Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Nov 1963, p. 14

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i uuviwn THE McHENlIT PLAINDEALER Wadnesdiy, November 27, 1963 Pislikee Highlands J'"' Offer Thanks For Blessings K»y Sielhw* HY*tt 7-S414 May Thanksgiving be a very happy day for all, a day with a|l your loved ones around, a dlay of health to enjoy it and if you are going to travel may God watch over you and protect you on the road. Let's all remember, as we sit down to eat oyr Thanksgiving dinner, td thank God for all our Blessi* gs we enjoy in America and give a thought to our fore- - fathers, who gave us this won- 'derful American holiday. Don't !eet too much and take it easy ' we want to have you all around *in good health to enjoy many •more such holidays Ic come. r Cnb Scout Puck 452 Has A Historian Thanks to Mrs. Marilyn .(Bob) VanZevern, Pack 452 has •a very capable historian. Mari- ,lyn has volunteered her services, so if you all will cooperate with her and get old 'clippings and pictures it will be a great help to her and the boys in years to come for reference. Itlrthdays and Anniversaries - Happy birthday goes to Lois Mason who will celebrate her 'natal day Nov. 30 and a belated -birthday wish to Rocky Eide who celebrated his fifteenth birthday Nov. 16. Nov. 28 Martin and Hazel Rodge will be "adding another year to their happy marriage and Dec. 2, ;Dick and Lee Conway will be •celebrating their anniversary. Mount Hope Square Dance The organ l'und raisers of [jMount Hope church will hold a ••square dance, Saturday, Dec. 7, at the Grant Community high .school in Fox Lake, from 8 to 11 p.m. Every one is welcome ^to attend and tickets may be purchased from the committee or at the door. If the dance is to big success financially, the church will have their organ for Christmas. New* Of Your Friends and Neighbors Irene Kolan's operation which was scheduled for Nov. 1-1, had to be postponed due to Irene's having flu arid a yery bad cold. The operation Vidll ,'be done Nov. 26 providing all is well withIrene, 1 hope this time you get It «ver with Ireite, waiting can be very nerve wracking to say the least. Our very popular Tom Warczalr underwent surgery at Victory Memorial hospital in Waukegan Nov. 11 and came home the sixteenth. Tom will have to take it easy for awhile, but is doing real well. A few cards would ho&puf[& the waiting time for hfrft. Dick and Merry Lou Sabielny entertained Mary Lou's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Peters, of Wausau, Wis., from Nov. 15 to Nov. 17. The boys were happy to have uncle Bud to romp, with them and Mary Lou was happy to have her brother and his wife visit them. Charlie and Rose Sehifferdecker entertained her sister and hubby, Mr. and Mrs. Gale Stenson of Marian, Wis-, and Charlie's broiher and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fabian Schifferdecker of Elmhurst for a big Thanksgiving dinner. It was nice seeing Grandpa VanZevern visiting his son and family, Bob and Marilyn, last weekend. Jeanne Hillstrom and her family and Dan Johnson were shocked by the sudden unexpected death of State Representative Albert Pearson. Mr. Pearson was a friend of Hillstroms and her parents, the Jensens, Jeanne was also his seecretary. Both Jeanne and Dan had worked with Mr. Pearson. They attended his funeral. Many of the Highlanders were there for he had made many friends here. Dick Morley's sifter, Helen, and husband, Don Zilisch, of Round Lake, spent last Sunday visiting with Haze and Dick. Glad Haze is feeling so milch better and is able to get arofind again. The Miller family have rnov ed from the home on Meaoow Hill Lane to another home Yn Ihe surrounding area. Tlr vacated home belongs to And Bill, who now resides ih Chicago. The Pink Lady Sewing Guild of the Women's auxiliary to the McHenry hospital met at the home of Mildred Kennedy in .Johnsburg with fourteen gals present including the two quests, Mrs. Ahren and Mrs. Hoke. The Pink Lady Sewing C'Uild will hold its Christmas party at the home of Esa Braenne in McHenry, Dec. 12, at 1 p.m., every one is asked to bring a dollar grab bag gift to exchange. Tony and Pat Schifferdecker have been battling very bad colds and their mommie Rose has been battling laryngitis. It is rough all being sick at the same time, tut Rose is bringing them around just fine. Received word that former residents of the Highlands have a baby boy. Their many friends here will be happy for them. Jhil and Patty Krumweide welcomed their baby boy Oct. 21. They have a little girl to complete their family. Irene and Joe Novotny were cheered tremendously Nov. 16, when their son Joseph called thfrn from New York, Joe had just completed a tour with the New York Philharmonic orchestra. I had Georgle Hanisch with me for n week, George had a very severe cold and was in bed most of the weok. He wanted to get well, in a hurry so he could enjoy Thanksgiving. Joe and Liesl will entertain Eva and Job VonEmpel of Ingleside and their two children for a big Thanksgiving dinner, a day they are all looking forward to. Both couple? are most happy to share here in America. Nov. 27, my nephew Mike Kelly of Grand Junction, colo, will arrive in Chicago to attend the National Journalism Convention, Mike is a junior in high school and is a delegate to the convention. It will be nice seeing him again, he is my pal. Nov. 14 the Tr'poly card club met a; the home of Ginny Emmerich. The gals present for the evening of fun were: Teena O'Mally, who took Haze Morley's place, since Haze was then in the hospital, Ltt Conway, Lily Hovseth, Dorothy Erbin, I^oris Hansen, Janice Janquart and Lois Mason. The girls enjoyed some delicious calorie ladened goodies and all signed a get-well card for Haze. Greg Sisk was a vety lucky fellow Nov. 18, when he celebrated his birthday. The following mothers escorted their children to the party, Bev. Lewandowski, Joan Megley, Mary Lou Sabielny, Jane Malek, Millie Shastal and Danny and Jimmy Machinek. There were many kiddies to help him celebrate and the mothers enjoyed cake and coffee; Sorry I missed . Barbara Kock and her kiddies, who helped Greg celebrate. Jack and Kay Roilly*uW entertain Kay's sister and hubby, Stella and Ed. Malinowski of Chicago, for Thanksgiving dinner. Ed and Virginia Thoren and family spent Nov. 17 in Chicago helping Grandpa Thoren and their nephews celebrate their birthdays. Grandpa Thoren was happy to have his family gather to wish him the best. Nov. 17, Mr. and Mrs. Abel and their guest, Anna Cohrs, ttended the cornerstone laying eremony at the new Lutheran Missouri Synod Mission church at Route 59 and 132. It is hoped the church will be completed by Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Abel are members of the church and enjoy attending it very much. Nov. 26 Anna Cohrs left for Olympia Fields, lil., to spend Thanksgiving with her youngest son, Paul, and family. All the Cohrs family was on hand for the Thanksgiving dinner, which included LeRoy and Richard and their families. The only one missing was the oldest son and family who reside in California. The next association meeting will be held Dec. 4. Plan to attend this meeting and see what is going on first hand, you will find the meetings more pleasant than they have been in the past. Ed. Brown has donated cement to the community so the men can install the sign posts. When citizens donate things for the betterment of the community they are to be commended for their worth while efforts. Ed. is a very civic minded man ind is interested in our area. Mrs. Ed. Brown returned to the Highlands last week after spending live weeks with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Zelinger in Anaheim. Calif. She had gone to take' care of things while her daughter was in the hospital. Dale Morin has been home from school with a bad cold, cough and fever, Audrey had her hands full taking care of him. Ho[>e you're better this week Dale so you can enjoy Thanksgiving. Ron and Pat Jackson will sit down to their Thanksgiving dinner $ith their parents at their home. Ron aiid Pat are happy both of their parents could be with them and the children to make it'a special day. Ann Ayers is looking forward to a very pleasant day on Thanksgiving Her nephew and family from Chicago will be with her for a big turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Thanksgiving day will find Don and Audrey Morin at the home of Audrey's dad in Chicago. The whole Anderson family will be- at Mr. Andersons. The family is so happy to have their dad back from Michigan. Audrey Morin is very unhappy because she could not get to Neenah, Wis., Nov. 22. to help her niece little Shari Lynn Anderson celebrate hrr birt hday. Many of our best plans have a Way of falling" through, so she is hoping they can make it for Thanksgiving. Seems most everyone you talk to has been sick or just getting over being very sick. Edith Howton is recovering from the flu, and Emma Rosengar t was very i l l with the flu and for Emma to cancel a trip to her club in Chicago you know she had to be really laid up. Hope you're both feeling much better this week. Take care folks. Nov. 19, was a very happy day for three folks in the Highlands, Leo Orjowski is happy to have his wife, Lil, home again. It is so nice to have you back Lil and this time please take care of yourself, we want you around for a long time, I shall miss having lunch with Leo everyday, it was niice not being alone. Congratulations are in order for Toots and Lou Spankuck. Their daughter, Shirley, was presented with a very beautiful diamond engagement ring by Ricky Axell. The popular young couple both attended the local schools and the McHenry high school. Marriage plans have not been made, the young couple want to wait for a while. We wish you both much happiness and I am sure your engagement period will be beautiful. Sorry to report the death of Laura Wiliiner who passed away Saturday, Nov. 16j at the McHenry hospital of pneumonia, Laura was only 48 years old and a widow. Funeral services were held in Akron, Ohio, lltTIM&S sterjmkce: iiHip^r£dnahz^iilppiii CHRISTMAS i See them at McHENRY PLAINDEALER 8812 W. Elm Street I'hone 385-0110 A/ |j.:.v * "" * '* > s SMBl m • --"T~ itiat A Cordial Invitation... It's OPEN HOUSE at our new General Office Building Sunday, December 1, 2 pm to 5 pm. You, your family and friends are cordially invited to visit us and see our fine new quarters. The building has a completely automatic, natural gas turbine Total Energy System. This System supplies all comfort and energy needs of the building from natural gas--including heating and cooling, and all electricity. We believe you'll find great interest in the many unique and advanced features of this beautiful, modern building. Location: East-West Tollway at Route 59 (East of Aurora) Refreshments NORTHERN A ILLINOIS fiO/XS where she was born. Laura has lived here for 3',a years and had made many friends in this area who mourn her passing. Bill and Emma Rosengart will have their daughter and family, T-x>ts and Lou Spankuch, their grandchildren, Ron and his wife from Fox Lake and Shirley Spankuch with them for Thanksgiving dinner. Congratulations to Mr. and Mri. Bill Neilson who celebrated their wedding anniversary Friday, Nov. 22, by going out for a big dinner in a local- restaurant. When they came home their three children Butch, Lori and Gale had a surprise anniversary cake for them which was a big thrill for Bill and Lonnie. Hope you have many more such happy occasions in your years together. Women's Club Luncheon A Big Success The P i s t a k c e Highlands Women's club ir very pleased and most grateful to everyone who helped with the luncheon, the ones who cooked, set the tables and served. Mount Hope Women's Society of Christian Service loaned them their silverware. This was the Club's first attempt at anything this big and the officers wore real pleased over its success. Cards and Bunco completed the afternoon for the gals. Table prizes were awarded to the lucky winners. This year the candy assortment is much larger, you may have your choice of Miniature mints, pecan turtles or assorted creams, Lorraine Lindemann is candy sales chairman yau may call her at Hyatt 7-3166 and she will be happy to take y6ur order. Mount Hope Completes Membership Canvass Harold Wiley, stewardship and finance chairman for the Mount Hope Methodist church, is most grateful to the men who called on the members of the church in the Every Member Canvass. All the members who were called on showed their interest and fine cooperation in signing their pledges. The canvass was very successful. them every success in the future. Many of us in the Highlands have enjoyed the hall and it certainly is a beautiful addition. Last Minute News Items Fred Schocnfiold of 5305 N. Lake Street underwent surgery at the McHenry hospital, Nov. 19. My best wishes for a very speedy recovery and hope by now you're feeling much better. Mr. Schoehfield is retired and is a very active man, I hope after your surgery you will be even more active. Teena O'- Malley always a good neighbor, took Mr. Schoenfield to the hospital and she takes Mrs. Schocnfield to see him everyday. It is nice having a gal like Teena in the Highlands. It is nice seeing Dan Johnson getting around again after his long illness. Dan is a hard man to keep down.- It is a 'disgrace to see added garbage being dumped on Broadway near the Mount Hope church. Now in addition to the sofa and junk, mattresses and household things are being dumped there, it is quite a mess. If the culprits are caught you can be sure the fine will be considerable. We try to keep our places clean and neat then things like this mar every thing. Hope the culprits are caught soon. What will you be thankful for tomorrow?. I will be most thankful lo God for the Blessings Hp has bestowed on me, in my life time, for the best Mother a gal ever had, a nice home, a good husband, good friends and good health, and for the privilege of living in America to enjoy all the Free- %IJ SPECIAL TOWN MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters, residents of the Town of McHenry in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, that a Special Town Meeting of said Town will take place on Tuesday, Dec. 10, A.D. 1963 being the first Tuesday of said month at the hour of 8 o'clock p.m. at McHenry American Legion Hall pursuant to a Petition of Electors of said township for the purpose of considering and deciding whether or not the Town Board of Local Improvements shall proceed to improve the roads and streets by a Special Assess ment on all lands being ir; those certain plots of Subdi .visions in McHenry Township known as Lakeland Park, Units No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 and Sunnyside Estates Unit No. 5 as recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, McHenry County, Illinois, all in accordance with the Statutes of the State of Illinois known as House Bill 664, passed and adopted by the Illinois General Assembly 1963 Session. Given under my hand at McHenry this 25th day of November, A.D. 1963. WALTER DEAN Supervisor H. WALTER ANDERSON Town Clerk (Pub. Nov. 27, 1963) "THROW" RUGS A throw rug is aptly named. It can throw an unwary member of the family with painful consequences. The Institute for Safer Living emphasizes that throw rugs should be skidproofed with fasteners, rubber underlays, or a rubber coating on the underside. This is a must when rugs ar*» used on polished floorsj^or at the foot of stairijsays^v USE THE CLASSIFIEDS F V01/M. doms we some timer take for granted. In closing please be kind to one another and may God take a special liking to all of you. A special thanks to all the folks that called news in this week it was a great help since I had to have the news in early. Highlands Congratulate Johnsburg Community Nov. 23 the official dedication of the new addition to the Johnsburg Community Club was held. We of the Highlands would like to take this opportunity to offer our congratulations to Johnsburg and to wish This Xmas give s PRESENT with a FUTURE GIFT CERTIFICATE for 10 LESSONS in DRIVING ONLY *38 75 Certificate will be good until Jull 81, 1964 Take advantage of this offer now, it will not be available again this year. A ?mall dppocit wil1 hnin certificate til Xmas COURTESY DRIVING SCHOOL PHONE 395-3747 by lluss l-'mfrson If you want to get your teeth into some sound dental advice listen to what a health authority has to stay: Most toothbrushes on the market are too large; the most efficient brush is one that is small and easily reaches the front, sides and back of every tooth. With proper care, your toothbrushes (two are recom. mended; one for morning, one for evening use) will give good mileage. Moisten with cold water before use and rinse thoroughly after use. If kept moist too long or kept in an airtight container, the bristles will deteriorate. Now, whether you drop in at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC. for a toothbrush, a prescription or any of a thousand sundries, you will be treated to our special brand of friendly service. Also, there'll be no gnashing of teeth over poor selection or out-of-line prices. Get acquainted soon at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC., 8720 West Elm -- Jewel Shopping Plaza. Phone 885- 5057. If you have any questions regarding pharmacy or public health which you would like to have discussed in this column, write to Russ Emerson, c/o this .paper. HAVE A WONDERFUL . THANKSGIVING DINNER YOUR McHENRY JEWEL IS GRATEFUL TO HAVE PLAYED A PART It's our greatest pleasure to serve you in everything you need to make your most IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE YEAR THE MERRIEST EVER! .. . Your Jewel's brim f u l l of Thanksgiving treats from Turkeys to whipped cream cakes. I 1 CLOSED THURSDAY FOR THANKSGIVING V 5oc the f^erj^ect clndinfj . . . CHOOSE LUSCIOUS JEWEL PASTRIES REAL WHIPPING CREAM WHIPPED CREAM CAKES Choose from COCONUT SPUMONI CHOCOLATE CHIP STRAWBERRY GRAHAM CRACKER DEVILS FOOD GENEROUSLY SERVES 10 THE FINEST QUALITY . HOLIDAY FRUIT aiuund liu dock 2 LB. LIGHT RING Remember your dinner/ rolls, too! 24 oz. DELUXE FRUIT CAKES . 65% PECANS, CITRON AND OTHER 2 LB. DARK Reg. $2.29 RING $169 Reg. $1.89 ^JJot I Credit $aLecl! Pumpkin or Mince Pies 69"

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