Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jun 1962, p. 15

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^Thursday, June 14, 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER • Page Fifteen Huge Plaque To Recognize Outstanding Marian Pupils Don Peasley Photo This huge plaque now hanes in Marian Central Catholic hiyh school, a gift to the ,chool troin ihe Marian Fathers club. The plaque will list the names or outstanding students in a number of important areas lor fifteen years. From left: Sister Elizabeth Ann. principal; Cameron Clark, salutatorian; John Strohm. Falhers (lul) scholarship recognition committee chairman: and Janet Dahm. valedictorian. A huge plaque to recognize j een MySyk, Hebron, and Walter outstanding students in all Bowman, Huntley; sophomores. categories has Deen presented > Linua Holthaus.' Harvard and , Marian Central Catholic hi.crh p au] Klciaki Woodstock: Fresh- able to advise you; ^school by the Manan Fathers ; men Valeria Lavernier. Union^ UNDER 21 A column for teen-agers By Dan Halligan ioys and girls of all ages interested in having a pen pal in India may send their names and addresses to Mayyand Das, Organisir, Mayyand, P. O., Kerala. India. (Air mail letters to India cost 25 cents in postage for each half ounce.) DEAR DAN: About a month ago I ordered an engraved present for my steady and I've just received it. The trouble is we aren't going steady now. In fact, we barely speak. What would you advise me to do with the present? Steady Veteran. DEAR STEADY VETERAN: About the only thing yoii fan do is put it away somewhere and chalk it up to experience. If you have a brother, I'm sure he'd >ake it. TIUK IK just .one of those things that happen. DEAR DAN: Can a marriage be annulled after six months? My girl and I got married (secretly) while we were both high school seniors. We never lived together and we're in dilfeient colleges and now realize what a mistake we made. Our parents4 don t know about this and "if we can get the marriage annulled without them knowing, we'll save a lot oi grief. Can you tell me how to go about this? M. V. DEAR M. Y.: A lawyer is the man you want to see. I'm not sure the anmilinient can l>e kept quiet but he'll be News About Our Servicemen Henrv. er Pats.v Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. He is presently serving as an MP^at Fort Hood, Texas. 'His wif^b* Watts of Steven L. Befinish, electrician's mate thjrd class, USN, son of Mr. ana Mrs. if" even L. Bennish of 2710 \V*. Russet road, McHenry, was advanced to the above rale recently while serving aboard the des troyer tender USS operating out of Advance.nent is 4 he result of j passing a fleet-wide com pet i- JSSj Yosemite. Newport, R.-I. i've examinathfh administered labt February. Alan J. Gignac, son of Mr ar.i Mrs. A. A. (J:gnac of 8502 Eim street. Wonder Lake, began recruit training recently •1 the Naval Training center, G.-eat Lakes. * Now...Test drive the NEW'JHPTORNADG-OHC ENGINE You'll be amazed at its performance! - - • • • / club. . 1 and- Tons Bird. Wonder Lake. In addition to winners of j-je ajso presented-Fathers club the several awards given by : awards to Janet Dahm, Crystal the Fathers club, the plaque L,ake valedictorian, and Camwill be used to record the eron Clark. McHenrv. salutanames ol all students who are torian outstanding in scholarship, cit-1 izenship and leadership. j Presentation was made by John Strohm, chairman of the Fathers club scholarship recognition committee, to Sister Elizabeth Ann, principal. The plaque is big enough to post the names of outstanding winners for fifteen years. The Fathers ciub has scheduled its next event at the McHenry V.F.W. on June 26, when new officers will be installed at a dinner dance. Dr. Leonard Pawlikowski, Mc- The Fathers club also instituted a new venture by announcing it will award letters to students who rate high scholastically -- awards similar to varsity athletic awards. Names of several winners were announced. ROLAND HOFFMAN GRADUATES FROM AVIATION SCHOOL Roland R. Hoffman gra^u- , ated from the University of Henry, will be the new presi- j minois institute of Aviation on Vdent, succeeding Gerald Smith. Sunday, June 10. at 2 (/clock, Woodstock dairy farmer. with an A & E license f()1. .,h._ Beture presenting the Fathers club awards, Strohm said DEAR DAN: Every time my boy friend dances with this one-girl, I just about break out with a rash because I'm so jealous of her. Yet. he dance* with other girls and I don't nind. This girl likes my boy friend and has said she wants U; with him but he says he's only interested in me. Is IhN cave of nerves I have something that's to be expected? Nervous, v DEAR NERVOUS: Your eondit ion Is to l>e expected blit it isn't necessary. As long as this <-irl has been so bold as to announce she's "out to £«-t" your hoy friend, I don't ttiink he should encourage her by asking her to dance. DEAR DAN: My girl was seriously hurt in a car accident in December and won't be able to return to school until the fall. We were going steady up until the accident and as far as I'm concerned, we still are. The problem is that she thinks I'm foolish for not dating other girls when she's in the hospital but I just carn't bring myself to do that. The accident was my fault, il was the, driver*, and I think paying her as much attention as\I can is little enough for me to do. * I know she still likes me and wants me to date other girls because of the months of hospitalization she still has. If you were in my place, what would you do? P A. DEAR P. A.: I'm sorry but I'd have to be in "your (IKEC.C. PETERS;>g Peters, r a d i o m a n third class, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Peters of 7220 W. Trey ro;id, McHenry, is stationed at the I'.S. Naval receiving, station, Norfolk. Ya„ for further assignment. Peters graduated from McHenry hiurli school' in June. and joined the Navy in October of th^t year. He has served on the LSS Norfolk, DL-1. place" before I could give you an honest answer. I understand craft maintenance and com- i how your girl feels and I understand how you feel and 1 mercial pilot's license w ith i certainly don't think you should feel you can't date because 1 e leal battle to keep Amer- ( flight instructor certificate. o| self-imposed punishment. Your girl has probably done con- Roland will continue at the j siderable thinking about this and if she thinks you should University for two more years 1 date other girls, take her at her word. However, don't slmbachelor's de- , ply abandon her in the months ahead. DEAR DAN: I'm a 17-year-old" girl and the boy I go you are j tended the graduation and vis-r much you ited with their son and daughter- in-law. ica strong depends on our young people. Strohm, who had a daughter, Karen, in the grad-j tQ work for ,Uddc^ass students. | gree in industrial education. a t I Mr. and Mrs. T. O'Brien of I with gets angry quite easily. When he does get mad and he's a ions uture I Skckie and Mr. and Mrs. H. S. ! leaving my house, he makes the tires on his car squeal anil then the whole neighborhood gets mad and raises the dickens with my parents. 1 How can I break him of this bad habit? -- Steady Reader. DEAR STEADY READER: If your boy friend is as old as you, tell him it's about time he began acting his age. I'm sure if you tell him you won't be able to go out with him anymore unless he stops the sound effects, that should have some results. DEAR DAN: My boy friend got in a fight three weeks ago and was given a 90-day sentence in the brig. He's in the Navy. No one here knows about it except his parents and me. They're going to visit him this month and have invited me along but I know I won't be able to go until I give the reason and if I give the reason, I'll probably be told I can't go with - him anymore. If I don't go to see him, he might not understand and I could lose him anyway. So what am I to do? - Virginia DEAR ' VIRGINIA: All you can do is stay home and have your boy friend's parents explain why you're not along. None of this would have happened if he had kept his hands at his sides but that's history. ^ "Our nation's future depends | Hoffman of Wonder Lake at- ^on how competitive going to be, how want to succeed, how determined you are to succeed in whatever you undertake." Purpose of the awards by the club is to encourage young people to apply themselves to their school work. Strohm, who has made six around-the-world trips and is a ^ recognized authority on Rus- • sia and Red China, criticized those who are satisfied with mediocrity -- a too frequent occurrence in this land, he asserted. "After seeing the »hungry around the world, I know without doubt that we are citizens RECOGNIZE BRAVERY Gov. Otto Kerner hajs asked for information and recommendations regarding extraordinary acts of bravery or service performed by Illinois boys and girls during 1961. Young American Medals for Bravery and Young American Medals for Service will be awarded to boys and girls 18 years old or under who have performed acts of extraordinary courage or have achieved outstanding records of endeavor, service or : recognition of character in ^avorec' nation on 196], The medals ar^ awarded earth. We have tremendous op- | annually under an Act of Conportunities. „ gress and will be presented by A But we have problems, too. j President of the United We re asking government to . States JosPph E Ragen. direcdo too much for us. > tor of the Illinois Department We have too much crime, j Gf Public Safety, has been too much juvenile delinquency, > asked to scred& the merits of too many students who don t each Illinois candidate for the finish high school, and too tew : final decision of the governor, who go to college. j Recommend at ions and com- Presents Awards plete information on candi- Strobm gave awards to the | dates should be sent to Direcboy and girl in the three lower | tor Ragen, Roorr^l03, Armory grades who had the highest j Building. Springfield, not later if,scholastic record: Juniors, Nor- ' than Aug. 1. '"""'IT'"* RONALD F. JT STEN Pfc. (E-.'ii Ronald F. Just en (if the Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Justen of 4811 N. Pioneer road, McHenry. graduated June 1 from military police school at Fort Gordon, Ga. While there, he received eight weeks of advanced military police training. Pfc. Just«n entered the Army in January of this year and received basic training at BIRTH OF A CHAMPION; Today, after years of research, development and testing, Wilfys Motors proudly presents the 'Jeep'Tornado OHC-America's first overhead camshaft engine designed for commercial vehicles. WHAT is AN OHC ENGINE?In a pushrod engine the valves are on top-the camshaft, which operates them, is at the bottom. It's an awkward situation like playing the<piano sitting on the floor--you have to stretch up and over to hit the keys. Giving the Tornadp-OHC engine overhead cams -which is what the initials OHC stand m-- is like giving the pianist a chair. You get much better performance. LOADED OHC'JEEP VEHICLE PULLS LIKE irs EMPTYI 33% more power-and, more important, very high torque at very low engine speeds give the Tornado-OHC engine better acceleration andrmuch longer life. EASY GOING--ON GAS AND MAINTENANCEi Higher thermal efficiency means up to 25% better gas economy. Fewer moving parts mean simpler, less frequent, less expensive maintenance. COME IN AND TEST DRIVE THE TORNADO-OHC ENGINE-now available in 'Jeep' "Pick-ups, 4-wheel drive Utility Wagons, 2WD Station Wagons and Panel Deliveries. But be warned-with its exciting performance you'll probably want to take it home with you! TIIMC III MAVERICK (Sunday) Evenings 5:30 P.M. IUNL'IiI FOLLOW THE SUN (Sun.) Evenings 6:30 P.M. McHENRY GARAGE 600 Front St. Phone EV 5-0403 McHenry. Ill JOB PROVED VEHICLES TORNADO- OHC-STOUT MKW HEART rom'MKP' VEHICLES p,te, W. JUm & OXYGEN EQU^PED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phpne EVergreen 5-0063 Tire stone CHAMPION TIRES 7.50-14 Tubeless NYLON Blackwalls 6.70-15 $' Tube Type RAYON 1295 16.70-15 I Tubeless Blackwalls 7.10-15 14" $H0ME OWNERS* FREE yourself of DEBTS First Mortgage for those who want security for themselves and their family. AT LAST! You can pay off your house and all Bills in . . . ONE LOW PAYMENT Examples of what can be done: 1. PAY OFF present Contract or Mortgage 2. PAY OFF House and Bills 3. PAY OFF House and Bills and also include needs for Remodelling or Building. 4. WE CAN also Finance your Intended New Home. 5. F.H.A. or Bank Plan Financing without obtaining a Mortgage. 4 JOHN M. HAYES Company, Inc. Call Today for FREE Appraisal Code 312 Kimball 6-3228 Hours 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Except Wednesday & Saturday until Noon $ After 6:30 p.m. Code 815-385-3987 $ 6.70-15 $1195 !7*10-Tube Type II iTube Add $3 for Whitewalls Tube Type All Prices Plus Tax ALL SIZES compaNibly LOW PRICED Available with black or white sidewalk .V, tube type or tubeless Nov/s The Time To Trade Tires BATTERIES - TIRES - TUBES j for Tractors, Trucks and All Passenger Cars Special Trade-In Allowance from $1 to $5 on your old battery. Complete CALL u s . . . FARM TIRE for your SERVICE Truck Tire Needs McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. 3931 W. Main St. Phone 385-0294 McHenry, 111. XMAS TIME IN JUNE Santa is spending his vacation at SNUG HARBOR starting June 18 through June 30 Franz Millbraak AT THE ORGAN Our Remodeling Will Be Complete By The Time Santa Arrives New Year's Eve Party SATURDAY, JUNE 30 Hats -- Favors Nolsemakers Avoid the Christmas Rush and Have Your Kiddies Write to Santa Claus

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