Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Aug 1964, p. 10

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I Two -- Page Two SONNYSIDE ESTATES hlAN OtSEN 385-5740 HOMEOWNERS HOLD IMPORTANT MEETING AUGUST 6 their 10 day Colorado trip last month >. Jimmy was especially thrilled to see his first major league baseball game at Wri.yley Field, and the whole family was impressed with the new /.no® in Milwaukee, featuring air conditioned bird houses where the birds fly free of restricting nly ulass partitions MEMO: Important meetinp Here tonight: Johnsburg School. 8 p.m. Proposals to be offered to you homeowners: annual dues reduced to $5, meetings ( reduced to four per year, fiscal , am year changed to Jan. 1 through "-me between you and the ani- Dec. 31. Be there to vote! A I ma,s-. t,n °>° ,n nominating committee must be I rel itionship. selie ct4e dj . ton i•g hu t« fro r ,th„e i «ele, c.-1 ! T o m e r a i n o r c o m e s h i n e , t h. e t.iio n• of, new. of..f.i cers t ,. I rbanskis will always yet in foi the||(_ fhn fi<rhi coming year. Please obtain vour rescue ' ihe swim and the fishinu ! the water skiing."- Just a.« and t hey J J 4 I (11(1 (lui lili; mi ll i.uu\ "VI SEHOA. as thue y 1ha ve agreedh it o cation in Palisade. Minn. dispose of 100 of them. Call Mel Simmons regarding driveway paving! 385-5696 Sodality This Tuesday. August 11. is the regular monthly meeting of the Blessed Virgin Sodality of St, John's parish, at the Community Club. 8 p.m. It's Not Too Late . . . t o g i v e V e l m a S t e p h e n s news for next week's column. Call now 385-3423. Calling All Scout Mothers I --Brownie and Girl Scout mothers, that is -- and mothers of girls who want to be Brownies or Juniors or Cadettes: an important meeting will be held at the VFW hall in McHenry on Aug. 13. If your daughter wants to commence or continue scouting, Mother, it is essential that you attend this , meeting. Brownie (second and third grades) Mothers: 10-11:30 a.m. Junior (fourth through sixth grades) Mothers: 12:30- 2. Cadette (seventh grade through Freshman year) Mothers: 2 - 3:30 p.m. This includes all troops in the Sybaquay Council. Dog Clubbers German Shepherd owners: Interested in joining a club devoted to the training of your dog? Contact Gene Urbanski at 385-6267. Summer Session Mary Rose has just completed a six week session at the National Teachers College in Evanston, the oldest Teachers College in the U. S. Mary reports that at 5 a.m. rising and the long daily drive were well worth the effort, as the courses were more interesting ^ind valuable: Teaching Math in Elementary School, Speech in Elementary School, and Juvenile Literature, during which she read no less than 85 children's Dooks. Hmm. That should bring you near qualification for librarian, Mary. Boat Club Party It was a grand slam picnic for the Ted Bierchen family at an affair on July 25: the Bierchen children ran off with all the prizes (almost). Delores came in first in all the races she entered, ending up with a panda among her five prizes, and one of Teddy s two prizes outfitted him with a bat and soft ball! The family was pleased to have the Frank Phillips (Dorothy's sister) from Chicago as their guests for the picnicking and dancing on this grand, eventful day. Cyclist Enthusiasts . . . o f C a d e t t e T r o o p 4 1 . l e d b y Alice Bieschke, were off on a day long bicycle venture to Fish Lake recent ly. More i>o\ver to them - they surely need it. Vacation Varieties Several day-long trips are occupying the remainder of the Fuqua family'* \aeation < after did during their rainy week varccently. The fact that they drove 600 miles to catch only'one fish, just had to be offset and they were worthy of the task. Gene s parents accompanied them on their wet. vacation, but no doubt were cabin-ized. After their return home, they spent a week of days of various lakes and rivers near by. boating and skiing. "It was grand,' says Barbara. The Mikkelsons vacationed in Park Falls. Wis., for the third straight year, fishing for walleyes and perch. They were blessed with good, warm weather and had a very pleasant time, except for two bee bites, which proved to be non-consequential. Diane Voight was a very happy 10 year old when her maternal grandparents asked her to accompany them on their trip East. They visited aunts in Strousburg. Pennsylvania, and other relatives in upper New York. The train rides, were grand and the scenery was a joy for her to behold. It was a grand three weeks for a sweet little girl. And Donny Voight was invited to accompany the Zeiger family on their Wisconsin tour. During their week long trip they traveled through the Dells, Land O'Lakes, Eau Claire, Chippewa Falls, and Prairie Du Chien, stopping at places and points of interest that caught their fancy. Adeline reports that the river drive up to Minneapolis is gorgeous. 45th Anniversary On the evening of July 25, two neighbors whose anniversary dates and anniversary years are just one apart, celebrated their forty-fifth; 22 years for Hank and Adeline Zeiger and 23 years of Harold and Marge Palmer! After a long wait at a local restaurant for cold food that shouldn't have been, they danced the night away at the Woodstock Moose. All's well that ends well. Stitched . . . i s t h e h e a d o f l i t t l e t h r e e year old Ricky Voight. He lost a tussei last Saturday and ended up the worst off. But Mother says he's doing well. Hospitalized After suffering several days with her asthma. Dorothy Bierchen went to see the doctor and ! found herself in a hospital bed only minutes later, being administred oxygen. Happily, she was released the next day and • reports she is feeling fine now. ! To Tuilahonia: ' Have a grand time during the visit with our Sunnysiders. THE McHEWtT PLAINDEALEB .1 ^ ^_ Ik ft 1 Tfllirsaay# nu»j»ai •>« * lOAJ To June and Chet Banker on the 8th yes, they share the day. On the 9th to Teddy Bietrhen who will become a teenager, to Lauri Ann Radtke, who will be eight years old, and to Howie Siepman. who will be six years old. On the 10th to fifteen year old Christine Roy. On the 11th to Cecil Kanter and fifteen year old Bill Davis. Maj your day be as bright as vour candles. Happy Birthday Todav to A1 Holtfodt. Happy Anniversary On the 10th to George and Millie Kropf. I I Packing Problems j Now that husband has his ' three tackle boxes, eight fish-, ing poles, net, minnow bucket, j boat -motor, life preserves and ( cushions neatly stowed in the ; trunk, there doesn't seem to be ' room for ihe extras: clothes, etc. . . ! McHENRY PHONE DIRECTORY ON TOUR OF RUSSIA "/ The McHenry telephone directory is one of eighty Illinois Bell Telephone Co. directories that are currently touring Rus- | sia in the United States Infor- ! mat ion Agency exhibit, "Communications. U.S.A. ' And for the Russian people it will probably be easier for them to look up a number in the McHenry directory than in a Russian one. Russian directories are so scarce they are almost unknown. The average Russian telephone user must call a telephone office to get a number. This usually means a delay. In the USIA display, the names of many directories will be printed on the covers of the directories in 'Russian. Information agency officials predict manv visitors will thumb through them looking for names of relatives. Another item that should be of special interest to the Russian people is the Yellow Pages, showing the extent and diversity of U.S. businesses. In addition to the directories, "Communications,' U.S.A." will exhibit computers and highspeed communications equipment. including the data-phone service. There will also be a section dealing with radio and television and a section on space and research, where visitors can see a live TV image bounced off a working Telstar model. The exhibit is expected to attract about a half a million Russians in Moscow, Kiev and Leningrad. Ferdinand Zepplin, of German dirigible fame, was a volunteer soldier in the Federal Army during the American Civil War. DRIVER LICENSE AWARD Illinois has again won the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators achievement award for its performance in driver license administration, and placed fourth among the state in the A.A.A.M.V.A. ratings, Secretary of State William H. Chamberlain has announced. The Illinois score of tlK of a possible 100 waS sur" passed only by North Carolina, which scored 100. and Mainland and Oregon, which tied for second with 90. Mr. ChambeJlain said. Illinois scored highest in the "larne states" group. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES © TRUE GERMAN STYLB FLAVORS © LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON © DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES MAMS Phone 385-6260 Route 120 -- Jnst East of Rout® 12 -- Volo, I1L A4P'« Supw*Right Top Quality ROUND, RUMP or SIRLOIN TIP A & P's SUPER-RIGHT TOP QUALITY Boneless, Rolled, and Tied - Special Bar* been® Feature for This W§A Invite the friends for a weekend cookouf. A&P's Super lib fnd fort ion lb. .Ri9w» fop Uin fnd | Fortion lb. AS YOU TRAVEL ctav with us' PRAKI apoll«i Ind. ^ tv, radio, '.Phone in «v*ry room- STUB hickoM**0" 11 S 14 at Hickory St., «*»»• XJ.o. , Chicago ••• utes north kitchen* «r»rt area«*#su ' , swimming pool inter Cut^P* Super-R'*9 Right ft. T BEEF SHORT RIBS Q Ideal for Barbecue--A&p'g Super-High? JUNIOR TURKEYS Chicken ? 5, ».45eT 55' Sliced Beef ELIwer icy Shrimp M*d. >ix« c Fnui ft. J LiJ LJ L-J LJ LJ t I LJ LJ LJ i ILJ L_j LJ L_ j t 1 L_J LJ 0 CANTALOUPE i purcnose 'more IG>. Allgood Sliced Bacon A&P's Brand Chicken, Turkey, Ham, Salisbury and Beef--Frozen alamo plaza * MOTEL «1 8 41 North, Fr*V * Alr-con*m°n-d ~ soeoonefcl* " " " ^ D I E R S O N f K » « st. mmrs MO«I »s-4l"stS!*c5J downtown... f"* B.ntal IVANSVILU/ *N0' Northern Grown Red POTATOES 20 lbs. Special Pwelniase Ttais Week--Sees Light Brand GRATIS BANQUET 0INNERI--39 Buy Now and Save At This Low Price-Reg. A/7© Sdffotni® a m ^ FANCY TOMATOES 4-59 Jane Parker SandbkCi) Cookies 3 ^ I00 atten, • . New 1964 Pack-New Every Day Low Price #>bYSTAL LAKE# RED CHERRIES Special at A&P's Dairy Dept.--Sunnybrook GRADE-A EGGS !@i@n Lei@i Juice »«;69' fflhssel £7 2™: 79' A*P Ovon Brand Sour and Pitted Each tnd every egg is fully guaronfetd Special Purchase This Week PINEAPPLE JUICE jkr M '<Ju,ten & Sc ||ypf (Home •on tiiwo? r- •'ear i r j e: are not a',var"1o/ a t tranV ?c-°ple N?:iefi rs -rov-i «eath Security.'if J, ed by s°cial c o v e r e d by S o c i a l d f C ? a s e d i s r^ardless of affe Sec;, r ity, sw death benefit i *P eqnal to three Paid amount of the n •meS the benefit. Primary monthly liHHill tee S® Upton Til lags A Safe-T-Cups Nabisco Oreo Mies f" >la Corn Oil All 12-ot. Flavors cm eRfq 1-lb. or Dr.p Refreshing pkg. Drink of 48 And Cones 2S;'3» 4» AAP Brand V7 N°r°?d 12-ox. Save At This Low Prlco Cflll 10 Special This Week BORDEN^ FUDGSICLE 1249 mm IOK M>M$ 50c ©ff This Coupon en one of Sfjo fellowing Cannon Itamt BMH TOWIl, HAND T0WEI, 3 WASH CLOTHS 0* 3 GUEST TOWELS Yeur PricM As ;oic* Morhod IP A Gecd A»«. ».'H4 in ell A4P food AAP EXTENDS ITS BATH ENSIMBll PROMOTION THRU AUG. 8TH DUI TO ITS WONDERFUL SUCCESS 1.00 ON A CANK0W-STYUB 07 VVINSSOS SHOWER TOWIL OR BATH MAT YOUR PRICKS CHOICE! AS WADKG0 ' Ge&d thru Aug. 0, 1964 In oil A&P Pood JJoret ll ' l" Star-list Tuna Chunl[ teg. 12/78c inDQEi Borden's 5Vi-oi. Whipped pkg. jfaQ Chunk 6-01. AA. light Meat cm Vlr . Sur- UVi-oi. J Kist can 16-ot. pkg. Perfect IJQj for Frying bH. Uw m- iilSlifliiSIJI lb. can Smucker's ll-oi Old fashion Flavor far SAVE CASH AND PLAID STAMPS TOO! vnvaac " THE _CRf AT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COWPAfJY. IfJC^? ^ j^FAMERICA'S DEPENDABLE fOOO MERCHANT SINCE1l5Jp4f All Prices Kffectiv# Thru Aug. f, 1964 r's lal Tiiileterpt 65c C u b e s 3 9 * 2pC39c Buy Now ling f|S1 and Sava alia ent "r 39* Piffe Fiilal lissie 7,' 29* llhite Cloud Tissue thE? 2*117e JMjDofM 2 55e e*ceed t ]ian $120. ' be less to ^ CBKVIC3 Respectfully, •if yX'A.ys' IS I " Is 19 11 WE INVITE Y0I 79 SHOP AT A&P SAVE CAiH AND PLA1 STAMPS TOO! 3710 WEST ELM ST. McHENRY. ILL. STORE HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 6 THUlSo & FRI. 9 TO 9 SI ^AYS 9 TO 2

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