Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Mar 1964, p. 22

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., - . . . . . . . .. : . . ~ y ^ > : ; * ,g« Tw#nt7-Two i THE McHlHHY PLAXND1ALER Thursday' MwA_W Phiakee Highlands LOCAL COUPLE OBSERVES SILVER ANNIVERSARY '•Jt ay Sielisch -- HYatt 7-8414 W.\ ' « M -• • • •• - fv/ldfrrtiest congratulations to St ?ve and Geri Vrbik from yo4r reporter, with all your frkands and neighbors joining fnt 'in the very best wishes to ioA" Botfi on your day March 25 Steve and Geri moved to th<. Highlands over eight years Hg i and .have made many fmnds, both are very civic , mi .ided and have "worked for • th> betterment of our com- " mi nity. Steve was the Repub- . lie in committeeman and worked very hard in the precinct. • They just returned from an • anniversary gift to themselves, ! a our of Hawaii- Birthdays This week, we have some mighty wonderful folks who will be celebrating their natal days. First to Dale Morin Who will be six years old today March 19. To our friend and very good neighbor, Joe Hanisch, who will be celebrating March 23. To Emma Mares who will -be-adding another year March- 28. To little Jeffery Hurckes who will be a great big four -years old March 22. To Qr 'Oflowaki, my second mother* whom I love very mueh^my prayer are with you a?waye< so-you may retain your he£ ltft'stf when August rolls arcundvjiou. will feel like cele bra ting your golden wedding anniversary. To my buddy, lunch partner, and rummy partner, j3az? Morley, who will be aiding another year March 25, aid you don't look a day over 21, gal. To Lily Hovseth who will be celebrating her birthday., 1 March 26, and to Adam I'vmski who will be adding aether year March 27. C trl Scout Troops 44 and 88 March 8, the Girl Scouts enjoyed a delicious banquet. The big: event was started off with a Hag ceremony, and tbe introduction of guests, Father AJROFE*; iOriRL DIRECTORV 19R. JOHN C. OOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician 3&7 West Elm Street Office Phone: 885-0748 Residence Phone: 3$5-0847 Honrs: Hon., Toes., Wed. & Fri. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat., 10 a-m. to 9 p.m. 12-63 IAKL K. MfiUAtl IN8CRANC* fire, Auto, Farm Jfc Me li» IteprawotUii UELIABLG CUUFAMBft When Vou Need Insurance at Any iUBd Phone 885-0043 or 883-0953 489 W. Elm St.. McHenry. IN DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: 385-0186 Res. Phone: 385-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 8-64 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel and Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. 31 Phone 385-0950 8-64 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer ! Percolation Teste • Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 678-7491 Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 6-64 'DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI | Optometrist fiyes Examined--Glasses Fitted J 1303 N. Richmond Road I flours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. * it Fri. 4:00-p.m. to 6 p.m. J Tues.. Thurs. Si Fri. Eve. » - 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 1 Bat 9:30 a-m. to 5:00 p.m. J Wo Hours on Wednesday • . Contact Lenses «. Phone 885-2262 I **' 8-64 --»n ii Weideman, Rev. ^Christian aaid Mrs. Doenecke, Ray and Alice, better known as Pepper, Bieshcke, Mary Ann Beebe, Mr. and Mrs. Weyland. Rev. Doenecke opened with the invocation prayer. Miss Beebe, the main speaker, spoke on the topic, Girl Scouting, which was very infprmative and interesting. Troops 88 and 44 presented skits. The Court of Awards presented forty-eight badges to the girls who had merited them. The Leaders were introduced and they in turn introduced their committee women. All the table decorations were made by the Girl Scouts and the main table centerpiece was a gold tree with all the Girl Scouts symhols hanging from the branches. The girls had made flowers fpr their mothers and fathers to wear for the big event. There were 116 present fpr the dinner. Father Weideman read the clpsing Prayers. A song fest followed and the wonderful affair was closed with Taps. Dates To Remember March 21, this Saturday night the spaghetti dinner sponsored by the Women's Society of Christian Service of Mount Hope church, will begin at 5 p.m. in the church hall, until 8 p.m. April 2, the Pistakee Highlands Women's Club will hold their luncheon and card party at the community center starting at 12:30 p.m. Every one is most welcome to attend, tickets may be purchased from the officers and members. April 4, is the date for the Johnsburg school fun , fair with booths of interest to young and old and many added attractions on the midway. March 25, the regular monthly meeting of the American Legion Lake Regions Post 703 will be held at 8 p.m. April 4, the American Legion Lake Regions Post- 703, will hold a social night. Come in Western attire. The time is 8:30 p.m. April 8, the Blessed Virgin Sodality of St. John's church will hold their luncheon and card party at the Johnsburg community hall at 12:30. I have tickets if any one wants to buy them here in the Highlands. April 18, the St. John's Home and School Association's spring fling dance will be held at the Johnsburg community hall. president, Dorothy Jenkins, Sergeant-at-arms, Joyce Heir, treasurer, Mary Seldon, Chaplain, Ann Giskenas, P.T.A. president and Mrs. G. W. Magoon, Girl Scout Organizer. The winners, Mark Allan Beherns, first class winner from Big Hollow school, a seventh grader; third class winner was from Grant school, Robert Pike. Members of the auxiliary who served as volunteer workers at Downey hospital March 9 were: Anna May Campbell, Mae Janssen, Dee Palmer, Dorothy Jenkins, Betty Zenner and Kay Sielisch. We really enjoyed helping the men and assisting Ihem with the poppies. Congratulations to Anna May Campbell who was elected to serve a two year term on the board of trustees, for the Grant Youth Ass'n. Auxiliary Unit News Mae Janssen, Americanism chairman, was in charge of the Americanism fessay contest. The schools that participated were: Shady Lane, Gavin, Central, St. Bede's, Grant and Big Hollow. The theme for the Essays was "Documents of Freedom." The judges for the contest were: Anna May Campbell, president of the Auxiliary, Dorothy Orlowski, first vice- Mount Hope Methodist Church Notes March 8, the high school and older youth group held their meeting at 3 p.m. in the Perschke home. March 9, the Membership and Evangelism Commission met at the church. March 10 Pearl Sweet and Marion Doenecke were hostesses for th? regular monthly meeting of the Women's Society of Christian Service. There was a big turn out for the meeting and much business was taken care of. March 15, there was baptism of children after the morning Services and at 3 p.m., March 22, Palm Sunday a reception of new members will be held. This is for those who wish to join the fellowship either by transfer or affirmation of faith. Palm Sunday evening a night of music will be held at the McHenry Methodist church. Mount Hope's choir will participate. March 29, Easter Sunday, there will be two worship services at Mount Hope; at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Nursery care will be provided for children 1 to 6 years old downstairs, for both services, so the parents may enjoy the worship services fully. News of Your Friends and Neighbors Members of the Blessed Virgin Sodality of St. John's who attended the March 10 meeting were: Betty Zenner, Jean Tomsa, Rose Schifferdecker, Ellie Wroblewski and Kay Sielisch. Names were drawn for the committee for the party and the only name drawn from the highlands was Harriet Formula. Kay Sielisch was the winner of a special prirze. Betty Zenner won first prize and Rose Schifferdecker booby prize at the bunco table. Robert Jenkins celebrated his egihth birthday March 15 with his family and grandparents from Chicago. Sorry to hear Loraine Erdmann is in McHenry hospital and we all send our very best live wings to your heart... enjoy the finest in Hawaii-bound service with a Northwest "Royal Aloha" flight. There's soft Hawaiian music, chilled champagne and a full-course dinner... and the rare excellence of gracious hospitality in the Northwest tradition. Plan your trip for fun... all the way... fly Northwest Fan-Jets to Hawaii. Remember, Northwest has daily service leaving Seattle or Portland at dinner time arriving in Honolulu early that same night. FLY THE FAN-JET AIRLINE NORTHW ORIENT AIRLINES for immediate reservations, call your Travel Aaent or write your nearest Northwest Airlines office. wislies for a very speedy recovery. v " March 18 marks the fwst anniversary of Father Blit'sch's death and we who loved him remember him in our daily prayers. March 15 . Janice Zenner reached the ripe old age of six. Janice had a big birthday party March 14. The following kiddies were on hand for all the festivities; Brian and Shelly V o n B r u e n c h e n h e i m , T e r r y Meekly, Debbie Benkert, Russel Ozminski, Pam Holmes, Laura Anderson of Fox Lake, Tony Bentz and Sandy Thelen. The kiddies played games, enjoyed cake and ice cream. March 15, Janice had another party in Chicago with her grandparents.'A big celebration for a very tiny little girl. March 12, Betty Zenner was happy to have her sister-in-law, Peggy Zenner, and her son, Sean, spend the day with her Peggy is from Chicago and enjoys getting out in the country for a day. Lorraine Lindemann, who had spent a week with her daughter, Marilyn, in Chicago after her hospital stay, was a happy gal on March 7, when her daughter really surprised her with a birthday party. Lorraine's son, Harry, and family were there, as was her daughter, Pat, and husband, Chuck. Marilyn's husband's parents completed the folks that gave Lorraine the surprise of her life. She received many lovely gifts and loads of cards. On their way back to the Highlands, Lorraine and Herb stopped to visit with Lorraine's sister, Bernice Ford, and Herb's sister, Maureen, and Frank Albrecht. Progress marches on in the Highlands. A new street light has been installed on Broadway and Short Streets. • Welcome to the Joseph Kneip family who have rented the Vern Thelen home on Broadway and Fox Lake Road. They are very busy getting unpacked and settled. We wish them a happy life in our community. March 10, a car out of control went in to the ditch, over a driveway ripping it all up and down the other side of the driveway on Fox Lake Road. No one was injured, but tire tracks on the blacktop showed the skid marks for quite a distance before it went in to the ditch. . Roy and Gert Snell are very upset over the accident to their granddaughter, Margaret Snell, who was struck by a car in Chicago. Margaret will be on her back for six weeks, her ppelvic bone was broken in three places and she is confined in a Chicago hospital. Pistakee Highland* Women's Club The M^rch 25 meeting will be a very busy one and a very interesting one. The nominating committee will submit their slate of officers for the April election. There will be a very interesting program on skin and hair care. This will be an open meeting so if you're interested in making yourself beautiful be on hand that night. The officers are busy planning their final big event before going out of office next month, the annual April banquet. Every one was most happy to see Janet Flurey back in the Highlands. She is the former Janet Peolquin, and she will stay with her parents, Walter and Jane, until her husband, Bill, returns from his tour of duty overseas. Janet is enjoying the visit with her parents, brother, Jim, and sister, Cindy. Judy Jensen moved to Chicago last vveek to an apartment with two friends, Judy will be able to relax and not have that long ride to and from Chicago everyday. Her parents will miss her as will her sister, Jeanne Hillstrom. Cub Scout Pack 452 Enjoy "Mardi Gras" Night The- March 11 Cub Scout meeting was a most interesting evening. The theme was Mardi Gras and all the boys made I heir own costumes and masks.. At the regular monthly meeting, the following interesting events were planned, a father and son basketball night at the Johnsburg gym, a bowling day, a parade on Memorial Day. Some time near the end of April or early May they will have a kite derby, prizes will be awarded for the best, designed and best constructed home made kite. All kites must be home made to enter the derby. Robert VanZevcrn has, volunteered to be a Weblo leader this summer, Bernie Kennebeck and Bob Decker were haRpy to have Bob join 4hem, they too volunteered ^to be Weblo leaders. Since this final step for entry in to, Boy Scouts is so important the Troop was very happy to have the three fathers as their leaders. The boys become Weblos after they have qorppleted their Wolf, Bear and Lion retirements. After the meeting the Cub Scoujts in costumes and masks paraded in a march t,o drive off all the evil spirits in true Mardi Gras style. I am sorry I did not get the names of the boys who were presented with awards but I will have them for next week. In closing please be kir.d to one another, watch that Spring fever that is taking hold in the Highlands, and may God take a very special liking to each and every one of you. Thanks to everyone for keeping me so well supplied with news. You may have a time trying to get me with calls but I am home most of the time just keep trying. My deadline is Thursday morning 9 a.m. have, to have the column in the mail that day . The Pink Lady Sewing Guild of the Women's Auxiliary to the McHenry hospital met at the home of Theresa Kelly in McHenry, March 12. Fourteen FREEZER BEEF SALES uftiom U. S. Grade Good & Choice Here's how to save on food bills and make menu planning easier, too. West Side Locker can help turn your home freezer into your personal store. West Side Locker Service helps you select meat in quantity . . . then cuts it just the way you like it and wraps it in special freezer paper, clearly identified. You save real money by buying in quantity. And think of the time and trips to the store you'll save, too. So, take advantage of the home freezer service at West Side Locker Service. Let us . . . Meat . . . your Freezer or rent you a locker to SAVE you money. We can arrange financing for Qualified Customers. WEST SIDE LOCKER SERVICE 3910 W. Main St. Phone 385-3550 McHenry y "I lip ( u,> , i< •! o < lilllili WWmmmI i - s\ Heat that extra room economically with a Novent Gas Heater Economical. Operates with typical gas economy. Exclusive floor to ceiling heat circulation system provides even temperature throughout the heating area. Thermostatically controlled. Completely safe. Suburban Novent burns no room air, requires no flue or chimney. Vents all products of combustion outdoors. Ideal for attics, closed-in porches, breezeways, basements, garages and sleeping rooms. Installs easily. Put the Suburban Novent in a window or a wall. Fits between wall studs without framing. Takes less than one cubic foot of space. At your heating contractor's ®r nearest! Cl'@Pthern Illinois Gas Company showroom. Pk®m 385-2081 Service around the dock NORTHERN AILLINOIS GAS members were on hand for the white elephant sale. Theresa served 9 delicious dessert luncheon. The membe/s from the Highlands who attended were: Gert Snell, Marge Moreth, Lorraine Lindemann and VI Schuble. c Bill and Marge Moreth, Chuck and Vi Schuble and Herb and Lorraine Lindemann attended the corn beef dinner and dance sponsored by the V.F.W. Post 4600 in McHenry, March 14. ' The Tripoly Card club met at the home of Doris Hansen March 11. The gals on hand for the evening >yere: Lily Hovseth, Ginny Emmerich, Janice Janquart, Lee Conway, Dorothy Erbin and |^ois Mason. Haze Morley couldn't be there because of a very bad cold. Doris served delicious refreshments to the gals. Hope Isabelle Rittorno is feeling much better after a severe case of bronchitis. Arthur and Clara Ernst were happy to have their daughter and family from DesPlainei spend last Sunday with them.. I suppose by now every one is coming down with Spring fever. I know I am, have been busy pouring over seed catalogs, watching my tulips coming up every day and just itching to get out in the yard again. I have been busy starting plants to be replanted outdoors. Of course the big complaint is running dogs, no matter how much it appears in the column dogs are still allowed to run. They are no longer running singly, they are now in packs of four and five and residents are becoming alarmed for their children. I have printed the name of the. one man that can do something about it so often, but here goes once more, call Ed. Jelinek area code 815 FE8- 2040 Ext. 50 or 385-0541. Too bad the Highlands doesn't have a dog catcher, they would be very busy, that is for sure. Complete Auto Rebuilding Service "Everything done In our shop" • Wheel Alignment • Frame Srtalghtenlng t Radiator Repair • Glass A Upholstery All this adds up to greater savings to you. Check the shop that has the complete equipment. INSURANCE ESTIMATES F R E E New 10-Min. Car Wash Mon.-Sai. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. .. $ 17S 4707 W. Route 1«0 Lakeland Park Phone Day or Night Days: 885-0444 Nltes: 385-1422 EBEL AUCTION Having decided to discontinue dairying, the undersigned will sell the following personal property on premises located at the South-East edge of Crystal Lake, III., being on the Cut-Off Rd., 1 block South of Highway 14 or 3 miles North of Algonquin on Monday, March 23 at Mi p.m. 47 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS -- Many of these cows are either springers or are fresh, the balance are rebred and due for summer and fall freshening. There are many 1st and 2nd calf heifers milking in the herd. Bangs and TB forms will be furnished. MILKING ^ EQUIPMENT -- 210 gal. Cherry Burrell bulk cooler, remote control; 3 DeLaval milker units, carrying pails; hay hoist, and usual amount of small items. If needing replacement cows, be sure to attend this sale. LESTER J. lliL„ Owner AUCTIONEERS Gordon Stade, Gray slake, HL -- Wm. Stade, Jr., Mundeleln, 111. 812-223-5155 312-566-8555 McHENRY STATE BANK -- Clerk TERMS: All sums of f25.00 and under cash. Over this amount one-fourth down and the balance In six monthly payments, with Interest at 6%. Make arrangement for credit with clerk before sale. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Rldgefleld Grange will serve lunch. GILCREST AUCTION Having sold the farm, the undersigned will sell the following personal property on premises located 4 miles West of Mundeleln, 111., 4 miles East of Wauconda & Rte. 12, being on Rte. 1T6, on 25 at 10:30 a.m. COMPLETE DISPERSAL OF REGISTERED HEREFORD HERD (62 LOTS). 86 BROOD COWS, many with calves at side, balance due in spring and early summer. 12 YEARLING HEIFERS, open 10 YE4WNG STEERS 2 SEPT., 1963 BULL CALVES 2 HERD BULLS, NP Silver King and NP Colorado Duke This herd is rich in Northern Pump Co. Farm breeding and has all clean pedigrees. The cattle will be sold in lots 1o suit the purchaser and registrations will be transferred at the sellers expense. The cattle have good disposition, and buyers should find many good opportunities at a dispersal ,such as this. FARM MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT: 1960 Int. No. 460 tractor with fast-hitch, 700 hrs.; Int. 300 utility tractor with Warner loader, 2 buckets and 3-point hitch; Int. No. 230 tractor with fast hitch. All tractors are on good rubber. McC. 2-14 fast hitch plow; McC. 3-14 No. 60 pull-type high-clearance plow; 2-row cult, for 230 tractor; McC. 1 Pr picker with husking bed', in good cond.; McC. 2-row corn planter with fert. attach.; sharp; McC. fast hitch 7 ft. mower; 6 ft. 3-point hitch grader blade; McC. 10 ft. double disc hyd. grain drill with grass seed attach.;* McC. No. 37 10-ft. wheel carrier disc; 2 RT wagons, 7x14 beds and gO in. sides; Gehl 10" PTO feed mill on RT with crusher head, like new; McC. 4-bar rake on RT; 2 and 4 section harrows; New Idea 40 ft. elevator with elcc. motor; Massey Harris 6 ft. combine with hume reel and factory rebuilt engine; New Holland 77 twine baler with factory rebuilt engine; McC. 8 ft. fert. spreader; 1,000 lb. platford scale; Ford 3-point hitch rotary chopper; elec. oat roller; Gehl silo filler and pipe; cattle squeeze chute; tractor mounted sprayer; 2 Toro lawn mowers; link belt 42" drying fan; GE 7V2 h p. motor 220-440; 2 power sickle bar mowers; dump rake; Cub pulley; 3 hyd. cyclinders; speed jack; 3 feed bunks; 2 hay bunks; Cub wheel weights; quantity of poultry equip.; steel stanchions & drinking cups; wheel barrow; many miscellaneous tools. The same manager has operated this farm for the past 10 years and the machinery has been well housed and cared for and is ready for use. FEED: 85 ton mixed Alfalfa and Timothy 1st and 2nd cutting hay; 500 bales straw; 1,000 bu. Oats. PONY: Shetland pony, broke well. ' • ©SUREST FARM G. A. GILBERTSON. Owner AUCTIONEERS Gordon Stade, Gray slake, 111. -- Wm. Stade, Jr., Mundeleln III 812-828-5155 812-566-8555 ' ' McMlSNRY STATE BANK -- Clerk TERMS: All sans of 825.00 and under cash. Over this amount one-fourth down and the balance In six monthly payments, with Interest at 6%. Make arrangement for credit with clerk before sale. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Zoellner Lunch Wagon on Grounds

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