T* 11 T&E McMEMMf logwood fa +•• MEW YEAR? WISHES ABE EXTENDED BY COLUMNIST Lor Bremuui - W<L 8045 "Yours truly* -would like to; wish all the best for the past holidays. Many families were together to exchange gifts and eat the family turkey. I hope you were as lucky. As for ourselves, Santa, was awfully good to each and every member of rtiy family. Linda got her Wonder Horse, Patty her Midge Doll with clothes, and Boliby, a game. Bob and L got more than our share, and were very thankful for all. My whole family were guests at my folks' home, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt, in McHenry, where the entire group enjoyed a delicious supper, after which we opened and exchanged our gifts. \ Again, many, many thanks for the cooperation you have given me during this past year of 1963, and I hope we continue as vvell in the coming year of 1964. It has been a pleasure to write for the paper, giving you, I hope, all the news of our little town. Now for the news of our local readers. ' Christmas At Hogans Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan were surrounded by family on Christmas day, having their dinner in the early evening, and opening gifts afterward. At home for the day were Mr. and,, Mrs. Richard Thompson and falmily of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hogan, Jack Schoenholtz, Miss Ann Peschke of McHenry, Tom Parsley of Crystal Lake and Susie Jacobsen. As well as John, Harry and Mike at home. on Christmas Eye for the gift exchanging. Christmas At Skidmores Dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore were Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Skidmore and girls of McCullom Lake. In the evening, the Skid* mores and Millers called in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Creutz and son in Lakeland Park. Christmas At The Hawleys Mr. and Mrs. William .Reinwall and boys, Mr^. Anna Reinwall of McHenryi Mrs. Frank Hawley of Crystal. Lake, Ed Hawley ofy Fox River Grove and 'Mr. and Mrs FloydiHowe of Crystal Lake were Christmas dinner guests in the L. E. Hawley home. 4 Butler Guests ^Christmas dinner guests in the B. T. Butler home were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek and family of Elkhorn and Mr. arid Mrs. Alvin Benoy and family of McHenry. Pearsons In Oklahoma Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and son, James, were Christmas holiday guests in the home of their son and daughter-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pearson, in Norman, Okla. They returned home on Saturday after spending the week with the family. Harrison Home At Christmas Dinner guests in the Loren and Roy Harrison home on Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Benoy and family of Alden, Charles Krohn and daughter of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Walker and Mrs. Emma Walker of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and family and Miss Faith Wagner of Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd' Dowell and son, Billy, of Ringwood and Mrs. Mary Henne and Ruth of Chicago. Brennan-Hepburn Home Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brennan of Nippersink and Miss Joanne Sisson and Henry Skogstead of Antioch were guests in the/ Brennan-Hepburn home Pat Hogan Engaged Miss Pat Hogan, daughter of the John Hogans has become engaged to Tom Parsley. Pat is employed in secretarial work in Woodstock. Pat also was the Illinois Dairy Association Dairy Princess. Tom is the well known athletic director at the Marion Central high school Woodstock and resides in Crystal Lake. A November wedding is planned. guests in the home of Mrs. Rick fliege at McHenry. Mrs. Bowman was home not -feeling up to par, so had her; dinner brought to her. Fred Wiedrich and Butch Leonard were Christmas dinner guests in the Jack Leonard home in Lake Geneva, Wis. Miss Joanne Schmitt and Loren Kelley of North Chicago Were callers in the Robert Brennan home on Thursday of last week. f Harry and Eat Hogan left on Thursday of last week and returned on Friday after spending some Holiday time with their sister and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sonnema'ker and family in Detroit, Mich. On Thursday^ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brennan called on the James Wegener family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoffman were callers in the Wiedrich- Wegerier home on Monday. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich, and daughter, Nancy, of Burlington, Wis., were also visitors in the Wegener home. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley were Woodstock and Crystal Lake visitors on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sutler of McHenry were guests in the B. T. Butler home on Thursday. On Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs- Martin Wegener and and Mrs. Bill Rothermel, along with Mrs. Tillie Engel of McHenry; wer% callers in the home . of Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener. Fred,, Nancy and Freddy Bowman ^called on, the' John Skidmores on Christmas afternoon, as welT~&s~irr the Senkerik home in Sunnyside. Mrs. Jerfy Sharp and boys Tnry called in the egener home on Tuesof Mc rs. John Ehlert and Mable. of Wilmot, Wis., spent the weekend of Christmas in the SenkeriK home in Sunnyside. On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kiehljof McHenry and the Louis Winns of Richmond called in the Wiedrich-Wegener home. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley were visitors at Crystal Lake and in the Bill Reinwall hom,e in McHenry on Friday. This brings the column to a close once again. The next one will be in the new year, bringing you ajl the latest from Ringwood. Man knows very little about women, but he still knows far more than he can do anything about. McHenry Shorts / Resident Wins New York Trip By Bernlce Wilson 885-4S80 Edwin Burgstaller was the surprised winner of a five day all expense paid trip to New York in a drawing held in McHenry Monday afternoon. When the Chamber of Commerce called, Mrs. Burgstaller answered the phone and at first thought there was some mistake as her husband couldn't remember signing an entry for the * contest but then recalled shopping in town and deciding to take a chance which turned out to be the .yvinner. Since the trip is for two he and his wife said they would probably take the trip next April and as he has never flown or • been to New York it should be a double treat for them. Well congratulations to them, we all sign for these contests at various happen to any of .us. , times and this probes it can Winners In Christmas Displays The Marshall Jacobs home on Still Hill drive was chosen for the award in the elaborate display category and those in our area receiving honorable mention were John and Marie Hinz of Pearl Street and Pinkie Pinkonsly of Beach Drive, They also will get' a prize. Have you taken a drive to see these displays? If not better get out and look around "as they /Were picked from all over McHenry as being outstanding. -- t /~ Happy New Year To All Now that all- the presents have been Opened and Christmas is gone we look forward to the New Year. May we extend our best wishes to all our neighbors for a happy and prosperous year. Birthday Greetings Best wishes tor a happy birthday go td'Dale Jenner and Barbara Whetherhult on Jan. 2; little Lee Lexow who will be one year old on Jan. 6, Deborah Burke, Robert Dobbertin, Jr., Ray Moore, Daisy Smith, and Susan Ewald on Jan. 8. Many happy returns of the day to one and all. Undergoes Surgery Mrs. John Hogan will have undergone her surgery as of this printing. Ila is scheduled to enter the McHenry hospital on Sunday to undergo surgery on Monday morning. Since she. will be confined approximately ten days, maybe a few cards will cheer her up. Dinner Guests Fred Bowman, Nancy arfd Freddy were Christmas dinner by Buss Emerson Robinson Crusoe, the storied castaway, figures in a roundabout fashion in the history of medicine. Crusoe, actually Alexander Selkirk, a young Scot, was rescued from Juan Fernandez Island early in the 18th century by a Captain Thomas Dover: It was Dover, a self-appointed physician, who "invented" a new medicine, a combination of opium and ipecac which was sold under the name of Dover's Powder and, to the best of our knowledge, still sells today. The powder had some value in curing a variety of aches and pains when used in moderation, but Dover subscribed to the belief that if one grain is good, two are better. In factf some of Dover's dosages ranged from a horrendous 60 to 100 grains. As a result, opium which had been in use for countless centuries since the days of the early Sumarians -- fell largely into disuse because of Dover's indiscriminate use of the drug. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel and Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt., SI Phone 385-0950 2-64 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests' Getting back to proper and j Sanitation Layouts prescriped dosages -- you Water Supply Programs know, of course, that fast, accurate prescriptions are a specialty at ^flLLSTREAM DRUGS, INC. Try MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC., 3720 West Elm --^Jewel Shopping Plaza, for all your drug needs. Phone 385-5057. If you have any questions regarding pharmacy or public health which you would like to have discussed in this column, write to Russ Emerson, c/o this paper. THIS WEEK'S HOUSEHOLD " HINT: Marks from adhesive fojpe wtll>-be- -retrieved by -rtib- «>n dampened '.Villi nail polish remover. Richmond 678-7491 Vl Mile South of Rt. 12 on johngburg - Wilmot Road 11-63 Anniversaries On Jan. 3 Sim and Mary Santilli will be observing their anniversary and on Jan. 4 Charles and Bernice MacCallum will be adding another ye&r to their years spent together. Congratulations both- couples. to Meeting Of The Shores Club On 6 Thursday, Jan. 2, the first meeting of the new year will be held at the VFW hall. We will be electing seven new directors so get over and cast your ballot. The polls will be open from T to 9:30 to allow time for everyone to vote, After the meeting and refreshments Mildred Snively will .••how slides on her trip to Europe last summer. Vehicle Stickers ' McHenry Shores vehicle stickers for 1964 will be available at the meeting or from the treasurer William Tennert at 3216 Beach Drive. McHenry Aut< Complete Auto Rebuilding Service "Everything done in our shop" • Wheel Alignment • Frame Srtaightening • Radiator Repair • Glass & Upholstery \ All this adds up to greater savings to you. Check the shop that has the complete equipment. INSURANCE ESTIMATES F R E E New 10-Min. Car Wash Mon.-Sai. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. |7S 4707 W. Route 120 Lakeland Park Phone Day or Night Days: 385-0444 Nites: 885-1422 'JUST CANT BEAT THAT NATIONAL MEAT" Guaranteed to Pleat* or Your Money Back! NATIONAL FOOD STORES coiommo CORN-FED BEEF We Reserve the Right to L i m i t Q u a n t i t i e s . P r i c e s Effective thru Jan. 4th Colorado Corn-Fed Beef--• Beef Tenderloin, Rib Eyo Steaks or SMI1 STEAKS . . . PROr EJSlOflRL 'DIRECTORYDR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician 8327 West Elm Street Office Phone: 385-0743 Residence Phone: 885-0847 Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. & FrL 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat., 10 a.ra. to 2 p.m. 12-63 JCAKi. tt. WALHU INSURANCE fin, Auto, Farm ft Idle lb Representing ^ UGUABLG COMPANIES When You Need Insnrsnoe of Any Kind Phone 885-0043 or 885-0953 129 IV. Elm St.. McHenry, III DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: 885-0188 Res. Phone: 885-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-64 Colorado Corn - Fed Beef TOP ROUND STEAK. Colorado Corn-Fed Beef SIRLOIN TIP STEAKS Tender -- Juiey CUBE STEAK. . . Colorado Corp-Fed Beef ROUND EYE ROAST. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. $189 $109 $109 STEAK Colodrad corn-fed beef famous for tender, juicy flavor ... 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchast of One 22-oi. Bit. EASY LIFE PINK LIQUID DETERGENT Ltmlt Ono Coupon P«r Customer -- Coupon Expiree Jen. 4th--• Y 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With Wl Coupon and the Purchase W OM 4B CL In MODESS limTt Ono Coupon Por Customef Coupon Expires Jan* 4tb-*» SO EXTRA S&H STAMPS With Thli Coupon ind the Purchase of One lSWflt ILustre Creme Hair Spray ilmtt One Coupon Fer Customer Coupon Expires Jan* 4th TOP TASTE --SmbVed BJliR SAUSAGE. OSCAR MAYER SLICED BOLOGNA SO FRESH LAKE PERCH. . SO FRESH LAKE SMELT. . Lb. • Pig. 12- oz. B Pig. umnoi M'/J-oj, Cans TAIL-LESS --The King of Steaks PORTERHOUSE Colorado Corn-Fed Beef 7 Col.rodo Ce"-** £' |a»l>" • •" *oM MM* of RUMP ROAS J mm J?}|00 till ®MPE Ji ^ • . 3 2? $|Oo !um BUTnt . ;.5r59•. M'm! M'm! Good! ©1ICKEH CAIID NOODLE OUUr „ .HICKEN p NOODLE F o r a n o u - riihlng hot meal . . . 1 0 / 2 Campbell's soup and "* sandwich. wall For Extra Cleaning Power ffl-A-lM BLUSH In a plaitic bott l e f o r o x t r a safety. Can be Hlf« used as a stain Gal. remover or deo- gjj dorant. ' flAVQUBLENDI SWIFT'S SLLSWEIT MARGARINE Light in flavor and priced low at National. Mi \ E iMQQ I ORCHARD FRESH--FROZEN | ORANGE JW | MINUTE MAID--FROZEN KRAFT'S X "\ VELVEEETA The cheese spread that's de- S«v» Money On Your licious. Milk Bill Mil) /"] Ii--1 a Hawthorn qQi. | Mellody 2% sir,. KRAFT'S Gr.Ud PamQian » «• mmt Pk* JUST CAN'T FIND FRESHER. FINER PRODUCE 6'OZ. Cant ... Ro»«« Tournem arr«n9trn store SHOW BOAT & || 0MHGE JUICE, MINUTE MAIO BLENOii JUICE, « . NS . * . FAMILY 40-oz. SIZfi Can / A GOLDEN B DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI j Optometrist Eyes Examined--Glasses Fitted 1303 X. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. Si Fri. 4:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tues., Thurs. & „ Fri. Eve. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. , to 5:00 p.m. iVo Hours on Wednesday Contact Lenses Phone 385-22(12 2-fil 1 V SNOW WHITE • m u. TOP TASTE--M J , bread IS * *iunu.5""d L°" 19 SANDWICH ||£|0< ;%• - TOP T m USTE illUTS. ... V