Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Dec 1963, p. 20

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-t>age Twtnfy nn> THE McHENHY HJUNDEALEB Thursday. Dacembw 12.1963 WAME SEVERAL STUDENTS ON '.B HONOR ROLL 8hlr«#»y Schuerr SSfi-Mtt Congratulations go to the following young ladies and gentlemen on making the B honor roll at McHenry high school. They are Carol Schuringa, Skip Schuerr, Charlene Thornton, Jim Arbogast, Lucinda Fradinardo, Pat Gray, John Carter, Terry Morrison and Darrel Whynott Christmas Partiet The Woman's auxiliary is holding a Christmas party for the children of Lilymoor (up to the age of 12) Monday Dec. 23. It will be held in the. large hall of Club Lilymoor from 2 to 4 p.m. Please pick your tickets up from Connie Johnson or Shirley! Schuerr. The! L. I. A. is holding a Christinas party for the children of Lakemoor of all ages SundajL Dec. 22. It will be held In the\Fire-community house in Lakemoor from 2 to 5 p.m. held at Shirley Schuerr's house Johx&lbuMl Monday, Dec. 16. Due to the | Christmas party there will be no meeting Monday, Dec. 23. It has been asked if any women from any subdivision can join the sewing club. The answer is by all means you are more than welcome to join regardless of where you live. The sewing club is open to anyone. Don't tie shy if you want to learn how to make things, come on out and the girts will gladly help you. They meet at 12:30 p.m. each week at a different home. LADY FORESTERS HOLD CHRISTMAS PARTY TUESDAY Bettj Hettennaa* Wedding Bells On Saturday, Nov. 30, Janice Schueler became the bride of Frank May, Jr., at St. Patrick's church in McHenry. Congratulations and best wishes on your marriage, Janice and Frank. Auxiliary News The Woman's auxiliary held its monthly meeting Monday, Dec. 2. The children's Christmas party was discussed at this meeting. Winner of the monthly prize was Pearle Stineman. Hostesses for the Deceml>er meeting were Helen Rodde, Pearle Stineman and Eunice Tobey. The next monthly meeting will be held Monday, Jan. 6, iin the large hall of Club Lilymoor at 8 p.m. Hostesses for the January meeting are Marion Vornkahl, Lil Wijas and Lee Bassi. Ladies League Held its monthly meeting Wednesday Dec. 4. At this meeting all officers were present. After the business on hand was taken care of bunco was played. Winners were Mary Sebsta, Viola Arbogast and Nettie Sarley, booby prize was won by Marie Hyatt. Got-Well Wishes go to Walter Malecke. Walter entered the McHenry hospital Thursday, Dec. 5. Get-well wishes go to Connie •Johnson. Connie has been homfe ill with infected ears and a cold. Get-well wishes also go to Pearle Stineman. Pearle is home with a sore back and!is having a time getting around. Here's hoping you are all just in the pink of health when you read this. Home After spending two and half months in the hospital is Josephine Schuerr. The Schuerr clan is sure happy to have Ma home again. Belated Birthday Greetings go to Susan Crawley. Susan celebrated her eleventh birthday Tuesday, Dec. 10. Birthday Greetings go to Jeane Dember. Jeane will be celebrating her sixteenth birthday Tuesday, Dec. 17. Many happy returns to you, Susan and Jeane. Sewing Club Met at Ruth Young's home Monday, Dec. 2. Many of the ladies learned you can alter something without cutting it apart and redoing it. Then next meeting will be Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Krause former residents of Lakemoor, now living in Wisconsin visited Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt Wednesday, Nov. 27. Also there to see the Krauses were Mr. and Mrs. Sulok and grand-daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Schmit, Mr. and Mrs. Steadman, Mr. and Mrs. Colberg, Mrs. McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Bolda, Mr. and Mrs. Para, and Mr. and Mrs. Foss. While there John Krause entertained the folks with music. Before leaving for the state of Mississippi for the winter they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Para and Mr. and Mrs. Foss. Everyone was happy to see the Krauses again. Thanksgiving Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Sarley enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with their Next Tuesday evening, the members of St. Agatha's Court No 777, W.C.O.F. will meet in the Community club for their annual Christmas party. The evenings festivities will begin with the serving of i pot-luck supper at 6:30. All members are cordially iinvited to attend. Each lady Forester who plans to be present on this evening is asked to bring a dish to pass, something for our good Sisters food shower and a 50 cent gift exchange. Those not wishing to participate in the gift exchange neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Govenor. Lawrence and Shirley Schuerr's dinner guests were Walter Schuerr, Anna Naughton and Connie Johnson. It was a nice Thanksgiving for this reporter, her wallet showed up after being missing for almost two months. Would You Like To help the children of an Indian Mission? You can by saving your Christmas cards and cancelled stamps for them. If you will call me at 385-2645 after the holidays I will gladly pick them up and turn them over to Father Savage of Antioch. He will in turn see that the Indian children get them. So if you don't want to throw out your Christmas cards and want to help the children out just, give me a phone call and I will see that the children will get the cards and cancelled stamps. may donate to the Missions. On the committee for this event are Virginia Pitzen, as chairman, Barbara Wagner, Grace Bentz, Georgia Bauer, Elaine Schmaling, Janet Weingart, Betty Hettermann, Cynthia Knox, Julia Stilling, Lucille Stilling, Marcella Wakitsch, Ardell Conway, Marie Frett, Donna Condon, Cristy Hruby, Janet Smith, Dorothy Tonyan and Olivia Hiller. News from the Diaper Line Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kollenkark welcomed a darling baby girl on Nov. 21 at the Sherman hospital in Elgin. The third chiid for the Kallenkarks weighed^ lbs. 2 oz. at birth and wa» named Mary Jane. When the little one was baptized recently she wore the same dress her mother wore at her baptismal. All of Mrs. Kollenkark'# side of the family, as wejl as her other two childern were also baptized in this dress. Sponsors for the infant were Mrs. Irma Gunther of Sunnyside and Don Monte of Menominee Falls, Wis. The baptismal rite was performed in St. John's church at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. A buffet supper was served later in the day in the Koilenkark home. Beside the godparents and their families the maternal grandfather, Jake Miller the Fred Heider family and Linda Palmer were also present. Birthday Corner Belated wishes to Connie Marshall who celebrated her natal day last week. Best wishes also to Barbara Huemann who celebrated her birthday on Dec. 2 by enjoying dinner out. "Happy Birthday" to Holly This Xmas give a PRESENT with a FUTURE GIFT CERTIFICATE for 10 LESSONS in DRIVING ONLY $3875 Ceitiflcate will be good until Jull SI, 1964 Take advantage of this offer now, it will not be • available again this year. A deposit will holrf -rr*ifjcate til Xmns COURTESY DRIVING SCHOOL Phone: Area Code 312-395-3747 Marshall who will turn eight this month. Last but not least, little Duane Oeffling will light two big candles on his cake come Dec. 22. "Happy birthday" wishes to all December celebrants! Basketball Notes Our local town basketball team lost to Dundee last Tuesday evening by a score of 83 to 78. On Sunday they redeemed themselves by beating Harvard, 75 to 70. Next Sunday, Dec. 15, .our team plays at Richmond with game time at 2:30. Last Sunday afternoon St. John's junior vareity lost to St. Catherines,, 34 to 23 in the Marian gym. The varsity team came back to win their game from St. Catherine by the ever so close score of 36 to 35. Next Sunday, St. John's junior varsity and varsity teams will oppose St. Margarets in the Marian gym. Game time is 1:30. Be sure to support your team by getting out and participating in games. a few of these Party for Boy Forester* The community club hall will be the scene of the boy Foresters Christmas party on Dec. 18 beginning at 7 o'clock in the evening. Each boy attending should bring a 75 cent exchange gift. The pre holiday doings is expected to be over by 9 o'clock. Note: The boy Foresters are still stlling Christmas trees on the Bill May property each night and all day Saturday and Sunday. They have a lot of nice trees so plan to make your selection now. Participates in Anniversary Celebration Mrs. Dorothy Himpelmann and her family were in Chicago last Sunday to participate in helping Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Himpelmann, Sr., celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. Twenty-three relatives were present in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reindl for dinner (Mrs. Reindl is a daughter of the Himpelmanns). The celebrants were delighted to be surrounded by their family on such a joyous occasion. Mrs. Reindl had her home attractively decorated to suit the fifteenth anniversary of her parents. Yearly Reminder At this time each year we are reminded of the new vehicle stickers. They will be available for reassigment of numbers at a local service station for the next week. Be sure to stop in and get yours soon. They are made available through our own Johnsburg rescue squad. Reeue Squad Calls The count of calls answered by the rescue squad is on the rise again. So far as we can tell the count is now up to 2326 most recently they answered a call which took them to Volo when a resident collapsed while working in the barn. He was taken by the squad to the McHenry hospital. On Dec. 4, two women lost control of the car on the curve near the Ben Freund home. Medical assistance was refused but they were taken by ambulance later to the hospital. ArPLE CROP A total of 2.2 million bushels of apples is estimated to have been produced this season in Illinois. Thisi&S' per cent more than the 1962 crop of 2.1 million bushels, but 5 per cent less than the 1957-61 average. In spite of moisture shortage during the season, Illinois apples are generally of adequate to good size with good coloring. Moderate hail damage occurred but good disease and insect control was reported. Have you applied for a Charge Account at GLADSTONE'S, INC.? 5 THE STORY OF THE I POINSETTIA 1 | "Star of Bethlehem Flower" s Sy&bol of Christmas R The flower we know as the poinsettia was brought g from Mexico over 130 years ago by Dr. Joel Roberts | Poinsett, first U..3. Minister to Mexico and was known 8 as the "Flower of the Holy Night." As the legend goes, a poor child wanted to enter § the church on Christmas Eve, but had no gift to offer ^ the Holy Child. As he prayed outside *with tears in his js eyes, a beautiful green plant with gorgeous flowers sprang 2 up. He picked the stems, entered the church and carried U, them to the Manger. ^ Since then the Poinsettia has bloomed everywhere tjS in warm climate areas at Christmas time, symbolizing K with its red or white star shaped flower the Bethlehem K star that announced the Savior's birth. 6 | See the Christmas Wonderland of Flowers at ! JlocLr's 3L owerd 3709 West Elm Street Across from the A&P -- Next to the National Tea DIAL 385-2300 -- McHENRY For Your Out-of-Town Gift List -- We Wire Flowers Anywhere S for CHRISTMAS .weaj? STETSON HATS Give him a hat for Xmas. You can select before Xmas or you may want to give him a gift certificate & let him choose his own after Xmas. $7.95 to $15.95 SUITS TOPCOATS Handkerchiefs Monogramed, 3 in box. $1.50 Plain or corded linen. 50c to $2.25 SPORT COATS Three button, notch lapel. Blazers, red, black, olive, burgundy & beige. Regulars, short or longs. $35.00 Other Sport Coats $19.95 to $35.00 SWEATERS Whatever his favorite style in sweaters, you're sure to find it in this store. Crew neck, cardigans, buttons or zippers. In wool, alpaca, mohair, cashmere. $10.00 to $24.95 TIES GLOVES For him, we have ties and ties. Regular width, slim and very slim or ready made. Bow, Continentals & Ascots. Hand paints, silk & dacron blends. $1.50 to $5.00 Dress gloves - black, brown & gray. Deerskin, African cape skin or pigskin. Unlined or lined with fur or dacron. $4.00 to $7.95 Give him a new suit for Xmas. We have new styles, new colors and patterns. We will help you select the style, pattern and color for him. $49.95 to $59.95 SLACKS Life O'Ease. Securoslax featuring the original N'em brace waistband, 100% worsted wool. $18.95 to $22.50 Other slacks with or without pleats. $8.95 to $17.95 CASUAL SLACKS Osh-Kosh slim slack style for 1964. Tapered for that lean look, 100% cotton wash - n - wear. Two pockets in front and two in back. Black, white & olive green. $5.49 Waist sizes 27 to 36. Length 29 to 32. All weather top coat with zip-out lining in plaid. $29.95 Other Top Coats $49.95 to $55.00 JACKETS Martin of California jackets, % length or hip length. Wools, dacrons, corduroys. High style & superior quality. $13.95 to $35.00 ARROW WHITE SHIRT cpsnus BOft WOfilP To brighten his holiday. Yes Sir! Men who know fashion agree there isn't a more luxurious, long wearing shirt available. "The Decton" famous for strength & beauty. No ironing. Decton $6.95 i Deciolene $8.95 Other Arrow Shirts from $4.50 to $5.00 SWEATERS Cardigans, crew neck & pull-overs. Stripes, plain with contrast trimming, some with elbow patches. $3.00 to $7.95 PANTS Cotton, wash & SLIPPERS Casuals are for indoors or outdoor wear. Black, tan & beige. $3.50 Other Slippers from $3.95 to $8.95 PAJAMAS Middy & coat styles, cotton, flannel & knits. Handsome plain colors & patterns. Wash-n-weat fabrics. $4.29 to $10.95 SPORT SHIRTS Arrow-Eldorado. Berma, Field & Stream, Game & Lake -from which to choose. You'll find sport shirts to delight the most discriminate of men. Select them in his exact size. Small - 32 & 33 lengths. Medium - 32 to 36. Large - 33 to 36. Extra Large - 33 to 36. -*$3.25 to $14.95 wear in Continental style, plain colox's & plaids, also plain dress pants. $4.00 to $&50 PAJAMAS Pajamas in broadcloth, cotton knit & cotton flannel. Styled for winter long sleeping. Sizes 6 to 20. $3.00 BOYS' SHiitiS Here's the shirt tailored just like a mans. Your boy will go for the button down collar, the snap-tab or the slip over with zipper. Also cotton knits in slip-over style. $2.25 to $3.00 STUDENTS' SUITS Young men's styles, continental. All wool. Tweeds in grays. Wool & orlon in plain colors. Navy, black & olive. Sizes 36 to 42. $39.95 STUDENTS' SPORT COATS All wool, tweeds, plaids & blazers in beige, black & olive. Sizes 37 to 42. $24.95 to $29.95 WINTER COATS M Quilted lined nylons, fur lined corduroys. % length & hip length. Dress car coats, 'uw Plenty to choose from. ** $8.95 to $19.95 m SPORT COATS J? Boys' blazers. Light blue, navy, black, beige & red. /a? Also plaids & checks. Sizes vk 8 to 20. Jf $8.95 to $19.95 jfj BOYS' TOPCOATS ^ All weather topcoats with JWf orlon zip-out lining. Plaid fit patterns. Wash - n - wear. $19.95 to $22.95 ® ?See Our GIFT SHOP for § the Man that has everything. 3 | Give Him a 8 | Gift Certificate I | for that New Suit g | Hat or Topcoat $ RSVS 3*3X8 X. <; S3* JBF?:<: .1^1: Store Hours WHITE'S MEN s SHOP DAILY 8 ajn. to 9 p.m. SUNDAYS 1214 N. Green Street 3w85-0w019 o 4 0 ; / ? v ( M c H e n r y I l l i n o i s 9 a . m . t o 1 2 N o o n oiva ft

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