Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jun 1962, p. 20

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fage Twenty THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB jae% Thursday. June 14, 196^ ar~.a » -• _ a - --• ti n (1 Dai-bara .spdriality of the -beof anil all iroodies I no Lakeland Park URGE ATTENDANCE AT SMORGASBORD SATURDAY JJINE 16 Gloria Flannigan - 385-4710 Barbara Meurer - 385-4356 This coming Saturday night. June 16, is the night to attend the smorgasbord sponsored by the Women's club. Serving time will be from 5 to 7 p.m. in the community house. Toots Gerstad is chairman of this project and her helpers are Jan Kozy, Pete.v Oak-ford. Dorothy Murphy. Doris Bock. Shirley George d Barbara Meurer. The meal will be hot those delicious women of Lakc^nd Park and Shores ilonatfy So l>c- suit to attend this ilmner '.ind maybe even treatyyour husband for Father's vfav. v All food donations are to be at the community house at 4 and the hot foods at 4:.'<0. See you Saturday':' Carnival WKLL. here it is almost carnival time again.*. I guess everyone is looking forward 1o it so here is the .iope on it. It will be held at the same plac^ as last year, which is the^corner of his/hway 120 and Meadow Lane. The days are JuneS?!. 22. 2ii and 24. Opening night will be kids niirht with prices cut on a 11 rides. There will be all sorts of entertainment and let's not forget the refreshment- booth too. So let's all pray that we have nice weather for the four davs. said. The boys of each team were then introduced by the managers. Bill Herzog, LPPOA president, gave a short speech and threw out the first ball. In the first game the Pirates beat the Orioles 8-4, the second game the Sox beat the Cubs 3-1 and in the third game the Tigers beat the Braves 13- 6. All in all it was a very nice day. Christening Pamela Jean Stholtz. daughter of Bud. anti Donna Stholtz, was christened last Sunday, June 10. at the Zion Lutheran church in McHenry. Pamela's '.•odparents were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyers of Beloit. Wis. Ollw guests were Mrs. Judy McLenr and children, Claudia. Charolett and Cheryl, of Wauconda: Mrs. Harold Grovcsteen. great-g r a n d p a. Guy Grovesteen. Mr., and Mrs. Darrell Grovesteen and family, all of Heloit. Wis.; and gieatgrandmother. Mrs. Barr of Island Lake and Margo and Wally Scheadeh and children. Debbip and ' Kieth arid Pammy's brothers, Jeff. Kieth and Todd. Donna served a very delicious buffet style dinner to all. . Mrs. R. Lawrence and childrSH Patty, Robby, Billy and Janet, of* Oak Park; aunt and uncle, Mi'. and^Mrs. R. Mgravec, and cliiWrerTT^obby, Patti and Danny, of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Stholtz and Mary Mcll. The Buccaros had a busy last week when their two daughters graduated1. Donna graduated from Junior high school on Tuesday evening and Bonnie graduated from McHenry high on Wednesday evening. Both girls had a party afterwards which was attended by many friends and relatives. . •fc Grace and Ed Mandziara gave a dinner last Sunday, June 3. in honor of their daughter. Melody's graduation from Junior high last Tuesday evening. Her guests were grandma Mr*. Viola,,Bull of Wisconsin Rapids. Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. R. Winkel and daughters, Judith and Renee, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kowalc/yk and daughter. Gloria, both of Chicago: Mr. and Mrs. M. Skolorzynski. Bernard Barr and Chester Mandziara of Franklin Park. She received many beautiful gifts and the dinner was enjoyed by ail. Birthday Pfttty Donald Prazak had a birthday party Saturday, June 9, with the following boys helping him celebrate Chuckie Campo, Butch Morgenson, Kenny Prazak, Alan Meurer, Steve Bencliff and Jolyn Vanek. . Cake and ice cream were served and games were played. A good time was ^had by all. dents, have come back from their, St. Petersburg, Fia., home for a 3 month visit. They are residing at the Peter Ahderson home on Shore Drive. Related Birthday Wishes To Marge Franklin and Judy Community House Schedule j Saturday. June !6 Smor- j gasbord 5 to 7 p.m.; Monday, j June IS F.venirig, Pack Meet-I ing; Tuesday, June 19. 9 to 12 j - Dancing classes even i n g. j Boy Scout meeting; Wednes- | day. June 20. (•) to 12 Dancing cfasses: Thursday, June 21 Lakeland Park regular Democratic club meeting; Saturday, June 23 Squares. Anyone wishing to make reservations for the community house is to call Jo Rizzo at 385-2728. ' tittle League Schedule Thursday, June 14, Cubs vs. Pirates; Sunday, June 17, Orioles vs. Tigers; Monday, June 18, Braves vs. Sox; Tuesday, June 19, Pirates vs. Tigers; Wednesday. June 20. Cubs vs. Braves; Thursday, June 21 Sox vs. Orioles. All evening Eames start at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday games start at 2 p.m. Little League \ews Our baseball season got off to a big start last Sunday with the triple header being played over at the old field. Six Bov Scouts presented the colors, our national anthem was sung and the ]iledga--trfThe flag was •Tanczak who share the same : day of June 11 arid to Mickey ' Gladman who chalked up an- I other year on June 12, to Don- i aid Prazekon on June 11. ^Sor- j ry we missed your days. Birthday Wishes H a p p y b i r t h d a y t o S u e Grizely on June 15. to Bernice j Boyce on the sixteenth of June ; and to Fran Clark on June IS and to Patty Arient also on • the eighteenth ' of June. To J Mrs. Fred Street on June 14. I To Carol Knor on June 19 and j to Shirley Meurer who will be-; five on June 17, to Barbara ' Gamon who will be eight years ] old on June 20. May you all have a very happy day. . Graduates Donald Parisi graduated last Tuesday evening from Elgin Community college. Donald received an Associate of Arts degree. Imme d i a t e 1 v afterwards there was a reception given by the faculty. Former residents of Lakeland Park, the Joe Cinas, had two cf their children graduating this year. Their daughter, Josephine, graduated from St. Patrick's on Sunday and their son, Vincent, graduated from Milliken University. Kathleen Flannigan graduated from Junior high school last Tuesday. Afterward she had a small "party. Her guests j were her grandparents. Mr. : and Mrs. Frank Moravec of! Richmond, her grandf a t h e r. i William Flannigan of Oak 1 Park, aunt and uncle, Mr. and ' Rita Mikoscz graduated from St. Mary's on the third of June. Helping her celebrate 1 his joyous occasion were her sister, brother. grandparent and other friends and relatives. Also graduated from Junior high school were Pat Gilbertson and Ronnie Krumsee. Award Winners Klaus Mueller, son ofV^r. and Mrs. Gerhard Mueller of Lakeland Park, received a Kiwanis aw; id and will attend the Universilv of Illinois. Judy Meineke. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Meineke. received a Future Teachers of Ameiica scholarship and will attend White w at er College. Congratulations-to you both. A Bon Voyage To Kirk Pissowotski who.., will be leaving for Germany this Saturday. He is going over on the airlines which takes him direct to Frankfurt, Germany, where he will be met by his grandparents. He will spend half of the summer with his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pissowotski, and the other half with his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Weber. Both live in Miesenhach, Pfalz, a little town 60 rbiles from Frankfurt. T know you'll have a wonderful summer Kirk. Attention < It has been brought to my attention that two boats were being played with in the beach area last Sunday without any regard for the safety of the children swimming. The . east beach is a -nice shallow beach for real little ones to play in and is ncr place for boats, so please, keep the boats out of the beach area before someone is seriously injured. , Another Reminder Here we are hounding you people again, but please don't forget to get your donation to the bank for the Lake fund. We're stire everyone would like to have a nice crystal clear McCullom Lake again. Please. Please don't forget. Every donation helps no matter how small. Blue Bundles ° George Michael Lauer arrived June 1 at the McHenry hospital. George weighed in at 6 lbs., 15 ozs. and is 20 inches long. His proud parents are Kurt and Diane Lauer. Also happy over his arrival are brothers, Kurt, Jr., and Kenneth, sisters, Virginia and Catherine and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Posthuma of West Shore beach. Confirmation Mr. and Mrs. Larry Strandquist attended the confirmation of their granddaughter, Linda Strandquist, last Sunday at St. Paul's Lutheran church in Wheaton. Also attending were her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Moore of Antioch. Moved Bob and Rita Idstein and their family moved from their home on Shore Drive to their new home in DesPlaines last weekend. They had lived in Lakeland Park about 4 years and I'm sure they will be missed by many people. Good luck lo you folks in your new home. The O'Gara .family has also left our fair community to move back to Chicago. Good luck to you folks also. Tripoly Ruth McMahon was hostess to Tripoly last Thursday. Players were Delia Julian, Edna Hountras, Ivy Lszak, Helen Kraskiewiez, and Ann Herzog. Ruth served delicious desserts afterwards. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Reinhart. former Lakeland Park resi- Ladies Love PUSH BUTTON LIVING! LOOK, m all dressed Magical but true Even whisks away scrub water with air. Installed in New or Old Homes. Call our local representative ISABEL NORMAND -- 385-4437 Ask how you can get a Suzy doll With Servisoft in your house. Clo\£hes come clean, fresh, soft every time. No costly extras to add. You use less soap, clothes last longer . . . you save money! Three plans to choose from . . . worry-free exchange service, rental, own-your-own. Take Suzy's advice. Call today. flPut Servisoft in your house* SERV11SOFT Richmond, llinois Phone: 4381 You are invited to attend our OPEN HOUSE Sat., June 16 -- 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Refreshments Prises for All "37 Years Experience with McHenVy County Water" RO ANDREW CO. Soft Water Farm & Lawn Center Woodstock ^ 338-4200 Illinois Women's Club We had' a very good turnout for our June meeting considering all the graduation doings and what not that keep our womeivaway in June. It was decided that next "year at oi^r June and September meetings we will meet the second Thursday instead of the first to get away from this problem. It was also decided to have our Christmas party at the Country club so our girls don't have to work so hard. There will be a dollar charge for each girl which is to be in by the October meeting. A f t e r the meeting, cake and coffee were served and bunco and cards were played with prizes for all winners. All in all it was. "a very enjoyable evening. Apologies Our apologies to James Oefflimr for not including his name on the Cubs team last week. Also to Bill and Ann Herzog for omitting their names on the dinner of the LPPOA. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lanz of Chicago and Mrs. Jewell Hickman of Central City, l<y., are visitipg in the Joseph Lanz home in Lakeland Park. MASTER OF ONE You can be a jack of all trades in the water, but you must be master of one. The Institute for Safer Living saya that whether a fisherman, yachtsman, skin diver, or surfboarder, each water sport has its special skills and knowhow. All, however, require that the participant be a skilled swimmer if he is to enjoy his sport safely. Of course, there's always beachcombin g, but even that can be more fun if you know that you can also swim well. LABOR CAMP Growers must obtain a state license prior to operating a fiiigfatit labor c a rn p, Dr. Franklin Yoder, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, said last week. Many have not applied for a license and the time is growing short for those who wish to avoid an economic loss in seasonal crops, Dr. Yoder warned. The new Illinois Migrant Labor camp law affects about 500 migrant labor camps !h the state and applies to any person hiring six or more seasonal or temporary migrant workers who have living quarters quarters of any kind on the premises. The camti must be licensed under the, state law before the state Departmeht of Labor will honor any request for migrant workers. This year's basic requirements --safe drinking water supply aftd proper sewage disposal facilities --constitute the beginning of a progressive program of improvement in labor camp conditions. There are about 1,000 industrial eye. injuries every working day and, according to the, Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness, over 90 per cent of them are needless and preventable. £f§gf sill? :«m ijk Koii-A-Troy W TABLE SPECIAL ""T - • pattern Venetian bronze frames VI* FOLDING YACHT CHAIR Strong varnished hardwood frame :*x* •--durable canvas seat and back# *004. COyfj. °0' OKrf C0y, 2 00 ..J *099 f \ f * / o/ e ONLY S&S& I **MW »*#( VYCITALS HARDWARE 1228 N. GREEN STREET PHONE 385-0098 BELSON'S MODERN-FOLD SSKnSES*, Only mm.i folds flit for Easy t< Tine for homo and patio use* jgasy fo asseni|j|e/ fow priCeds $|Q65 Other Styles Available. PATIO STONES • c**" ^ r\ DO-IT-YOURSELF BUILD YOUR OWN PATIO -- TERRACES -- -- BORDERS -- PLAY AREAS - OR - WALKS WITH MODERN CONCRETE PATIO STONES •EAUTIFUL COLORS -- ALL SIZES NO SPECIAL SKILL, TOOLS. CUTTING OR CHVMM6 RE9UIRGD RIGIDFRAME CARACES "RIGID-FRAME" Construction. It's new -- and so different -- and -- will save time and money! You can build it yourself on a weekend -- or we have reliable local builders ready to build VOUR GARAGE NOW! • COMPARE THE FEATURES! • COMPARE THE QUALITY! • COMPARE THE PRICE! No Money Down -- 5 Years To Pay Low Monthly Payments 7/ sSSs. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois i Phone 385-1424 I

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