Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1964, p. 13

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Thursday. F«brjai-£, 1664 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEE V. Lakeland Park • • """ WOMAN'S CLtTB HOLDS BAKE SATJR SATURDAY FEB. 8 Barbara Meurer -- 38fi-4ft6 Kay Druml Don't forget that Saturday is the day of our tfake sale and if you have been called to bake, please don't disappoint us. You don't have to be a member of Woman's Club to bake, we will welcome any homebaked items from anyone in the subdivision. Just give Barb Meurer a call at 385- 4356 or drop it off at Justen's Furniture Store, the corner^of Elm and Green Street by ^30 a.rii. \ Cerebral falsy Drive Report Our 53 minute C.P. March, of mothers was a huge success with $221.65 collected in Lakeland Park and Lakeland Shores subdivision. Our many thanks go to all those who gave and to those girls who braved the cold to do the collecting. Woman's Club Meeting Tonight Tonight, Thursday, Feb. 6 at 8:30 p.m. at the Community I^oiise there will be a terrific night out held for the. ladies of Lakeland Park Wortien's club. Being so close to Valentine's Day many surprises are in store for the social part of the evening. Knowing Jo Rizzo and her lively committee we can guarantee that the social part of the evening will be one no one will wont to miss. In fact the committee has requested that all the "Gals" wear something either pink or red in keeping with Valentine's Day. Come on all you members and ladies who are not but would like to become members, join tonight and enjoy a very wonderful night out. Cub Committee Meeting To all members of the Cub Pack's committee that receive the paper on Wednesday evening. There will be a meeting of the committee at 7:30 at. the community house. Please pass the word to any members who don't receive the paper. The coming Blue and Gold dinner will be among topics discussed. Give Scoutmaster Matthews backing by being in attendance. Girl Scouts At our Girl Scout meeting last Monday, Mrs. Mecic came over to teach the girls their laws in German. Every three months, hew Officers are elected atid our patrols change. Our new officers are Mary Dowell, treasurer, and Maria Mecic, scribe. The new patrols ancL their leaders and, Shooting Stars, Holly Koehl, John F. Kennedy Girl Scout Patrol -- Mary Johnson, and the Lightning Patrol, Kimerly Worm. Respectfully Submitted?, . Mftrla Mecic, Scribe. Get-Well Wishes - ,Last " Friday turned out to be gloomy Friday for several of our young people. The first accident happened to Kathy Campo when she fell while climbing up to a tree house and broke her leg. She will be confined to McHenry hospital for two weeks with her leg in traction and then will have it in a cast for four more weeks. I'm sure she would like to receive cards from all her friends. The other accident happened to Terry Waltzek, newcomers to our subdivision. He Was jumping off some steps and his foot slipped causing him to hit his head on the cement. He sustained a skull fracture and is also confined to McHenry hospital. It would be nice to have cards sent to him too. Get-well wishes also go to Marge Rebel, Eleanor Barwig. Mildred Worm, and to Paul Schwegel, Jr., who was to have surgery on his nose at Children's Memorial hospital last Tuesday. We also send get-well wishes to all those people who are fighting off the flu and those just recovering from it. Sure hope Helen Strandquist feels much better by the time this paper is published. Helen was felled by the flu bug and also a very bad middle ear infection. Also, hope Nancy Matthews has recovered from her ear infection. Garbage Dues Reminder Don't forget that your garbage dues were due the first of this month. Get it to your block captain as soon as possible. Community House Schedule Any cancellations or reservations for the community house are to be made through Jo Rizzo at 385-2728/ The schedule is as follows: Wednesday, Feb. 5, Cub Scout Committee Meeting. Thursday, Feb. 6, 8:30 p.m. Lakeland Park Women's Club Social Night and Meeting. Friday, Feb. 7, 3 to 6 p.m. Dancing Classes. Tuesday, Feb. 11, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Boy Scout Indian Dance Practice, 7:30 to 6 p.m. Boy Scout Meet* tag. 1 «> iBes--t W is Our Very best Wishes Ve^y wishes for wonderful Birthdays are extended to the following residents of the subdivision. On Feb. 7, Allen Kujak will reach 14 and Max Koch admits to being able to vote on the same day. Feb. 8 has Colleen Rogers becoming 7 years old and those two little neighbors, Kenny George and Joseph Johnson, both becoming that lovable age of 1. Popular Vicki J3ottari adds another candle to her cake on the 9th, Jolene Vanek adds one year on the 10th. Rosemary Holas, John Zimney and Norbie Kwiatek all share the 11th, Norbie becomes Boy Scout age on his day. Richard Biermann will be 2 on the 12th, sharing that day is Michael Kraskiewicz who will be 10 and Delia Dralle. On the 13th Bruce Okal will be 14. To each and everyone of you and to all whose names we do not have go our very best wishes for not only your own special day but many, many healthy years to come. Boy Scout Troop Troop 459's Indian dance team will dance this Sunday, Scout Sunday, for the Cub Pack of Cary. The boys will perform at the Cary-Grove school gym. The Scouts wiil be served dinner by Cary Cubbers at 4 p.m. There will be a half hour program put on by our dance team. The boys will give their first public appearance of their war dance which was received so warmly by the parents of the Scouts last parents night. Bob Matthews, .Cubmaster of our Cub Scout Pack, brought his Weblo Den to last Tuesday's meeting. The Troop has two of their Scouts as hospital patients and we know that they would enjoy hearing from their fellow Scouts and friends. Paul Schwekel, Jr., is a patient at Children's Memorial hospital in Chicago and Terry Waltzek is in McHenry hospital. How about dropping them a line, they'd enjoy it we know. Strolling Through The Park Larry Oakford had the last of a series of birthday parties last week Wednesday. Having a typical 9 year old party, filled with games and refreshments the following boys had a riot, Del Gerstad, Gerard Long and Jim Coughlin. Unable to attend were Bobby Vera and Lawrence Huck. We know Larry really enjoyed celebrating his ninth year. His grandmother, Mrs. Grondy, got in on all of his parties before she returned home. Remember , to get your roller skating party tickets for Feb. 13 from one of the VLittle League managers or coaches. Bob Matthew's is chairman for the affair and so deserves a good turnout. Let's all back him by purchasing at least one ticket. You'll also have a good time besides helping to provide needed funds for Little League equipment. Joan Schwegel flew to Iron Mountain, Mich., last week to attend the funeral of her uncle. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Joan and Paul and their children. Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Rowe of Chicago visited with Lyda and Bill Radisch last week. The Radisches spent the week rather quietly and recovering from the previous week. Dottie and Irv Becker attended the wedding and reception of a very Old friend last Saturday. The reception was held at the O'Hare Officers Club. Heard they had a ball. . Before returning to her home state of Wisconsin, Mrs. Viola Bull, who is Grace Mandziara's mother, held a luncheon and Tripoley session for many of Grace's friends. Attending and having a wonderful time were Delia Julian, Mrs. Jeanette Taylor, who was the house guest of Ann Herzog. Ivy Lezak, Edna Hountras and Helen Kraskiewicz. It was the first outing for Delia Julian since the removal of her leg cast. Edna Hountras, Ivy Lezak and Ann Herzog spent a day last week being good neighbors. They visited with Lee Glorch and Ruth McMahon who were both on the not up to par list. Tom Hountras meanwhile has been a real good neighbor to Delia Julian and Grace Mandizara by driving them to their doctor appointments. Mrs. Ann Herzog spent Sunday in Lombard having dinner with her family. Joan Bucaro and Rae Burns were co-hostess for a baby shower for Marion Barle Winkowski. Marion received many lovely gifts. Enjoying the very wonderful evening and delici ous refreshments were the following ladies. Rosemary Hollis and her mother, Helen Han sen, Jean Kruse, three of the Bucaro girls, Carol Altman, Carol Fandre, Jerry Wagner, Mary Barle and Kathy Flanni gan. Now all Marion has to do is wait to use the many lovely i ' ' E3 CHILDREN CAN'T DAMAGE SPRED SATIN 100% Latex Wonder Paint WALL PAINT Beccuti0 U Spot /W<uial See Our Complete Seleefcn of WjsBI and fi«<§ Cabinets You'io ko find ihe right one to fit your Remodeling Budget. gifts she's received for the expectant heir. The Kamp family ventured into the Big City last Sunday for the baptism of theilr first great nephew, Kenneth James Powers. Great uncle Bill has the honor of being godfather to little Kenny. We all wish the lowers family the very best and hope the Infant Jesus will be more than generous with his blessings on little Kenny. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marks and family of DesPlaines were dinner guests of Nedra, Les and Billy Eckhart Sunday. The Grizley family/visited with Mrs. Mester, Sue's mother in Lincolnwood ory Saturday. On Sunday they visited with cousins in Wheeling, A1 and Chris Kee. Sue's mother also visited in Wheeling on Sunday. Sue and Matt took Sue's younger brother bowling. Matt managed to show both Sue and Sue's brother up when the scores were tallied. Jan and Bob Kozy attended the wedding of Jan's brother, Gerry NelsOn, in DesPlaines two weeks ago Saturday. Bob attended as usher. The reception was held at the Old Orchard Country Club. Visiting the Marv George family on Sunday were Marv's folks who came up for a three way birthday celebration, Marv's Dad's birthday, Kenny's first birthday, and David's tenth. The three birthdays are spread out over the month but were all celebrated on Sunday. On Tuesday, last week, Jan Kozy and her daughter, Terry, went over to Peggy Kaspers in McCullom Lake for lunch to celebrate Terry's and Peggy's^ daughter Pammy's birthday. 4 Pammy's birthday was Jan. 27 and Terry's was Jan. 28. Toots Gerstad and little Eddie came over later to join the celebration. Terry Kozy celebrated her birthday last Sunday with aunts, uncles, grandparents, great-grandparents, and godparents all enjoying a supper with pie, cake and coffee for dessert. A game of Po-ke-no was played to round off the evening. Dee Barwig, and Fran Quast gave a baby shower McHenry Shore* SHOW SLIDES OF EUROPEAN TRIP AT SHORES CLUB MEET Bernice Wilson -- 885-4380 On Thursday, Feb. 6, the McHenry Shores Club will hold their monthly meeting at the V.F.W. hall. After refreshments are served Mildred Snively will show slides of her trip to Europe so why not plan cm joining the regulars that .show up every month. As co-chairman of the organizing committee for the proposed river conservancy district, LeRoy Olsen will be guest speaker at the n.ceting. His remarks should be of special inteiest to local people who live so close to the river. hetti supper on Feb. 11 > at the American Legion hall. Tickets are available from Jean Egger, Gladys Korner or Daisy Smith or at the door. Time from 5 td 8. v--Reminder Don't forget the St. Paul Episcopal church annual spagfor Leah Nuss last Thursday evening with fourteen ladies present. She received many beautiful gifts, mostly in yellow or white. A delicious array of jello molds and cookies were served to Sigurd Roepken, Dee Frazier, Maureen Johnson, Rosemary Tiffany, Jeanette Koerper, Dee Flint, Diana Lauer, Roberta Humphries, Evelyn Ewing, Marge Webber, and Bunny Jaenicke. Those not able to attend were Barbara Meurer, Shirley George, Polly Licastro and Helen Stippick. Odds and Cnds On Sunday Jan. 26 fourteen relatives gathered at the Zeimets to help celebrate Julie and Sam's birthday which falls on the same day. It looks like you two were just made for each other, Julie. The Whitneys entertained Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nelson and children on Saturday afternoon and evening. ^ Little Billy' Pinkonsly, the 3rd, celebrated his fourth birthday on Jan. 29 by having a party. The Senior Pinkonslys, Robert Pinkonslys and tho Whitneys helped make it a biy success. Saturday night the Zeimets, Olbinskis and Lindwalls went to Elgin for a smorgasbord and all really gorged themselves on all the delicacies. Biscayne Drive from Chicago* We welcome them t<; thfc Short* ana hope they wUl be^hrtf»Hj|f here. New Residents Lon and Ardeth Reed and their son, Robert, have moved into their new home nt 3204 Pamela Munroe Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Edward Munr«i$" have announced the engagement of their daughter, Pamela, to Second Lieut. Mark Vycltal of McHenry. Pam is planning a July wedding to take place in Texas where Mark is stationed with the Air Force. Best * wishes to the happy couple. Birthdays Happy birthday wishes go to Clarence Schweikert on Feb. 8, Leslie Brunke and Marge Olszewski on the 7th; Jack'Randy' Schramm the 8th, Pat Haley on the 9th; Alice Brunke, Thomas 'Tommy' Geds, Sherri Schramm and Brian Calvert on on the 10th; and Craig Mieritz on the 12th. Many happy re* turns of the day to all. Anniversaries Mr. and Mrs. John Gale will be celebrating their anniversary on Feb. 6 and Ronald nnd Dianne Clark on the 12th. We wish, both couples many more „hnppy years together. Bowling News This Saturday there will be bowling for the Couples Bowling league at Johnsburg. Let's all get there on time so we can start promtply at 9 p.m. Bundle From Heaven Pat and Gordon Rehberg are the proud parents of a 7 lb. 2 oz. baby boy. Curt Patrick was born Friday, Jan. 31, at Memorial hospital in Woodstock. A brother, "Scotty who is 11 months old, is waiting at home. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rehberg from Lakeland Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Clark. FOOD GIFT BASKETS MADE TO ORDER Fruit -- Fancy Foods or Combination And Up Many To Choose From Hand Packed -- Ribbon Topped Cellophane Wrapped SEE OUR DISPLAY PANTRY DELICACIES 1328 N. Riverside Drive 385-0754 McHenry FREE Daily Delivery in McHenry Area Hospitalf>& Homes • Wails painted with Spred SATIN are extremely easy to keep clean, because its rubberlike film resists dirt, and may be spot-washed without showing any trace of washing. Spred SATIN is the easiest of all paints to use; it flows on like magic, dries in 20 minutes. For amazing new decorating try Spred SATIN soon! ) RICHMOND 'iieaLl ©\«»NOWOOO WONftll I AM ARIA toox LATEX PAINT RMHINftY V ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On -Highway 31 South off Street -- MeHenry, Illinois f?lp©®© 385-1424 9 Don't take a flyer on just any dryer Get a Gas dryer on a free 60-day trial Dry the modern gas way. Special offer lets you select a gas dryer of your choice and then enjoy the convenience, speed and economy of gas drying for 60 days before you buy. With a gas dryer, you'll save an average of nearly $20 a year on operating costs, compared with other automatics. You'll sav,e on installation, too, for there's no investment in costly heavy-duty wiring needed to operate a gas dryer. You be the judge. See how fast gas dries your clothes; how soft and sweet-smelfing they come out of your dryer. There's no dry baking action that sets wrinkles when you dry with gas. Ch@@se from th@s<t men@y-s@^irag gas dryers Norge-Model DQE7020 featuring: 14-pound capacity Hamilton-Mod ei »4M3 featuring: Twin Air Stream Drying 4 'V.o-ar.c .odH --1- : sHtr.i r / y ^ »-l Whirlpool-Mode! ' LJD49X featuring: 2 speeds, 6 cycles Phlfco-Bandlx-Model CQ736.f«aturina: combination washer-dryer Visit your Northern Illinois Gas Company showroom and select the dryer you wish to try for 60 days. No down payment required. - (Matcht«g washers also are available.) After a 60-day trial we're sure you'll want to Keep your gas dryer. And you can arrange for low payments with up to 36 months to pay. If you're not delighted with your dryer after your home trial, we'll pick it up. No obligation, of course. Your nearby appliance dealer also has an exceptional offer on the purchase of a modern money saving gas dryer. •» NORTHERN iO/v Service around the flock J'

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