Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 May 1964, p. 10

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- 1^'- : \ . . . • -' lAigit ii'i6' trna» Tim Rlogwood HOLD BENEFIT CARD PARTY FOR CEMETERY FUND JLor Bennan •-- 653-2045 Tonight (Thursday) is the night of the Ringwood cemetery card party. It's not too late to get a friend or neighbor to come with you, as tickets may be purchased at the door. The time is 8 p.m. Place: the new Ringwood school. Sr. Hi M.fJ. Report The Senior High M.Y.F. spent a busy evening ^Sunday, May 3. We met at 6:30 p.m. at the church for the installation of oar officers, and then went to McHenry to participate in <he program with them. Upon arrival at'the church in McHenry, we joined the already spirited recreation. When we were all exhausted (mentally) we were led into the beautiful, newly decorated, sanctuary to hear the speaker, Eugene Maxwell from Woodstock. I'm sure the point Mr. Maxwell did his usual wonderful job of getting across was made enjoyable to all by hisg talent of talking to kids like us. After being entertained as well as educated by our speaker, we were led, in worship by Gary Lockvvood. The worship consisted of a good, old-fashioned hymn sing, with a hymn or two from each of several sections in the hymnal. McHenry M.Y.F. played the good host as usual) and filled our stomachs, as well as our heads, with something worthwhile. Thank you, kids, for a great time. Sue Fossum, Substitute Reporter Ringwood Sr. Hi M.Y.F. Entertained At Demonstration I held a demonstration in my home last Thursday evening with the following ladies attending; Mrs. Joe Schmitt of McHenry, Mrs. Rosemary Marcell of Wonder Lake, Mrs. Barbara Brennan of Twin Lakes. Mrs. Peg Scharf, Mrs. Mary Ann Wegener, Mrs. Ila Hogan, Mrs. Ruby Shepard, Mrs. Katherine Frazier, Mrs. Nellie Hepburn, Mrs. Kate Wieser, Mrs. Clara Tonyan, Mrs. Helen Barker, Miss Mary Ann Klapperich and Miss Pat Klapperich all of Ringwood. Refreshments were served to all the ladies attending. Makes First Holy Communion Miss Ruth Ann Tonyan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Tonyan, was one of a large group of boys and girls making her First Holy Communion at St. John's Catholic church in Johnsbur^ last Sunday morning. A family dinner was held in her honor by her parents in their home following the ceremony. Celebrated Birthday Mrs. Nellie Hepburn celebrated her over 21 birthday last Saturday. Mrs. Ruby Shepard entertained a few friends at a birthday dinner held in Aunt Nellie's honor on Saturday. Mrs. Hepburn received some beautiful floral centerpieces, plants and many other gifts, as well as a great number of cards. Returns From Texas Mrs. John Ehlert of Wilmot and Mrs. John Skidmore returned home on Sunday morning after spending the past week in Fort Worth, Texas, with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Williams and family. Mrs. Williams had just returned to her home following surgery and was coming along very good. Mrs. John Ehlert celebrated her eightieth birthday on Monday. by being surprised with a birthday cake and the trimmings while in Fort Worth. Here 'X' There Mrs. Anna Mae Rowe of Woodstock. Mrs. Dorothy Aissen and Mrs. Dolly Malsch were visitors on Monday in Elgin. On Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. 'E. Hawley wore Cry still Lake callers. Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lawrence in Elkhorn, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hogan of Elgin crlled on the John Hogan family on Sunday afternoon. . Little Wayne Brennan. son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brennan of Twin Lakes, spent Saturday at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan. Loren Harrison was a sun: per guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan. On Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E; Hawley were ca!!ers - in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Reinwali asd famiy in McHenry. They also were Crystal Lake callers. Mrs. Joe Schmitt of McHenry was a supper guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan on Thursday. Miss Joanne Schmitt of Waukegan called in the Bob Brennan home later in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoiran of Hillside were weekend guests in the home' of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ho^an. Mrs. Anna Reinwali and Mrs. William Reinwali of McHenry called on Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley on Friday. Belated birthday wishes go to Henry and Dorothy Aissen, who celebrated their birthday last week. Also to the little AD OUTSTANDING DEHAiUB* Picker Cw« A remarkable piodwct <* DeKalb Research, known {or it. rugged excellent standabiW Bred to hold its the picker, and produce lots ofi dry, *»»* PLANTED BY MORE FARMERS THAN ANY OTHER BRAND "DEKALB" is a Registered Brand Name The Number is a Variety Designation. CLINTON MARTIN 2505 N. .Martin Rd. McHenry, HI. Phone 8X5-0527 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Reasons Why To See Us If You Need A Water System or Well 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps « 7. Our men and machines are completely insured 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection 9. Parts available for all makes 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points lL EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON DISPLAY BEE THEM WORK -- OVER 10 PCMPS IN STOCK iiy fjimff Well I Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We E&epaibr and Service ALL MAKES of PCMPS IL@gaSedl in She Village of McCullom Lake 2H miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry 885-5252 or Residence 885-0718 Spring Grove Science Fair At St. Peter's Eva Freund If you want to learn something about many things go to a science fair presented by school children. Projects of great interest were on display at St.. Peter s hall on Sunday afternoon. AM about. !:umnnv Benneman boy, who was 1 year ok! last Friday. Charles Brennan had a birthday on Tuesday, May 5. Congratulations and best of birthday wishes are extended to all. That's anout all I have to report to you this week. See you at the card party and next week via the Ringwood news. the heart, muscles and bone i u"tuie, aW'Hil the elemenis. ihr wml and the sea, birds. nw'r.s and shells. Mechanic devie< s and elei tronics. A ia i/o \v inning exhibit was a phujue of Spring (.J rove and outlying area as seen from the air. complete with pictures and maps. Mj.rh ere.lit should l>c given the nuns and the children for all tht1 work and effort put into these exhibits. Tnin (iirls Lit lie Misses Victoria and Valerie May came home this v\I'L'k where they were welcomed by David. Gary, Cindy and Bradley. The twin girls were born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene May on April ix we On April the Lotus Country Women's CJub had a luncheon at the home of Kllen Baker and Joanne Rulien. Eighteen members were present. More plans were discussed for the card party held at Hunter Golf Club house on May 4. Th* proceeds of this card party will be donated to McIIenry County School for retarded children June 3 is the date for the luncheon and theatre at Marengo Mrs. Gordon Sergeant gave a report on the meeting she had attended of the McHenry County Federation of \yomen's Club Harriet Olson, Susie Rudolph and Tina Komar also-attended this meeting held at McHenry. Arizona Trip Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets have just returned from a trip through the west. They stopped off to visit Mr. and Mrs. Mel Houck in Wilcox, Ariz. Club Meejts Mrs. Clara Deinlein was hostess to the members of the 500 club on Thursday afternoon. Prizes went to Mary Nimsgern, Emma May, Annie Sanders. Frances Busch and Helen Smith. A. lunch.was served. Entertain Guests in the Charles Freund home on Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc? Miller and Mr. anil Mrs. Walter Brown., A dinner was sen oil and the evening was spent at cards. Visit Convent It was visiting Sunday at St. Mary's Convert, Dr. and Mrs. Louis Kagan and Mike visited Sifter Mary Siena. SDS, on that^ day. Sister Siena is the former Marv Leu Kagrm. RECOMMENDATION ANNOUNCED FOR WELFARE POSITION The advisory hoard of the McIIenry County Welfare Services committee recently interviewed two candidates certified by the State Department of Personnel for the position of county superintendent of public aid. This position has been vacant since the death ot the former count.\ superintendent, Miss Catherine Kortendick. The board, consisting of Hubert A. Curtis, "R. L. Tazewell and Mrs. Claribel H. Naylor, recommended the appointment ' of Mrs. Eleanor A. Kaufman. ; Mrs. Kaufman, with her husi ban'1 and two chi'drtn, reside Bridal Shower at 906 PiC.foiy '. W./C-i About sixty guests attended a shower held for Miss Joan May at the town hall on Sunday afternoon. Cards and bunco furnished the entertainment and many beautiful and useful g i f t s . R e f r e s h m e n t s w e r e served. stock. She is a graduate of the University of Illinois and has had some work toward a roaster's degree in social work at the University of Chicago and the New York School of Social Work. Her work experience includes seven years with the Illinois Children's Home and Aid society. The McHenry County Department of Public Aid is located at 111 Dean street, Woodstock. Blessed is he who is too busy during the daylight hours worry, and too tired at night to lie awake. M M C C S See NYE Drug's Adv. -- Page 3 If you won and redeemed a million Plaid Stamps . . . yoo and your companion cowid take a jet from Chicago to New York and then to Paris, Geneva, Milan, Rome and back to Chicago . . .imagine almost two weeks for two in foreign lands if you were a Plaid Stamp Millionaire. OV EQ 4 0 Ml III * *155 WEEKLY (ON STAMPS OFFERED AS : PS !ZES(M *GRAND PRIZE-t MILLION PLAiD STAMPS Yoo foo can be a winner in A&P'i Plaid Stamp Spec»aiular-Ov«r 155 weekly prizes, that's over 3 million Plaid Stamps each week. Simply check your Lucky Number on your Plaid Stamp Spectacular Mailer each week at your ASP for the next five weeks and see if it corresponds with a winning numbor--You may win up to 120,000 Plaid Stamps each week Remember NEW NUMBERS are posted each week-if you don't win one week you may the next. On the final week June 1 through June 6, simply deposit the Grand Prixe Entry Blank from your mailer at any A«P store, you may be the Grand Prize winner-lst Prixe 1,000,000 Plaid Stamps-GRANO PRIZE WINNERS will be announced June 11, 1964-you need Mt be present to wi-.Tll winners will be notified !ALE! AND EVEKWHKIMV Special This Week! Your Family Will Love Them Son Fig Ban A Perfect Snack Time Treat. Serve Along with Ice Cream 2-Ib. Pkgs. IBS PLENTY <® Double Your Money Back If Don't Agree! meat Suppose yon sold Chk-kfns...only the finest U. S. Government Inspected. fjTsh Fryors... plump, young, tender birds. How urn:Id you convince people they ought to buy them? There isn't much exciting that can be said about Fryers. A1I the excite, mcnt is in the flavor, the taste. We're thought about the best way and we've decided that this week we'll offer DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK if you're not pleased -- if you don't agree these are fryers with plenty of EAT in the MEAT. Think about it That's a pretty good offer. Either you're going to be tickled silly or you'll make money oa the deal. Conriaeing? U'efl it is Sbtrigniag. isn't it? mmm GROWN SWEET CORN 5-39 Pi Butt Sliced §®& last a MP's Super-Right Top Quality ». 29c AWs Soper-Wgfcl m Top Quality j&g. MP's Super Right •Top Quality - 4 to 6 lb. sizes thort ShcsfiJs Halibut Itsak Fancy Choice Slices to Pick front lb. 3* E Med. Size Boy NOW M SON M Ibis law Price--Reg. 3 70s Angei Soft Piper TiwiB IT'S MIX OR ftSATTCM AS) AtP'i Batory E)«pt.--Jane Parker Yo«r Choice of Colors. Special, Jost for Yoo • Potato Bread • Wheat 'n White • All Butter Your Choice--Reg. 25c 3 2 4 Doz. 2-RoU Pfcgs. 14 b. Sliced Loaves Serial This Week At AtP'i Frozen Food Dept. Morton Dinners New Low, Low Price At A&P--Frozen Orar Juice (hear Mayer 1-ib. MM|. Brand pkg. VOUFT CMOTCFL • Unk Start Tour fmmUf Off with a Refreshing dan ef Orange Juice Anotfcar Outstanding Value At Year AAP-- lono •oa. 5/S6c Cream Stylo md your family will love M. 4 5 lO-Oz. Dinner 6-Oz. Cans 16-Oz. Gins 39 99 49 Bilffei J2SL, A®'ST 99* Piiut Butter ^ ,r 39c Riyal Pudding Y",s c,h:;r 3P£32c Lainbrechi 4,iieese Cake 7,' 79c Initial Tea r 77c IS Sauce v:z 29 • Ubbjj!k?i *Mt Drinks vI *fw" QT».k « *6*- *o*r**. • Frof# Woffles off 6 O Potato Patties ^ 13.02. • Pea J* Carrot* © Gaidiltft Cut Corn T0>»s. ® Brecon Green Pees 10-OJU • »«•*. • Chtaose HoM Soy &avco >••*. • Hunrt fe»i»«»to Sauce ^ ' - : Supreme 15*s. Brand FAMOUS SINCE & e Jell-O Gelatin D4i«ert e Mtbnct far Bakinn U o Shoestring Potatoes *%-•«. • Arm Page Mustard • take Shore Frvrt4 Jvittt 9 Cantadina Plug Sauce ,e Prise Kitchen CltaaMr f ; • Pert Table Napkt*s • Kirks CttstUe S«*p . •or Lit© Prune , ' e 37c Stirlist fna 2? «®rs^ Light Meat 40-oz. A Perfect Cellulose Wrap Aluminum Foil 400 cf W Sultana Small or Largt io-/2 ^gc JU-- «• ac||e [j vg| |a| j © i 1- Sugar S-or. ^ |0| Substitute btl. 2 g FOOd Chicken 2 SP*<iol For Mothers Day/ 100 PtAID STAMPS JOIN A&P's PLAID STAMP 5PECTACULAR £Vsjkv-c» i v TMI GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO^PflKIY. IFJC^n AMERICAS 0IPIMDABLE F000 MERCHANT SIFJCE \ > M M I W w W w V W w i W e a A M V N w a s s ' a V ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE TMK5J MAY 9, 1964 ivm Y m AND TO SHOP AT UP ' m STAMPS 1001 This c upon And Purchaie of Mcll UVi-oi. owmood Nyl woth100"t'°a ww sra*TPS mdhivmood Nylons '•*« Ai STORE HOUBS: DAILY 9 TO 6 THURS. & FRI. 9 TO 9 3710 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL.

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