Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Apr 1964, p. 21

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fx ' T r: J 11 Thursday; April 30, 1964 THE MeHENHY PLAINDEALffl TvvMflVtOiil Lakeland Park METS WIN FIRST PLACE TROPHY IN BOWLING TOURNEY Barbara Meurer -- 385-4356 Kay Drum! The mighty Mets came from the very bottom of the league for the first half of the season to first place for the second half. Not only did they do this in fine form but they trounced the Dodgers on Saturday, and earned the trophy given to the top team. Comprising the Mets were Barb Meuer, Bunny Jaenicke, Matt Grizley and John Johnson. We'd say they earned their trophy the real hard way. The standings for tlje year had the Dodgers with the most points 38, following in this order were the Yankees, Sox, Mets, Cubs, Braves and Pirates tied and last but by no means least were the Orioles. Top sweepstakes winners for Saturday were Shirley George who rolled 101 pins over her average, Esther Cygan took second with 76 pins over. Jessie Matthews-with 74 pins took 3rd and Barb Meurer and Dottie Becker tied with 66 pins over for 4th place. The men who took the honors for sweepstakes were Matt Grizley with 83 pins over, Our Haerle was second with 66 followed by Bob Matthews in Third with 41 pins and Joe Prazak took 4th with 40 pins over. It was a very enjoyable season and the officers did a terrific job of running the strictly for fun league. Our hats are off to Max Koch, president, Ron Meurer, secretary, and Eleanor Haerle, treasurer. We'll all be waiting for next years season to begin. Don't forget to get those baby sitters lined up for May 16, it's bowling banquet night. k Girl Scouts We started our meeting with a flag ceremony. Mrs. Dowell told us how good we were at the Fair. We got a lot of attention. Then we used our art in drawing pictures with chalk and colored pencils. Some girls made figures with clay. We had our treat, then we said good-by in our friendship circle. Respectfully submitted, Maria Mecic. Boy Scouts Troop 459 The Dare Devil patrol presented the colors. The spring camporee is May 1, 2 and 3 on Rt. 23, 3 miles north of Mai'engo. Each patrol should bring enough firewood. Friday, May 1, the boys are to be at the community house at 6 p.m. Each boy must have had their $2.50 in yesterday. Our dance team is to dance at the «camporee, Saturday night, May 2. Also, we will dance at the VFW, Tuesday, May 5. Thank you for reading this column. Paul Schwegel, Scribe. Birthday Wishes Birthday wishes go to Bill Kamp who celebrated on the 2nd of May and to James Gray who will be nine and Gary Braun who will be 10 both on the 6th of May. Birthday wishes also go to Marty Hendle who is 4 years old today April 30. Belated wishes go to Joan A pel who celebrated April 26, and a happy anniversary to Inge and Walter Pissowotski who celebrated their anniversary on the 19th. Our very best wishes go to Kenneth Bottari who will be 3 years old tomorrow May 1, and to Joan Dort who will be 4 and to Donna Dort and to Donna Kwiatek who will all be 16 on the 1st of May. The 2nd of May has Matt Bott celebrating another year, and the 3rd has Janice Parisi adding another year. Dorothy Humphreys adds a year on the 4th of May and Jean Hahndorf adds one on the 5th. On the 6th of May Sheryl Koehl will be 5. We wish the very best to all of these people. Happy anniversary wishes go to Chris and Rich Mercurc who will celebrate their first anniversary on the 4th of May and Joan and Ray Plucinslci celebrate their thirteenth year'of togetherness. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brooks celebrate 5.'i years together on the 6th of May.. Our congratulations to all of you folks. (Set-Well Wishes Virginia Hodges will have, undergone her surgery for a slipped disk when this paper comes out. She is a patient at Mr- Henry hospital. Sue Grizley was transferred from Mrllrnry hospital to Columbus hospital in Chicago. Sue is suffering fioin a kidney infection. We arc sure they would both enjoy hearing from their many friends oul here and we'd like them both to know we wish them speedy and complete recoveries. Welcome Party Another welcome parly has come and gone and I'm sure a l l the women who came out really had a good lime. Those who didn't come out and called Lyda will be put on the list for the next party. We hope all of these ladies will come to outregular Women's club night, May 7, at 8:30. We want to extend a welcome to all of these women to our subdivision and hope they will participate in the different activities and clubs that are offered for them and their children. A welcome goes to Clara Hagemann who lives at 5020 Beach place, to Margaret lie liter who is in Marge Casey's house on Oak Drive, to "Cookie" Howard at 1817 N. Baach, to Ann Pulver at 1609 N. Meadow, and to Sharon Tibbs at 5305 W. Home. Communion Doings i Receiving the very Blessed Sacrament of Holy Eucharist at St. Patrick's church last Sunday were the following youngsters from our subdivision. The Zimney twins, Pam and Paul, Darlene Gladman, Nancy Loser, Donna Humann, Scott Belohlavy, Barbara Krasucki, Deborah Leone, Margie Kroening, Butchie Morgenson and Dale Franklin. If there are any children whose names we did not list we are very sorry. Our prayers are that they will always be as close to the Infant Jesus as they were ' lie i..y ! hoy made their fir6t Holy Communions. . Community House Schedule Friday, May 1-3 to 6 p.m. Dancing classes. Saturday, May 2--Private Party. Sunday, May 3--Woman's Club Penny Social 2 to 5 p.m. Monday, May 4 6:30 to 8, -- Girl Scouts. Tuesday May 5--6:30 to 9. Indian Dance and Boy Scouts. Wednesday, May 6 -- Cub committee meeting. Thursday, May'7 -- Woman's club social night all women are welcome. Any reservations or cancellations are to be made through Jo Rizzo at 385-2738. New Arrival A 7 lb. 9l/2 oz. girl was born to John and Mary Mahoney on March 30 at McHenry hospital. Lisa Ann has a sister, Karen, who is 18 months old and two brothers, Danny, who is 6, and Matt, who is 4. Welcome folks to our subdivision. Our Deepest Sympathy There are no words'^ with which we can express our condolences to the Jack Oakford -family. Petey's mother, Mrs. Eileen Grondy, went to her eternal, reward on Thursday of last week. 'Mrs. Grondy was a frequent visitor to our subdivision and known and well-liked by everyone who came in contact with her. May she rest in peace. We wish to express the sympathy of the community to Clara Lisinski, her daughter, two sons and grandchildren. Their beloved husband, father and grandfather passed away during the past week. John Lisinski, while he lived in our community, was very active and served as a board member of LPPOA. They had moved to Coventry Crystal Lake on Nov. 1. Our sympathy is also extended to Kitty Hendle and her family who had two uncles both expire on the same day at the same age. Attend Meeting The Government Improvement League held a meeting Friday evening, April 24, at the Crystal Lake Methodist church. Frank and LaVerne Hromec are members from Lakeland Park and encourage any cjvic minded persons to jbin them at the next meeting on May 22 at 7:45. Among the topics covered by this non-partisan group include a discussion on House Bill 644 on Local Improvements. This is the bill by which Lakeland Park is attempting to secure road improvements. Strolling Though The Park Visiting with the William Frazier family for two weeks has been Bill's mother,, Mrs. Beatrice Frazier. She comes from Ohio. On Saturday the Fraziers met his aunt and uncle in Chicago, where they gave them the grand tour of our fair city. They were here for a bowling tournament from Lexington, Ky. , Our congratulations to Linda Davis, a sophomore at McHenry high school on making the top honor roll. She was one of eleven students making the grade in the Sophomore class. Marge Casey has been seen flying around the subdivision, visiting various people. We hope Mary Murphy's sister from Carpentersville is feeling better now. She was in the hospital last week. A surprise baby shower was given for Judy Ludwig last Sunday afternoon, with Darlene Wagner and Marion Duffy as hostesses. Judy was very surprised and of course, enjoyed opening her many beautiful gifts. Marion and Darlene served hot beef sandwiches, potato salad, relishes, jello molds 2>o. tfou J<nM OW •Someone Ifjew +$n ^Jown/ The Welcome Wagon to the community. Please Call the Representative Below Weicome Wc afyon Representative would like to call on them and extend a welcome Representative Adelaide B. Patzke Phone 385-3278 ®®fw®en No \ >• k < <r It flltt 5 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD Have you ever been in a hospital and lain awake far into the night worrying over whether you or a loved one would get well? And have you worried too about where the money was coming from to pay hospital and doctor bills? No one knows when a serious illness or an accident will strike. Therefore, to help protect yourself against unexpected hospital and doctor bills ... be sure to join Blue Cross now while you can. You see ... Blue Cross is the hospitals' own plan to help you pay hospital bills. And Blue Shield is sponsored by doctors to help you pay the doctor bills which go with every hospital stay. Right now. . . t h e r e a r e t h e s e w a y s t o j o i n . J o i n t h r o u g h a g r o u p where you work or through your County HIA. You can also join direct ... if you're under 65 and in good health. And if you're over 65 . . . ask about the special plan for Senior Citizens. So if you don't have Blue Cross and Blue Shield ... be sure to enroll before this special offer ends on May 12th. Go to your nearest hospital today and ask for an application folder. Be sure to mail it before May 12th. BLUE CROSS Plan of Hospital Service Corporation BLUE SHIELD Plan of Illinois Medical Service Headquarters: 425 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 21 Branch Offices throughout Illinois PROTECT YOURS'BL'F0p^:i):f YOUR FAMILY and coffee and a beautifully decorated cake. Those participating were Wilma Atkinson, Jane Grothman, Gayle Laursen, Mickey Gladman, Sue Funk, Earlene Davis, Agnes Prazak, Irene Rybak, Jessie Matthews, Audrey Koczor, Leona Wagner, Judy's sisters, Marianne Osinski and Linda Osinski, and her sister-in-law, Bemadette Ludwig, and of course Marion, Darlene and Judy. Jan and Bob Kozy celebrated their fifth anniversary by having dinner downtown and attending a movie. They remained in the windy city for the entire weekend and on Sunday put Bob's mother on a plane for her first ride. Destination Fort Worth, Texas, where she will see her first grandchild and grandson. The birth of the baby is a big event and is also Jan and Bob's first nephew. Marge Elshoff, Floss Kawa and Polly spent a pleasant Thursday evening playing cards and feasting! Grandma and grandpa Funk spent the weekend with Sue, Ron and their grandchildren. Toots, Don and the Gersted children traveled up to Wisconsin on Sunday to help grandpa Gerstad celebrate- his birthday. The Eckharts had a house full of guesls on Sunday. Hazel and Micky Dalton, Nedra's mother, Mrs. Chamberlin, Nedra's brother, Wayne, his wife, Florence, and their son, Bruce. Heard they all enjoyed a terrific day. Enjoying the hospitality of Helen, Gene and Mike Kraskiewicz were Bette and John Cushing from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cushing and) their children from McHenry. Filling out the roster of those present were the Junior Gene Kraskiewicz family and the Ken Thompson family. The Thompsons recently moved to McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hertzog and son, Johnnie, helped Harold Hutchinson and hfe daughter, Laura, celebrate their birthdays. Laura became that wonderful age of 1. Mrs. Hutchinson is the former Carla Johnson from here. The Hutchinsons will become Lakeland Parkers on May 1st. On Saturday, Charlene and Dick Wimmer celebrated their third year of wedded bliss by going out to dinner at one of the extra plus restaurants. The ladies bridge club gathered at Joyce Braun's home last week. Enjoying Joyce's hospitality to the utmost were the following ladies, * Delia Julian, Ruth Chadwick, who took first place, Ann Leigh, Lucille Deitz, Ivy Lezak, who took second place honors, Ruth McMahon, Ann Herzog and Gayle Laursen. Nedra and Les Eckhart Marg and Walter Haug celebrated their wedding anniversaries by all going out to dinner and then returning to the Eckhart home for the balance of an enjoyable evening. We all enjoy seeing the Vaneks and Beneses out for the week with Chicago schools closed but we sure do wish they'd manage to keep this miserable damp weather in Chicago. We enjoy their smiling faces but the" weather they bring with them. Guest of honor for a birthday party held last week was Elaine Bottari. Enjoying a typical birthday party were Donna and Debbie Pintozzi, Debbie Burke, Maria, Ava and Karen Mecic, Debbie Schaedel. Lynn Cygan, Nancy Loser, Christie Flannigan, Mary Jane Smolzer and Judith and Gayle Mazzoni, her cousins. f Seven Mothers from our subdivision took their daughter or daughters (and a mother) to the mother and daughter banquet last Wednesday at the Community Methodist church where they all enjoyed a delicious chicken dinner and a lovely program about "Bells". Those from here were Lyda Radisch and her daughter Shirley Lexow from Carpentersville, "Toots" Gerstad and daughter, Susie, Jan Kozy, who took hev mother, Helen Nelson, and her daughter, Terri. Jan's mother won a corsage as the youngest grandmother there and also for being the one coming the longest distance, and Jan's daughter won for being the youngest. Jessie Matthews brought her two daughters, Carole and Nancy, Shirley George took her daughter Debbie; Laverne Hromec escorted daughter, Beth, and Bar!) Meurer took her two daughters, Linda and Shirley. It was a very enjoyable evening for all. Heard Jim Daurio had to have some tesls done last week, hope everything came out alright, Jim. 3. The family bank-account gets its Christmas Sock, too. WATER SOFTENER SERVICE SAME DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKliS & MODELS 9 Service ,• Rebuilding 9 Repair 9 ( lc;iriiug Ou* • Overhauling © Installation 9 Reconditioning 9 ALL WORK GUARANTEED WATER SOFTENER SALES NEW -- USED -- REBUILT 385-5566 ^j^oieno WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES McHenry, Illinois ITS TRADE ¥ TRAVEL TIME AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER'S s Sport Coupe models above: Corvette Sting Ray, Chevy II Nova, Corvair Monza, Chevelle Malibu, Chevrolet Impata. liferent wap to make a big splash! without going overboard on price It's get-the-cottage-ready time. Put-the-boat-in-thewater time. Baseball time. Trade 'N' Travel Time at your Chevrolet dealer's. Time to get out of that wintertime rut, into one of Chevrolet's five great highway performers. Now it's easy to go on vacation first class--without paying a first-class price. In a luxury Jet-smooth Chevrolet, for example. This beauty rivals just about any car in styling,, performance and comfort. Or try a totally new type of travel in the inside--yet nicely sized for easy handling--plus wide choice of engines. Even the thrifty Chevy II now has hill-flattening power. And the unique Corvair oirers new extra power that accents its road-hugging rear engine traction. While Corvette speaks for itself--in a throaty sports car tone. Yes, right now is new car time. T-N-T Time. Time to get the most fun from a new car. To get a great Lntde on your old one. To get a big choice at your Chevrolet youthfully styled Chevelle. Lots of room FOR THE GREAT HIGHWAY PERFORMERS dealer's. Come on in! CHECK THE T N T DEALS ON CHEVROLET - CHEVELLE • CHEVY II • CORVAIR AND CORVETTE NOW AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER'S WHRIfPUR HOSPITAL CLARK 908 N. FRONT STREET McHENRY. ILLINOIS PHONE 38M27JM 'A' (»

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