Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Mar 1964, p. 11

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Egg ' W'jW' jgtea. - U jTjt'S-tj...--.--• " ~ "• ~ -,_r~ . • iUV Uf. eTtAtrisL r jsjwt' :!iki utlfiMwh^Jift . *<-J 1 Si? Ii ^ ^ , <• ""' l' , ' <5 5K3.= «K:--ic -r^i- - THE McHENHY PLAMDEALER- . „ ki~"' mm 'vsi WXi-, MeCnllera Lak» Fatal illness: CLAIM LIVES o: MEN Eve Levecqoe •- • b The lives of two long time residents ended in the week just passed when Walter C. MacKenzie, 78, died in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County last Wednesday and Leon Hanna, 71, passed away in Tucson, Ariz., Sunday, Feb. 23. Mr. and Mrs. MacKenzie of Maple Hill Drive had been property owners locally for about 24 years, and became permanent residents when he retired from the People's Gas Light and Coke Company of Chicago 14 years ago. Other details appear Elsewhere in the Plaindealer. Loyal to the McHenry area, the couple's two daughters and families have been part of the community for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Sig Starch resided on Fountain Lane until moving to McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Palis are still residents of the village. Services for Mr. MacKenzie were held at St. Paul's Episcopal church and the George R. Jus ten Funeral home Saturday morning. Burial was in Woodland cemetery. Leon Hanna who was bom in Cameron, Texas, in 1893, together with his wife, Berdie, settled in McCullom Lake about 15 years ago. Because of an asthmatic condition, they would leave the village in the fall and make their home in Tucson, Ariz. They returned every spring to take up active life in the community. Mr. Hanna was an active supporter of the improvement organizations and contributed much of his time and talent for local good. When his health permitted, he participated on committees for the annual summer festivals and was a great organizer. His talents will be sorely missed. In the last few years, Mr. Hanna's physical condition deteriorated and he was hospitalized many times. A fatal heart attack claimed his life. Services were held last Thursday at a Chicago funeral home with burial in Acacia Park. Long time friends of the couple, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berquist, paid their last respects. He was accorded full military honors. . In addition to his life long Companion, Berdie, he is survived by two sons, Ralph and Clarence, and five grandchildren. Our deepest sympathy to the survivors of these two very fine jnen in this time of^ereavement. Wt for the meetings and the beftchhouae was almost filled to capacity! The road commission headed by Art Stuhlfeier will make a recommendation for more designated arterial streets. Motor fuel tax funds can be used to rebuild the additional roadways. Road repairs will be done where indicated but no major improvements will be considered, pending outcome of the sanitary disposal plant referendum scheduled for some time in May. A proposal submitted by H. H. Mass will be taken under advisement by the entire board and village attorney, Roland Hermann. The next meeting will be held Monday, March 9, at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. The public is invited. Cars Canines Neglected With just slightly more than four weeks left to purchase vehicle stickers and dog tags, residents are "dragging their heels"! According to village clerk Emma Pyritz, very few purchases are being made. The deadline f6r displaying the new car stickers is April 1. Let the driver beware and dash now for that vital piece of paper! his medico, he will need about one week's'convalescence with the tender ministrations of his lovin' Nancy before he can return to his job. Registration Deadline In order to vote in the April 14 primary election, YOU MUST BE REGISTERED. If you have changed your name by marriage turned 21, or moved to a new address, PLEASE check your status. 1 The procedure for registering is very simple. Present yourself to Mrs. Emma Pyritz ^5218 W. Fountain Lane, and you can be certified in a Very few minutes. New residents who have moved to the community and fulfill one year in the state, 90 days in McHenry County, and 30 days in the village are eligible. The deadline for registration is March 16, less than tvfco weeks. Take care of this matter now!! Surgical Patient The sourct^of pain and discomfort for Ken Loesch was removed surgically last Saturday morning at McHenry hospital. Ken was admitted Friday afternoon, went under the surgeon's scalpel on Saturday, and home Sunday afternoon. According to "Konkoct Your Krazy Skyplece" And you might win the loveliest of prizes at the Ladies of the Lake Easter party, Saturday, March 21. The affair will be held at McDonald's. In addition to the judging of hats in three categories, there will be games galore and lots of other goodies offered. Lois Parenti will be your hostess and she is making spectaCular plans for a really good time. Members of the Ladies of the Lake are requested to bring donations of staple food items to the next meeting, Thursday, March 12. It will be held in the beachhouse at 8 p.m. Winter Sports Party for Teens With Sprisg rearing her lovely head on Monday morning, it seems a bit incongrous that the teen club was skiing just a week ago! But 'tis so. The young lads apd lassies boarded a bus at the beach after school and motored to Majestic Hills in Lake Geneva for the time of their young lives. Only one accident was reported and we hope it was not of a serious nature. Those taking part included Ski Smith, John Lucorz, Bob Radosh, Bob Korwal, Sandi Brennan, Mary Jones, Edna Ayres, and Roy Watson. Others were Tim, Don and Nina Tomasello, Ron Vycital, Penny Miller, J. R. Levesque, Jimmy Bailey, Michael Reid, Nancy Burg and Cheryl Neise. The rest of the list names Mark Hansen, Bernice Bjork (also serving as scribe), P&m Parkhurst, Cynda Radner, Cynda Radner, Kathy Miller, Tom Carroll, Bill Smith, Derek Egerstaffer, Linda Watson, Chris Hose, Georgia Blake, Kathy Brzezinski, and Elmer and Bob Taylor. Mrs. Virginia Gibson had her hands full as chaperone. They arrived home about 10:30 p.m. exhausted and ecsta tic! Walasek, . suffered, a severe coronary attack. For a time, he was under oxygen and his condition was very Serious. We are happy to report that his condition has imprbved considerably and he is winning the battle. We know this was a time of severe strain for Lillian and we can sympathize with her, and also rejoice because of the good news. Hospital Patient It was reported that Mrs. Esther Jobes has been hospitalized in Bet hany hospital, Chicago, for almost two weeks. She had been ill for, about a week previous and may require surgery. We hope to have the address of the hospital for next week, and any additional details. Red Cross Drive Set For March 15 Mrs. Elma Nelson was named to head the local campaign for funds for the Red Cross and has set March 15 as the deadline. Volunteer workers will probably have the week starting March 8 to make their door to door collection. ^ Ih times of national disaster, pr local catastrophes, the Red fcross moves in to give succor to the afflicted. Their duties also include life savifigl instruction and first aid couraes^for school bus drivers. Your co-operation is most earnestly solicited. New Patrol Car' For Village Shortly The new squad car for the local police department has been ordered and we should get delivery in a few weeks. In addition •;jto the special equipment needed, It will also have the proper paint job. The announcement s-> was made by police commission- ,Aj' er Art Nelson at the last meeting of the president and trustees, Feb. 24. It was gratifying to note that so many residents are turning Father Suffers Coronary Lil and Mark Ringelstetter made many trips to Columbus, Wis., after Lil's father, Frank W W Wnw f ,| 5 i Home On Leave Happy we are to report that the handsome young son of Helen and George Meyer is home for a short leave. George, Jr., completed some schooling at a southern air force base and will leave for Travis Air Force Base, CJalif., on March 15. He is fascinated with military life and intends to pursue every opportunity which may be offered. He certainly looks like the service agrees with him! Hold Bdke Sale For MYF Group Lor Brenmuf -- 6SS-2045 On Sunday, March 14 the intermediate M.Y.F. Will hold a bake sale in the church from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All types of baked goods will be sold. Also, if you would like to donate anything for this sale, the youngsters would appreciate it Watch for more next week. HI Neighbors ! ! I Ringwood welcomes new neighbors to the area with Dorothy and Urban Bauer moving into the Biggers place just west of the little town. Dorothy and Urb formerly farmed west of McHenry before taking over the Biggers farm. There are three youngsters also. Gordon started his eighth grade last Monday in Ringwood school with Pam attending St. Mary's in McHenry, and another girl at home. Welcome to the little town of Ringwood, Dorothy and Urb!!! Natal "Daze" 4N' One Mat. Milestone Birthday Congrats to Emma Pyritz, today, March 5....The very same to Gene Piotrowski as of March 8... .Lori Wilson will be 3 and Michael Mai will be 6 on May 9. This date will also find Lil and Dave Hansen celebrating their eighteenth wedding anniversary and Dave's birthday... .A sweet and lovely sixteen for Lynne Schultz on March 10 and natal day greetings to Frank Parkhurst on the same day. With Monday's almost record high of 55 degrees, the gals will probably start thinking of spring house cleaning, so watch it, fellas. Bear up under the strainband we'll see you next week. If the lifetime of our earth could be represented by a year's span, man's period of life would extend for the past ten minutes, and his written history about 45 seconds. Sr. M.Y.F. News On Sunday, March 1; the parent-teen panel was held at the church. On the parent side of the panel was Monte Hosier, Mrs. Baker and Mr. Josserand. On the teen side was Sue Fossum, Leslie Decker and Jim M c F a r l a n d . T h e , s u b j e c t s touched on by the panel were as follows: What is M.Y.F., what does the youth get out of M.Y.F., what do they put into it, are the meetings in the home more beneficial than the ones in the church, and are the teenagers responsible enough to drive to district meetings alone? Rev. Brenneman was the discussion leader. Ida Mae Walkington and Donna Low prepared the questions for discussion and the worship service. Next week the program will be centered around the speaker from the Childrens' Home in Woodstock. Linda Low, reporter attending Cornell College in Iowa. . Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swansort of Park Ridge called In the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. HaWley home on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swanson of Park Ridge called in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley on Wednesday. day. Mrs. Viola Low was a dinner guest on Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and Georgia Mary of Sycamore spent the weekend visiting in the Wiedrich-Wegener home. On Sunday afternoon they visited Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Strackgein in Lake Geneva as well as Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan, and family in Ringwood. Bobby Brennan and Kevin Bauer attended the Forester basketball tourney games on Sunday held in the McHenry high school gym. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley called on their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Reinwall, and boys in McHenry on Friday. Miss Joanne Schmitt of Waukegan called in the Bob Brennan home on Tuesday evening Mrs. Kenneth Brennan arid son, Wayne, of Twin Lakes Wis., visited in the Brennan Hepburn home on Friday. Monday supper guests in the Bob Brennan home were Mr, arid Mrs. Joe Schmitt of McHenry (my folks) and Loren Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Schultz of Spring Grove, and Mi^ and Mrs. Bob Brennan attended the Holstein-Fresian fc'aiifluei last/Tuesday evening held at St. John's Lutheran church in Woodstock. Mrs. Allan Ainger of Hebron spent. Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Frank Kempfer spent Sunday in the home of his son, Frank, and family at McHenry. Mrs. Vera Loveless left Sunday evening for, her home at Jonesville, Mich., after a 3 weeks visit with Mrs, Ruby Shepard. 1 Mrs. Nellie Hepburn, Mrs. Vera Loveless and Mrs. Ruby Shepard called on Mrs. Ina Wingate and Mrs. Robert Boes at Crystal Lake on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Younger of Niles spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Will Claxton of McHenry spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund of McHenry called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn on Friday afternoon. Loren Harrison was a supper guest in the Bob Brennan home on Thursday evening. Once again I must close for another week. See you next week? Bye. '.r i, TO BE IN CRYST Music JoVer* of t! county area are 1l___ ward to the perfbrnifllil1^ German Requiem" bp ~ Brahma on Tnesday, M at 8 o'clock at tjbtt . Central grade school in Crystal Members of both the chorus and ,1 the Chamber Music society acH residents of the county. Featured soloists . wUKbte Nancy King, soprano, and Jack Delano, baritone Lake. Nancy King has been active* musically since moving to Crj^:' stal Lake fourteen years ag6.„ She is a professional member of^ the Arts club of Chicago and has sung under Dr. wiiliura Peterman, director of the Aporfdr club as soprano solo^t Mozart "Requiem'. " ' ' ' ' ' In order to defray 1 tickets for the performance are being sold by members of the."'...* choir guild of the .First Congregational church of Crystal Li]k5&'^,'v IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE! & w*r \4r.rr-;, $ Here 'N' There Jay Walkington spent the past weekend with his parents the Paul Walkingtons. Jay is BILL SIMS YOKE ' V : II BILLSIMS BILLSIMS Everything you need for FARM HOME & CAR '• NO DOWN PAYMENT LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS COAST-TO-COAST STORE 1827 N. Riverside Dr. Phone 385-2010 pocket. It wi! bo your favorite now &nd thru the next season. Color* ful patterns for home and street wear. Bright and youthful. Sizes 14 Vs -24 Vg NOTCH COLLAR SHIRTWAISTER Attradlva notch collar shirtwaister with slash side pocket. Just what you need to look fresh and crisp--out shopping and at home. Sizes 10*20 SKIMMER SHIFT You will look smart in this luxurious-looking style designed with comfortable and flattering lines. Sizes 1Q-20 SEWING PINS in paper Rustproof 7c We Carry the Complete Assortment of Simplicity Patterns K1MIE Barrettes Choice styles and colors. 7® TAPE MEASURE Reversi ble, 60-in. long. SAFETY PINS Sizes lt 2, 3. Rustproof. © COIN PURSE Squeeze type in plastic. 7® Plastic! Key chain case. E NET Threaded with gold, silver. HAIR NETS "WV£r Regular and bob sizes. KNEE mim Blue denim. 4'/ix6-in. 7c E UM^EES 24 & 27-inch Black, Brown 7c BIG SAVINGS Ripper 27 MdMMS THURS. - FRL - SA1V ANY EM~m 29c Bag J' Jersey Loops r 25c Tracing Paper 25c Tracing Wheel 25c Bag Eyelets 25c Iron On Patches 29c Mending Patch 29c Snap Fastener Kit VELVET HEADBANDS % | 7c • In seven lovely colors in*, eluding black and white; Back adjusts for any size* mi r ES, TUBING c WABUMS to $1.7S 3 99 3 99 A slenderizing sheath dress with PEG POCK* ETS to brighten your wardrobe. Sizes 10-20 99 Stamped for embroidery! 42x32-in. pillow cases or 42x36-in. pillow tubing. 39c Seam $1.00 Eyelet Tool 39c box Si Ik Pins .. $1.00 Snap F&staer Kit 39c Belt Buckle Kit 7Sc Coiffure Bonnet 9t ADJKf ABLE MIRROR Rag. 97« $1.49 Pearlized plastic frame holds 5^-inch reversible mirror. One side magnifies. Come in and see these outstanding dresses in our fashion section -- also featuring nationally famous Helen Harper sweater and skirts, found in McHenry at your n Frankliri SEWING THRESH 325-yard spool in ^ m mercerized cotton|. M \ Black,white.Reg.25c JhJf -f BOBBY PINS 17« Rubber tipped. 80 on card. Black or bronze. Reg. 25c PURSE BRUSH XI* Plastic with nylon bristles. 7-in. long. Colors. Reg. 25c m McHenry, Illinois

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