Thursday. April 16.1864 THE McHENHY PLMNDEALER P« Eastwood Manor EMPOA Party Saturday Night LaVerne Saynor - 885-542H TheEastwood Manor property owners association will hold a "Fun Fest" on Saturday evening, April 18, at the bam at 8:30 p.m. So come one and rill and bring your friends. The more the merrier. A good time is promised. Don't forget to attend the regular monthly meeting of E. M.P.O.A. (tomorrow evening). Friday, April 17, at the barn at 9 p.m. An organisation is only as good as its membership, so make an added effort to try to attend. For any of you who have not joined E.M.P.O.A., and who like to, you may sign up at the meeting. There are no dues. Any property owners who might be interested, make this your first meeting. Around The Manor The Mel Griffeths attended a. family gathering at the Bill Griffeth residence in Park; Ridge the day before Easter. Also present was Mel's mother, Mrs. Griffeth, and the Ben Griffeths all of Chicago. This last Sunday brought the Bill Griffeths to see hoitf Louise was doing after her recent appendectomy. On Saturday evening, Eleanor and Walter Kuck attended a boat club dinner dance in Fox Lake. This was also an installation of the new officers of the boat club. Sunday the Kucks visited with the Tom Schwfciss family of Fox Lake to celebrate Tommy and Judy's birthday. Fritz and I spent Saturday evening visiting with the Norman Ricks of Wheaton. Eastwood Manor was well represented at the membership dinner dance at the American Legion home in McHenry on Sunday evening. Those attending were the Tom McCormacks, Tom Birminghams, Dick Fenners, Bob Dethlefsons, Hugh Saynors, Frances Pickett, A1 Bianchi, the Glen Messers, and1 the Fred Woodburys. A grand time was had by all. Wednesday evening we had tjie pleasure of attending the Past County Commanders dinner of DuPage County American Legion, which was held at Downers Grove, as guests of Commander A. Z. Feltch. We had a very enjoyable and educational evening,- DON'T PASS UP THIS LOW PRICE IT BUYS A Ranqemadtan. NO DUCT KITCHEN RANGE H (24" Copperione) • HELPS KEEP YOUR KITCHEN FREE OF ODOR, GREASE AND SMOKE • INSTALL IT YOURSELF IN MINUTES--ANYWHERE-- UTO YOUR CABINET OR ON A WALL WITHOUT COSTLY DUCT WORK • Easy to clean filter system • 2 speeds-whisper quiet • Built-in light • Colors available to match all appliances CAREY Appliance, Inc. 1241 X. Green St. 3H5-5500 Birthdays Many happy returns of the day to Anthony Noonan who celebrated on April 10, Tim Cary, Gerry Brodin, and Ricky Rad all blew out the candles on April 11. To Debra Olson, Betsy Stephenson, Ralph Priester and Eleanor Kuck who all became a year older on April 12. Myrtle Booster, Nancy Marcotte, and Mark Welms all celebrated on April 13; Donise Dethlefson, Elmer Borcovan, Bill Butler, and Sally Hawkins all celebrated on April 14. To Tim Mc- Cormack who became of age on April 15, and to Gary Durkin and Laura Qual who also celebrated on this day. Last but not least "Happy Birthday" to Pat Kellog and Nancy Rad who are celebrating today, April 16. Anniversaries Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welms who celebrated their anniversary on April 11. May you have many more years of wedded bliss. Faith Presbyterian Church On Thursday, April 16, the Evangelism and Church membership committee will meet at the church at 7 p.m. The Senior Choir will rehearse at 8 p.m. On Friday, April 17--the junior choir will rehearse at 3:30 .m. Sunday, April 19, the pastor will preach the, second in a series of sermons on the Ten Commandments entitled 'The Necessity of Intolerance." On Wednesday, April 22 -- The Youth Fellowship will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Manford Peck. On Wednesday and Thursday of this week the Pastor will be attending a meeting at East Bay, Camp, Lake Bloomington, to receive training as a senior high work-conferehce director for this summer. Poit 491 Our rehab, chairman, Jim Jobes, says our next trip to Downey will be April 16. The group will leave from the Legion home at 6:30 p.m. These vets look forward to our visits which help cheer their lonely hours. A good turn-out would be appreciated. Plans are now going ahead for our annual carnival which will be held, this year, from July % through July 5. . Those wishing to offer their servic&s toward our' carnival's success may do so by contacting the chairman, Lloyd Scharf, at 385-0029. • 'I Tom Birmingham Qas Company Observes Half Century In City This April Shown here, at left, with Mayor Donald P. Doherty and members of the City Council is James Craig of the Northern Illinois Gas company at the fiftieth anniversary of bringing gas to the city of McHenry. Mayor Doherty is shown "lighting" the gas lamp which the company presented to the city. Others behind Mr. vprai£ and Mayor Doherty are Aldermen Ray Smith, Law|j$pce Huck, Joseph Etten, Harry Conway, Theodore Pitmen' arid William Bolger. A pleasant, half-century long relafj^jftj© enjoyed by the city of MClfepry and Northern Illinois GftS Company was the theme of a. fiftieth anniversary celebration held on April 9 at the McHenry Country club. To commemorate the occasion, George W. Ryerson, secretary and director of public relations for NIrGas; presented the city with fit gas light. The light, designed to reflect the gas light era, was accepted for the community by Mayor Donald Doherty, who said the light will be installed at the McHenry library When the expansion and remodeling program is completed there. In presenting the gas light, Ryereon said, "Some of you may; rerneitiber that the principal useof gas in those early yeam /vms ^or lighting. I think it i|" fitting that we dedicate this* gafHlght, which will stand in front of your new library, in commemoration of fifty years of gas service." The anniversary event was attended by McHenry city officials and their wives, and by official^ frpm NI-Gas. It was the summer of 1914. Small groups of curious citizens stood dirwooden sidewalks and watcheSiife strange work being done if09tjeir village streets. Someone said, "What's happening?" Another answered, "The gas company has come to McHenry." So they watched in amazement -- and perhaps amusement -- as workers dug trenches for the gas main that was soon to bring fuel for light - ing tifgi5ft/|own's lamps. One year earlier, Village President Simon Stoffel and Village Clerk William Schreiner had signed an ordinance giving the Western United Gas & Electric company, predecessor company to Northern Illinois Gas company, the "go ahead" for supplying gas to McHenry, paving the way for the construction work thai followed. The -gas came " to McHenry through a gas main installed from Crystal Lake along the old Elgin road. For the work in McHenry itself, pipe was shipped in by railroad car, ana then hauled to the work sit4 by horse and wagon. • Although a trenching mar chine was used to lay the larg* er pipe from Crystal Lake, thi trenches in McHenry were largely dug by hand. Most of the workers were from out-oftown and boarded during the week at the William Stoffel place on Green street, near the present American Legion building. Each morning during the construction period, a local lad named George Freund would hitch his father's horses to a wagon and drive to the boarding house where the workers, loaded with their hand tools, would climb aboard and be driven to work. Their rate of pay varied, depending cm their length of service. A new man earned cents an hour; his foreman, cents. The first gas that came to McHenry was manufactured at the Elgin Gas Works and stored ;V\v< v V S3 ^ DAILY 0 to 4>S0 FRIDAY 9 to 8 Closed Wed. How t® Start Your Own Pifssiage Company And Make Payments For Fun & Profit Being your own finance company is certainly a satisfying feeling . . . and making installment payments to yourself can be downright fun and profitable And someday, when you need a little extra cash -- you can borrow it . . . from yourself To begin your own finance company, open your savings account this week and continue making reg- _ ular payments each week or O month. * ^ii^sSav^s , gssf ** av^gs Per Annum on Investment Accounts HENRY 8611 W. ELI ST. LOAN liSOCIAT PHONE • V.F. W. News by Bill Abbink Fox River Post 4600 held Its meeting Monday, April 6. Business of the evening was the election of the officers. New officers for the year are as follows: Commander, James Doran; Senior Vice-Commander, Henry Koehl; Junior-Vice-Commander, James Ruemelin; Quartermaster, Gene Dobyns; Chaplain, Bill Moreth; Judge Advocate, Roy Morrison; 3 year Trustee, Roy Bradley. The installation for these officers will be May 23 at the club house. Commander Jim Doran, officers, and board members met with members of the school board, Supt. of Schools, Carl Buckner; Asst. Supt. of Schools, M. L. Schoenholtz; Athletic Director, L. J. McCracken and School Board Directors, Vale Adams and Don Howard. The purpose of this meeting was to make plans for an annual dinner for all members of the varsity teams of McHenry high school. Thisv dinner is to be wholly sponsored by the post and to be held at the V.F.W. clubhouse. The first one will be held this year on May 4. Commander Jim Doran and Post Quartermaster Gene Dobyns were the recipients of a merit award recently. This award came from Dept. Commander for their key role in preserving membership strength for our unit. The annual spring pageantry for the benefit of Easter Seal Therapy Center and Elks North District Cerebral Palsy program was held April 12 at Woodstock. Fox River V.F.W. tickets which were presented tick-ts which were presented to these crippled children enabling thorn to attend the affair. in a "storage holder" that stood for many years on Green street: At first, the gas was used only to light a few lamps and to fuel a small number of simple gas ranges. Today -- 50 years later -- an is changed. Gone is the old storage holder. Northern Illinois Gas company now pipes in large quantities of natural gas directly from Texas or from its own lar-je underground storage areas like that at Troy Grove. According to George Habenicht, NI-Gas division manager, and James Craig, district superintendent, Northern Illinois Gas company is now serving 1,943 customers in McHenry. Is VT 1P»7 < 4 • 1 I „ ' . . . mm ' r,>. '4$ * sV r 'H 'r/ •: Rudi J. Photo Ijt this attractive residence your home? If it is, just stop in the Plaindealer office and we will be happy to give you the original aerial photo taken recently. Last week's home is the residence of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Althoff in Millstream Subdivision. The Men of Brass, which is the senior drum and bugle corps sponsored by V.F.W. Post 4600 participated in this program. Members who planned to attend the program were: Commander Jim Doran, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wiles, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dobyns, Mr. and Mrs. Hank Koehl, Mrs. Jim Ruemelin, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moreth, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Groth, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Scarbrough and Howard Thomas. Norman Morrison, director of both boy and girl units of the Lakemoor Scouts, informs us the season will officially open May 1. However the girls unit has already made a public appearance this year with their T.V. debut in the St. Patrick's day parade in Chicago. Some of their future competition will take place in Lombard; Racine, Wis.; Kenosha, Wis.; and Chicago. 1 - | The boys unit will defend their title at the V.F.W. state drill team competition on June 72. As sponsors of these, boys and girls we wish Norman and his scouts the best of luck in the coming season. Only WHOA! 4 more days to shop NYE'S lc SALE "Your Friendly Walgreen Agency" "Doctrine of Atonement" is the subject at McHenry's Christian Science church next Sunday. Golden Text: "All things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation" (II Cor. 5:18). H1©H FASHION JUNIOR DRESSES Sizes 5-15 Superb Styling and Fabrics! >J8 to $13.98 RiWiAkle T?ctoi£ Outlet NO HIGH PRESSURE gill ji rtow ^§3 WEST "end of old b«idgeinmchenry yeu <m imj'umi t DECORATING CLINIC By B«n|amin M@@re Paint Co. at LAKELAND PAiiT SPOT # Answers to Your Decorating Problems # Movie on the Latest Decorating Schemes # Live Demonstrations # Free Coffee & Doughnuts * a Y©ur Qy®sti@sis -- Complete Panel of Experts »d<ay -- April 2 7:30 P.M. SIP0T /i 4618 W. Route 120 -- McHenry .1