"JBff CAMT BEAT THAT NATIONAL MEAT*0 Guaranteed to please OP your money baek! We Rcs3773 $3 ToiSmft ties-- Prices Effective thru'June 16th in Chicago and Illinois Suburban Stores m mat cK AGMCuonm ... ' - / ' f,"' USD A Inspected for Wholesomeness Whole ^ Frying Chicken 25° Cut and Trimmed the Value Way CENTER CUT Cut-Up Fryers • • • 29c imed Lb. _• Pork Chops 6 9 RonnlAflft Roflod Father's Day, we suspect, has become a day we try to make-up to the "old man" for a year often weary with bill-paying and budget-balancing. A day seems hardly enough, but if anything could come close to (naking it so, we think a special steak from National would! Choose his favorites Porterhouse, Sirloin or Round • • • the tenderest best and Value-Way Trimmed for the kind of savings Dad appreciates. People who shop for the nicest fathers shop at National! < Young; N* Tender . . .. BELTSVILLE TURKEYS .U>.av9. Lb. 39c SO FRESH OCEAN FILLETS . . . . Mb. Pkg. 39- SO FRESH COD FILLETS I-Lb. Pkg. 39® SO FRESH HADDOCK FILLETS . . . I-Lb. Pkg. 39c _ _ Boneless Rolled Cut and -Trimmed the Value Way RIB CHOPS . . . L b . Colorado Corn-Fad Beef--STANDING RIB ROAST P 4 P, Olivet* Dutch Loaf or TOP TASTE BOLOGNA . 39c PORK'ROAST. . u, 79c TOP TASTE WIENERS . Lean & Mealy 1st fhra 5th Lb. CLIP THESE COUPONS FOR OVER 300 EXTRA S&H GREEN STAMPS! First Cut For your cook-out barbecue Meaty TOP TASTE Country Style Ribs Lb. J7C Loin BACK RIBS u>. /7t SLICED BACON . , . Cut and Trimmed the Value Way JF #%a BRISKET f 1*11 Pork Tenderloin. Lb. 69 CORNED BEEF . U. 65 COOK - OUT FEATURE Tender .*29 OF THE WEEK SPLIT BROILERS • Lean and Delicious HILLSIDE BACON Colorado Corn • Fed Beef c RIB EYE STEAKS . . . KRAFT'S Pasteurized Process Cheese Chunk Style . . . Light Meat STARKIST TUNA Chocolate, Double Dutch, White or Yellow P1LLSBURY CAKE MIX.... Assorted Colors or White SCOTT TOWELS .... 36</2-OZ. OQC Cans TO 19-oz. Boxes 2 Reg. Rolls 37 Discount Priced 4% ORLEANS DOG FOOD .. 2 F. F. P. -- Frozen M ORANGE JUICE........ i6-oi. 9 Co Cans <99 6-oz. Cans AUNT NELLIE'S POTATO SALAD 16-oz. Jars Sun-Up Flavor *Nat'l Tea Copyright NATCO COFFEE 2 c£ _ Get 50 S ft H Stamps with Coupon in Ad JIFFY PIE CRUST MIX , imm IO'/2-OZ. Can 9-0*. Boxes 89° 49e $ 129 pon At 25° SsSs53!s5§& v ^ M§S5SS5S§§§ TSS222SMi HOME BRAND Frozen ^ REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR |3 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS ^ W,th ,, $sf>0 or Mere Pu-chase im^rrrrrf-m WWW - ,• i SAVE 20* SAT! 20# TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF 'BETTY NATCO NYLONS 2 Mn ^8C With This Coupon Limit One Coupon Per Customer--Coupon Expires June 14 th Lemonade Jusf add water and enjoy the cool refreshment of 6-OZ. Home Brand Lemonade. Can REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR 80 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With the Purchase, of One 2-Lb. Can NATCO COFFEE Limit One Coupon Per Customer--Coupon Expires June 14th REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS WHh the Purchase of Six 15-oz. Cant PUSSY CAT CAT FOOD Limit On* Coupon Per Customer--Coupon Expires June 16th TOMATO] World famous, world liked . . . buy several cans at this low National price. Keeps Foods Fresher . . . L o n g e r EASY LIFE FOIL ...... a. For Your Summer Salads NATCO SALAD OIL JUNE IS DAIRY MON1H AT NATIONAL Processed Sliced American KRAFT CHEESE 12-ox. mo Pkg. 49* Sliced Natural Brick KRAFT CHEESE R-o*. m# Pkg. 45° Whipped Onion or Pimento KRAFT CREAM CHEESE -- 4-et tee Pkj. 29° Herb - Spice or Plain KRAFT CREAM CHEESE 4-OK; iee Pkg. 29° JUST CANT FIND FRESHER FINER PRODUCE" -- • • CALIFORNIA Jumbo Size Meaty and Sweet Cantaloupe 00 Mom ifeSEsiiS REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR 2S EXTRA S&H STAMPS With the Purchase of One 20-oz. Jar Strawberry ORCHARD FRESH PRESERVES Limit One Coupon Per Customer--Coupon Expires June 16th YS REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With the Purchase of One Hf. Gal. Ctn. Fantasy HAWTHORN MELLODY SHERBET Limit One Coupon Per Customer--Coupon Expires June 16th FREE Salad Bowl -- All Wrapped l'^-lb. FRESH TOMATOES . Georgia FRESH PEACHES . . All For ONLY lbs. REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS WHfe the Purchase of On* 26-oz. Deluxe NICKEY'S SAUSAGE PIZZA Limit One Coupon Per Customer--Coupon Expires June 16th TOP TASTE Enriched Sliced (Reg. 26*) WHITE BREAD REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS WRfc tht Purchase of Two Pkgs. FRESH PACK WIodGW FM CHOCOLATE CANDIES _ RWRV^NI ATF DIPPED JELLIES llA lb. Loaves 3705 WEST ELM ST. * / / ss§§sssss§§ Mil--One ffr-o* Patriot* ICED TEA GLASS With This Coupon aihMtorcfcm of 4 at Regular