"• -- --• -- fagrFoir THE McHENRT PLA1NDEALER Thuwdiy# April % SHI ft*** nf/^0m :-S'\ •% It wasn't much of a day for Easte^ bonnets, but the gals wore 'em through the snow- .. NOTRE DAME CLUB MEETS HERE NEXT MONDAY, APRIL 6 Mildred Kinsala mentioned the many comments we have made about ladies' hats. They still amuse us, but haven't popped off much about the funny numbers since the style-makers have imposed those dinky, narrow- brim things, called hats, on the men. The first one of those dinky numbers we remember was worn by " Albert Blake. We looked in amazement and thought sure he had picked up Stevie's (his son) hat by mistake. Then we saw one cocked on the 3Sd Thennes noggin and decided then men had been took ahd the case Was hopeless. ; Junior Freund was on the phone this week to tell us how wonderful are those Cubs. According to the reports we read, their earned run averages are higher than interest rates. Then he mentioned all the sore-armed pitchers on the Sox squad. That same afternoon, Gary Peters' arm was so Sore that he pitched six innings and allowed only one hit. . So^ Jt's a man's world, eh? The sight of four girls smoking cigars in public has convinced Ernie Usernan and your truly that we should give up the stogies and start chewin' _gum. We hear that Chuck Hiller is having one of his best spring training seasons. Local fans have been hoping the Cubs would get Chuck. If that happened, Mr. Wrigley could reserve one section for McHenry County fans. For many years we have thought- this country has too many drives for funds. Each year. we look for a, new one such as aid to those with bald heads and fallen ai'ches. But, this week we read some statistics on cancer, that terrible cause of suffering. The American Cancer Society says thai Cancer .kills approximately 685 Americans every day. B^So. We are going to help with the cancer fund drive. ^The Chicago District Golf Association lists Gary Adams and Aft Jackson as members of their Golden Anniversary Handicap Honor Roll. To give you S6me idea of the honor, 170 golfers with a handicap of 3 or less are selected from a total Of 20,758. ^The Great Lakes Dragaway, Union Grove, Wis., will open its 8th season this coming Sunday, April 5, as has been the custom since the Drags trip yyas built. If you are going to drag, be sure to use the Drag- Strip rtot the highways. ~"To a friend's house, t;he road is never long. Monday night, April 6, the Notre Dame Club of McHenry County will celebrate the forty- first annual universal Notre Dame night with a dinner program to be held at the McHenry Country Club. Dinner will be served about 7:45 p.m. but it is expected that many will arrive earlier for a social hour. All Notre Dame alumni, their wives, and friends of the university are invited to attend. Guest speaker of the evening will be Howard Phalin, a graduate of the class of 1928 and executive vice president of the Field Enterprises Educational Corporation. Mr. Phalin is a member of the Advisory Council for the Liberal and Fine Arts at the University of Notre Dame and is the recent donor of the large and colorful granite mural which will cover the south face of the tower of the Memorial Library, representing the tradition of centuries of Catholic literature and teaching. Traditionally the.non-athletic achievements of the university are discussed on this night anil Mr. Phalin will speak within the theme "Extending the Tradition of Great Teaching." Universal Notre Dame Night is celebrated throughout the world at this time of year and Donald Freund, president of the McHenry County Club, stresses that anyone interested in the university is very welcome to attend. Anyone wishing reservations may make them by calling Richard W. Freund at 385-0770; Joseph Conerty at 338-1135 or 338-4204; or Donald Freund at 459-4365. ft Outdoors PONY LEAGUE At an organization meeting Monday night the following officers were elected by the Pony League: Pres., Louis':Swede; Vice Pres., Frank Camasta;. Secretary, j' Paul; Sohwe^eJ; Treasurer4, Ernest I^seitiaii; Player Representative, Joe Prazak. Registration will take place in the American Legion Hall, April 18, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. for a go-getter. Happiness is the only good. The place to be happy is here, the time to be happy is now, the way to be happy is to help make others so. What you are to be, you arc now becoming. The longest journey with a single step. starts ' It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of ££sjterday is the hope of todav and the reality of tomorrow. v.JMany a quitter makes a place The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything. Happiness adds and multiplies, as we divide it with others. These who create beauty are also they who possess it. By the "Padre" Men gr<»w trees for profit, but usually reserve expressions j, of awe foi ihose that grow j wild. FIELD TRIAL WINNERS Winners of the German Wirehaired Pointer Club of Illinois trial held March 21 and 22 are as follows:. - Derby Stake - 1. Windy Hill Baron Theo-. dore--GSP--Owner, Al Dax; Handler, Same. 2. Windy Hill King George-- GSP--Owner, Al Dax; Handler, Same. 3. Heidi von Schiessprugel --YMAR--Owner, David Brezina; Handler, Same1. 4. Bushwack von Elnick -- GSP -- Owner, Elmer Poole; Handler, Same. - Gun Dog Stake - 1. O'Dugan's Peanuts -- GSP --Owner, James Dungan; Handler, Same. 2. Baron Blitz von Winterhauch-- GSP -- Owner, James Dugan; Handler, Same. 3. Birko V Der Stellehide -- GWP -- Owner, ELS Arkema; Handler, Cliff Faestel. 4. Mournful Moe -- YMAR -- Owner, Charles Pope; Handler, D. J. Gladowski. - Puppy Stake - 1. Haar Baron's Muldoon -- GWP -- Owner, Thomas Smith; Handler, Same. 2. Suzie Grabenbruck - Beckurn -- GSP -- Owner, Henry Spoolman; Handler, Same. 3. Strauss's Erick -- GSP -- Owner, D. J. Gladowski; Handler, Same. 4. Brownie BeckUm--GSP-- Owner, Dr. Wm. Leeming; Handler, Wm. Leeming, Jr. - All Age Stake - 1. Ace of Clubs -- Pointer -- Owner, Al Dax; Handler, Same. 2. Windy Hill Wilhemina -- ($3R 'Owner,;Ai.Pa^;:Band-j leiy Same. , Qpahdfcr V. D„ Elbmach-- GWFkj-Owner, (George Hoffmaji Handler, Del Gladowski. 4. O'Dugan's Shamus -- GSP -- Owner, James Dugan; Handler, Same: . Following are the winners of the German Wirehaired Pointefr Club (^-American trial, held March 28: \ -"^Crippy tstake -* 1. Belda V Fantabulosis - Fanny -- GWP -- Owner, Philip Meyer; Handler, Sarhe. 2. Haar Baron's Muldoom -- GWP -- Owner, Tom Smith; Handler, Same. 3. Haar Baron's Pete--GWP Owner, W i 1 la r d Fraumier; Handler, Same. - All Age Stake - 1. Haar Baron's Jo -- GWP -- Owner, Lloyd Rieckhoff; Handier, Same. PALACE RECREATION Monday Nite Ladles League Lorraine Freund 151-150-423; Jeanette Koerfer 407; Helen Bacon 395.; Tuesday Nite Men's League Bud Michels 235-566; Weber 200-524; M. Michels 195-535; Don Smith 213-209-6040; Bob Comstoek 207; Bob Nolan 221- 222-633; John Herdrich 210; Jerry May 190; Tavern League Walt Low 232-526; Todd 535; Rowe 547; Street 193-516; Jer- C. D. of A. C. O'Brien 183-495; C. Boro 171-474; P. Steege 174-442; M. Harrison 186-474; H. Donovan 158-460; B. CHark 175-512; A. Gaulke 198-484; J. Rizzo 164; S. Ballowe 457; G. Doyle 458; M. Boro 151-432; B. Jus ten 153- 429; T. Gardner 167-443; Q. West 171; M. Martin 410; W. Aylward 147. Tuesday Thirty-Niners Nanci McAuliffe 176-452; Dorothy Hiller 181-449; Claire Rosing 192-447; Margaret Fleming 437; Donna Schaefer 404; Patti Weber 430; Janet Heidc 180-443; Billie Mackinder 457; Mary Einspar 189-490; Barbara Gilpiri 427; Elsie Winkel 179- 465; Janet Flicek 179-418. McHenry Recreation Thursday 9:15 p.m. A. Krause 238-203-624; C. ry 501; Bob Freund 507; Don Corso 200-196-563; J. Marsella Wninirart Q91 -HOQ- Hor, * ... 2. Champion Hans--GWP -- vieve Captaff; Faestel. 3. Champion Haar Baron's Owner, Gene- Handler, Cliff Haar Baron's Gretchen -- GWP -- Owner, Cliff Faestel; Handler, Same. 4. Birko V Der Stellehide -- GWP - - Owner, E.L.S. Arke- Open Week Days 6:45 Sat. & Sun. 1:30 p.m. inminuLiEM: Phone 338-0032 NOW SHOWING April 1-4 'KINGS OF THE SUN' Shown Wed. - Sat. at 7:00 and 9:05 C0MPA( The Tlrt$totte •m I D and ROAL TIKES • Shock-Fortified Cord for Longer Body Life f| P.jj • Firestone Rubber-X for Longer Tread Life • Curved-Tapered Tread Bare J for Greater Traction f j SATURDAY & SUNDAY April 4 & 5 Matinees Only 2 & , p.m. B3 . |won oeefUiwoeiD \ffHHTASY... ~ from the magical world of the Brothers Grimm! On of rb east bcstjfd if i •tho-bdl3V3 b CCW fl •Kfcstbj csib to'» Mwtfca, fc? tb obh l*9y h Mt tejjSbul mr, •* '• JjiVTiwiP fllgCS Special Trade-In Allowance From I | 51 to $5 on Your Old Battery. WALT FREUND, Prop. i 89S1 W. Main St. Phone 385-0294 McHenry, 111. | STARTS SUNDAY EVENING I Sidney Poitier in I "THE LILLIES OF THE FIELD" j Shown Sun. - Tues. at ! 7:00 and 9:00 Weingart 221-529; Geo. Freund 216-551'; Worm 535; Jaques 538; B. Nolon 547. AWARD YOUTHS WINTER SPORTS VARSITY LETTERS Two McHenry youths are among those awarded winter sports varsity letters at Wentworth Military academy, Lexington, Mo., according to Maj. John C. Readecker, athletic director. The youths and their letter awards included Cadet Robert Burns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bums, college swimming and college rifle marksmanship; and Cadet J. Beau Fidler, son of ('apt. and Mrs. Paul E. Fidler, 3100 Rivexstream drive college rifle marksmanship. The Wentworth athletic council approved the wards following recommendations made by Capt. Bill Coulter, swimming coach, and STgt. Donald R. Papproth, rifle team coach. Presentation of the letters was made at a special convocation of the cadet brigade this week. Little League Notes By Bill Bolder Well boys, this is it--the last notice of registration. Here are all the facts pertaining to registering to play baseball in MiHenry's Little League. ^ Registration is next TueS" day;. April 7th at 8 p.m. at the V.FW All boys between the ages of 8 and 12, residing within the league boundaries are eli igible to register. You must re4 register each year, so if yoi| played last year and wish to participate again this year you must register on April 7th. With each registration we ask for a three dollar donation to cover the cost of insurance,' etc. You may pick up registration cards in advance at the following places: Ernie's Sports Center, Lee and Ray Electric, Huck's Standard Service, Thompson's Gas Station, Justen's Standard Station or at the V.F.W. itself. If for any reason you can not register on April 7th let your team manager or one of the league officers know in adanvce. ma; Handler, Cliff Faestel. - Derby Stake - 1. Herr Schmardt's Treff -- GWP -- Owner, M. Sawbridge; Handler, Cliff Faestel. 2. Haar Maron's Dan'l Boone --GWP--Owner, Louise Faestel Handler, Cliff Faestel. 3. Charlie -- GWP--Owner, Ernest Menchinger; Handler, Same. 202; D. Kleinhuizen 192-557; M. Krueger 190-201-551; W. Sis man 204; L. Smith 215-193-576; W. Blake 196-197-526; C. Abel 198-213-570; G. Viscounti 201; S. West 212, R. Kuna 201-563; L. Nimsgern 277-199-662; L. Wright 201-550; G. Rodenkirck 203; T, Sutton 200; A. Blake 204; CLIPPER NIMSGERN from Riverside Drive clipped the pins for a 277 game and 662 series. Ten Pin Queens M. B. Fuchs 202-232-574; J. Doherty 454; L. Bums 156; M. Doherty 162-160-468; L. Michels 183-161-490; T. Meyer 176- 169-498; E. Hester 173; W. Gehrke 178-170-193-541; S. Koepke 146; F. Freund 148-146; R. Freres 157-450; T. Steffan 178; M. Donnelly 151-169-466; K. Wiser 151-445; E. Wirfs 155-147 445; M. McKim 153-158; T. Olson 160; P. Steege 160; M. Supek 156; S. Becko 142; M. Wilkins 181-502; B. Meath 182-489; N. Larkin 176-491; J. Hartmann 149-149> J. Lindgren 431; P. Kriegel 187-464; K. Mc- Nally 188-510; R. Klenn 153; SPLITS & RAILS--J. Lindgren 5-10; S. Hensen 3-7; R. Freres 5-7. J. Lindgren 5-10; S. Hensen 3-7; R. Freres 5-7. Thursday Nite Business Men's League G. Schaefer 199-529; L. Consago 515; T. Wiles 197-506; D. Hansen 525; A. Rebel 202-562; Lee Mai 192-527; Ed Caron 522; Bill Scheid 506; Bill Brennan 540; C. Phipps 190; Quint Jandt 201-197-511; E. Bonk 500; N. Schmaling 211-580; R. Kick 198 -532; C. Jensen 193; R. Darnell 202-514; P. Jensen 191-522; T. McNish 192-508; Ed Buss 211- 542; Rip Peisert 524. Mon. Nite Commercial League E. Amann 502; E. Stein 506: K. Oehmke 209; T. Schaeger 205-521; H. Woehler 219-515; B. Sheriff 204; B. Becker 209-216 577; Jim Wheeler 205-533; K. Rhoton 210; Kuna 508; Jones 533; Buenzli 192-191-596; G. Dehler 209; Dick Wiegman 193-504; D. Huemann 204-567; B. O'Brien 194-526; Danny Weber 202-544; D. Mercure 509; B. Harris 510; G. Freund 190; M. Freund 192-193-552; i Wednesday Nite Mixed Lea^u? A. Stowel 181; P. McNally 130; R. Wagner 180; G. Gross 504; E. Hinspater 184-516: K. Wiser 175; J. Wiser 581; G. Rebel 201-197-586; V. Steele 172; H. Stege 500; H. Long 164; B. Roehelle 188-187-507; B. Long 205-519; A. Nelson 184- 189-521; M. Schwaakl 178; M. Roehelle 154-405; E Paddock 144; J. Huckstead 181; R. Paddock 162; C. Bennett 147. Skeletons of only two known horses that served in the Civil War are now still preserved in museums -- one, of General Lee's Traveler, and the other of Old Fly, now in the New Harmony, Indiana Museum. SHOP IN MrHKKRY j Present N ^ tl' Round Trip Jet from Chicago No Tour Necessary SHANNON -- $399.00 LONDON -- $375.00 FKANKFURT -- $454.80 COPENHAGEN -- $454.80 ROME -- $520.40 Via Pan American, Lufthanse, Scandanavian, TWA, aiul All IATA. Airlines Also Reduced Fares by Jet to Mexico City $160.50 Round Trip Reservations and Tickets at No Extra Cost Your Authorized Travel Agent CHAIN-O-LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE 8917 W. Main St. .HA5-7500 M<-lli>nry. III. THURSDAY. APRIL 9th FREE SHOW -- Double Feature -- Be Our Guest %L DR THEATfS Ris. 14 & 31 Crystal Lake. 111. These thirty-two members of Girl Scout Troop 190 spent some time last Thursday afternoon at McHenry' hospital, where they presented an Easter egg tree to the pediatrics department, for the enjoyment of young patients confined there over the holiday. Pictured with them are their leaders, Mrs. Gene Negley, at left, and Mrs. Don Virgens, right. . . I The tree, shown in left foreground, contained thirty-f»"e eggs, colored and decorated by the Scouts. Art Fair Entry y • - This photo by Joe Hudetz of McHenry is typical Of Jhe ;many. which will appear in the new photographic division of the McHenry Country Art Fair, to be held in the city_-v*|0xt summer. Cecil Kanter is in charge of the exhibit, which will feature photos of many local camera owners. REGISTER FOR KINDERGARTEN AT TWO SCHOOLS Kindergarten registration will be held Friday, April 10, at !• due brook school and the Hilltop school, the hours from 9 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. A legal birth certificate will be necessary at this time. Hospital and baptismal certificates are,, not legal. The child must be 5 years old on or before Dec. 1. Birth ccitifieates may be obtained from the bureau of Vital Statistics, county court house of the 'ounty in which the child w:is born. Parents of children living in the following areas are to register at Edgebrook school: Island Lake, Burton's Bridge, Vaupell's subdivision, Griswold Lake, McCulIom Lake, Lakewood subdivision, West Shore Beach, Route 120 West, Lakeland Park, Lakeland Shores, Orchard Heights, McHenry Shores, Count ly Club Estates, Edgebrook Heights, Country Ciub subdivision, Aqua Lane Estates, Huemann's subdivision,, Orchard Beach, Wonder View, Cooney Heights, Crystal Lake blacktop, Bull Valley, and the city of McHenry. Tnis is also the time to register 6 year-olds foi' first .made it they did not attend kindergarten this year. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS YUNE DRIVE SN 1 Mile East of McHenry on Route 120 OPEN 6:30 -- START 7 p.m. FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY, APRIL~3 - 4 -~5~ 2 Great Spectacular Features 2 On Cruise . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brady of 402 Santa Barbara road, Lakemoor, have returned from a Nassau cruise. They are shown aboard ship. It may take all kinds of people to make a world -- and just look at what they are making it into! ROLLER Thete'i mtnle, fcraghttr •ad in tba ingredient* for a. p«rteet.ttaM Mi . a d»*i. Bkatlaf • •nit,Wort, lneypf a»>i)t •nd whftlMMAfj •ntcrUlnauai Sun., Tues., Wed., FrL, SsjU ' 8-11 p.m. Sa^. St Sun. 1:80-4 p.m. for FUN Roller Rink McHenry, I& the store! JBHRlEHS. BIOS Bl B0 THE SHORE?" ELVIS NEVER HAD IT LIKE THIS! IT'S CHEAPER _ _ BUY OFF THE SHELF As anyone has been reading the newspaper these days knows, the auto industry is undergoing a boom. In case you haven't had time for the news columns you might have found out the same thing by having to wait three to six weeks for a new car delivery. Where everyone is getting .all the money or why they're spending so much of it buying new ears is something that puzzles most of us. (It must really confuse the Communists! who had it figfigured that Capitalism would be down the drain about now.) Anyway, if you are one of the exploited workers who are getting sick of your old car and want to step into a new one then you would do better 1o seriously consider buying one that the dealer has in stock. The variety of options such as color, trim, transmissions, seats, etc. are fantastic. The industry could literally produce ft million cars and not have Jiny two alike! Ask any dealer r,nd he'll tell you it's enough t" f-'ive him 'optionitis.' Anticipating the most popular features and extras from past ybai's, we order showroom 'inn display models for lmmediate delivery. There are two big advantages to buying these cars "off e shelf : you get your car immediately with no waiting «nd we are in a position to give you a better deal on your old car because it will be availa fnr Sfl'p now without additional depreciation. Come in now and look at uhat we have. If you do want o order from the factory it is I'ti- better to do so early In the model run. BI'ss FORD HALES VV. Main Street