Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Oct 1964, p. 19

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Thursday, October 8, 1964 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH Seciion Tiuree T v -?i ' m iPrng* FN JOHNSBURS NEWS BETTY HETTERfttANN 385-1296 INVITE PUBLIC TO HEAR FINE PTA SPEAKER Next Sunday, Oct. 11, will climax many weeks of planning lor the committee in charge of open house at St. John's church. An invitation is issued to one and all to come in and see the beautiful interior of our "Cathedral in the Sky. There will be various persons on duty throughout the hours of open house to explain whatever questions you may want to ask, as to the altars, confessionalsp-- missals, stained glass windows, etc. Please try to fit it into your busy schedule over next weekend. Remember the hours are from 2 to 4 in the afternoon. In addition to the/ church, you may visit our Sisters new convent. This is a beautiful three story structure and is well worth seeing. If you happen to miss this on Sunday, you may come back the. following week, Oct. 18, and go through it. Attend Wedding In Oklahoma Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huemann were accompanied by Mrs. Bert Olson of Evanston and Mrs. Jack Smith of McHenry on their recent motor trip to Tulsa. They spent about ten days visiting relatives and enjoying the beautiful scenery. The main reason for the trip was the wedding of Joe's nephew, Steve Olson. His parents are Hoy and Rosemary Olson who reside in Tulsa. While there, they also heard of the arrival of twin daughters to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Olson of California. These are the first grandchildren of the senior Olsons. Rescue Squad Calls At noon on Sept. 28, the members of our own Johnsburg rescue squad was called to the Village of Sunnyside where a resident suffered a respiratory difficulty. The patient was taken by the squad to the hospital. Last Sunday morning at 11:40, a two car collision caused four persons to be taken to the McHenry hospital by the squad ambulance. This accident occurred on the Bay road near a gravel pit. These two recent calls pushed the running count up to 2,412. Let's hope none of you are one vof these statistics. Please drive carefully and obey all the vehicle laws. Juveniles To Have Halloween Fun Witches, goblins, pumpkins and just about anything else you can imagine, and I do mean imagine, will be on hand at the community club hall next Monday evening, Oct. 12, at 7 p.m. This is the night of the juvenile girl Forester annual Halloween party. All members from first grade on lup are invited to attend. Each girl should join in the fun by arriving in costume. All kinds of "goulish things have been planned for this night, so don£, miss any of it. King Candidate Our very best wishes to Wayne Hiller who was recently chosen as one of candidates for homecoming king at the McHenry high school. We wish him good luck and hope he winds up on the top, but if he doesnt, it's still an honor to have been one of the candidates. Woodstock Dinner Guests Mrs. Dora Kennebeck and Alvina Schumacher spent a most enjoyable time with the Ray Gaylords in Woodstock last Sunday. Mrs. Gaylord is the daughter of Mrs. Kennebeck. Businessmen To Hold Dinner Have I got some good news this week. The Johnsburg Businessmen's Association will hold its first annual dinner at Hettermann's on October 27, at 6:30 p.m. This first informal get-together of the businessmen and their mates promises to be quite a "wingding." The committee in charge is doing a lot of planning so you had better be certain you are there on that evening or '"you will be sorry." Entertainment will be furnished to make this gathering ever so festive. The businessmen will be contacted to see if they will be available for this first dinner party. Be sure to circle that date so you can be in attendance when the local business people ^sick up <heir heels. All in aTl> from the plans I've heard about, this fchould be a most enjoyable evening £or all. Entertains Over Weekend Tom and Darlene Huemann had Mr. and Mrs. Wally Dean as their dinner guests last Saturday evening. While on Sunday, John and Helen Huemann of Chicago were visitors in the home of the Joe Huemanns. Weekend Visitors In St. Louis In St. Louis over a recent weekend to attend the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd West, son of Mrs. Francis West, were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and Mrs. Art Thelen. Also participating in the wedding festivities were Mrs. Lenora Miller of Spring Grove, Mr. and Mrs. George Reinmueller of Skokie and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller of Waukegan. Needless to say that this group had a very, very good time. Happy, Happy News Not only happy news but sparkling news as well. The happiness is in the. form of Dick Huemann and Janet Weingart while the sparkle comes from the third finger of her left hand. Added up that makes this beaming young couple engaged. Jan received her lovely ring from Dick last Saturday evening. We want to wish them lot? of happiness in their future plans, which I'm sure they will have. He is the son of Fred and Lu Huemann and Jan's parents are John and Fran Weingart. New Members To Be Taken Up Any parish woman who is not a member of the Blessed Virgin Sodality, and wishes to do so, please contact either Hilda Thelen at 385-2623, or Dorothy Himpelmann at 385- 3G93. The new members will be taken up in church with benediction at 8 p.m. on Oct. 13. Following the church servmmmmmi GR@@MN© (All Breeds) • BOARDING (Individual Kennels) • TBAINING • BATHING cker's [SC@snieo@ls 1018 W. Lincoln Rd. McHenry Phone 385-2436 (1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In) you JC, now Someone Iflew +3n ^Jovun? The Welcome Wagon Representative would •Sp like to call on them and extend a welcome to the community. Please Call the Representative Below wt come on $epreAentative Adelaide B. Patzke ' PSMMM ice, all the members will go to the community club hall for their regular meeting. A social evening will follow the meeting. News From The Diaper Line It looks like that long legged bird has been quite busy lately. He delivered a little blue bundle to Joe and Donna Moulis of Dutrh Creek Woodlands on Sept. 22 at the McHenry hospital. This is the third child and second son for this young couple. We extend congratulations to the Moulises upon their new addition. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiel have a new granddaughter. Their son and his wife, Bob and Betty Thiel of Des Plaines, adopted their second child from St. Vincent's orphanage within the past three years. The new baby will answer to the name of Mary Helen. Young three year old, Bobby, dearly loves his- new sister. Happiness must come to people who are so willing'to accept these darling children into their home and raise them as their own. I'm sure, this couple ;ind any ojlher couples who are so unselfish will find a special reward in heaven. Once more we extend sincere congratulations to Joe and Donna and Bob and Betty on their new infants. Special Notes There will be no school for the students of St. John's on Friday of this week in honor of St. Francis, patron of our Sisters. Also, all those on the*' committee for the open house for next. Sunday, please meet in the church by 8 p.pi. Friday evening. 25th Wedding Anniversary Coming Up On the 25th of this month, Walter and Millie Smith will be married 25 years. They were blessed with two children during this period, Ronald and Marilyn. The four Smiths reside at 3807 N. Spring Grove Road. Walter and Millie are planning to celebrate this occasion on Saturday, Oct. 17, in the community club hall. T-hey wish to invite all their relatives and friends to participate in the open house celebration on this date from 7:30 p.m. until midnight. They hope to see lots of familiar faces on this happy gathering. Wedding Bells Ring Out Our community joins in wishing two young couples, who recently exchanged their marriage vows, loads of health and happiness in their lives ahead. Both sets of newlyweds repeated their vows in St. John's church. Diane Schafer became Mrs. Gary Onley on Sept. 26. Following a trip to Mexico, they will take up residence in Wheeling. Mosl recent of brides in our town is Jean Smith. She took the new name of Mrs. Gerald Pretzman on Oct. 3rd. The rite was performed at 11:30 on this date. Mr. and Mrs. Pretzman were honored later in the day at a reception held in the community club. . That just about "wraps it up" for this week. I sure hope we can all meet hear again next week. Keep in mind the open house at St. John's church next Sunday. Hope to see you there. Prior to attending the open house activities, take your family to the church of your choice. This is a very good habit to get into together each Sunday. Remember "the family who prays together, stays together." NURSES* MEETING Dr. Peter Vinceguerra, thoracic surgeon from Libertyville, will be guest speaker at. the October meeting of the McHenry County Nurses association. They will meet Oct. 8 at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria of Memorial hospital, Woodstock. His subject will be "Pulmonary Disease". All graduate and registered nurses are welcome. MCHENRY SHORES BERMCE WILSON 385-4380 FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO KOINEMANN SAUSAGE CO. • 35 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES Phone 385-8260 Route 120 -- Just East of Route 12 -- Volo, I1L Hold Harvest Hop October 10 S;ilurd:iy night, Oct. 10, is the ni'jhl. Tickets e-'in lie obi .'lined from. Charlie Lindwal! or .it the door. The club has liner! up a f^ood orchestrri and everyone will have a fine time. If you attended the last one the club ran you know what a success it was and 1 h is one should he just as good as we have I he same orchest i a. and they nally swim;. As you know ihr will be ihe last event of 1h" --ea^on so lei's all "<•' ] behind i! and have a good tii.'.<', too. j I ti rlli days I Our b'rthdav celebrantc Ibis! week are ("hristianne Clark on' Ocl. ') Arthur H^emelin, Johns Schniilt, Oharlc'-- VhucV Whit-1 nev.Thomas Koleno and Tim- | olhy al! on the 10th. i Johnny will be 4 as will Chuck t and Tommy and Timmy wil' I bo 1.1; on 'the 1 1 Mi Ann;. Cup.-! ncr and Mary Anne Kol.'nii,.' Mary Anne will !>< obse!vin,r her ."ilh. Linda ilattan who will be 10 years old <.n Ihe l^th and William Web'T and Robert Petersen on the 111 h, William will i.e 7 years o'd. This week sure was a popular one to be born in, and best wishes to all. Here N There Ynun'; Danny Hinsoater celebrated his s 'cond bir'hday behaving fifteen guests in for a buffet dinner, with his mother's help, of course. Rernice Musielak reports that shftr has some ones clothes basket, a green one with one handle off, which blew in one of those windy days last week. She will be happy to return il to the owner. I>ale, Ruth and Chuck Jenw r drove to Logan, W. Va., to visit Rui l l's parents and stayed down there for 4 days visiting old filends and relatives, but spending most of the time with her dad who has not been feeling too well. The fall colors are beginning to show down there and the countryside was worth seeing. As I look out across the river there is very little difference from all summer. all is still pretty green. The (Jruners had a visitor all the way from Sanla Rosa, Calif. Klsie Shbver, who came 11;j for 2 days and accompanied the Gruners.on a trip to Chicago In sr/ Mr.-Oruner's brother, oii/frie norlh side of the cilii^frienrls in Oak Park and Mis. Cruner's brother. Klsie and Ann had p!cn1y 1o talk ahout as thev are old friends aiid haven't seen each other for "STjTnet ime, Mrs. Tenneit's sisler and her husband, Frank and Emma Vysa, flew in from Hollywood, 1o attend 1 he funeral of I heir daughter who passed away last week, and spent one day with the Terinerts. They will be here for one week only and had quite a few relatives to see while up here. Anniversaries On Oct. 11 Joseph and Theresa Hastings will have an anniversaries, hope it is a happy day Joe and Terry. Unusual, but not extreme ^ Lavish, yet budget-priced GREETINGS See them at 3812 W. Elm Street PUMHDEALER McHenry, 111. LIMITED TIME OFFER-SEE YOUR DEALER ] Now save up to *60 when you buy a new electric dtver Right now--just as outdoor drying starts to get its worst--Commonwealth Edison and Public Service Company, in cooperation with your appliance dealer, offers you a chance to save up to $60 on any new flameless electric dryer. You'll get the $20 to $40 you normally save when you buy an electric dryer instead of gas-- plus a special cash discount of $20 from Commonwealth Ldison. What's more, flameless electric dryer savings don't end with low first cost. There are few moving parts, so electric dryers are more economical to maintain. With no pilot light, they cost nothing when not in use. As a result, an average family can dry the modern electric way for only $1.25 a month.* And because there are no fumes, flames or products of combustion, things keep fresh and new looking longer--you'll save money on your clothes. See your dealer for the money-saving details now. No down payment. Satisfaction on any flameless electric dryer guaranteed. M in motistM WASHDAY with on [leitrk Dty*r_ (J Public Service Company Commonwealth Edison en ihc actual u*c of a cron*section of Ctucagoiind families VtoAults of Meeting On Oct. 1 the McHenry Shores held its monthly meet*1 ing at the VFW Hall and some of the problems discussed included the condition of the roads. Bill Corcoran saw Mr. Geske and Mr. Miller and Mr. Miller agreed to take care of them before winter sets in. Some of the holies are quite bad so^ve will be looking forward to having them fixed. The lights at the beach will be turned off on the 15th of October, except for special occasions or ice skating. The drinking fountain will be shut off at the end of this week. Also it was reported that it has already been broken. The SAC Clue, McHenry Shores Club and Mr. Miller are goirjg to each pay one third of t he cost to have the beach dredged, probably this will be done next spring. A stop sign, making it , a four way stop on Barreville and Odyll Dell was discussed, but more work will be necessary on this project, so it will be brought up at a future meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Berry of Miller Drive their first meeting and were yvelcomed to the club. Welcome in New Family Jasper and Anna Marie Selzoggi and their two boys were greeted by Audrey Whitney. They reside at 700 S. Riverside Drive. Welcome to the Shores and best of everything in your new home. Revoke Licenses ,,,w; Others Suspended. '^!. " .„£«!• etary of State William H. Chamb?r|aln has arinouno&J the revocation of the driver license of fFred Somers of Rt. 12, Spring» Grove, and Ralph C.y'ftwTWnqf Ridgefield, bo#i for driving, .while intoxicated. Suspensions were ordered for Edward A. Broederdorf of HI. I, Algonquin, and Robert A. White of 6118 Barnard Mill, Ringwood, for three violations. - i, ILLINOIS MARRIAGES During 1963, the total number of marriages recorded in the state was 93,420, Dr. Franklin D. Yoder, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, said last week. For 1962! the total was 87,645, dejwn slightly from the 88,692 recorded in 1961. Divorces last, year numbered 20,519, as compared to 18,®84 during 1962, and 25,- 712 for 1961. A total of 246 annulments took place during 1963, compared to 186 during 1962, and during 1961. June and Pecepaber tied in popularity for niost favored months for trtarrlagfes, while January had the fewest recorded marriages. June had the highest number of annulments, and October , the ' highest recorded number of divorces. Sewing Cfub On Oqt 12' Pat Petersen will be hostess for tl\e sewing club for all the girls in that group. Se you all toext week at the same place, PIC Your Own Come anytime -- Enjoy, an all day outing or an after-work half .hour. Picnic in the orchard -- Bring the kids* lOObacces in which to play. Get the Finest duality Direct from the Tree. ALSO - Apples Picked & Packaged In Easy-to-Carry Cartons. NOW You emmt Mcintosh -- < •IO US Jonathan -- Golden Delicious OPEN 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Daily All the Cider you can drink FREE TYVFN LAKES road ! ORIOLE SPRINGS STATE LI HE »•-- ROAD RICHMOND < ) SPRIMr ' RT.3I GROVE HIGHLANDS SUNNYSlyE WONDER LAKE INGlE&IDfe WTHENlW LAKELAND PARK \v6LO DIRECTIONS: Take Route 173 East ot&g @2 Richmond to Twin Lakes H@ad at Millo^a Corner. Turn Morih, 1 mile t^ Stat® IJSEO Road. Turn East OBI State Line 3load AND 1 mile to the orchard* FoUow^ AHe signs. State Line Road I HI,

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