Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jun 1964, p. 20

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A1' >• , N- - V - T O r#'-? t^llf Page Tweniy THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Wonder Late HARRISON SCHOOL HOLDS GRADUATION FOR 45 STUDENTS Mary Lou Hartog1 On a" stage Beautifully decorated with baskets and vases of spring flowers fdrty-five stu dents received their eighth grade diplomas last Friday night at Harrison school. The order of the program for commencement was as follows: Selections by the Harrison school band, Invocation by Rev. Richard Wright, Presentation of Colors -- Girl Scouts, the pledge to the flag, and the Star Spangled Banner by the entire assembly. M. F. Thomas, superintendent of the school, £rfve the welcoming address and named the winners of the hdnbr citations: , The student council scholastic aWard went to Julianne Wasielewski. Debdrah Sturrrt and Robert Steffan received the American Legion Award. Th£ Kiwanis Award went to Maty Lee Wight and Richard Oleszfc'zuk. Remarks by Graduates was given by JaAice Fisher, Jtichard Oleszczuk, JoAnne Rink and James Ruggero. Dr. S. Ruggero, president of the school board, presented the diplomas. Bendiction was given by Rev. Richard Wright. The stage setting was the WorT< of the Wonder Lake Garden Club. Each year the ladies of the club donate the flowers and the time to beautify the stage for the graduation. There were enough vases of flowers for each graduate to take onfe home as a memento. Those graduatiijg were: Thomas Basile, Ben Beverwyk, Carol Blair, Steven Booker, Darlene Browne, Jeanette Brzenk, Marilyn Coburn, Julie Couglin, Joanne Dickman, Janice Fisher, Jeanette Gabel, and Gay Gale. Also Sharon Gerrie, Rita Griswold, David Gustafson, Lois Hansen, Suzanne Harris, Sue Jones, Cathleen Keith, Donna Kiddell, Marianne Kusch, David McKibbin and Michael Miller, Also Carol Moffet, William O'Brien, Richard Oleszczuk, Susan Olson, Charla Paetow, Paula Parker, Charles Pedersen, JoAnne Carole Rink, James Ruggero, David Sard, Joyce A. Setzler and Melody Ann Skalla. Also Jim R. Smith, Robert Steffan, Roseann Strojny, Debora Sturm, Julianne Wasielewski, Richard Weeks, Mary Wight, Sara Wright, William Zandier and James Zimmermann. cipalship of the catechetical school so that she jnay teach in the junior and senior high school of Religion. Mrs. Kasper Ehlen will become principal of "the catechetical school and automatically vice-president of the C.C.D. board. Silver Weddings Celebrations Congratulations to Bob and Mary Sandgren who celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on Wednesday, May 20. with a dinner at Dundee and then on May 31, thirtythrefe relatives and friends spent t'he day with them at their home at the Lake. Kreutz 25th Anniversary A ha&py .anniversary to Martha and Rudy Kreutz who will celebrate 25 years Of wedded bliss this coming Saturday with a party for their friends and relatives at the American Legion hall. WoriHerview Women's Club The regular meeting of the Wonderview Women's Club will be held Thursday, June 11, at 8 p.m. afr the -home of Viola Borta. • AH the ladies ot the subdivision ire cordially invited to attend. Congratulations to the following who graduated last Friday nlghf: George Lissy, Sandy Smialek and Ted Siatos who graduated from high school and to Donna Lazalde, Donna Mischke, Robert Sergott and R6bert Menolasino who graduated frofri junior high. Spring Grove Plan Luncheon At. St. Peter's Eva Freund The Christian Mothers society is sponsoring a luncheon and card party to be held in St. Peter's hall on Tuesday, June 23. Serving will begin at 12 o'clock noon. Cards and bunco will be played throughout the afternoon. Many prizes are being offered. The menu will consist of baked ham, salads, rolls and homemade cake. The public is invited. Correspondent Takes Trips You probably noticed no news from Spring Grove the past weeks. Your correspondent attended a Postmasters Convention in Belleville, 111. May 21 to 23. While in Belleville we visted the "Our Lady <of Snows' shrine. It is beautiful. If you ever go out that way, do stop in. Last week we took a trip to .North Dakota to visit our son, Dan, and his wife, Ruth, at Grand Forks. Dan is stationed there at the Air Force base. It was a wonderful trip and an enjoyable visit. We hope to have Dan and Ruth home for a visit in August. Father Nicholas from Calfornia is visiting us from June 10 to June 23. McHenry High Graduates I am sorry I do not have a list of the young people from Wonder Lake who graduated from McHenry high school last Friday night but I do know who some of them are and if I miss any I am sorry but our best wishes go to each and every one of them. Those I am fairly sure of who graduated are: Laura Bixby, Joy Brabenec, Leslie Decker, Robert Dickman, Joan Burch, Patricia Blair, Patricia Grobovy, Stephen Harris, Sharon Hoffman, Mary Jane and Joan Joosten, Scott King, Leigh Perry, Sandra Larson, Donald Mahal, Judy O'Brien, Christine Oleszczuk, Pamela Parker, Ann Pliner, Fred Kusch, Jr., Leanna Sellek, Donna Setzler, Katherine Smith, Fred Sorensen and Susan Walker. Well done kids! and see to it now that you all go to college in the fall. Marian Central Graduates Congratulations to the yourig adults who graduated from Marian Central high school last week. Baccalaureate Mass was Suriday, May 31, at 9 a.m. for the graduates and thdr parents. Rev. J. Philip Reilly, Marian's superintendent, gave the sermon. Breakfast for the graduates followed. At 7:30 Sunday night Marian held the commencement exercises. Wonder Lake graduates were: James Marke, Ronald Doherty, Brian O'Connor, Victoria McCall arid Walterine Rochowicz. Honors night was held at Marian the preceding Wednesday night. Wonder Lake students received quite a few awards. National Forensic League honored Frank Bird. Illinois junior Academy of Science second place award went to Brian O'Connor. APSL Nationwide Latin Examination Superior Merit Award was given to Frank Bird with Connie Candella winning the honorable merit award. Connie also received the GAA award. Mar ian Central Fathers' Club presented first honors to Frank Bird and second honors to Jeanette McCall and Connie Candella. Women's Bridge Club met at the home of Jean Hartmann. June Lindgren was winner and Jean Hartmann was the loser. Other players were Joanne Higgins, Alice Condren, Marie Shrosbree, Clare Hartmann, Betty Selsdorf and Harriet McCall. They will meet next month at the home of Alice Condren. Apple pie, ice cream and coffee were served. It's A Boy for the Duffys Congratulations to Mike and Theresa Duffy on the arrival of a hew son born at Harvard hospital. Former Resident 111 We are sorry to learn of the illness of Helen Schweitzer, a former resident of Wonder Woods and a frequent visitor at the Lake. She is in Lutheran General hospital, Room 610, Park Ridge, 111., and would appreciate hearing from friends. She will be at the hospital at least another two weeks and says the days are very long. Attend Graduation Mr. and Mrs. Ben Busch attended the graduation of, their granddaughter, Jeanne Walker, from Wilmot high school. Jeanne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Walker of Silver Lake, Wis. Out of town guests who attended the graduation of Pauline Ann Brown at Marian Central high school were her grandmother, Mrs, Perry Elliott of Austin, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Muhlenbacfi, of Stacyville, Iowa. Crowning May Queen and Graduation A most impressive ceremony was held at St. Peter's on May 31. The school children and to the outside shrine of the servers marched in procession Blessed Virgin where the crowning of the May Queen was held. Services were held in church for the graduates of St. Peter's school. Diplomas were distributed by their pastor, Rev. Edward Lehman. Hawaiian Luncheon For Scouts Girl Scout Troop 519 enjoyed a Hawaiian luau luncheon at the home of Scout Leader Mrs. Lolly Class last week. Menu was fried chicken and Hawaiian dishes. The girls all wore Hawaiian costumes. Cadet scouts decorated the room in Hawaiian fashion complete with water fall. The table center piece made by Mrs. Class had one hundred Hawaiian flowers. Guests of honor Bridge Club Meeting The Wonder Lake Catholic A onachino dovolopod ospoeloMy for men and womeen wSi© Hifto ffo hunt'/ flsSi, of scrap cj the rugged bosk some* fry.Th® HONDMRAtt "W ft always ready to gs>--cud' --oft ««' rat or car*. Up to 200 miles per cello* of ragged tramla) froM 0 8o30 MfH in tfco fioaglawt country. Try if-- compare If wftfi any trail machine oA ths market. TRAIL STARTING AT $275J© WSSTiftN AL1U - Woodstock On The Sqpare Open Daily 9-5:30 Friday 9-9 Phone 338-5070 Sunday 9-12 Kiwanis Club Arnold Kiburz, Lt. Gov. of Division 20 Kiwanis, was a surprise guest accompanying our speaker Frank Lentz. Frank Gregory, president of the McHenry Club, was also a guest. Frank Lentz, our speaker, is the psychiatrist in charge of Kane County school program for the maladjusted child. His talk was concerning the case history of students in this experimental class and their progress. It is felt that learning the emotional problems of the young will make better scholaars of tomorrow and take them out of the 10 per cent and 20 per cent who make up this socially maladjusted class. Lt. Gov. Kiburz gave a short talk on the club reports and the Los Angeles convention. Wednesday, June 10, our club attended a steak fry given by the Belvidere Kiwanis Club. Fred Zandier led the group through a few sohgs. Alice Wagner won the Battle Axe Award. Christ tiife ItitAg Chnfrcft News All of the parish members and the pastor, are grateful to those who worked so hard in both the catechetical school and the high school of religion. Especially to the two principals •--Mrs. Robert Bird of the Catechetical School and Mi's. Elizabeth Selsdorf of the High School of Religion. Because of her excellence afi a .High school teacher, Mrs. Bird has asked to be Relieved of the prin- Ofe ia a series to belp you enjoy bottlr ttfopbonoairtic* Can't §®mething b§ about We've heard complaints from customers about offensive telephone "Sales calls. We're trying to do something about them. If a rude or persistent salesman calls you, and doesn't stop talking after your polite refusal, simply hang up. Tbs^a is another side, however. Many good salemien give you news of products and Services, save you shopping time and help you get in on a bargain. And, many people who couldn't work at other jobs-shut-ins for instance •~areahfe to support themselves by telephone selling. The Real Problem 1j anwm&B fesisagss^ to use the phone without offcafeg That's why we offer than free training. All they need to do is call their telephone company business office. Send for Free Booklet W© also off® a free booklet: "Tfen Pitfalls to TOephojae Selling" (if you, or someone you know, would like a copy, just sead the coupon below). * Uasibdainately, not aH tmsme^es take advantage ti Horn free help, so, we repeat: if you get an offensive sales call, hang up. HXINOIS BELL TELEPHONE Br A. MS W. WatMaiM BUM. CMeafro. lUi>«ia < Please send me your free booklet: "Tta Pitfalls to phone Selling." I (%r. State. SpCtafe. were Mrs. Walter Monhardt and Mrs. Frances Shotliff. Special honors of citation -were given to Junior Scouts Ruth Westphal, Cynthia Fo&x, Susan Thelen and Cadet Sc6ut Sandra Roettiger. Graduation Parties Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets in honor of their son, Mike, who graduated from St. Peter's school were Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Smith and family from Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sheets and children from Rockford and grandfather Anton May. The William Thorntons entertained for their son, Billy. Present were Mr. and Mrs. John McGovern, sons, Rich and Scott; Mrs, Charles Gerbig and daughters and Charles Freund, Fred Pepping Dies In McHenry We were sorry to hear of the death of Fred Pepping. Fred was bom here and attended schools in Spring Grove. Many of us know him as a childhood friend and school-mate. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to his bereaved family. Remember Dad With The Nicest Cards in Town NCICROSS Father's Day CARDS ?ATHER'S DAY--JUNE 21 BOktirs Phone 885-4500 1259 N. Green McHenry Trip i"o Shady Lane A large group of ladies congregated on the four corners in town last Wednesday and boarded a bus wheh took, them to Marengo for a day's outing. They enjoyed a luncheon and mat inee. Those \yho went were members of the Lotus Country Women's Club and Fox Lake Garden and their guests. Visitors in .the Frank Tinney home were Mr.^and Mrs. Frank "Bud" Tinney from Nassau, Jack Tinney from California and Brother Gale OFM, (Frank Tinney) from St. Joseph Seminary, Teutopolis, 111. Picnic Children of St. Peter's school enjoyed a picne at Wilmot Park on Thursday. No state has ever yet been named for an early explorer-- Lewis and Clark, Hudson, De- Soto, Columbus, Marquette, 'Fremont, Ponce deLeon, etc. TAX COLLECTION McHenry's collection of citiy sales tax in March, on February tax liability, under the tax of one-half per cent on retail sales amounted to $5,761.12. The only higher collections in the county wefe Crystal Lake with $8,810.75 and Woodstock with $6,546.95. * Thursday* Jwnt I HOME AND SAVE Itaiotor ftepdir Servfe# Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling Towing Service For Expert Car Care Come to . . . BUfCH'S Auto Service iOOS N. Fromtt St. 885-0811 McHenry, DL mm Yes -- try 'em today at McDonald's. Find oat jot how go©d a Hamburger can be when made wtfc care and prepared to your taste. McDonald's Ha«=> burgees are made of 100% pure beef -- never irn* ten meat -- but top quality beef ground fwesh dkBp Tkefte served hot off the grill on toasted bune -- tike way you like 'em best Plenty of packing ... tipping... instant service .. • and the tastiest food m Smm & prices that pleast! took for !*• gold** Mrehmm 's. 160 VkgMa Sise@i Crystal Lake. III. us/i I I SHOW THE COLORS ON YOUR HOME ON FLAG DAY -- JUNE 14 A PATRIOTIC, NOT-FOR-PROFIT SERVICE OF THE PLAINDEALER IHHETi HEW-NI4M4 Mill RM HT At Our Office $S»S0 by Mail ••• JWIOAi»o.e7ADFi»eeeMiiuie RMffiENBJy PLAINBEALER SSI2 W. Elm St., McHenry. III. mat ftog 01 IWHnlI flarf itMUltll (I Mb to McHenry Plaindealer. monty er4v or m* Ii .XOM. l*t noitesajr AitwIm b loring th« spirit el frMdom ... or that h«r p«epU i •oft and diaintertttod. Fljr tha flag en your home en every important holiday. The* iriand and anemy alike will eee that The 9pirit of '28 ia aa frwh In our hearts today m ft «ai 188 yea» a^. Flaf Day la en author!^ day when wry heme i» Ameifea ahould fly the flag. The Plaindealer roakee it poealble (at eoet, aa a publia •arvioe) lor every heme for milee and mUaa around to display Old Olory without • •bate en the family budget. Kemember . . . Hit* U no ordinary flag aet. The flag la . . in alit with deufcl* stitched atripee, authentic ogives h-- srbmmate ... and every flig is equipped with a six foot .tiff, heavy f mounting aooket with adrewa, etrong eord haljratfd. mounting instructions, flag hietoty and etiguttte foldsr •. .allina eelf-storage kit. This Newspaper urgea every Madae' to gd t6 the troulfc of wilting In e» coining In lor a kit... eo that when the flegs ly a* Flag Day McHenry rlUtemred,white-Bdtisasaes^UMti tcwa. Get year Swime flag kit i ^ taa ENRY inlealer

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