Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Aug 1964, p. 15

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Thursday, Augii«i ft, 3054 1 HE McKENRY I^/uNdEALek Section Two -- Pag» S®v*tf LAKELAND PARK ttARB MGURER -- ItAY DRtlML NEWS 885-4350 l®ay Dues Now At A^|bciation At the beginning of this new month, garbage dues for both Lakeland Park and Lakeland Shores became cjye. Lakeland Park residents are also beihg assessed another five dollars for a special road fee. We all know how bad our roads are and with the approaching of wlhtp weather the roads will need added work done to make them drivable. The dues and assessment are payable to your block captains now and It is hoped many of you will take the time to get your monies to them instead of leaving it tip to them to try and reach yoli; Another matter has been brought to our attention by residents. Btiming garbage is not oiily against our by-laws but is also a state law. Residents are once again asked to please NOT burn garbage. Little League News: Saturday, Aug. X, all the Little Leaguers who arc going "to attend the game at Sox Park must be at the Community House at 9:15 a.m. in uniform. The boys are urged to bring along lunches, a sweater a,nd, their own spending money. Lets hope the weather is wonderful and that the game is exciting. • • On Sunday, Aug. 9, the finish of our league will be marked by a game between our All Stars and the managers ami'coaches. This will be a regular baseball game. Following will be a softball game between the sons and mothers. There will be many aching muscles next Monday morning. The men's and boys' game will start at 1 p.m. and the mothers', sons' game at 2:30. To all of you who pick up the paper on Wednesday evening, there will be a game played between the Sox and Cubs which had been rained out. There is fllso a game btween t he Sox and Pirates to be played, as yet no date has been set but it will be during this week. Games last week had the Sox defeat the Tigers 12 to 4 on Monday. Tuesday saw a terrific game played with the Ofiol^s, 4 runs on two hits and the Cubs 2 runs on no hJW Wednesday the Sox and Pirates it) another close battle, with the Sox the victors with a score of 6 to f>. On Thursday the Braves trounced the Tigers 15 to 7 and on Friday the Cubs had 16 runs to the Pirates 12. Sunday's double header had the Orioles beating the Tigers 4 to 0 and the Braves beating the Sox 6 to 2. It was just wonderful according to all the parents of the Little Leaguers to have had only two Sunrlay gomes to play this year and they've all asked that we tell the officers how much they appreciated it this year. Because of the two rained out games ndt being played yet we are unable to give a final standing for the league the standings as of now are: Boy Scout Troop 450 All Scouts are asked to please have their fee and note of permission to attend the Dells campout in at Tuesday's meeting, Aug. 11. This is to be a family campout and it is hoped many of the families will participate. The families must provide their own accommodations. We're willing to bet the Dells will never be the same. Community House Schedule Any reservations or cancellations should be made Ihrough Jo Rizzo at 3K!)-2728. The only reservation is Tuesday, Aug. 11, at 8 p.m. Boy Scout meeting. Brownies All mothers of Brownies that belonged to Troop 464 last season are requested to attend a mot hers' meet ing concerning their daughters future in Scouting at the V.F.W. on Thursday, Aug. 14 at 10 a.m. The meeting will last until All girls in second grade, interested in joining a Brownie Troop in the fall please contact Marge Webber at 385-2268 or Flan Quast at 385-4087. Cub Scout I'nck 459 Cubbers are urged to mark Aug. 22 down on their calendars. It's the date they will attend the stock car races at Wilmot. Details will be In hext week's paper. Welcome, Rodney Barbara and Jim Emery are the proud parents of their second son. Rodney was born July 22 at McHenry hospital and weighed in at 6 lbs. 2 ofc. His 'l\-i year old'brother, Roger, spent 2 weeks in Bloomington W L RO Cubs 10 4 1 Sox 9 4 2 Braves 7 S Orioles 7 S Pirates 6 8 Tigers 4 11 1 at his grandma's while his mother was in the hospital. fift-Well Wishes: We'd like to wish the very best of get-well wishes to many of our residents this week, Greg Mayer was the victim of a high fever and chest pains. Jack Hertzog and Mrs. Esther Schell are also on the list of not up to par. Chuck Campo was sent, home from work as was Bill Kamp who fainted from heat exaustion. Mary Daurio was another sent home from work with a high fever and general all over flu symptoms. Helen Strandquist is still a patient at Woodstock hospital and is in a neck brace. Carol Humann is a patient at Harvard hospital and will require a great deal of bed rest, Carol is down with rheumatic fever. Melvin Radloff is in McHenry hospital the vicr tim of a concussion he received when his wheel fell off his bike. Kevin Lavin is also a patient at that hospital. Kevin was rushed in last Saturday suffering from severe internal bleeding. Jimmy Grothman had to have seven sutures put in his hand as the result of his [jutting his hand through a j door. Doug Funk was also cut badly the same way. We're both sure that the people in the hospitals v,»juld enjoy hearing from their many friends. Our Best Wishes are extended to the following residents in our subdivision, Bob Laursen, who says he can vote now, Delbert Burns who will be an active 2 and to thai real nice young man, Mark Bartos ,who will be 12. They all share today, Aug. 6. On the 8th, Margaret Lane and those two nice youngsters, Jimmy Daurio and Terry Funk, will all be blowing out candles. Jimmy will be 10 and Terry 8. Lorraine Arient and Pat Richardson both share the 9th as their natal day. On the 10th, Barb's, number one son, Alan, will be that wonderful age of 10. Jacqueline Richardson will be 3 on the 11th. Sharing the date with her arc Keith Stoltz and those- two real good baseball players, Jimmy Hansen and Doug Funk. Jimmy will be 14 and Doug 12. Todd Stoltz and .Barbara Humann both share the 12th and those happy preschool years. Barb will be 2 and Todd 4. Denise Bucaro and Jimmy Oeffling who plays a lot of third base celebrate on the 13th. Jimmy will become a teenager on that day. Strolling Through The Park Helping Bette Kamp celebrate her ? birthday last Friday evening were her parents, Lil and Mike Druml of Wonder Lake, Bette's brother, Ed, his wife, Kay, and their two youngest sons, Dennis and Kevin, along with the Elshoffs who had just returned from a wonderful trip to San Francisco. We'll never tell how many candles Bette had to blow out but it did take her two good breaths to do it. Dottie, -Irv, .Kathy and Mary Becker jetted to Disneyland in sunny California last Monday and returned late Thursday evening. Mary came home with an official Mousketeer hat and bubbling with excitement as did her sister, brother and parents. The whole'trip from all they told us was just wonderful. One of the highlights to them was the Indian Dances they saw done and the fact that one of the Chiefs talked to them about one of their big interests, Indian Dances. Their vivid explanations made us feel like we really must get to Disneyland. They also visited many points of interest and enjojyed the scenic drive along the ocean. When Dottie and Irv were gone we had the pleasure of having a daughter for a few days. Margie was a wonderful companion and quite a new experience for us after having had sons. Margie. we love you dearly and enjoyed having a little girl in our home for a few days. That baseball game between the men and boys last Satur- Our Radio System Gets Fast Results The two-way radio in our Radio Dispatched Cab enables us to contact it immediately and sent it to your door promptly. McHenry Phone 385-0723 day proved too much wear and tear on one of the coaches trousers. Heard one of his sons diaper pins came in real handy until wife could make a hurried trip home for a pair of trousers. Heard the green cap the coach wears almost turned red with embarrassment. Many of the dads really took verbal lacing from their sons, seems that saying about "Don't do as I do, do as I say" proved itself quite often during the game. Nedra, Les and Bill Eckhart spent several days last week visiting their relatives in Indiana. Heard it was a real hot ride. Grandma Chamblin dog and bird sat at the Eckhart home while they were away. Jeanette and Jack Hertzog had Jeanette's parents as guests for the past week. Greg, l]hles, an ex-resident of the park, , is spending a few days visiting with the Grote family. Gerry and-Lloyd Wagner and their three children spent four days in Chippewa Falls, Wis. Fishing was poor but swimming was wonderful. They visited with several of Lloyd's old cronies. The game between the former Little Leaguers and the managers and coaches took place last Saturday evening with the men winning by a score of 10 to 0. I don't know how the boys made out physically. but there was a lot of pulled muscles, bruises and torn pants among the men. Those playing on the lx>ys team were Bill Chadwick, Brad Grote, A1 Kujak, Mike Linnane, Ken Prazak, Bill Seiferl, Bob Townsend, Greg Uhles and Frank Vanek. Ken Prazak pitched most of the game and Frank Vanek was catcher. The men were M^rv George, Jim Wickenkamp, Bob Matlhews, Bill Jaenicke, Clar Haerle, John Johnson, Max Koch, Ron Meurer, Don Hanaer, Ray Rode and Rich Wohnrade. The umpires were Ray Grote and Gloria Vanek. Kay and Joe Brooks were great-grandparents for the fourth time on July 21 when their grandson ad his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gester, had a baby boy, David John. They live south west of Chicago. Our sincere sympathy goes to Kay and Joe Brooks on the death of Kay's sister, Ann Motch, last week Monday. IVlarv and Shirl George, tiob and Jessie Matthews, Max and Shirl Koch, John and Maureen Johnson, Clar and Eleanor Haerle and Ron and Barb Meurer joined the Georges in an anniversary dinner party at a steak house in Antioch. Everyone was looking forward to a nice cool evening in an air conditioned restaurant but discovered when they arrived there, that the air conditioning wasn't working. The steaks were delicious though. The Meurers had a houseful of' company last Sunday when Ron's cousin and family, Lester and Alice Peach, daughters, Au- <Jrey, LuAnne and Anita, and sota^Ftoger, came up from Walnut, III., along with Ron's aunt Eva Pcach and another cousin, Leo Peach, also from Walnut. They enjoyed watching Alan play baseball and the girls spent the afternoon at the beach. They ate all day. Grandma and Grandpa Meurer were also out for the weekends We want to wish the .best of everything to Darlene and Howard' Wagner and sons, Howie and Raymond. They moved from our subdivision last Saturday and ;;re living in town until the farm house they want is vacant. Ann Herzog just returned from a three week vacation with her daughter and son-inlaw and grandchildren in St. Louis. Ann loved every minute of it. Helen, Gene and Mike Kraskiewicz along with Mr. and Mrs. Pieseeki and their daughter spent a week in Chetek, Wis., visiting with Gene's aunt who owns a resort there. They spent the week just having fun and visiting with all the friends they have in that area. One of 1he high lights was a two hour show boat ride they took in Harvard, Wis. On Saturday they had a house full of guests, among them their two married children and their families, Gene, Jr., and his family and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thompson and t heir children. Among the neighbors who came to hear all aboul their trip were the Hertzogs, Lezaks and. Ann Herzog. Lil Bene's mother, Mrs. Win- ' i i- .spending a month vacali'- Min-..; out here. G!o:ia Vanek reports on her '1'11 io Arizona that it was just 11< U • 11 it I but very, very hot. ilic many sights seen by ' hoi;; \v;is the newest femal". 1 •»1 i11n• • fashions which shocked ' 'I'm i i no end. 'Vi r| like to extend a huge '•< • I' ome home to Tommy Rei- 1 ! who has just returned I- ' years of active duty with N>vy. Tommy held the ! ' of Seaman 3rd class and i fire control technician, i '*• ei\f(| ;ihoard the U.S.S. 1 I'l.'n a destroyer. Among H: many South Pacific ports he . ,-n'd were, Okinawa, Ha- . 1Japan and Hong Kong, i'-i-iniy will now be a member ' I Mi' in active reserves for i li' i ihree years. Hope you I ni nothing bu the very best in \our new endeavors Tom. W" i e proud of you. < nla, .John and Cindy Spahr \iI with 1he Kuehns last A' I. Wonder'if John wasn't i il pleased to hear where his I- .'n i i Little League team, the ( ni. ^iand this year. Not hie and Norb Kwiatek : P< ni Saturday al the stock car 1 lie Kamps and Druml helpe | their parents, Lil and Mike 1 >J uiiil, celebrate their fortylilt h wedding anniversary last Sunday. It was grandpa's first att' .npt at out door cooking (or indoors as far as that goes). The hoi dogs were delicious grandpa but we loved those lieimuda shorts even more. Hop.-- we'll all be together to help you celebrate number 50. That group of fun loving people who live on the west ertd of Home Avenue had their yearly party last Saturday. Heard SPRING GROVE NEWS EVA FREUND 678-7135 Board Members Plan Program _ <> Members of the board, the officers and committee chairmen of the Christian Mothers Society of Si. Peter's parish met wilh Rev. Edward Lehman, pastor, at ihe parish hall on Tuesday evening. The year's program was set up. Some of the coming events for fall are a rummage sale in September, a pantiy shower for the nuns on Oct. 15, 8 p.m., and a Halloween card parly and luncheon the latter part of October. A Thanksgiving party will be held in Noseveral of the group had flu??? on Sunday morning. Pat and Ed Linnane were hosts to a large group on Sunday. The Ludwigs also had a large gathering on that day. Amongthe guests who gathered for a cook out were Judy's brother, Bill, his wife, Rhoda, and the two Osinskis, her brother, Jerry, and his wife, Maryann, and their youngster; Fred's brother, Tony, his wife, Coreen, and their children, his cousin, Charley Gadza, and Fred's brother, Michael. Howard and Darlene Wagner and their sons were also among the guests. Please, remember Sharon Wagner at 385-6106 with all your old newspapers. The Lakemoor Scouts really need that new bus. Auto Insurance Cancelled? NO ONE REFUSED -- ANY A«E Reasonable Rates Financial Responsibility Filings Stay out of "Pool insurance" and have Full Coverage TEENAGE INSURANCE -- Full Coverage JAN-MAR INSilAUCE 385-7667 Trade Water Heater fggESMHfc vember and a tentative plan for a Christmas :>azaar is being considered. Chairmen and committees for regular monthly meetings were selected and plans were made for the programs to be held at these meetings. Mrs. Frank Heineman, president, gave a report on the chicken dinner held in July. Shotliff-Wilford Reunion A family re-union of the Shotliff- Wilford relatives was held a1 Fox River Park, Wilmot, Wis., last Sunday. Fifty-four were present from Indiana, | Wisconsin and Illinois. A pot- , luck dinner was enjoyed along : with an afternoon of visiting and reminiscing. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. William Frederick from Venice. Fla., formerly from Chicago, were recent callers at the William Shot I iff home. They had been visiting their family in Libertyville. 'Dr. Duane Ford of Maryland , called on friends here the past week. , j ( I n f o s j The 500 clul) mel at Nora ! Miller's home on Thursday af- ' ternoon. Prize winners were i Frances Shotliff, Mary Klein, . Frances Busch, Emma May and Mame Tinney. A lunch was served after cards. j Mis. Edward May was hos- j tess to the members of her club : on Thursday evening. A dessert lunch 'was served, after *which cards were played. Prizes yvent to Mrs. "Charles "Fretin^ Mrs, Eldred Johnson and Mrs.' 'Paul Lewis. The'clUb will m&et next month at the home of Mrs. Ray May. • ' ^ • Jil Returns To Cafltornlil ' r 'V/ Mrs. Josephine Giltzow, wKb was a guest of Mrs, <Frank Tinfci ney for several weeks, returned' to her home in California thii week. ' • 1 Vacations |{ •, , llf Mr. and Mrs. ..fohn Sqnpoi#, of Chicago are enjoying a tw'flr week vacation at fheir ,,Jioijie here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Edward'M^y ', just returned from a trip to northern Wisc6'risin. Mr.""aji$ Mrs. George Waspi spent some time in Springfield the past' 'week. ' « Walter WrubleskJ Dle» Suddenly We.were very sorry. to hear, of t he j death of Walter Wruble*' ski, age 49, who passed away at his home, the result of a-stroke on July 2H. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended, his . wife,.. Lore!la, and family. Funeral' services were held at St. Pete£'S. church on Saturday, " I ILLINOIS CATTLE ' 4 There were 447,000 caltle andr calves on feed in Illinois pii. July 1, 1964, according to a report from (he Illinois Coopera- . tive Crop Reporting Service. This is 17 per cent he low t.tys.V 539,000 head on feed a year ago and 28 per cent below Ihe 622,-, 000 on feed last quarter. n Now! Enjoy oceans of hot water the fastest, most economical way-- with a GAS water heater • Attractive savings it you trade in your water heater now. • Wide variety of quality makes and latest models at your nearest Northern Illinois Gas showroom; a heater size to suit every family size. • Special models, too--for wall-vent or under-counter installation. • Stepped-up burner capacities give amazingly fast recovery; all the hot water you can use, whenever you need it. • Lowest operating cost; 43l> 0 less with gas than with other types of heaters. • Dependable and long-lasting; ten-year protection plans. Would you like a Northern Illinois (las sales representative to help you select the proper size water heater for your family needs? Just call our nearest office. NORTHERN 6ILLINOIS PHONE 385-2081 Sir vice around llw ctvik CIDAA SUMMER SHIPMENTS JUST ARRIVED ALL PRICES SLASHED THEY'VE GOT TO GO! BIG 18-FOOT, TWO-TQN VALUE AT A SMALL CAR PRICE ( NOBODY matches OUR TRADE-IN ALLo Nances TERMS See your Chrysler dealer--the best of the big car men 2508 WEST KOI TK 120 McllKNKY, ILLINOIS

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