awwday, April g. Ring wood HOLB B0NNY HDft> AT COMMUNITY CENTER APRIL 4r Lor, .Brennan flW-2045 Come on i teen-agers, and dance to live music. There's to be a Bunny-Hop this* coming Saturday evening from 7:30 p.m. until midnight. Where? At the, Barnard Mill Cornmunl ity Center in Bingwood, sponsored by the Teen Club. This dance to for all teens and a small admittance will be charged, ,. Let's have a good turn out, so affairs like this can continue for you youngsters in. the future. You'll never know, what you're missing, unless you come * O.K.? '. . . *mmmm plaindealesp i Sr. HI. M.Y.F, Report On Sunday night, the Sr. Hi. M.Y.F.: met at the Low home < with Susie Low and Betsy Fossum having the program on Is- , lamism. The Islam beliefs and customs wei*e presented. The sub-district representa tives were chosen. They are - George- Kane and Cris Fosaum w On Tuesday, a nomination committee will meet and nomi nate members for the next year's officers. The committee will consist of the graduating seniors and our counselors. On Sunday morning, the rest of the M.Y.F. will vote for the officers, Linda Low, reporter. Kastev Gatherings Here 'N' Thore At the Skid mores for Easter Sunday, dinner, there were Mr and Mi's. William Creutz of Mc- Cullom Lake; Jackie and Hon Creuta, and; son, Tommy, of Lakeland Park; Diane and Edr ward Skidmore and daughters, Donna,, Denise and Janice of McCullom Lake. Afternoon and stopper guests were Mr. and Mr*. Russell Ehiert of WU. mot, Wis. Easter Sunday dinner gu$ats'v in the home of Mi^. Rujt>y i ^ ard w,ere M"r. aijid Mrs. Aileii Aingerj daughter, Mary, • and son, David, Mr. and Mrs. George Ainger and new daUgh ter, Sharon, and' Joe DeMarco of Hebron. Also Will Claxton of McHenry. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn" spent the Easter weekend in Mel rose Park with Mr. and Mrp. Miles Jerouiik and family j Mrs, Hepburn ^yill 9pend a few days with the Jerousiks, and, rettiirth to her home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frazier* spent Easter with their grandchil dren and great-grandchildren, George and Jane . Sundstrom and family, 6f Greenwood area. Frank Kempfer along with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Jr., and family of McHenry had Easter Sunday dinner with his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sirrion of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan, Harry; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ho gan of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hogan were all Easter Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Richard Thompson and family in Green wood. Also, Mr. and" Mrs. Roy Thompson attended. E a s t e r S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n callers in the Wiedrich-Wegener home were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Strackbein of Lake Geneva, Wis. Easter Sunday dinner guiests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowell were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and family,- Miss Faith Wagner of Greenwood; Mrs. Laura V. Smith of Crystal Lake; Miss Ruth Hen ne of Chicago and Loren Har rison. It was also the celebration of Crystal Harrison's birthday (April 11 and Mm Clarenee Harrison's birthday (March 28). Here 'Nt There Patty' Brennan. visited; Ijen grandmother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., . on fiagter * Sunday, taking with her, some of the Easter, Bunny's goodies, Nbrpia Mendoza Alexandra spent last weekencf in'Chicago with' a girl- friend from school and sajv a,play, S^ie tjien„wa\ a guest in the Walt Low home for the 'rest- of he f Spring vacation; Norma experienced our Christmas weather on Easter Sunday. Then she went' ba'ck to school and studies at Northern Illinois University at t)eKalb. M*. and Mrs. Dick Malsch and family went up to Sun Prairie, Wis. for the Easter weekend: to visit with- hi* sister and brother and their respective families. He- also spent some time-with vhis iijother. On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Ogcar Swanson of Park Ridge were callers in the L. E. Hawiev home on Tuesday. Pat' Hcgan went an a, skiing, vacation in Afgan, Colo., fop. the Easier weekend. Mr. and; Mi'&. Henry Aissen, Dorothy, Mrs. DicI* Mdlsclf and* Helen of Ringwood; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Aissen and daughters of Pistakee Mr. and Mre.; George French of Elgin all attended the birthday celebration f this past- Sunday of Ronda Ann Rowe, age 5 now. Ronda is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rowe of Woodstock. On; Wednesday, Mrs. L. E. Hawley visited in the Bill Reinwall home in McHenry; They then visited , with relatives in Crystal. Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eissen and Mrs. Dick Malsch were callers in the George French home in Elgin on Thursday. Loren Harrison was a supper guest in the Bob Brennan home on Tuesday of the past week. Little Wayne Brennan, son •of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brennan of Twin Lakes, was a vis-, itor in the Brennan-Hepburn home on Friday. Mrs* Joe Schmitt of McHenry was a caller in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan home on Thursday afternoon. This is no April Fool's joke, I'd like to thank all those who called , in this- wieek with their "nfcws. I certainly appreciate it. Many thanks!! Just a short last minute reminder that serving hot sandwiches this week (Wednesday) are Lor Brennan and Marion Winters. Next week, Apr,.: 8, it's Lor and Martha Bates; the following week, Martha Bates and Dolly MaJsch. Guess I've forgotten to write this in lately Sorry. These barbecues and hot dogs are really going over strong for the youngsters* Without the help of the mothers, it couldn't be done. Thanks to all helping, behind the scenes as well as serving. There's an important election coming up on the fourteenth of April. This is your privilege as an American, so how about it? Come on to the polls and vote. That's the Ringwood news for another week. Keep those calls coming. See you next week? Bye. TEEN DRIVERS This is a vintage year for teen-age drivers. The Institute for Safer Living estimates that three million new drivers will be taking to the road this year;, more than for any past year. Parents should double check to make sure that their young drivers are competent and ready to assume adult responsibility for safe motor vehicle operation. AND SIMPLE SNAPS c&tM6a,s UtodWM/ MADI-BY-KODAK, camw // W 4 ImniW Automatic electric-eye exposure control ^ Features versatile new easy-to-use ICodesfs with electric eye that adjusts lens for correctly-exposed pictures. Built-in flash compartment. Correct flash exposure is set automatically as yey fesus. Fast, colar-edrrodod lens. Extra-large optical findor. Toftas 12 color or black-and-white snaps, or color slides on 127 film. Comes in complete outfit. P.iUG 128* If. Green Street Pimm, 385-4900 McHenry* lit. Sons Of The legion News At the last regular meeting of Sqtiadroji 491 of the sons of the American* Legion, it was announced by; Squadron Commander Steve Kreier that the ^officers of, the unit and the chairman and co-chairman have completed all major prepara tions for a gala celebration of the tenth anniversary of its formation. The program will start promptly at 2 p.jn* on Sunday, •April 19, at the-* American Legion home in McHenry. A most ^impressive ritufl initiation and 'presentation program will be included in the celebration. The champirtnship ritual team of St. Qharle? American Le- "gion post will officiate in the ritual: initiation, and each candidate- will, receive proper instruction and wiil also be" presented: with at symbol of each ^station, an American; flag, a copy of the preamble to, the Constitution, a membership pin, and an S.A.L. Emblem. During the presentation ceremony, five and ten-year awards will be presented to members .who have, completed continuous ' m e m b e r s h i p t h r o u g h t h e s e years. Other awards will also be presented at this time. Confirmation has been received from a^l invitations to all V.I.P.'s from' post on up through county, district, division^ state and national organizations of the American Legion and the S.A.L., that they will be present for the celebration that day. Air>ong other V.I.P.'s who have accepted the invitation is-our own-Mayor, Donald Doherty. From all indications, this program will be one of the- finest youth programs that McHen* ry has had in soma time. Squadron 491- is one of the largest units in the state of Illinois* and can well be the largest as of April 19i At the present time the membership stands at eighty- two and is expected to exr ceed 100 by the nineteenth of April. The squadron is well over. 100 percent at this moment. Any members of the American Legion who has a. son- or grandson who is interested in joining the Sons of the American . Legion and who would like to be initiated by* this championship r i t tit a 1 team, please contact either the local A. L. Post 491 in McHenry or calling Chairman Mel Griffeth at 385-2744 or Fritz Saynor at 385-5429 on 1 or before the twelfth of. April so that arrangements can be made and membership cards obtained. Dues entitle the member to participate in all squadron activities, which include attending conventions of the S.A.L. the first all-out state convention will be held on July 19 at Waukegan. Co-chairman of Squadron 491, H, J. Fritz Saynor, Sr., has been informed by 11th district TRIP TO NATIONAL JAMBOREE PLANUS® BY BOY SCOUTS Plans for the trip to the sixth National Jamboree, Boy Scouts of America, to be held at Valley Forge, Pa., July 17 through 23, have been- announced by Dean Olson, Jam* boree chairman. A total of 120 Boy Scouts* Explorers, and leaders will represent the Blackhawk, Area council at the week long encampment along with 50,000 other Scouts and unit leaders. The iBlackhawk Area council contingent will leave Tuesday July 14, and, return Sunday, July 26. "We belteve the trip we have planned," Olson said, "will help the Scouts know and love America as they travel to and from the Jamboree. The trip will include a day and n luuf at Washington, D. C„ and a day at the New York World's Fair following the Jamboree, as well as visiting the historic Philadelphia and the Valley Forge Jamboree site." Sunday afternoon, April 5, the three Jamboree troops ape' scheduled to meet and begin their organization and patrol structure and share the latest information with the parents and Scouts. WIS'-: • : >>-• Spring Kitchen Bonus from JEWEL! "Stew" " SAVE $9.00 ON HAWTHORNE STAINLESS CQQTOAR THE ENTIRE SET includes seven stainless steel pieces. Each weeg for the... seven weeks one of them will be offered at a money-saving low price. Starf. your set today by redeeming the two coupons on this page! Poland' pfctoj|i that'll make your kitchen tasks easier, faster and more enjoyahie! FIRST WEEK! START TODAY! ONE QUART SAUCEPAN Perfect for small-quantity cooking ... ideal for sauces, frostings, custards and cereals. An indispensable, all-purpose utensil. Reg* $2.99 WITH COUPON AT RIGHT THIS BONUS $1 JMi COUPON WORTH |«W Toward 1he purchase of a Hawthorn STAINLESS STEEL ONE QUART SAUCE PAN Good thra , Regular price $2.99 Saturday, 4 Lsss •••••••«••• • •». ^ «00 April 4,1964. With fhif coupon $1.99 SECOND WEEK! ' TWO QUART SAUCEPAN First choice for preparing bright, gardeh-fresh vegetables. Is especially handy for carrots, jpeas, beans, corn or boiling potatoes. • WITH COUPON AT LEFT 1,00 THIS BONUS C©yPON WORTH Toward the purchase of a Hawthorn STAINLESS STEEL TWO QUART SAUCE PAN Good thru- Regular price- •••• • $3.49 Saturday L e S S • • • • • • • • e o e o * * 1> 0 0 April 4,1964, With tflif coupon $2.49 commander of the American Legion, Robert Wilbrandt of Crystal Lake, that he has been appointed the new 11th difi trict S.A.L. chairman. Recom mendatton was made by Post 491 Commander Domminic Volpendesta. 100% PURE JEWEL GROUND BEEF 49 , *»"'/// C> Ml. " < wmrnk» U. S» CHOICE TAILLESS ; * Be a full-time citizen *•1 w ii#*W*iiifei 4 4 APRIL 14 ...and write your tiefeg't Presented eo'o PcMls Sartkt by the IMinoio Jayocst, The Citizens of Greater Chicago, i mmd the Better Oovemmmt AmectmUm Ms a crabgrass preventer! Jfk a complete lawn food! CMBGRA New Thr3i-a nlih Crabgrass. fflri inlajj * destroys before it, appears. * w**-* **• * !eet-haady ta. »> " JtoiL16" 10 ^ IW* Jota ttan some crabgrass kilters Ask for new Tftrive with Crabgrass Preventer r imc FEES bisq oi spreader with Fimdmm of Fertilizer or Grass Seed. v.s. CHOICE ROUND STEAK . . . U.S. CHOICE -- Boneless Rolled mMp roAST . . , © o U.S. CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK . . . .79^ ECKRICH'S -- Famous Precooked SMOKE® S^PSAGE . . 49& Iflfjore tjCuAciouA ^euuei Pastries Jor %jou I REG. $1.39 ; BAN ^IA WHIPPED CREAM CAKE'. .... '.$Oi REG. 75c APRICOT KRIN©E e@FFII €ME,. - . . . ... .59* STRAWBERRY -- Reg. 89c MM , 6 HINDS TO CHOOSE--16-oz. loaf mm CAKE . / 9c RYE BREADS . . 25c FRESH, CRISP 1 I '! 1228 N. Green St. Hardware Phone 385-0098 McHenry, I1L ea. CRISP e&SD tADB! GREEN UNIONS . SNO-WHITE FRESH MUSHROOMS bunei 10< bunekllH • • .49lb <£ni°y. ^ewei5 oCower Priced i I JHERRY VALLEY DBINK PIM1AP9I.1 C NOR?MliiM BAax£ fliSPE SCOURING So ©o PADS 46-oz. Can 4 Roll Pack 10 Pad Box AT JEWEL FOR YOU! ,58 WORTH OF CG«@§>IS On Spring Cleaning Items You're Sure To Use! GREEN GIANT PEAS MAZOLA - «*4 mmm cherry, PEACH Wttdevnem We Fiiilnss .EMON. CHOCOLATE. BAHAMA Banquet Creaooo BPScbo i Contadina Tomato Paste 17-08. 48-oz. / ' t i.rf