Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Nov 1963, p. 13

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Wednesday, November 27, 1963' THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH Wonder Lake | TIME DRAWS NEAR ' FOR CHRISTMAS DISPLAY CONTEST - M»ry Loo HartOf - Don't forget the Chamber of commerce Christmas decorating contest-the time is drawing close and you'd better start gathering material and start working it out on paper. The prizes will be lovely and this contest makes our area a beautiful place to behold dtu> ing the holiday season. Next week we will go into much greater detail about the contest and give all the rules and regulations. I was supposed to attend a meeting last night (Thursday) and learn all about it and I had my dates mixed and thought it was next Thursday (Thanksgiving?) sq I didn't get all the scoop but I'll have it for next weeK so keep your beady little eye "on this column and you'll learn all about it. In Hospital t We are sorry to learn tfiat Mrs. Fred Hansen is ill in the hospital, and we hope she will soon be well. Altar and Rosary Christmas Party Keep in mind that the Altfcr and Rosary Sodality of Christ the King church will have its annual Christmas party and meeting on Thursday Dec. 5. A very entertaining program has been planned and there will be special refreshments. American Legion News Don't forget to keep Dec. 31 in mind at the Legion Post - That's NEW YEARS1 and we're just planning the "rockin'est, heel-kickin"' party you ever saw With everything that goes with New Years--so plan on attending. Our December project - CHRISTMAS TREES-will be in full swing very soon now. They should be in shortly after Dec. 1 so drop around then and see all our beautiful trees , and our display area. All proceeds from this project will go to our building fund. Did you knew - the membership of the Wonder Lake American Legion has far surpassed its previous high. This makes all of us very proud. However, we know that here at the jLake there are still more Veterans who are eligible. Why not belong to the finest in the County. It's your home Post and you can play a big part in making it the best in the county. Stop by and sign up. It's a small investment for big dividends. Klwanls Meeting Nov. 18 Battle Ax Winner - Lennie Freund. Business: At the suggestion of Paul Eberle, our representatives on the Boy Scouts, the club voted a fund to reimburse Den Mothers of the Cub Scouts for out of pocket expenses incurred on Den projects. Program: Preview of the New York Worlds Fair 1964-65. Program presented by Clint Claypool of the McHenry Kiwanis club. Just a part of it would be worth seeing. Fair will cover acres of modernistic exhibits from all corners of the world. Next Week: Farmer-City Week. Lennie Freund will have charge of this program on conservation. On Dec. 2, Dr. Nelson of the Woodstock Kiwanis Club will give a talk and show photos of his recent medical work in the hinterlands of the Philippines. On Dec. 9, Dr. Abu-Diab of the Arab League will be guest speaker. This program will be open to any residents of this community. Dr. Abu-Diab will speak at 8:30 p.m. at the Aloha Inn. On Dec. 16 we will have our steaks and beans dinner. Steaks for the winners and beans for the losers. The teams are set up as follows: T. P. Mathews captain - Dick Miller, Horace Wagner, Floyd Leigh, Art Stuhlfeier, Jim Robison, Dick Pickrum, Guy White, Joe Sullivan, and Art LaGreca. Fred Gutzmacher captain - Bob Howe, Lennie Freund, Ed Johnson, Art Lau, Paul Eberle, John Van Kanegan, Dr. S. L. Ruggero, Bob Eruce, Frank Higgins, and Walter Dean. Bob Myers, umpire: Standings - Gutzmacher Team 189 points, (as of Nov. 19, 1963) -- Mathews Tean 109 points. The Wonder Lake Garden Club News The Wonder Lake Garden Club met Thursday evening, Nov. 14, at the home of Mrs. Dorothy McEachron, 212 N. Ridge road, McHenry. The answering roll call were - Mrs. Betty Fiala, Mrs. Andrew Johnson, Mrs. Charles Kopp, Mrs. Ann Nagel, Mrs. Al. Nelson, Mrs. Carl Ottoson, Mrs. R. Wielock and our president Mrs. McEachron. Two new members were taken into our club. Mrs. Bertha Gillette and Mrs. Ada Numbers both sponsored _J*y Mrs. Ottoson. Welcome to our group and we hope you enjoy every moment you are with us. Several opinions were ffiade known as to which the membei-?< Jiked working with-dried material or real live flowers. This was our roll call for the night. The members were asked to make arrangements and display them at out meeting. This proved some of the skill various members have. Quite interesting. After our business meeting Mrs McEachron asked our two new members to act as judges on the arrangements and it was decided that Mrs. Wielock will have her arrangement displayed in the post office from Nov. 15 to the 29. Mrs. Fiala is to be displayed from Nov. 30 thru to Dec. 14. Mrs. Kopp's from Dec. 15 thru 28 and Mrs. Sybil Johnson's from Dec. 30 to Jan. 11 1964. Mrs. McEachron made an arrangement which is in the post office since our last meeting. It is quite appropriate for the season. The arrangements are part of our civil beautification program and we hope you will all like them. Next meeting will be held at Mrs. Kopps home on Dec. 12, when we will have our Christmas grab bag and FUN. The members were asked to make a suggestion as to what they would like to have or do for their lessons for the ensuing year of 19G4. Delicious refreshments were searved by our hostess then we sauntered on homeward bound. Due to an attack of the flu your reporter, Mrs. Ottoson, was; unable to have this article in the papers last week. P»g« Thirteen Plsiakee Terrace TERRACE MOURNS SUDDEN DEATH OF FRANK DODD Joyce Tnepper -- SSS404I Our sympathy to the family of Frank A. Dodd who died of a heart attack on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 17. Living at 4413 N. Mapleleaf Dr. for over a year now Mr. Dodd leaves his wife, Daisy, daughters, Audrey, Diane, Phyliss and Mrs. La- Vonne Kilby, as well asi grandchildren, Jimmy and Cindy Kilby, all of the Terrace, another daughter, Mrs. Lorraine Harper, of Grayslake and two sons, Lawrence of McHenry, and Mark of Oklahoma and a total of eight grandchildren. Sorry I'm sorry to have such a skimpy deal this week but when nothing comes in nothing goes out, and I know that even though we tell everyone that a deadline is at a certain time - there will still be those who will be angry when they bring in their news on Sunday and find they can't get it in this weeks issue. It happens every time. However -- Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving - gobble up jots of calories and if you're driving to friends or relatives homes please be careful because I need all the readers I Terrace Tidings Marvin, Harriet, and Jimmy Phillips witnessed the court oi Honor of Boy Scout Troop 162 on Tuesday evening when Steve received his- first year scouting pin, a libfarian badge and the tenderfoot patch. Kenny Fx-oehlig accompanied Ray Kasperski for a trip to Canada by way of Niagara Falls Sunday thru Wednesday. George and Mary Mecko attended the football game in Woodstock on Sunday afternoon to watch son Mike participate in his last high school football game for Marian Central. Mike, a senior, has earned his letter at his guard position. Watching another football game on Sunday was Tom Merhaut who accompanied Ron Lamberg to Chicago to witness the triumphant wir of the Chicago Bears over the Green Bay Packers. Pat and the girls visited with her mother, Mrs. Anna Vesely, Westmont. George Stader accompanied five fellow workers on their usual fall pheasant hunting trip to Farmer City, 111., Saturday thru Thursday. Dining at the Bob Froehlig can get and I can't spare a single one of you. I need you back next week - so take it easy on those roads. 7ire$t one WINTER TIRES and RETREADS In All Popular Sizes • Blackwalls • Whiiewalls • Tube less • Tube Type COMPLETE FARM TIRE SERVICE CALL US . . for your Truck Tire Needs McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. 3931 W. Main St. Phone 385-0294 McHenry, DL AUCTION Located 4 miles West of Antioch, 111., 7 miles East of Richmond, on Route No. 173 (watch for arrows) on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30ih Commencing at 10:30 o'clock 79 HEAD OF REGISTERED AND HIGH GRADE H($LSTEIN CATTLE -- 37 Milch Cows, ^ 1 fresh. 7 close springers, balance bred back and milking good. 24 Heifers, 12 to 18 mos. old. Open; 8 Hols. Heifers 4 to 6 mos. old; 7 Hols. Steer Calves 4 to 8 mos. old; 3 Bulls, 8 mQS. old; 1 Hols. Bull, 14 mos. old. Registered Bull, 2 years old. (This herd has been under D.H.I.A. supervision for several years, records available.) POULTRY -- 100 Leghorn Tru-Line Pullets; 50 Leghorn hens; 40 Muscovy ducks; 15 geese. _ PRODUCE -- 20 T. Alfalfa Hay; 3,500 bu. Ear Corn; 1,200 Bales Soybean Straw; 500 Bales Straw; 500 Bu, Oats; 200 Bu. Wheat; 30 Ft. Silage in 14 Ft. Silo. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- Creamery-Package 315 Gal. Bulk Tank; 4 Surge units; SS Double Wash Tank; 4 Jamesway Stanchions & Stalls; 20 Stanchions, Pails and Strainers. 2 TRACTORS AND FARM MACHINERY -- McD 560 Tractor; McC Model M Tractor; Gehl chopper w/hay & corn head atta.; McC 45 PTO Baler; McC 10 ft. hyd. Wheel Disc; Gehl No. 72 Green Hay Chopper; JD 494 Corn Planter; McC 4 row Cult.; McC 4/14 Fast Hitch Plow; McC No. 100 Fast Hitch Mower; McC No. 40 PTO Spreader; McC No. 76 Combine; NH Side Del. Rake; NI Hay Conditioner; /CiehT Portable Mix-All Grinder; McC Grain Drill; McC Quack J Digger; McC 2M Corn Picker: McC No. 40 Blower; Harvey E/evator; Alum. Elevator; RT Feed Bunk Wagon; McC Heavy"Duty Wagon Gear with self unloading chopper box; Self-unloading Jack; Burr Mill; Drags; Field Sprayer; Corn Shelter; Chicken Equipment; Oil Tanks; Hog Equipment: Forks, Shovels and a Large Assortment of Small Tools and Miscellaneous Items too Numerous to Mention. J. AND S. FARM JOHN SAMULEVICH. Owner Stade Bros. & Ed Robers, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORP., Clerk Union <.rov«\ Win. -- Plione 878-24^1 THIS 120 ACRE FARM FOB RENT -- CONTACT OWNER home on Sunday were Bea's mother, Mrs. Johanna Modloff, Bea's sister, Carol, and brother, Bill Modloff, all of DesPlaines. Birthday Celebrations Karen Kurowski, reaching the delightful age of nine years on Nov. 13, postponed her party until Saturday, Nov. 16. Among her guests were Debby Shastil, Pistalcee Highlands; Diane Vogt and Patricia Schaefer, Sunnyside; Mary Dacks, and April and Donna Pritchard, Terrace. Also reaching the age of nine this month was Sjotty Stull who celebrated his birthday on Nov. 10 with seven boys as his guests. Enjoying the usual party doings were Scott Wiggerman, Steven and Mike Williams, Johnny Metzger, Jeff Lima, Lima, Mark Fredericks and Ricky Smith. Birthday Greetings Many happy returns of the day to Michael Hemkendreis who celebrates his sixth birthday on Nov. 30 Starting the list of our December birthdays are Kenny Froehlig and Frank Kaiser on the first followed by Pat Mcrhaut and Bud Davidson who celebrate their day on the second of December. Happy birthday to Richard Stull who will be three on the fourth and special wishes to Roger Weiss at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minn., as he celebrates 18 years on Dec. 5. Happy Thanksgiving eating. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Johnsburg BASKETBALL TEAM HOLDS PANCAKE BREAKFAST SUNDAY Betty Hettermann Dec. 1 which is a Sunday, is the day the whole family can enjoy eating breakfast out. Our local men's basketball team is planning to "cock up a storm" in the community club from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on that particular Sunday. Why not take the whole family out for a pancake breakfast right after church on December 1. You will all enjoy it besides helping the boys out. Plan on seeing a few ofTheir games in the near /future. They've really had sorpe exciting ones lately! Family Increase Most grandparents were ever so proud when they welcomed a new baby into the family. But Mr. and Mrs. Emil Debrecht of .Tak Ana Heights, became doubly proud when their daughter and husband announced the birth of twin boys recently. Mrs. Debrecht left by plane for New York last week to spend several weeks assisting with the new additions. This is the Debrechtsi third and fourth addition to their grandchildren line. Can you blame them for "poppin"' a few buttons! Congratulations are in order for the parents and grandparents alike. Most Special Occasion Only once in each young lady's life does ner very special "sweet sixteenth" birthday come around. Diane Smith will celebrate this birthday on Dec. 1 May we wish her many happy returns of the day. Juvenile Christmas Party On Sunday, Dec. 8, the juvenile girl Foresters will hold their annual pre-holiday party in the community club hall. ~^his festive doings will get underway with serving of supper at 5 o'clock. Several things have been planned so each member participating should have a real nice time. Parents should be on hand by 7:30 p.m. to pick up their children. Each member attending is asked to bring 25 cents to defray the cost of the food. A gift exchange will also take place. Pre-school through fourth grade will exchange a 25 cent gift the fifth, sixth and seventh grades will exchange a 75 cent present and the eighth through high school will trade $1.00 gifts. FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Prodacta t-- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone 385-TU95 or 385-0232 w r Comt Na 98 to Celebrate Anniversary The men Foresters of court No. 96 are planning quite alarge party to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of origination. This will take place _ on Jan. 11 5n the community I club hall Be, sure to get your tickets sobrt. News & real shdrt thk tottfc because of the early deadline. Please; your news items in by next Monday when the regular deadline resumes. Happy Thanksgiving to all! |W !l l i k BEER IS A NATURAL s natural as the wholesome grains and tangy hops from which it is brewed, beer is Illinois' traditional beverage of moderation--light, sparkling, delicious. And naturally, the Brewing Industry is proud of the good living it provides for so many folks in Illinois. Not only for employees of the Brewing Industry itself, but also for the farmers and other suppliers of beer's natqral ingredients. In Illinois, beer belongs--enjoy it UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, ING. If you want a new car...and you're serious about the "new"--see your Ford Dealer. While many '64s look like warmed-over '63s, the Ford line has had a big change. Choose from 16 completely restyled Super Torque Fords... 17 all-new Falcons...8 sporty Fairlanes...3 entirely new Thunderbirds. See the '64s that look like '64s. Test-drive a T^\ totally new, total performance car from Ford. TRY TOTAL PERFORMANCE JIM THE ONLY CARS THAT HAVE CHANGEI) AS MUCH AS CHICAGO ftklcen - Injitl • Tliun<Jeii>ljxi mrnrn Falcon Futura Hardtop ( Fair .... Sports Coupe Solid, Silent Super Torque Ford e .">00/XL 2-Door Hardtop MOTOR COMPANY *AC1S ON 1HK ()1 TOTAL Pl-.RNJR.M ANCK CARS i ROM FORI): 12 different engines . . . from America' all-time economy champion Six (Falcon) to the Super lorque Ford's"425 hp V-8 option. V-8's available in all series • Four transmissions including America's only fully sy n< lironi/cd 3-speed manual • Options include bucket seats, 4-speed floor shifts, Swing- Away steering wheel (standard oil I hunderbird--optional on Fords) • Most rust resistant cars iu Ford history: key body areas built of g:il\ani/ed steel • Fxtra-thick insulation guards against noise • All brakes self-adjusting--with Ionp, life brake lining. BUSS FORD SALES : .n- 3936 WEST MAIN STREET * -Ford presents "Arrest and Trial"--ABC TV Network--Check your local listings for tijne and channel-- McHENRY, ILLINOIS

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