Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1964, p. 10

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; i -• %• -'4-f , '¥% « ' • rm&f- Y-h- .-, Pag? WONDER LAKE NEWS MARY LOV HARTOp «W-717i 2L Choose New Board Members At recent meetings of the Wooded Shores Property Owners Association and the board of directors, the following were elected or appointed: New Board members are Edwin Grochocki and Robert Gildemeister, and Charles Mansfield as alternate director, and William T. Born, secretary - treasurer. Hold-overs on the. board are Harry Frey, president, Gerald Palko, vice president; Jack Young, Horace Wagner and Harold Young. Commissioners are: Roads--Donald Crook and Robert Gildemeister: Beaches- George Richert and Eugene $ickles; pier--Gerald Palko. A piece of land along the creek has been leased and will be used as a playground after it has been leveled and property prepared. Water toboggans and other play apparatus wijll be installed at one end of the beach. ®ela,ted Rirtjwl^y Greetings To Lulu Carlson who celebrated her birthday July 6. 11. Judges were Van Sells, Wonder Lake, who broadcasts McHenry news on WKRS, Bill Burfeindt, Publsher of the Woodstock Sentinel, and Ann Varese, McHenry, producer of stage productions. Joyce Kinzer won the Battle Axe award--much better than getting a letter. Next week's program will be presented by Bill Cristy. 4-H News The June 29 meeting was called to order at the Nativity Lutheran church. This was their achievement night meeting. There was a dress review given by the girls in the club who took sewing during the past year. There were skirts, shifts and a velvet evening dress shown, followed by talks and other demonstrations. Gerry McCall gave a talk on teeth care which was very interesting. Lois Hanson demonstrated making of spice cookies and Bobbie Hanson's talk and demonstration was on cherry pie. Punch and cookies were served to the guests. Next meeting will be on July 27. Christ the King Church News Last Sunday's bake sale conducted by the Altar and Rosary Sodality was a sell-out as ther sales usually are. The demand is always much larger than the supply. Remember that when they have the next one and get your order in early. Summer vacation school for all grade school children will be c o n d u c t e d f r o m J u l y 20 through July 31. All children are to attend each day. This, is for children who do not attend Catholic school however, those who attend Catholic school may come it they want to. August 1; 2 and 3--Forty Hours Devotions -- Adoration all day each day with devotons each evening at 8 p.m. Happy July Birthday Greetings To Catherine Wurm on July 19 -- to Susan Schroeder on July 21 -- to Linda Schroeder on July 30, -- and to Dorothy McEachren on July 23. Slimmer Residents Welcome back to Theresa and Kelly Bruno who recently arrived to spend the summer at their home in Wonderview. It is always nice to see them return. They were a little later than Usual this year because of the graduation in Chicago of their daughter, Linda. Nativity Church News Next Saturday, July 18, at 8:30 a.m. will be a breakfast fpr the men of the church, in the social hall. This will be a Substantial, 'he-man' breakfast, followed by an open 'bull-ses- Sjpn* on the role of the men in tijie life of this parish. Sunday--8 and 11: The serv i c e . 9 : 3 0 a . m . -- C h u r c h School at 12 noon: Coffee hour qqd special meeting of the congregation to take formal acton op the closing of an escrow. Tljis action is inerely a legal requirement, and the meetng itself will be brief. At 2 p.m. -- the Nativity Mates will have their work day, PQt-luck supper and business meeting--opened to all interested members and friends of tjk*e parish. Kiwanis Meeting July 6 The Crystal Lake Kiwanis dub gave us a surprise visit ydth members President Don Brandeau, Jess Mudgett, Gerson Amdur, Bill Baldauf and Ray Lange. Don introduced Jess Mudgett, who is a candidate for office of Lt. Gov. of Division 20. Election will be at the Kiwanis Play Day, July 22, at Cary Country Club. President Ployd will appoint our delegates at the next meeting. Attention was given to the JUittle Miss Peanut Contest held at the McHenry Legion Hall, Tuesday, July 14, 8:30 p.m. Wonder Lake members and their wives were invited to the dinner before the contest July Wonderview Residents Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. James Bigham who recently moved from Chicago to their home on Cherry Drive. Can^pers A1 and Marianne Garvey and their foster children recently returned home from several weeks of camping in Ironwood, Mich., and Woodruff and Rhinelander, Wis. Rirthday Celebration Mary Lorenz recently celebrated her birthday with a family reunion. About thirty members were present including a brother from Florida. Wonderview Association News "MMOTI30C3® TUB SAR fei&psffiibleMDEar again AMAZING HINVENTION fay-p&ss@s tte pakei outer and middlh oocniai cfee% to to center" to Inner ear! jj Thousands acclaim the | hearing this invention | malrpa nnggihW I RENA SCHAID 1407 N. Green St. McHenry, 111. Phone 385 -0125 0TOft8@K! J I KEiiBCtilS ©gejlfia I 11 iS@nS Wlif To See Us If You Need A Water System or Well ' 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in tlie county (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps 7. Our men and machines are completely insured 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection 9. Parts available for all makes 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points U. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON DISPLAY BEE THEM WOEK -- OVEB 70 PUMPS IN STOCK WELLS DRILLED OB DRIVEN W. Bspdr MAKES ®ff PUMPS LoeaSod In fife© ¥!Iteg© ©i Lake milco feoira McHees^ on MeCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. &Bm»b© or ©ssItaeiD THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB Thursday, July IB, IS84 The call for help to put in a floating pier for boats near the swimming area did not fall on deaf ears. Thanks to James Ewing, a summer resident, who furnished all the material and with the help of Sam Deckert they contributed all the labor. The pier is close to completion. All that is needed now is planking for the top of the pier and it will be ready for use. This is real cooperation. next meeting on August 13 at the home of Marriarihe1 Garvey 2914 Cherry Drive. J Notes: Wonderview Women's Club The Women's Club had its meeting on July 9. Guest speaker for the evening was Del Borta, president of the Wonderview Improvement Association. The discussion was about the problems of the association. Tickets are still available for the August Moon Hop on Aug. 8. Please plan to attend the I was a little on the lazy side this week. I suppose I can excuse myself by saying that I had guests on Saturday to celebrate my birthday. It's my firm contention that after one passes 30 (?) it is not so much a case of having friends gather around to "celebrate" your birthday as much as it is having them gather around you to help you face up to it and get you through the day. I think we had a nice time even if the rain did threaten for a short while. On Sunday when I should have t>een doing this column my better half and I were bumming all day and evening so consequently I didn't do much scrounging for news. I'll do better-- honest! TRACTORS. DRUGS TARGETS OF RURAL SAFETY CAMPAIGN /July 19-25 has been proclaimed National Farm Safety Week. President Lyndon B. Johnson called on all persons and organizations in the nation "to unite in a strong and purposeful effort to reduce farm, home and rural highway accidents to an irreducible minimum." The twenty-first annual fi^rm safety program, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the National Safety Council, is built around the theme, "Safer American Families Everywhere." Primary concentration of the 1964 campaign will be on safety with farm chemicals, preventing home poisonings, and tractor safety. Farming remains the nation's third most hazardous occupation, according to Howard Pyle, NSC president. "While our farm population is declining, the total number of deaths to farm residents each year remains almost unchanged," Pyle said. "In the past the death rate from farm accidents was only slightly higher than the national average," he asserted. "But in recent years the difr ference has grown, and in 1962 it was more than 16 per cent higher. "For the family involved, every farm accident is a personal tragedy. Every step possible must be taken to reduce this toll." M. M. C. C. S. See Our Ad Page 8 NYE DRUG The best place to park your troubles is in a pocket --- and be sure to pick one that has a hole in it. The tendency to live In the future is a part of youth, just as is the tendency of age to live in the past. Quality Radiator Repair By Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 11 Years Experience Every Job FLO-TASTED For Your Added Protection. ALL WORK ©UARAltiflp® •-- PROMPT SERVICE ADAMS BROSI, REPAIR SIRV. Next to V.F.W. 3004 W. Route 120 Phone 385-0783 McHenry, lit EVERY POUND WITH eat IN THE meat! OSCAR MAYER FRANKS All Moat and Skinless Jan* Parkef Frankfurter Buns 25! ANOTHER AftP FAMOUS SUPER-RIGHT STEAK SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE Mow buy a steak that has satisfaction "built in." an A&P Super-Righl Top Quality Steak! Thai's right, if you or your family don't agree that these vteaks deliver what wo promise e.. the RAT in the HEAT ... then you get your money back withoBi question. We caa spake such a guarantee because (1) wo km&w every steak Is cut selected corn-fed kief 12) this fine beef Is handled under strict quality controls to protect the flavor and eating goodness. To further insure your satisfaction* w have precis? cutting methods that actually gi?o you full value. CHICKEN LEGS Wedge Bone Removed T-Bone or Club--Tailless BEEF STRIP STEAK tw' frah Lake treat Omi hnb Fillets £ 39* RM Ocean Mi Buy Now And Save At This Low Prke MORTON PIES TgwjCUIct • Cherry • Afpk o Cectapvt Custard 20-ez. Pie AAP's Kool ICMen Promotion--Broadcast or Super-tight (mi Beef M#*, Imdciit Pigs Feet, mi Ubky's Spaghetti with (Mat III ikmr, -#ixer«ekhYo*Cheke- SfMciol This Weekend At A*P-*eg. $9c-$w. 10c PINK SALMON AAP's OWN 1 Ik CQLD STREAM * BRAND VOII 29c 3 MOO Si 49' KMy Breasts Head 0a With H. Hughs ,D* n WATERMELON Halves and Quarters Also Available • iH NECTARINES • RID RIP! RUMS • SfflMESS ©RAPES YOUK CH0ICI LI. 29 59 'W& JH m ti IH SPECIAL THIS WEEKI TIDE w GifflsS LABEL Tid* 65 SAVE 15* ON EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE m. Q| $198 »•|" |8 «| I to. $4 00 Thousand Island, Roquefort, Red Wine, and Shrimp 4ft I0FFMANHOUSE ^ 3-1 35 Buy Now And Save--@©gvlar 99c AtTiOwa Qt. SVHsm Brand BtU SALAD DRESSING Stock Up AncD At This l©re Pcko -= Rog. 9/29c--Save 4c a 4ft BHi < TOMATO aailCE E 3-25 Special This Week At A&P--Regular 4/$ 1.16--Save 17c FLAVORKIST COOKIES New In AAP's Bakery Department e Butterscotch O Chocolate Chip O Dunhens Your Choic* 4*~99 new in ur s turnery veparrmenr A MH P-OCOANUT ORANGE--~45 39 SposooO This Week! Borden's DUTCH Shim Milk «/i Itjulw Gal. 45c Ctn. iite ; 85c Whiti 7-n. C en t 4 C M t i@A Beverages Ang@i M Cake Cli@len £ Sea Aiikjeet Harp? 01 Peaiw' Jane Parker, Made 20«z. With Bvttarmilk rikad IMO wm Savt 9ni "oik wit! Ilese Coupori Tb fifth big weeb in MP's batii ensembl* brings fan another deublc uefco -- WHti MM two coupon* bolow you tava Utifl AM hiflkl NIIMIUM rMMiMi ItftKM ttjka lauaii.l 1 mA LI _ lg;M Sl-Od on high quality Cannon Hams. Complete your entire ^wnwwiiiiii iiiii || SOe Off WB9l] flls " ON A CANHOW-S7YLE0 DV 17CB332 lr'xll" diQit f@wd wiffc A Cc-J?c3 0 ?C7. I 3/S1JS) OCOD IOSY SID, IC64 LO GQ AOP PEED iStei • • Promotion ends Auguit 1st. Here are the Itemt. OCiJGaO M Realenoi Solid White Albacore light Chunk Tulion Oub Tour (hotte tf Flcvort •-ex. 45c iiif Food99s Pecai Cookies 4$ HolEfssodMyBirs 19* laglHearisri Suprame Brsod 6£49« ^39c ^35* 2^59* 3c0«"o2. ^IJ label V3 iSauce MP's Ann Page Brand Juice I5C Banquet Dinners 2 X 41s Rinso B Detergint 3'«'t* Active All Detergent ^49« Your Choice 11<«g. Varieties ^39* (laeG •In 91b. U-VL A Cream Substitute Fresh Itnt P«rker Urge Sue R«g. 49c tight Chunk SAVf CASK) ai^S) PLAID STAMPS ?©Qt -SUMt GRiAT & PaCtflC MA C0EI6WJV. -- -- • AMIIIICA'S OiPIMOABLE (000 MlRCHANI SINCf 1IS9f=^ Ml P>ICIS IFUCTIVg WIU MY IB, 1964 NII Don Dome Pish Washing Soap Makes Your l^aL White Clothes . Whitet; CMtaiev Rap-in-Wax Brand £§§t rfMkfiOc V|T 2^49* t Wide Mouth I Ball Brand Widb AAouefc loll Brand | i d 8 caw iS Mph. WE INV.UE YOU W SHOP AT A&P SAVE CASH AND PLAID STAMPS T00I 3710 WEST ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. STORE DAILY 9 TO 6 THURS. & FRI. 9 TO 9 \SUNDAYS 9 TO 2 \

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