Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Apr 1964, p. 20

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THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH THursday, April 30, 1964 Pistakee Highlands PLAN BASEBALL FIELD ON MOUNT HOPE PROPERTY Kay Sleltech Hyatt - 7-3414 T]he recreation committee of Mount Methodist church met At the church hall, Thursday, April 23, at 8 p.m. This group made plans for the baseball diamond to be put on the Mount Hope property. Members from Mount Hope and also from the community are serving on this committee. It is the hope of Reverend Doe- j stomach flu the past few months. J ies. for a new leader. Leader | scholarship awarded to many Dickie Morley returned to ] Harriet Wilson, after years of McHenry high students. Karschool April 22 after battling I being the Brownie Leader, is | en has been a great credit to stomach flu. = ! resigning to step up in Scout- j our community. T, , . ~Hng with her daughter. Every j Ray and La Verne Madock ... ,enee anQ one will be unhappv to have! returned home April 18 after .11 in school April 20 and sh'e u has bce„ spemling a week to Buffalo, just wonderful with the girls New York, on business and and has worked hard and long j getting acquainted with the and loved every minute of it.! area since in the near future Anyone interested in being a lf-ycier is requested to call Harriet at Hyatt 7-3374. Jane Malek will stand bv to assist dad picked her up, Renee too had stomach flu. Walter Messel is home from St. Therese hospital, after undergoing tests, Walter will do fine with the proper diet and rest. Your reporter spent a fewmiserable days last weekend with the stomach flu, I have one thing to say, there rpust be an easier way to lose weight than it will be their home. Carl and Blanche Haefliger spent last Sunday, April 26, in Chicago at the home of their anvorie who will take over for [ daughter and family, Bob and necke to have this recreation facility ready by June. He has been working on this project very earnestly for the past few months, and it has been his dream since he came here. Sunday, April 19, the Youth Fellowship club met at the church hall at 3 p.m. Officers elected from the last meeting were: President, Dennis Banker, Vice-president, John Persch-| plications and return them as Sorry to report thSt Herb Remle of Lake Street, is confined in the McHenry hospital with a heart condition. Bill Moreth is still at the Downey hospital. Registration All parents of children going to first grade at St. Johrfs are asked to fill out their ap- Harriet. Unless a leader comes forth, there will be no Brownie Troop in the Highlands. The Brownies are busy getting ready, for the big event coming up, the Girl Scout Day Camp, to be held June 29, through July 3. Most of the Troop members have their money in already and for the ones who have not, there is Evelyn Humphrey, and sons. They enjoyed a delicious dinner and a long visit. The many couples from the Highlands who attended the Spring Fling dance April 18 in John.sburg said they had a grand time and it was like old home week seeing so many Highlanders in attendance. It is nice seeing Louise Jasrill time to see that vour girl cobsen home again. Louise attends. ke, Secretary-Treasurer, Carol Kuntz. This group is very active and it is : hoped more young folks will join, you will be made most welcome. Monday, April 20. the commission on stewardship and finance. met at 8 p.m. in the church hall. Sunday, April 26, at the 11 o'clock a.m. services, the Reverend Bruce Breneman of the Ringwood Methodist church was- the guest speaker. He chose the topic "Sharing in Christ's Life" for his sermon. Sunday, May 24, from 3 to 5 p.m. the Zion Passion Play, the Great Biblical Drama since 1935 will be presented. For groups of 20 or more a 10 per cent discount will be allowed. Reservations must be made in advance. See Dick Morley for soon as possible. In all fairness . to the Highlanders and other areas, a committee is being formed to determine a fair as possible listing for the ones to be chosen for entry in to first grade. The waiting list is so long. All known conditions and circumstances will be taken in to consideration in trying to make " a fair, just and equitable choice.? Prospective first graders must have been born before December 1. 1958. Since there are so many prospects in the Highlands, you are asked to fill out your applications and get them to the rectory. All other grades will be re-registered in August. Your Weekly Rate Reminder May 6, "Pistakee Highlands Association monthly meeting. be on hand for news, of the roads, conservancy, the pro's of it. Many" interesting items will be ..discussed at this ' meeting. Come and be counted. May 2, the annual spring pick' up. please have all of > Germany vour trash out in front the America. has been gone a month taking care of her mother-in-law in Roselle and visiting in Chicago. The Thode children are on the move again. First Lt. Carl Thode. navigator in the Air Force, arrived in Frankfurt. Germany, where he will be stationed for " two years. The end of June Carl will marry a girl he grew up with in before coming to Last summer she j night before. This is the only I came to visit the Thodes and chance we have to get rid of | everyone here just loved her. j a lot of bulkv and unwanted 1 Christ a and Don Rockel and i items. With an annual pickup j children will be leaving Hawaii ! there is no sense or reason for j in August and Don, who is in people dumping sofas, mattres-! the U.S. Navy, will be stationses. auto parts and many items ! ed in Guam and Christa and too numerous to mention on j the children will be making the hill on top of Broadway | their home there too. Bob and near residences and the Mount Emily hope some day soon to see their darling grandchildren. Birthdays and Anniversaries Birthday greetings from your friends and neighbors to the your reservations if you are! following folks! April 22. to planning to go. It will be held j Jeff Misavice who was honored at the West Campus Auditor-j with a family parlv April 19. ium, in Waukegan. j All the members of the Misa- Greeters for April 19 were! vice family of Chicago and James and Pearl Sweet. The candle lighter was Doreen Patterson. The stewardship and finance committee of Mount Hope church is planning a pot-luck supper for all the members of the parish the latter part of May. As soon as I have the date it will be published. In addition to the supper an interesting film entitled, "Split Level Family" will be shown. Harold Wiley is chairman for the event. The Women's Society of Christian Service at their last meeting allotted their monies to the following projects, money for the future baseball diamond for baseball equipment, a vacuum cleaner for the church, gravel for the parking lot and $100 for World Mission. % Sick List M a r i l y n V a n Z e v e r n , l a y teacher of St. John's school, had the German measles last weekend. Glad to see you came through it just fine gal. Georgie Hanisch had to miss Tony Schifferdecker's birthday party April 18, because of German measles. He returned to school April 21. Gary Morley was sick last weekend too, poor little Gary has been having his troubles Waukegan were on hand to help Jeff celebrate. To Bob VanZevern who will be celebrating his natal day May 4, and to Marion Doenecke who celebrated her birthday April 25. Three couples will be celebrating their anniversaries, Tom and Betty Warczak, May 1; Ed and Virginia Thoren, May 3; and Joe and Sylvia Murray, May 4. Brownie Troop 526 Notes All of the Brownie Troop ] 526 and their parents attended the Girl Scout Fair held at the McHenry junior high school April 19. They displayed their handicrafts and entertained with their rythym band, which consisted of instruments the girls had made themselves. The Brownies are busy getting ready for Mother's Day, and are busy making their Mother's Day projects. Thursday, April 23, the Brownie Troop 526 were invited guests of the Junior, Troop 44, at the community center. Mrs. Groth and Mrs. Thelen, the leaders for the Troop made the girls feel so welcome. Brownie Leader Harriet Wilson and her assistant attended the Girl Scout Fair. An urgent appeal goes out to the mothers of Brownies or future Brown- Hope church. It gives us a black eye in the county and the last time items were being dumped there it was traced to a neighboring subdivision. If you see a car stopping to unload trash take the license number and call the police. Maybe if we can stop it now our own subdivision can look neat and tidy, even on the" approaches to it. May 7, the Holy Name meets at Johnsburg community hall at 8 p.m. The program will be Mother's month. News of Your Friends-- And Neighbors Once again we congratulate Karen Haubold. This time for being awarded a 1964-65 state, The following girls attended the bowling banquet held at the Renwood Country Club, April 30; Ellen Cooper, Harriet Wilson, Vi Johnson, Mary Seldon, Geri Vrbik. Bonnie Jensen and Lorraine Hurckes, This winds up the bowling for this season for Ihe girls. All of the neighbors and friends of Margaret McNamara. 5614 N. Woodland, are very sad because Margaret has sold her beautiful home and will soon be leaving the Highlands. They all will miss her very much. .We wish Margaret all the very best in her new home when she leaves us and we hope she will come back to see her friends often. Ponders Poodles INTRODUCING: LITTLE GUSTO-WIND PRIZE WINNING BLACK MINIATURE POODLE NOW AT STUD Reasonable •STUD SERVICE • GROOMING • PUPPIES . AVAILABLE I%ne: 385-5970 Mrs. Roger Crokin NORTHWEST AREA CRUSADE JOE BILLY BUNCO GRAHAM Prospect High School FIELD HOUSE - MOUNT PROSPECT 801 W. Foundry Rd. \l Mile West of Intersection Routes K3 and 12 7:30 p.m. MAY 31-JUNE 5 (May 31 meeting 3 p.m.) Marie Perschke was hostess for a demonstration and combined birthday, party in her Jiome April 21. The surprise birthday cake was baked by Marie for Marion Doenecke. On hand for the 12:30 p.m. gathering in addition to Marie and Marion were Sally Jo Vonbruenchenheim, Pearl Sweet, Wilhelmina Blake, Vi Krispin. Hazel Rodge, Shirley Dyson and Shirley Wiley. Sally Jo Von Bruenchenheim had her hands full April 22 and a few days following. Her daughter, Shirley, and husband, Fritz, were both sick with high lexers. Fritz had just returned home April 18 after spending two weeks in Minneapolis. Minn., where he attended school in connection with his job. Since he was gone for Sally Jo's birthday all her friends made it up to her, Sally was the recipient of three birthday parties and three cakes. April 22, Lee Conway was hostess for the Tripoly Card Club. On hand for the evening of hot card games were Dorothy Erbin, Janice Janquart, Lois Mason, Ginny Emmerich, Lilv Hovseth and Doris Hansen. Refreshments and snacks were served. They all missed live wire Haze Morley who wasn't able to be there. More adults are coming down with German measles every day, Betty Zenner and Shirley Wiley are the latest victims. Just received word that my Uncle Paul Hanley underwent surgery at Hines hospital and is in very serious condition, I hope to get in to see him, when and if I get all the news in. Bob Kosick entered the McHenry hospital April 22 for treatment of a very serious infection. We hope Bob will be welt and back to high school very soon. Installation of officers was held at the regular monthly Johnsburg public school P.T.A. Race Track 3 p.m. SUHDAY, JUNE 7 Only one officer was from the Highlands, and that was Dick Morley, president. Once again I shall be out in my yard so please folks give me time to get in and answer the phone before you hang up. With summer on the way getting the column together every week will be murder so I will appreciate all of your cooperation. Henry Paul's injuries, as the result of an auto accident, are more serious then we all thought them to be. Henry is having a rough time of it and surgery will have to be performed. We shall- pray hard for him. The Highlands is being hit with a siege of illness. Last Wednesday my hubby Wally came home looking like death warmed over. Since he is never ill it frightened me, so 1 spent a few days doctoring him. "That stomach flu is rough. Let's hope by the time this column comes out the flu and measles will have departed for parts unknown. Glenda Wieck enjoyed a delicious dinner given to the employees of a store in the Lakeland Plaza by a stocking company that services' the store. The dinner was held in Waukegan April 22. The April 22 Father-Son basketball game for the Cub Scout Pack 452 was a huge success. Twenty-five Cub Scouts and twenty fathers enjoyed a hectic evening of basketball. Jeanne Hillstrom enjoyed a luncheon in the Chicago Loop last Thursday with some friends from the city. In closing may God take' a special liking to each and every one of you and please be kind to one another. I sincerely hope all the folks who have been ill are feeling much better and thanks for all the news items, folks, it is greatly appreciated. Highlands Invited To 4-H Rally The 4-H Rally will be held May 1, at the Clarence Olson school in Woodstock from 8 to 10 p.m. There will be Square and Round dancing and games for your pleasure. Parents aiid friends of the 4-H boys and girls are welcome to attertd, the only requirement is that you come in sneakers and bobby sticks^ There will be no chargtT for this event and it will be sponsored by the University of Illinois. All children in the Highlands are invited to attend and if your interested in joining the 4-H group come and get acquainted with this very active and worthwhile group. " > Plus Freight & Set-Up Charge WESTERN AUTO On The Square Phone 338-5070 pte George Beverly Shea, Don Husteid, Cliff !€3IT®WS FUTURA i CI II CABILDO CHARMGLOW 1700 CHARMGLOW 1800 RIVIERA CHARMGLOW 500 CHARMGLOW 100 EMBASSY I CHARMGLOW 300 FLAIR WATCHMAN Reduced Prices --A once-ayear event --attractive savings. No money down. Pay as little as $2 a month. Wide Selection of Styles--Traditional or modern, black or white, post or wall mounted. We'll arrange installation--or you can do it yourself. Friendly Light--The protective, soft, mellow glow brings extra hours of enjoyment to patio, pool or backyard. Ideal along walks and driveways, at doorways and garages. Sale Ends May 15,1964-ACT NOW. For complete details, phone or visit any Northern Illinois Gas Company store, or ask any Company employe. Phone: 385-2081 Gas outdoor grills -- also sale priced! Enjoy open-fire flavor with the cleanliness and control of gas. NORTHERN 1 ILLINOIS Hfc3AS Svr. ute uruund the dock

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