Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jun 1962, p. 2

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•J Page Two THE McHENBY PLAINDEALEH Colobratcs At Birthday Party Cindy Fave Brod celebrated her second birthday anniversary. June 6 at i party given' at the home of her grandpar- • ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Mc-' Mahon, 5214 Hunter drive, j Lakeland Park. , Movies were taken during the j party, and games played. The young celebrant, in spite ol her lender years, seemed to enjoy the many lovely gifts she received and i he luncheon she Thursday, June 14. 1962 Hold Antique Show In County DONNA WOHLERT BECOMES BRIDE OF MATHEW WOL.F The hustle and bustle, and Miss Donna Marie Wohlert, pounding and hammering that ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henwill be" heard in the rieighb^i- ry Wohlert, was a lovely bride hood of the McHenry county ! of Saturday, June 9, when she fairgrounds on11 the weekend : exchanged nuptial vows with staari lliinn!g June 15 wilK'be the^J Mathew J. Wolf, son of Mr. any booths being readied bfr and Mrs. ^ames M. Wolf. The le big antiQue show which bride's parent a4ft Iwill start then and run through W. Fit. 120, *he seventeenth « June. jpaients at 5 J. J. Millers Wed 50 Years KI TH DI NH.VM Kuth Dunham Engaged SI ZANVK MILLER Announce Engagement Of Suzanne Miller Mr. and Mrs. Eail J. Miller of Wonder Lake announce the engagement of their daughter, Suzanne, to Robert Weber. Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber. Sr., of Center street. McHenry. Robert is a 1954 graduate of McHenry high school, has served two years in the Army and is presently employed in : McHenry. Suzanne is a graduate of McHenry high school, attended Northern Illinois university and is also employed in Mc-' Henry. j Aug. 4 'is the date set for j the marriage, and a double ! wedding ceremony is planned for Suzanne and Robert. io- J aether with Suzanne's twin i sister. Mary Lou, and her fi- ! anee. Richard Cope. Jme dou- j ble wedding will take place at I Christ the King church at ; Wonder Lake. shared with guests. A feature '..To Wed Daniel Freund ^ of the serving table wasia largo ! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dunham cake with the words "H&ppv I of Woodstock announce the Birthday Cindy." i engagement of their daughter, Guests were/Betty Mclnnis,! Ruth, to Daniel N. Freund. son Gay and Christine Braem, Jan j of Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Judy Rolsendahl, Dannie I Freund of Spring Grove, on Lezak, Johnnie Hertzog. Jay | Saturday, June 2. Guests were Tihinen, Bobbie and Jimmy entertained in the Dunham Moore, Chris Krat?plin, Cindy ! home on Sunday to honor the Braun. Mrs. Jolin Hertzog, j occasion. Mrs. John Tihinen. Mrs. Rob-I No wedding date-has been ert Moore. Mrs. Braem. Mrs. |set- Robert Kraeplin. Mrs. Ralph j -- Kraeplin and Mrs. Mahon. | Entertain __ j For Graduate Schaefer Infant | Mr. an<^ Mrs. Frank A. Christened Sunday I Kempfer entertained at their The little daughter of Mr. j Washington street home Sunand Mrs. Ted Schiefer of Mc- j day in honor of their son, Al- Henry was christened Linda j bert, a 1962 graduate of the Sue by Rev. Fr. Eugene Baum- j McHenry high school. The hofer in a baptismal rite sol- j school colors of orange and emnized at St. Mary's Catholic | black were carried out in decchurch at 2 o'clock Sunday, j orations. June 10. Sponsors for the in- i Center on the serving table fant were Tony Schaefer and 1 was a large, decorated cake, Mary Kay Freund. I surrounded by tw;o miniature A buffet supper was served I graduate symbols. later at the parents' home,' ... ,. j w.i.t.h a d,e corat. ed, ca,k e as .t.h e ii ,,A tteno. ing the^ di,n ner w^re T r.' center ofe at.t.r act.i.o n on the, Mr,. a, nd Mrs. F.r/e d< li, J. Simonj , , and daughters, Kathleen and Pi-eTent were Mr. and Mrs. ! Barbara, of Chicago; Mrs. Al- Viscounts Will Sponsor Dance Friday, June 15, the Viscounts will sponsor a 'teen dance at the Legion home, with a fine orchestra to play. This is something new and should bring out a large crowd. The Legion post has been kind to let the young folks use the hall for their monthly dance, but this may be discontinued if there is any further destruction of property similar to that experienced at some previous dances. Parents of the sponsors have established a few rules, and one of these requires that s and si; e who *ci will not be admitted. Because of the orchestra, there will be a modest charge made for the dance, which will be chaperoned. The social evening will extend from 8 until 31 O'clock. shorts slacks are not worn. Those come in this attire James IWcAndrews Son Christened The small son of Mr. and Mrs. James Mc Andrews was christened Anthony Raymond in a baptismal service which took place last Sunday, June 10, at St. Patrick's Catholic church, with Rev. Fr. Edward C. Coakley officiating. Sponsors for the baby, who was born May 27, were Mr. and Mrs. Vern Gavin of Rosholt, Wis., uncle and aunt of the infant. A dinner was served following the ceremony to the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Trebatoski, of Rosholt. Wis., the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAndrews; and the baby's three brothers, Patrick, Thomas and John. Leo King and sons," Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaefer and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Schaefer and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Freund and daughter, Mary Kay. The baby's maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo King and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaefer of Johnsburg. Hold Open House For Sister Arcadia Open house will be held Thursday, June 21, at the home of Mrs. A. P. Freund, 3702 W. Freund street, McHenry, from 2 to 5 o'clock in honor of the diamond jubilee of her sister, Sister M. Arcadia, CSF. Sister Mary Arcadia Blake will commemorate the diamond jubilee of her religious life starting with a high Mass of thanksgiving offered at St. Mary's church by Rev. Baumhofer on Thursday. Following the Mass, a breakfast for sisters, brothers and friends will be served at the home of Mrs. Freun$. Sister spent many years of her religious life teaching children in the schools of Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. At present, she is stationed at the home for retired Sisters at Campbellsport, Wis., where she is still very active as a seamstress. Her three sisters, six living brothers and a host of friends wish her God's blessing. CARD OF THANKS May I extend my sincerest thanks first to my family, then to all my friends who have visited me, sent cards, gifts and prayers offered in my behalf during my illness. I am especially grateful to Father Lehman and Father Monahan f r o m S t . P e t e r ' s c h u r c h . Thanks a million and God Bless you all. Celia Brzozowski 6-14-62 m « * * w* w/sW/ZvftsS, bert Vales and son. Albert Vales. Mr. and Mrs. James Glosson, Frank Kempfer, Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph Romkowski and son, Bert, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vavrik, Bill Vavrik, Dennis Burmingham, Dan Kinnerk, Dean Kennebeck, Thomas Widhalm • and the three other Kempfer children, Debbie, Michael and Joey. JOHNSBURG CLUB TO HOLD ANNUAL CARNIVAL SOON ' The annual carnival of the Johnsburg Com m u n i t y club will be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 22, 23 and 24, at Memorial hall grounds. As in years past, an able committee has made plans for all kinds of entertainment and surprises for the entire family. Rides of all Hinds ;vyill be available for the youngsters, and there Will be games and refreshments for the older generation. One of the highlights will be the fish fry on Friday at 5:30 o'clock. Lunch will be served Saturday night and Sunday at the clubhouse. More details will appear in next week's issue of the paper. Antique parents r'eside at 4411 ind the groom's 2604 W. Lincoln The show, jvhich was held { road. •ast vear also, was termed a | The ceremony was perhuge success. This year it is : former! at 11:30 o'clock in St. even bigger and much greater-; Mary's Catholic church, with J attendance is anticipated by • Rev." Fr. Eugene Baumhofer the sponsoring group, the Mc-! officiating. The children's choir Henry County Homernakcrs j sang the Mass in a church dec- :\\tension association. ! orated with bouquets of white For the anticipated crowd of ; Flowers on the altar. visitors, the ladies of the H.iv j Miss Wohlert approached the A. will" serve snack lunches, ] altar, charming in a gown of cold drinks, coffee and cake I silk organza lace, with long and sandwiches. [jointed sleeves,, fitted bodice , , . \ featuring pearls and iridescent Many 4-H ga ls, under the j sequins, a square neckline and dnection of Mrs. Margaret j fu|] s]<irt. The dress had a Carr, will also be on hand to i c ha pel train. Her fingertip veil help at the tables. They will f0jj from a pearl and sequin be dressed in complimentary . cr0\vn. and she carried a boucostumes to fit the antique* | qUel n,f white gladioli and a like iheme. Out-of-t o w n e r s j cl.vstal h>sary, "gift of the may want to enjoy their snacks j <rr"nn,V. out doors on tables in a gar- j den atmosphere. Show hours on Friday and i , . . . , ., Saturday, Jt une iIDs an~d i 11C6. are ! .h.o.n or, and brid. esmaid , was T froni 10 a.m. to 1in0 p.„m. Or.n ,M iss, - M,a rcia P, retz,m .a n , of„ I.s.- • 1 land Lake, a close friend. Both were attired in yellow street room. Miss Barbara Wolf, sister of the groom, acted as maid of Sunday. June 17. hours from 11 a.m. to 6 pirn. ,. ,, . . . . .tU ,.4 Tickets may bi | S«"l from any H.E.A. member in advance or at the door. 05*RIT AL ted bodices of lace, scoop necklines, long sleeves and chiffon skirts. Their headpieces were tiny, matching colored bows and short veils. Both carried cascade bouquets of yellow mums and white carnations, Michaer®Slepqevich of Crystal Lake, friend of the groom, McHenry Hospital served as best man and Fred Admitted during the past f Kijstodt of McHenry was week as patients in McHenry ! ; trr o o m s r n a n - JOINS HONOR CLUB Terrence Brady, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Brady, 402 Santa Barbara road, McHenry, has been elected to membership in the Tiger club, a campus honorary group at the College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn. A 1959 graduate of McHenry high school, Terry is a junior majoring in Business Administration at St. Thomas. His campus activities include chorus, Alpha Kappa Phi, Delta Epsilon Sigma, ACC (All College Council). hospital were William Barney, Hammond. Ind.; Lisa Gates, Woodstock; Lorraine Eikenberry, Michael Paull, Olga Johnson, Joseph Balumbo. Jack Skold, David Wajrowslci, Crystal Lake; Emilie Fjellstedt, Robert and Elizabeth Uselding, Brian Calendine and Mary Hunt, Ingleside; James D. Evans, Edythe Lentz, Henry Kochanski, Frank Frederickson and Bert McDermott, Wauconda; Constance Straus, Spring Grove; Dennis May, Wonder Lake; Carl Medine, Charles Gunlach and Peter Kukla, Fox Lake; Alexa Lupori, Lincolnwood; Joseph Siltman, Havana; Robert and Marie Karstens and Henry Deppenmeis, Johnsburg; Rose Levy, Cicero; Helena Kaza, I n d i a n a p o l i s , I n d . ; E v e l y n Elekmann, Richmond; Richard Plagens, Dearborn, Mich.; Edward Rieke, Lawrence Giurlani, Douglas Russell, Charlotte Delfield, Irene Sphar, Kathryn Ha rtwig, William Hensley, R. G. Ullrich, Francis DePauw, Pearl Leach, Alfred Carlson, Charles Jorgenson, Larry Freund, Irma Oberhuber, Ronald Mueller and Walter Haug, McHenry. Harvard Hospital During the past week patients admitted to Harvard hospital included Lydia Reihansperger, Mrs. Charles Hecker, Rebecca Dalby, Mrs. Edward Ozog, Gottfried Kopf, Mrs. John Unti and Mrs. John F. Freund of McHenry. Memorial Hospital Patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week included Marguerite B r e n n 4 n, Julia Bauer and Margaret Marchi, McHenry; Master Leon Tonvan, Ringwood; Janice Johnson, Mary Owens, Evelyn Luckey, Margaret Sul 1 i v a n, •John Harness, Mildred Kopp and Mrs. Simone Fuller, Wonder Lake. Mrs. Wohlert selected a^blue brocade dress, white accessories and white glads. Mrs. Wolf wore a beige brocade dress, white accessories and a corsage of red gladioli. Folowing the ceremony, a reception for seventy-five guests was held at the Starlite, after which the couple left on a week's wedding trip into Wisconsin. They will reside in McHenry. The bride is a 1962 graduate of the McHenry high school. The bridegroom graduated from ihe local high school in 1960 and is employed as a plumber in Crystal Lake. Civilization is seldom static: ft is a voyage, not a harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller of Waukegan road, McHenry, lifelong residents of the area, observed their golden wedding anniversary last Sunday, June 10, starting the day with a Mass in their honor at St. Mary's Catholic church at 9:30 o'clock. In later afternoon, dinner was served at the K. of C. hall for about 100 members of the family and friends from McHenry. Crystal Lake and- Woodstock. Among those present were tvyo attendants at the Miilerig^wedding, her sister, Mrs. Josfephine Freund of Crystal Lake and his cousin, Mrs. Frances Kaelin, of McHenry. Clara Lay and Joseph J. Miller of Johnsburg were married at St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg/ on. June 12, 1912. Th-ay started married life in Fox Lake, where he operated a general merchandise store for several years. About 1918 the couple moved to McHenry and Mr. Miller operated the same type of business on Riverside .Drive for a period of eleven years. Later, he owned and operated a tavern on Green street. Now, although semi-retired, Mr. Miller keeps busy by working during the evening hours at the local roller rink, where he has made a host of friends among the younger set. Both Mr. and Mrs. Miller remain in good health and are active. She occupies her spare time with gardening and is justly proud of her beautiful flowers. Mr. Miller, financial secretary for the Knights of Columbus for eleven years, THREE CLASSES FROM MCHS HOLD COMBINED REUNION The classes of 1931, 1932 and 1933 of McHenry high school enjoyed a combined reunion at the Legion home last Saturday evening. Guests were several faculty qiembers at that time, all of whom gave brief talks and visited with these former graduates before and after the dinner hour. They included Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anglese, Mrs. John Bolger and Mrs. Charles Gibbs. Also present was the school custodian, Joseph Schmitt, and his wife. Mr. Anglese, who has continued as a faculty member through the years, pointed out to members of the three classes tjiat they were fortunate to have been in graduating classes of the size that everyone was well acquainted, whereas today some of the <names are hardly familiar to others in the class. Table decorations were carried out by using the flowers and colors of the three classes. Receiving s p e ci a 1 recognition during the evening were Clarice Miller Purvey for having the oldest grandchild; Earl Dowell as the tallest alumnus; Agnes Fox as the shortest alumna; Ted Anderson for having the biggest "bay window"; Kenneth Boley for attending from the farthest and Clarice Miller Purvey for having thelargest family. Attending from the class of was a member of St. Mary's choir of about thirty years and still enjoys engaging in a talent for which he has become well known. aire J HAIR STYLISTS 385-0010 1222 N. GREEN ST. Let our staff of experts help you individualize your hair for the summer nrtonths. Mary Ann 9 Eleanore 0 Marlene 1931 were Elvera AnthOlz Schroeder, Clarice Miller Purvey, Louise KildayNSmith, Julia McLaughlin Kralowetz, Walter Brefeld, Christine Wegener Nixon, Kenneth Boley, Helen Harrer Scherfer, E v e r e t t Thomas, Donald Hayes, Helen Bauer Mauch, Ted Anderson, Zura Whiting Haldennan. Caroline Regner St ration, Jahn Weingart, Elvera Weingart Nye, Gene Nye, Alma Justen Anderson, - Harold Vycital and Jim Powers. From the class of 1932 came Jack Cooper, Alice Peet, Agnes Fox Harakson, Leone Freund Tonyan, Juanita Keg McChessney, Florence Steffes Schroeder, Frank Harrison, Clarence Smith, Elmer Hettermann, LeRoy Welter. Stan •Schaffer, Clarence Regner and Carl Rietesel. The class of 1933 was represented by Agnes Klaus Lay' George Larkin, Margaret Larkin Dowell, Jack Siegel, M«rie Miller Morgan, Del bert Whiting, Lucille Steffes Harrison, Hazel .Kramer Baur, Harriet McClarey, Rita Freund Sayler, Dr. Eugene Sayler, Anita Bacon Courier, Glenn Eppcl. Marie Freund Berndt, Edward Mathews and Mary Althoff Vycital. LeRoy Welter and Elinor Hettermann were instrumental hf making arrangements for the dinner dance reunion which was greatly enjoyed. SHOP IX McHENRY STORAGE IS^ SM Furs that lare loved in the winter sho\ld be pampered in the summer. Our insured vaults will kfeeo. them safe from ravfcnous moths, theft, heat ana fires. Be foxy about your furs, call us today for bonded pick-up service. / RAINBOW CLEANERS 1304 N. Front St. Dial 385-0927 Juu&ule. Inh/j/uh/ Manb at -f-foMe. Remember Dad with a Gift from >TORE for MEN Zscinnie and' lAJhtfman 6 (bandies B0LGER S DRUG STORE 1259^&«en^ed^ McHenry 20,000,000 The McHenry State Bank proudly announces that Friday, June 8th, 1962, the bank's total^^aehirces reached $20,000,000.00; thus enabling the bank to maintain its leadership as McHenry County's largest financial institution. This $18,000,000.00 increase V in a little more than twenty years is due to many things . . . but primarily, it is due to the confidence the entire community has placed in the bank. We at the McHenry State Bank would like to thank our customers for making this splendid growth possible. We kn'ow you are the bank's most important asset and we pledge to continue to merit your trust through sound management and courteous service. To our friends who are not currently customers of McHenry State Bank we invite you to open your account at the bank with $20,000,000.00 in total resources. You will enjoy banking in the convenient, attracti^ colonial building. You will rely on the bank's fifty-six years of experience with community needs. You are assured of safety, sound management, and customer satisfaction by the McHenry State Bank in the heart of McHenry, where savings draw the maximum rate of interest with maximum safety. There is No substitute Money in the Bank

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