Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Mar 1964, p. 12

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THE MeXKENRY PLAINDEALER 3, 7. UNDER 21 A column for ieen-agerf By Din Halligan BEAR DAN: Why do sortie boys, especially the cute alones^have such high opinions of themselves? I can think of a llhaftidozeh boys at school who give a girl the impression they re doing her a favor by asking her for a date. This isn't only my ^complaint but the complaint of many other girls too. -- Plain ^ * DEAR PLAIN IME: A good loading teen-age boy, pop- Jular well liked, really can't be blamed for having a high ^pf octagon himself. The trouble is common in all schools and * can become quite a problem, particularly If th© boy's head pops.. I'm sorry but you girls will Just' have to accept the boys asr they are or not date them. Z1 ,T DEAR DAN: Since my mother died last summer, my --father and I moved in with my sister who is 25. Dad is away lot on his job so Linda and I have become extra^ close. I guess you could say she's being a mother to me. This I love but honestly, Dim, the questions she asks me the morning after I date a new boy she hasn't met. She gets too personal, want- ». ilig to know what we did, where we went, if we parked and if " t h e b o y t r i e d a n y t h i n g o u t o f l i n e . . . . « I think this is because Linda and her husband had to Vyingpt married and she doesn't want me to get in trouble. I dont ***iirtend to fall like she did and I've tried to tell her that but wslte doesn't take me at my word. Just how much should I tell seller? -- Kid Sister. DEAR KID SISTER: As long as you don't do anything a date you would be ashamed to tell your sister, you have problem.. True, her prying probably is the result of her •".forced marriage but at least she does Realize her responsibility • ^obsss'?; fisiea-is any harem Give Iter the chance mged to this mother role she has assumed. " " ©EAR DAN: Can you giVe me the names of some pen (I'm a girl) without putting my name in your column? Seieker. ^ SigfCltERi I sure can but I do need your name «* "«•* -address first. DEAR DAN: I often read in your column about girls of r «ll and 12 wanting to wear lipstick and the way you answer ^fhem. Danr these girls aren't too young for a light shade of Xriiptick if they don't go to extremes. A girl of 12 is a lot mere •^grown-up than you believe and I think it's just awful the way ^you ridicule them with your smart-aleck answers. I'm 14 now -- and I've been wearing lipstick every day since my eleventh birthday. You know, you're not as right as you think you are all the time. -- Lipstick Lover. DEAR L. L.: Girls of 11 and 12 are children and are not ^ojd enough or grown up enough for lipstick of any shade, grape .. ^flavored included. It's your right to disagree with mfe trat it's my right to answer th© girls as I think best -- since they wrote to me. DEAR DAN: Last school year I worked as hard as any kids in school arid was proud when I made the honor roll. This year I don't have any ambition at all and don't care about anything, just as long as I get passing grades. It isn't because of anything that's happened to me -- and I'm not boycrazy or in love, if that's what you're thinkings Just what is wrong with me? I still go around with the same kids and we still do the same things we used to do. -- Puzzled. '"DEAII.. F1TZ2LED: There doesnt need to be anything wrong Mth you. It looks to me as if you're going through a .period "Of scholastic laziness, something some kids have for all 12 yearsofschool. ©on't sluff? off too Song; however, or you maystertfaillng ar.S then you would really be in' a pickle. f DEAR DAN: If a girl and boy are gong Steady with family permission, is it all right if they study together at her house once or twice a week? We have almost the same classes ^ldTm stronger in some subjects than my boy friend and he's stronger in others. "My parents like G. K. but they don't allow me to date during 'the school week and I don't know what their reaction would be to my question. -- S. C. DEAR S.C.: Since your parents allow you to steady date, they probably wouldn't mind your boy friend coming by for an hour or so on a Tuesday night. One night on a school night should be sufficient. DEAR DAN: It seems to me I have a problem'. You see, („<tI chased a boy for a long period of time and I finally caught ~{um. But now that I have him, poor lad, what do I do with ""**»tim? How can I tell him I don't flip everytime I see him .... without hurting his feelings? His pestering lately bugs me like crazy. -- Worried Mind. DEAR WORRIED MIND: You're getting .exactly what you deserve -- your reward. Frankly, I don't know wftst yoll can tell this boy except the truth and send him on his way. Next time don't be in such a hurry to get on track shoes. I thought Mississippi girls knew better. • DEAR DAN: My boy friend still keeps his girl's picture hanging from the rear view mirror of his car and he refuses to take it down for me. He says he isn't interested In her any longer and that he just keeps the picture there for laughs but it doesn't make sense to me. Everytime he's kissing me I feel as if I'm being spied on by this girl. Should I give him his choice -- either the picture or me? If that won't work, what do you think will? -- In Doubt About B. H. DEAR IN DOUBT: B. It. may tell you he's not Interested In his ex-girl but he's picking a poor way of showing it. As long as he knows the picture rattles you, he could be nice enough to remove it. Let him carry it In his wallet or stick it in the glove compartment but he shouldn't have it on display. Show him my answer and see what he doc3. (Dan Halligan will answer all questions submitted by teenagers and children. Address him care of this paper. For personal replies enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.) DEAR DAN: I dont know if you will ever get this letter but if „ you do, you won't like what I have to say. I sure don't think you are a fit person to be helping other people with their problems. I'm referring to a recent letter in which the girl was 16 and her boy friend was-23. You called her boy friend "aged" and said "he had to be desperate for a girl to reach as far back as he did for you." My husband happens to be 26 and I'm 18. I was 16 when I started going with him. I fell in love with him because he put me above himself. He is polite and thinks of my interest before his own. The majority of the teen-age boys today think they are really something but ali they are is mostly dirt. I wouldn't trade my "aged" husband with any other younger teen-ager. I guess you could say my mother was desperate when she married my step-father for she is 45 and he is 34. Haven't you ever heard the saying "age doesn't count?' I dont think it does. After all, there is only eight years difference between 18 and 26. I don't know why you don't give up your column and go play tiddly-winks. If the girls' parents approve, is it your place to say no? Give up. Thank you. -- Mrs. H. D. Adtkins Wasilla Alaska* DEAR MRS. ATKINS: Yes, I've heard the saying "age doesn't count" but I've also been reading the divorce statistics involving teen-age girls these past several years. You're entitled to your opinion but remember, I'm entitled to mine. H your marriage is working out and is happy, fine and dandy. However, for my part, I will always do my utmost to discourage a 16-year-old girl from going with a young man of 23. Remember, too, the girl wrote to me for my opinion -- I didn't write to her. If this column Is as bad as you infer, why, In heaven's name, do you read It? Could be perhaps you should be playing tiddly-winks too. I've been writing this column for more than five years and I've weathered far more criticism than you gave so I'm afraid there's little chance I'll be going into any new line of work to please you. But thanks for writing anyway. DEAR DAN: What would you advise me to do in this situation: I've been to the show quite a few times with this boy and I'm starting to think he's taken me for granted because Saturday night when the show ended early, I told him I wasn't sure I was going tq leave. He said he was leaving and we said goodbye. Then I decided to leave but as I was walking up the, street I saw him talking to a girl who has been wanting to go with him. In my opinion I think this was mean of him. When he saw me coming he walked away and left the girl just standing there. I think he should make up his mind about one of us, don't you? -- K. DEAR K.: No, I don't. If you're not going steady, the boy can talk to and date as many other girls as he wishes. The question here Is whether or not he took you to the show as his date. If he did, you two should have left together. If you only met at the show, he wasn't obligated to stay with you. DEAR DAN: I'm in the fourth grade and my mother is a teacher at the school I attend. She thinks I should make A's all the time but I make B's and A's. What should I do? I'm trying my best but I guess it's not good enough. -- School Problems. DEAR SCHOOL PROBLEMS: Do the best you can, as you've apparently been doing, and If that doesn't satisfy your mother, she can complain to the school board. I wonder Iff she wants you to be an all-A studemt because you're you or because she teaches at your school. She sounds unreasonable to me. I know if my son ever brought in an A report card, I would wind up In the hospital In a state of extreme mental shook. DEAR READERS: Well, it's finally happening. The "Miss Wmmm WmMm mm ii in Sit I v 1 linese potter's marl «f tonfito® 40 Who was he? We only know that mad@ feaauM porcelain ...and stamped it with his mark--so that tftsr© would be no guessing--no mistakes. Buyers had confidence in his quality and craftsmanship. His mark was easy for them to identify. ... Today, w@, too, have identifying maste--Brand Names. JJrand Names are the names you kneiv and trust; quality ptaducte yeu*v@ depended m for years. The manufacturer "goes or rggesffi' with his advertising which sets a standard that he must live up to (or his sales will suffer). Because ha knows he can deliver what he says he can, he readily identifies himself with his products. Because of these reasons you can depend on Brand Names. They are a "mark of 20th century confidence" in all the things you buy. When you buy Leadership Brands, you know I {§££§) you are getting your money's worth. \>~~~^/ BRAND NAMES FOUNDATION, INC., 392 MXMw AwiUtk #1 Hootenanny U.S.A." beauty and talent contest will be held this spring ajnd summer at Palisades Amusement Park at Palisades, N, J. All American girls of 16 through 28, either folk singers or musicians, may compete and there is no entry fee. Girls may compete as individuals or in groups with decisions being based on talent as well as beauty of face and figure, charm, poise and personality. If any of you girls are interested, send your name, age, address, vital statistics, a photo and a brief description of your talent to: "Miss Hootenanny U.S.A." Contest, Palisades Amusement Park, Palisades, N.J. If nothing else, it should be a lot of fun. DEAR DAN: Back in the summer of *63 I used to see a good bit of this boy. I don't mean we dated but we just saw each other. Not too long ago my brother and I changed rides and started going to M.Y.F. with this boy and his sister. He seems to like me but just when I start thinking so, he quits noticing me. , Tell me what to do. Should I just leave him alone or keep hoping he'll become friendlier? -- Disgusted of Miss. DEAR DISGUSTED: "Hope springs eternal," they Say. Perhaps the reason this boy's attention blows hot and cold is because your brother and his sister are- along In tho car. A guy Is' certainly handicapped under those conditions. If your brother was a "gentleman," one of these Wednesday nights he would conveniently get "sick" and stay home. Maybe this boy could operate a little better with only his sister to contend with. It's worth a try, Isn't It? DEAR DAN: I'm not a very good dancer and a poor conversationalist and every time I go to canteen and just about work up my courage to ask this girl I like for a dance, I lose out to some other boy. Last week end I managed to walk up to her but all I could do was stare at her until another boy came along and took her right out from in front of me. I know you'll tell me my problem is my own to lick but isn't there something else I can do? -- Young and Sad. DEAR YOUNG ft SAD: About the only other thing I can suggest is that you get yourself in high gear earlier in the evening. We each know it's silly of you to go to a dance and not dance. We know it's silly of you to stand around all night and eat your heart out. The boys who are getting all the dances are no more popular than you. They just manage to move faster and have more confidence in themselves, that's all. Believe me, I could have had 800 per cent more fun In high school If I had known then What" I did at 20. I lacked confidence in myself to a great degree and when I finally got it, there I was In the Army holding onto a machine gun instead of a girl's hand. DEAR DAN: Maybe I'm being silly but I just can't bring myself to compliment any of my friends when they deserve complimenting. I feel that I would be making a show of myself. Why am I this way? -- Shy One. DEAR SHY ONE: Complimenting someone is not the monopoly of adults and apparently it's a vanishing trait among Americans. I wish you could bring yourself to pay tribute when it's due because your words may rub off on others and in time become a nice habit. I received a compliment once, back in 1955, and I still get cold shivers when I think of it. Peter W- fasten £? Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 385-0063 If Hawk bw»«n Probably no other product we known has the versatility of COMMON BAKING SODA. You can swallow it or bake with it --and it's a great household, cleaner. Keep a box on hand and from time to time we'll pass along some jreally great "Smart- Cuts" about it. Here are two: REMOVE ONION SCENT from hands simply by dampening hands and sprinkling baking soda over them. Hub hard; rinse and dry. REMOVE BURNED FOOD FROM PANS by sprinkling with baking soda. Cover and let stand a few minutes. Food' rubs right off! With proper care, your FIBERGLASS CURTAINS LAUNDER I.IKE NEW. Give them frequent, gentle hand washings to prevent a "greyness" from appearing. Use any good soap or detergent, adding a little chlorine bleach for white drapes. Hot water won't hurt them, but don't wring, scrub or twist. Just squeeze suds thru and rinse in clear water. Hang over shower rod to dry. Rehang while damp, smoothing out hems and sides with your hands. CAUTION: Never dry clean--it will ruin colors and finish. Have you always felt it's sort of a shamed throw away your husband's white shirts when they're .too frayed in one spot or another? Well, with a needle and a stitch they'll transform into the CUTEST SHORTY GOWNS for you or your daughter! Just rip out collar and sleeves and add a row of standup lace or embroidery to both areas. See?'s so easy! Oops! Accidents will happen* but ALCOHOL AND COFFEE STAINS are sure rascals to get out of clothes. They are usually invisible and reappear when you launder or dry-clean. You must sponge at once with water just to remember them! If time and garment permit, pour boiling water thru stain from 2 or 3 feet above. If stain still shows up, rub in a mild detergent or shampoo mixed with vinegar. Let stand halfhour. Work and rinse in clear water. Want a tangy new taste for salads? Try this SAUCY DRESSING-- great for seafood cocktails too! Mix instant minced onion with lemon juice, finelychopped water cress or parsley, mayonnaise and chili sauce. Sure-fire pleaser! Watch for Maggie every week! Columbian coffee, Hawaiian pineapples, and Idaho potatoes are each grown in volcanic soil --thus, they each are direct byproducts of early volcanic activity. «ua INTRODUCIMOi LITTLE GUSTO-WIND BLACK MINIATURE PIEm WINNING POODLE NOW AT STUD Reasonable •STUD SERVICE • GROOMING • PUPPIES AVAILABLE Phone: 385-5970 Mrs. Roger Crokin WE CANT HIDE THESE VALUES AT MARTIN'S Hi-Way Fmiture Rfo. 14 ft 47, Woodstock Hours: 9-9 Tues. ft FrL -- Mon., Wed., Thurs., Shit. 9-5(80 Phone 815-888-0404 'D©or lusters! Reg. $12.95 ' POLE LAMPS Now Reg. $22.95 5 Drawer AB Unfinished CHEST Now Reg. $82.95 7 KNEEHOLE DESK Drawer Unfinished NOW *18.95 Reg. $89.50 HOTEL MATTRESS, Sligli above Items. Slight Extra Charge for m NOW We will buy or sell or trade furniture, old U.S. Cota, Boats, Motors, or What Have You! ROOM ©10UFS 8 pc. BEDROOM GROUP, double dresser, mirror, chest, Bookcase bed, mattress and box spring, two bed pillows. Reg. $264.95 Now $159.95 10 pc.. BEDROOM GROUP, double dresser, mirror, chest, bookcase bed. 10 year guarantee. Mattress and box spring, 2 bed pillows, 2 dresser lamps. Reg. $321.95 Now $199.95 10 pc. LIVING ROOM GROUP, sofa bed and chair, nylon cover, 2 step table, cocktail table, 2 lamps, 9x12 foam back rug, 2 sofa pillows. Reg. $265 Now $149.95 10 pc. GROUP, 2 pc. living roOm set, 2 step tables, cocktail table, 2 table lamps, 9x12 nylon rug with foam back, 2 sofa pillows. Reg. $328.00 Now $199.00 $1.00 SPECIALS 768 Page HOLY BIBLE 8 Piece BATH SET 8 Piece TURKISH TOWEL SET CAKE PLATE AND COVER ' SOFA PILLOWS 4 Pc. Brass Embossed BATHROOM 0 including sanitary bowl brush and holder and matching waste basket. KroeMer Colonial Sofa, 8 cushions, Ion cover, ffoaraa and da- ClO^ cron cbesMobig. Reg. $275. • • ' 8 Pc. Bumper End Sectional, nylon cover. Foam cushions. OB Reg. $429.95 f44"'3 ? : 2 Pc. Union Beige Living E&oom Set, nylon cover, foam cush- ©IK ions. Reg. $249.95 International Modern Sofa, tweed cover, foam cushions. Reg. $249.95 $189.95 Berkline Colonial Sofa, green nylon cover, foam cushions, £lQ(p) wood trim. Reg. $249.95 ^IT¥ol/« Volckman Colonial Sofa, nylon cover, wood trim. Reg, tiilQQ OC $249.95 i #ITT#T» 3 Pc. Cheroke Sectional, foam cushion, beige nylon cover. Reg. Qf $249.95 4 Pc. International Sectional, nylon cover, brown foam cush- &1QQ OC ions. Reg. $289.95 f 177.7^ International Colonial Sofa, orange color, 8 cush. style, foam (100 tfC cushions. Reg. $2S®.95 .. f 107.73 Berkline Rockers Love Seat In assorted colors. #110 OR Reg. $159.95 • • Green Nylon Colonial Sofa by Volpk- Bisi, spring cushions. Reg. tlOQ m .9249.95 #ITT»T^ 2 Pc. Turquoise International Living Room Set, nylon cover, AC foam cush. Reg. $849.94 Philco Portable TV 16" Carrie mt jafc Reg. $129.95 S^9# Philco Metal Cabinet, blosuie, 28" TV on legs. Reg $269.95 §159.95 Philco Walnut TV 28", 2 speakers. Reg. $289.95 tUCili wwt • 8 Pc. Colonial Bedroom Set, double dresser, chest mirror, tbei, (^c300 OC plastic top. Reg. $289.95 V HOT.T3 8 Pc. L-Oak Bassett Bedroom Set; plastic top mirror, triple dresser, chest, bookcase (f>)[^(o) (p) bed. Reg. $299.95 W" 8 Pc. Timley Bedroom Set, French walnut, double dresser, mirror, chest, bookcase 0R bed. Reg, $189.95. f UOTol/Si 8 Pc. Heywood Wakefield Solid Maple Bedroom Set, dounMo dresser, mirror, chest, SE panel bed.' Reg. $499.95. W7*¥S' 3 Pc. Kenlea Solid Maple (Colonial double dressier, mirror, (g^?)'7/0 OC chest, panel bed Reg.$825 8 Pc. Bassett Currco Mahogany Bedroom Set, double dresser, mirror, chest, bookcase (fill©) 3 bed. Reg. $259.95 8 Pc. American of Martinsville Bedroom set, double dresser, mirror, che&&, panel headboard, csljig&otaM®, 4/@ ©r Oj(f|fl OC 5'. Reg. $469.95 Philco Walnut Stereo with AM-FM and Fm Stereo radio, 4 speaker. Closeout. Reg. OC $829.95 wwt ?r 8 Pc. Drexel Dining Room Set, china large table, 6 side chairs. (COC (If) Reg. $849.90. IPhSlco 80" Electric Range Deluxe model broiler under glass. top for easy cluan- 61 CO OR tag. Reg. $829.95 .. wwt 8 Pc. Heywood Wakefield Dining Room Set, colonial, 57" china solid maple 88" wide by SSr.t^8;.M."de..cha,ra: WffiM 8 Pc. Hoover Walnut Dining Room Set, china table with plastic top, 6 side chairs. Reg} Q $479.99 V Manhattan 510 Coil Mattress or Box Spring in 8/8-4-4/6 with 10 year guarantee. Reg. $69.50 $3f)o§5 Serta Posture Mattress or Healthful firm. Comes In 8/8 or 4/6 Spring. $19.75 Maple Finish Bunk Bed complete with 2 taUbST spring mattresses, DcsMer and guard rail. $109.96 $7§J§ U. S. Korlon 4" Foam Rubber Mafcfesao with box spring. In 8/8 only. Reg. $119.00. .... W 5 Pc. Queen City Dinette Set with charcoal top and black Si gray chairs ft a 80x40x48 CCO OC table. Reg. $89.95 5 Pc. Chrome Dinette Set with 80x46 x48 table and A side chairs Reg. $79.95. 7 Pc. Lloyd Dinette with 86x48x60x72 table and, 6 side chairs. (1411 Ai Reg. $179.95 #I4T«t9 8 Pc. Dinette with 24x86 table and 2 chairs. Reg. $44.95 . { Iii'.

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