. Greetings go to yDanny Freund who will be a great big three years old Sunday, Dec. 1. Still more greetings go to Connie Johnson who will celebrate her twenty-first (??) birthday Tuesday, Dec. 3. Many happy returns Gary, Danny and Connie. Mere News Several of the women from the McHenry Moose attended the Green Cap ceremonies Monday, Nov. 18, at Fox Lake. Alyce Kowal of Lakemoor received her Green Cap and also ear rings to match her acadamey of friendship pin. Attending the honor for Alyce were Eunice Tobey, Lillian Cox, Ethel Hagberg and Apply for a Charge Account Today! at GLADSTONE'S, INC. McHenry Auto Bodvj{?| Complete Auto Rebuilding Service ^ "Everything done in our shop" t Wheel Alignment • Frame Srtaightening e Radiator Repair • Glass & Upholstery All this adds up to greater savings to you. Check the shop that has the complete equipment. INSURANCE ESTIMATES F R E E New I0-Min. Car Wash Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. *|75 4707 W. Route 120 Lakeland Park Phone Day or Night Days: 385-0444 Nites: 885-1422 OFFER ENDS NOVEMBER 30' Now-buy a new electric dryer and save op to '60 fa the next 60 days over 25,000 Chicagoland people will boy dryers--most will be flameless electric. Read why you should buy electric. Right now--and for a limited time only- Commonwealth Edison and Public Service Company, in cooperatioawith your dealer, offers you a chance to save as much as $60 on any new flameless electric dryer. (A cash bonus of S20 froAi Commonwealth Edison, plus up to $40 that you normally save when you buy an electric dryer instead of gas.) For the average family, this equals about 3 years of free drying! And electricity is simplicity. Because there are few moving parts, electric dryers cost less to maintain. And with no pilot light, your dryer costs nothing when not in use. Clothes dried electrically also come out fresher and cleaner because there are no fumes, flames or products of combustion to mix with them. What's more, nothing dries clothes faster than today's electric dryers. (Only 26 to 30 minutes for a full load.) See your dealer now for details. Satisfaction on any flameless electric dryer is guaranteed, of course. i Btdric lry*r_ C7 Public Service Company Mngwood Children Enjoy School Holiday tor Bfcmuui - W.L. 2045 Mr. Smejkal stmt notices home with the youngsters on Wednesday notifing parents of the Thanksgiving vacation. There will" be no school on Thursday or Friday, giving parents the pleasure of having an extra long weekend with the company of the family. School will resume again on Monday, Dec. 2 at the usual time. Community Club Meeting The Ringwood Community Club held its meeting for November with very few in ttendance last Wednesday Mable Thomas. Congratulations on your honors, Alyce. Big Deer Jim Freund is sure beaming lately. He shot a 320 pound deer in Bull Valley. He has the honors of shooting the largest deer in ten counties. Congratulations Jim. If that would have been me the deer would be still running around, unless you ,«ould kill a deer with your shoe. In Closing I would like to wish each and freryone a happy and full Thanksgiving day. evening. A panel discussion was scheduled as the program for the (/evening, but had to be c&**$elled. The officers decided to^play a game instead, which proved to be a lot of fun. After the meeting and games, Dolly Malsch, Martha Bctts and Lor Brennan served cake and coffee. The Christmas party, held every year, will be on Dec. 20. More details wi'l appear in the column at a later date. Attend Luncheon At McHenry Those from here who attended the McIIenry Township Republican Women's Club luncheon at vhe McHenry Country club last Tuesday afternoon wore: Mrs. James Wegener, Mrs. L. E. Hawley, Mi's. Lester Out, Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Mis. RuUy Shepard. Here 4N' There Last' Monday Mrs. Ruby afid^Mrs. Nellie Hepburn visited in the 4ionie of Mrs. Alice lloepke nt Richmond. Mrs. Miller Rush of Richmond, Mrs. John Ehlert and Mable of Wilrnqt, Wis., spent Wednesday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman. After Ihe rehearsal for the Schoenholtz-Hogan nuptials on Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan served a buffet supper to approximately twenty members of the bridal party and guests. Pat Hogan was a guest of the American Dairy Association at the TAA Convention held in Chicago last Tuesday and Wednesday. Pat was heard on WGN on the Orion Samulsen show during the noon hour also. Jerry Hogan was the surprised guest at a stag party held in the Hogan home last Wednesday evening with between twenty or twenty-five guests in attendance. Jerry was married to Ruth Ann Schoenholtz on Saturday. This is a short column due to the curly deadline for the paper due to the holiday next week, but keep your holiday notes handy, I'll be calling again next week! Bye. Happy Birthday Greetings drs. B. T. Butler and Mrs. Leonard Aekcrman shared the same natal day on Monday, Nov. 25. Happy birthday to both of you ladies!! Card Club Met Mrs. Lester Carr was the hostess lor the Card Club which met last Wednesday afternoon., Mrs. Bud Whiting took high with Mrs; Mary Butler taking low for the afternoon. Attend Legion Meeting^--""" Mrs. Nellie Nepburn and Mrs. Ruby Shepard attended the auxiliary meeting at the McHenry Legion hall last Tuesday evening. FIREPLACE DANGER* A fire in the home fireplace is for watching; for safety as well as enjoyment. A fire left unattended without a proper screen may shoot sparks out into the room to land on a^ rug or in other flammables, the Institute for Safer Living says. Never retire for the night without &eing that the fireplace is properly screened and the toe out. I'SE THE CLASSIFIEDS Bring the Entire Family to THE CZECHCTL0DGE' Route 14 Crystal Lake, III. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Ai 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOUBS. DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. and I TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 385-0452 for an old fashioned Thanksgiving Dinner Featuring: FAMILY STYLE TURKEY DINNERS with all the trimmings Complete dinners including -- a delicious relish, home made soups, tempting salads, squash, potatoes, cranberry sauce, home made rolls, kolachy and mouth watering home made deserts. All You jCan Eat & So Moderately Priced $2.85 Our Regular Menu Also Available Serving Hours 12 Noon to 8:00 P.M. Reservations Suggested --*459-0125 ^^3 LIMITED Time OFFER--SEE YOUR Dl NOW WITH STORAGE TWO-CARS S WITH STORAGE 5 "RIGID FRAME" CONSTRUCTION IT'S NEW - AND SO DIFFERENT - AND--WILL SAVE TIME AND MONEY YOU CAN BUILD IT YOURSELF ON A WEEKEND-- OR, WE HAVE RELIABLE LOCAL BUILDERS READY TO BUILD YOUR GARAGE QB Compare the Features! Compare the Quality! COMPARE THE PRICE! AND REMEMBER IT S FULLY GUARANTEED BY ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. IHE BEST Of- EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDERV On Highway 31 South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-1424