•fhnrwfc?. W, 1M3 TRE'tieHElWT ftJUNtttALES Pag* El«*«ta UNDER 21 A column for ioon-ogors By Dan Halligan DEAR TEEN-AGERS: Now that school is well along, perhaps you tffon't mind a lesson from me. Many of you take strong exception when I say don't go steady too soon, don't date too soon and, where girls are concerned, don't wear makeup too soon. When I tell you to act your ages, I'm not trying to spoil your fun. What I am trying to do is to keep you in your childhood a little longer than you may want to stay. You've heard others say it time and again and one of these years you'll say it too -- the teeh years are the greatest of your j life. | I don't care whom you eventually marry, how great your success in life, how many children you help bring into the world | or what you do -- the years after your teen years will never be quite as wonderful. In particular, your high school years are the most wonderful of the wonderful. So, in telling you kids not to date and go steady too ! soon, I'm actually telling you not to cheat yourselves out of your childhood and out of the best years of your lives. Be a teen-ager for as long as you can -- a teen-agers whose greatest problem, if you're a boy, can be, "What's for supper?" and, if you're a girl, making that crucial decision as to which one of two Bobby Rydell records you should buy with this week's allowance. You won't be sorry. Pen Pals: Bonnie Lenderman, Route 6, Box 886, Lufkin, Texas, would like girl pen pals. Her hobbies are the piano, stamps and training dogs. Sandra Harp, 415 Cleveland Avenue, Morristown, Tenn., wants pen pals of 17 and older. Charlene Cheloha, Box 63, Route 4, Columbus, Neb., wants pen pals of 11 and 12 and those interested in horses, swimming and baking. Sue Cronin is 12 and says she likes to knit, ride horses and school. Her address is 3217 17th Street, Columbus, Neb. Nora Moorehouse is 11 and says she likes records and boys. Her address is 109 Grove Street, Maryville, Tenn. Mari Shoemaker. 16, is a farm girl and her address is Box 426, Route 2, Carmel, Ind. DEAR DAN: I'm a 13-year-old girl who has a big problem. I'm going steady with an 18-year-old boy behind my parents' backs. Dan, I can't keep it from them much longer and I have to know what to do. I know you'll say this is wrong but I think I really love him and I don't want to lose him. Please help me. -- Debby. DEAR DEBBY: When "Under 21" started appearing in your newspaper, you weren't yet 9 years old. During those nearly five years, I've heard from dozens of 13-yeaf-old girls (from your city) with exactly the same problem -- trying to grow up too f^f>t. I'd like to help you but I can't unless you make an effort too. "Love" shouldn't be hidden in the shadows and since you know what you're doing is wrong, since your "boy friend" knows and since I know, why continue with it when you know you're heading for trouble. You're to blame, of course, but the real fault is with your "boy friend." I think any boy of 18 who dates a girl of your age and encourages her to think she's in love should be hung by his thumbs. Do you want to break your mother's heart? Break up with this boy before the worst happens. Thirteen and in love? It's impossible. DEAR READERS: In addition to collecting problems, many of you teen-agers (and you younger kids too) collect coins -- pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and 50-cent pieces. From time to time you ask me the valuation of a particular coin and since I don't know, I can't help. However, a good friend of mine in Tacoma, Wash., a young man who is an avid coin collector, can help. He'll welcome all sorts of questions about coins and will answer all your questions. He has years of know-how and just might be able to tell you that dime you have stuck away in your desk is worth much more ffi&n its face value. ' His assistance is entirely free and without strings so don't hesitate 1o write to him. But when you do, be sure to include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. He's George W. 6. Carlisle, 2502 North Warner, Tacoma 7, Wash. DEAR DAN: I am in the eighth grade and have a wardrobe problem. It's not that I mind that my wardrobe is from last year, actually three years old and more, but my clothing is completely out of style. I don't want to seem selfish but my mother won't buy me anything new except two blouses and a suit. I am willing and want to add a few stylish things to my wardrobe with my own money which I have earned. I try to make her see that but I can't. She says I can't buy myself new clothing because I already have enough of a wardrobe. Really! Please tell me who is right because this problem is getting serious. Remember, Dan, I'll buy the clothing with my own money. Concerned of L. I. DEAR CONCERNED: I don't know anything about stylos for an eighth grade girl but I do know that what you wore In the sixth, fifth and fourth grades cannot possibly fit you now and therefore, you're not really too badly off. I sympathize with you and I'll even say you should be allowed to buy an occasional skirt or sweater with money you've earned but I know mothers and if your mother says your wardrobe is sufficient, believe her. Don't get too hepped on current "styles" because they may change by Christmas and what you now buy could be "old-fashioned" by then. Mothers seldom are wrong. HORNSBY'S OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'til 9 SUNDAY • \ 9 to 6 p.m THERE'S STILL A TREMENDOUS SELECTION AT HORNSBY'S! Famous "Brach's" Christmas HARD CANDIES FRESH! FESTIVE! fLAVORFUL! 98* 39* 35* 2 Pound Box FANCY FILLED CANDY Cln. of 10 Boxes CANDY CIGARETTES Jumbo^ 12 CANDY CANES BRACH'S FRESH: FRKSII: FRESH; BOXED CHOCOLATES Rich delicious, assorted smooth crernrs. Holiday Iront! 3 ib. bo, *2 49 GIVE A HORNSBY'S GIFT CERTIFICATE Sure to be right! Nationally Advertised "NEUMODE" NYLONS Reg., Jr. Miss & Ladies Seamless, stretch. to LADIES' JEWELRY SETS Exciting collection of sparkling beauties every woman loves $1 $ to O™ set LADIES' HANDBAGS Smart looking selection of the newest shapes, materials. colors. pr. MEN'S & BOYS' JEWELRY SETS Outstanding selection of modern masculine styles . . . cuff links, tie clasps, key chains, etc. 'c to in Top Quality Pkg MEN'S HANKIES Ladies Boxed HANKIE with pearl necklace MEN'S HOISERY Long - wearing, top quality stretch nylon One size fits 10-13. New fade-proof fall colors. 3 p-. M00 GREAT GIFT FOR THE MEN IN YOUR LIFE! BUY 'EM BY THE BOX! fire$tont WINTER TIRES and RETREADS In All Popular Sizes • Blackwalls • Whitewalls • Tubeless • Tube Type COMPLETE FARM TIRE SERVICE MEN'S SIZES 3 for $1.45 49c Each BOYS' THERMAL UNDERWEAR $1.29 Shirt or Drawers TEE SHIRTS Soft, cotton knit quarter-sleeve shirt, loefcs equally well as an undershirt or sport shirt. Long tuck-in won't ride up. MEN'S SIZES 3 for $2.05 69c Each BOYS' SIZES 3 for $1.45 49c Each WASH and WEAR SHORTS High-count Sanforized cotton broadcloth that needs no ironing. Full cut and panel seat mean comfortable fit. Reinforced at stress points. In all-over patterns, solid colors or white. MEN'S THERMAL UNDERWEAR MEN'S SIZES 3 for $2.05 69c Each $1.59 Shirt or Drawers KNIT BRIEFS Rib-knit cotton faM 0M» wffti every movement for fun-time comfort. Heat resistan* live-elastic waist and log bands. MEN'S SIZES 3 for $2.05 , 69c Each BOYS' SIZES 3 for $1.45 49c Each CALLUS . . for your Truck Tire Needs McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Propw 3931 W. 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Daint;, do dies, plain men. _ selec.._.. .'or neat designs to Gloves & Mittens Fuit i HE FAM1LI Toasty-warm wools, genuine leathers, durable vinyls. to Durable, attractive, nylon COMB & DRESSER SETS . . $1.00 to $1.98 Mom or Jr. Miss DRESSER SETS . . . . . $1.00 to $2.98 Cologne, lotions, bubble bath TOILETRIES SET . . . . .3* to $1.49 Noti spill, non tilt ASH TRAYS .... Gift Box of 2 69* BALL PEN and PENCIL SET Smooth-writing, goodlooking gift sets in attractive plastic cases. |00 BOXED STATIONERY Fancy & Plain 79c „d *i°° PHOTOGRAPH £ SCRAP BOOKS Refills Available 89* t0 $169 Also Autograph Books, Address Books - Diaries WHITMAN BOOKS & PUZZLES HOBBY TOYS 1,000's of Small Items for Stocking Stuffers & Stockings &