Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Feb 1964, p. 18

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i • : • ;1 : •fpil'l, v^:.. «• * ^ ^ i - V^*" ^ - PUlakee Hlghlahd^p ^ AWARD GIVEN TEEN CLUB FOR OP. FUND DRIVE , vJpay Siellsch -- HYatt 7-5414 Thanks .to the members of the Teei$ club the McHenry Cerebral PaPlsy fund was richer by $102.37 for the Teens 53 minute march. The County president of the Cerebral Palsy Foundation is very pleased with the Highlands efforts on their and they expressed their mpst sincere thank you to the 'teens, and want them to know their Work was greatly appreciated. A Special Award Certificate has been sent to the Club suitable for hanging in their Club room. I wish to add my congratulations to the Teens along with the many that will be coming to them, and I am sure after this event they will be more than ready to help again, when they are called upon. Open Meeting For Holy Name Society Feb. 9, at 8 p.nj. an open meeting of the Holy Name Society of St. John's was very well attended. The men had invited Monsignor Thomas Fitzgerald, as their guest who explained the danger that exists in our nation in the form of impure and suggestive books, magazines and paper backs. Birthdays Birthday greetings go to some mighty nice folks this week and all of your friends and neighbors join me in wishing each of you the very best wishes for a very happy birthday. First birthday child this week is Joyce Heir who celebrates her birthday Feb. 16, to Toots Spankuch who celebrates her big day Feb. 17, and to Ginny Thoren who celebrates her birthday Feb. 18. Ginny's birthday was a little forgotten with all the excitement of her son Craig's recent marriage but we seiid best wishes anyway Ginny. Last but not least to little niece Lori Ann Jesweak who will be a big three years old Feb. 18. Happy birthday little doll. Xouth Injured . In Freak Accident Jan. 30, 15 year old Joseph Wright of 5301 'North Thelen Drive; was injured in a freak accident in the cafeteria of the Johnsburg school, when a 'table collapsed and fell on his foot. He was taken to the McHenry hospital where his foot was put in a cast. No one was more surprised than Joe, we do hope you will soon be out of the cast and Wiil be back in to the swing of things. „ *T ."'•;. j-: 'i •, ;• .* 7 to 10 pvm. Any one from precinct 17 may register at either place. It is hoped that every one will make it their business to register, there are many who have not been able to be registered and the two registrars are making it convenient for all. Boy Scouts Enjoyed Derby The Boy Scouts enjoyed the Klondike Derby held at Veteran's Acres in Crystal Lake, recently. The boys from the Highlands who attended were: Billy and Randy Jacksbn, Terry Ffoney, Barry Johnson, Gordon Murray and Scott Bourbon. The adults who escorted them were: assistant Scout Leader Chester Boling and Ray Bourbon. The boys had to make their own sled and pull a" hundred' pounds in the sled, to foui* points of Scoutcraft which were: Signaling, fire building, compass and measuring. It took from two to two and half hour^to complete the course and the Scouts were presented with Nuggets as a reward. The awards were to be announced later on. Sunday the mothers their husbands' bringing them hot coffee and the likes. The nxet big event for the Boy Scouts will be the parent night which will be coming up in the very near future, as soon as I receive the details on this evening, I will have it in the column for you, with all the data on it, _ Bowls In Tournament Feb. 8, Bob Hurckes and Floyd Johnson bowled in the bowling tournament, held in Fort Atkinson, Wis. So they would not have to spend the weekend alone they took their wives, Lorraine' and Vi, with them. The girls enjoyed rooting for the husbandd, getting away from the daily grirtd and ijust relaxing all weekend. The word is around that; Bob and Floyd are top bowlers and enjoy the sport very much, hope you did the Highlands proud with those scores, boys. Women's Club Notes The Jan. 29 meeting was a very busy evening and one that accomplished very much. Blanche Haefliger, County Chairman of Indian Affairs and Lois Leuth, Pistakee Highlands Women's club chairman for the Indian Affairs, announced they would be collecting all clean, usable clothing and canned goods for the needy Indians. Please have your donations ready for them and they must be in by Feb. 14, since Blanche and Lois have to have all the materials collected, turned in at the center in Chicago Feb. 15. The members of the Club voted to donate $10 for the scholarship fund for worthy Indians. The members also voted to donate $50 for the McHenry County federation project, scholarships for worthy students. A nominating committee will be elected by ballots at the February meeting. The club is busy looking for a place to hold the annual banquet. Bunco will be played at the February meeting. The women who volunteered to be hostesses for February meeting have decided to serve cherry pies which sounds very good. The cterry tree will be another annual feature. The March meeting will be an open meeting. The vice-president J. Blackburn presided for president Teena O'Mally who is the proud mother of a baby girl. The club was happy to send the names of the women from the club who have served as volunteer workers in hospitals. The gals from the club who have .donated hours to the McHenry hospital are. Gert Snell, Marge Moreth, Vi Schuble and Jane Malek. After the meeting which was a long one with much discussion, the women enjoyed playing games and boxes of valentine candy were the prizes after the games the hostesses served cake and coffee. m Rapidly Growing Sick List Friday, Jan. 31, Lil Orlowski was rushed to the McHenry hospital by the Johnsburg Rescue Squad, Lil had been suffering from a very severe cold and complications' set In. To date she is still in the hospital and is doing a little better. Following Lil was Dan Johnson who suffered a heart attack and a stroke and was taken to the McHenry hospital by a private ambulance. Dan is much improved at this time. Our neighbor Mrs. Zorn in Whispering Hills suffered a heart attack in her home Feb. 3. Mrs. Wilma Blake entered the McHenry hospital for tests and possible surgery. Dee Bischoff who has been confined at the McHenry hospital underwent major surgary and is doing real well at this time. Carl Haefliger was home from work due to illness and Charlie Schifferdecker was home a few days due to flu. Both have recovered and returned to work. This has been a bad year for illness in the Highlands let's hope things will look a bit brighter for everyone the rest of the year. IRg WfrHENBY MJUMDEALEB as News of Your Friends and Neighbors Feb. 8, Dick and Haze Morley entertained Dick's sister, Helen, and husband, Don* of Round Lake for a delicious dinner, and a evening of cards and scrabble, and delicious munching snacks. Feb. 2, Joe, Liesi and Georgie Hanisch enjoyed a dinner and a pleasant day with their friends John and Margaret Kapolnoky in West Chicago. On their wayback they paid'a visit to their friends Job and Eva VonEmpl of Ingleside^ The VonEmpls brand new car had been stolen that weekend and Lisel had been helping them get around to where they had to go on business. Last weekend found Milt and Betty Croasdale visiting relatives in Milwaukee. The Johnsburg Public School students enjoyed a free day Feb. 3. The children enjoyed a nice long weekend. The parents spent a few hours in conferences with the teachers. Everyone was real happy to see Stan Darmody home after his months of hospitalization and surgery. Stan says he never felt better and we all say welcome home Stan and please stay well from here on in. You're looking pretty chipper and youthful from all the weight you lost; the v£ry best, of luck to yoii and your wife, Myrtle.. Commander Richie Orlowski took over for Peggy Brandt who was hospitalized and could not take part in the American Legion oratorical contest held at the Great Community high school. The 10th District sponsored the contest and there were eight finalists, including one from our Post 703. The winner from the contest will compete in the divisional; contest. The contestants were all just wonderful. • . . Oh the^e hicky winter yacationeers. Just received a card from Ruby and Tom Smith who were on their way back ndme after enjoying three weeks in Tucson and Phoenix. Ariz.- Ruby who has been on crutches did not let that stop her from enjoying every minute ofi the trip. Sure hope the crutches will go soon, Ruby. Former neighbors and friends of Mrs. Harold Skinner, one of the first residents in the Highlands who lived on Louella for many years, then sold the home and moved to California, were very sad to hear she had passed away Jan. 12 and was buried in Oak! awn cemetery in Chicago. A few of them attended the services for her and they felt badly that she was gone. Dick and Rose Farwell and their children spent last weekend in Cicero where they celebrated Dick's mother's birthday which will be Feb. 14, another Valentine baby. 1 Herb Lindemann and his wife, Lorraine, were very happy to have Herb's sister Noreen and husband Frank Albrecht of Chicago spend Feb 1 with them, Lorraine had a very delicious! dinner for them. Last week Lorraine and LaVerne Madock took off for a day of shopping and enjoying a delicious luncheon in a local restaurant. Final, Notice For Registration. Night- Registration will be held in the,'Pistakee Highlands community center Feb. 17, from 7 to 10 p.m. both .registrars will be on hand, Marilyn VanZevern and Cletus Mayer will both serve that night. Feb. 18, Cletus Mayer will be at the Whispering Hills Civic Center from WE TRAIN TIGERS " Leasa, hungry guys, flw aggrw civo Ciijid Who se* and solve problems. If you're married, •harp and successful (have 5 to 15 years business experience •nd a high school or eollega education --- college preferred) ... this may bo the opportunity of : your lifetime. We train you, as* -<'• >*i*t you financially, support you V/ith a multi-million dollar advertising program. Only a few can qualify. Let us give you the full ---Story how our best agents aver* •ge $10,000 dm* year. Call or Write: L W. ELuehrs Deputy Regional Vice-President titttte Farm Ins. Companies . ; 2309 E. Oakland Avenue > JMoomington, Illinois P634S Estate PAUM Companies Home Offices: STATI MIM A ORTHWE id DAILY Barbara Wilson, a cousin of Gloria (Waldin) Thoren, was very delighted to catch the bridal bouquet at the wedding reception for Gloria and Craig. Lee Johnson caught the garter and received some good natured kidding. The Pistakee Highlands Teen diib wfil ' enjby a Valentine Dance to be neld Friday, Feb. 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the Community center. They will also enjeiy delicious refreshments. The Brownie Troop at their Feb. 4 meeting made plans for their Spring projects which will include planting and nurturing the seeds they will sow very soon. An Easter and Mother's Day project will be in the working too. The girls just love all the activity they enjoy under the capable leadership of Harriet Wilson and the talented ;Jarie Malekj Harriet's, assistant. / Feb. 6, Janice Janquart who had planned' the huge shower and the following gals who baked and helped Janice with the work are: Sally Jo Von- Bruenchenbeim, Mary Lou Sabielny, Beverely Lewandowski, Lois Leuth, Ginny Emmerich and J. Blackburn. This was the biggest shower the Highlands has seen to date. Thirty-five women gathered at the community center,to shower Teena O'Malley jwfth gifts for her new daughter Ellen. Teena was really thrilled with the large turnout and ali the^ b^autiful gifts. The gals enjoyed visiting and refreshemehts. Everyday last week, I enjoyed the company of Leo Orlowski for lunch, I saw to it that he was well fed for the daily trek to the hospital to see his wife Lil. I always feel so lonely aftSfer having company everyday, company is wonderful and love every minute of it, but I wish it could be under happier circumstances. I would like to wish two of my favorite people, my mother and hubby a happy Valentine's Day, to all my friends and neighbors and an especially huge Valentine greeting to all the wonderful folks who get news to * gate each week and last but not least by all means, a big greeting to all the folks who take time to read the column every week and I hope all the husbands and wives remembered to get that card for your better half, it is always nice to be remembered. Tom and Betty Warczak and their Tommy spent the evening of Feb. 11 with Betty's aunt and uncle in Lombard. Theywent to be with Betty's grandmother during the day, since Betty wanted to see her grandmother off for California where she will spend six months with her daughter and family. Sadie Cunningham received bruises and cuts on her face when she was involved in a accident on her way to work Feb. 6. The road was slippery and her car was hit in the front and right side, Sadie felt worse about their new car being smashed than she did about her self. Ray took her tp the doctor to be sure everything was alright I sincerely hope the injures to the head will not, be serious. All the executive members of Cub Scout Pack 452 met at the home of Hettermann's in Johnsburg Feb. 5. They were busy preparing the program for the Blue and Gold dinner and making all the final preparations for the big dinner which was held Feb. 9. ask is urged to attend this meeting March 4. It was noted too, if there Is more than one car parked in your yard that does not run and is junked, it will be considered a junk yard. If that car is a detriment to child's safety you may call the McHenry County Sheriff's office and some one will come out to the home and tow that car away1. It is hoped all the cars that* are lying around unused will be taken away as soon, aa possible so that our community Will be neat and one to be proud of. The trustees and officers have been calling on ev$yy home to have th© petition! signed. X would like to add that many homes such as mine that has an address on one street and faces another seldom ever gets a newsletter or anything else that is going on. I know we seldom ever get one. The newsletters are out however, let's hope you all receive yours. Ih closing please be kind to one another, and may God take a special "liking to all of you. Hope all you folks who are ill will be feeling much better and please take care of your selves. Medical reports fehow that cancer was recognized 1|500 years >ago. . ; Association News Because of the lack of two members being present- at the regular monthly Pistsfke&sHighlands Association, there^was no quorum. The officeloy talked about new interests in the Highlands, and Tom Warczak explained the road situation to the members who were present, and all the members present were in favor of the petitions being signed. The officers want all the petitions signed before and completed by March 1, and presented to the Township Supervisor by March 5, A notice of a Township meetiW.ywill be published 10 days Jbefore the meeting, >^hich would be expected to be March 15. This will be a very important meeting and it is hoped that as many residents of the Highlands that can attend will be there. Lakeland Park and Sunnyside Estates will support us at the township meeting. We will need all the yes votes we can get. The next association meeting will be held March 4, and the meeting will be an "Information On The Road Program." Any one with any questions to Seasons Wif T® Bm Us If You H©®d A Waits Sfst®m or Well 1. Only trained personnel In their respective Held of Drilling -- Pump Installations fc"oint Changing -- Service Calls _ 2. Largest pump inventory In the county (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 1 3. Both Bed Jacket and Dayton authorized agency 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing 6. We service aU makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps 7. Our men and machines are completely insured 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection 9. Parts available for all makes 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points IL EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS | ON DISPLAY SEE THEM' WORK -- <wims 10 POMPS IN STOCK McHengf Couipif f @11 & Pump WEttS DRILLED OB DBXVEH We Repaif and Service ALL BUIKES of PUE5HP0 Located la the Village @f McCullom Ud miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. 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