Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Oct 1964, p. 21

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THursday. October 15. 1964 THF McHENBY fLAmDEALEH ti 4- / Tc *V , * $ - ,r vj <_ $ ofciion * nree Ftge,Rf# IS $.• EASTWOOD MANOR BD1B IVEBSON FRIEDA DURKIN -- (884072 TWELVE YEAR OLD RICHARD WOOLWINE VISITS FLORIDA Twelve year old Richard Woolwine is presently in Florida for a grand two-week treat. He went by plane with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Innocenti. While there he will be visiting his great grandmother, Mrs. Cimino, who is eighty- two years young. But he will have a lot to tell of this wonderful trip when he returns home. Eastwood Manor Teen Club News All boys and girls between the ages of thirteen and nineteen who reside in Eastwood Manor are welcome to join the club. Any adult who would like to have their names put on the list ~ of volunteers for chaperoning any future teen functions please contact either Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hagerup, Mr. and Mrs. Gil Moore, or Mr. and Mrs. Ray Salo. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. The teen "Slop Hop" was a real successful event. There were thirty-eight teenagers and it appeared they all had a swell time. The usual refreshments of pop, potato chips, pretzels, etc. were serves and if future dances continue to have such a nice turn-out a need to increase the refreshments is indicated. Music for dancing was provided by the generous use of Kevin Cary's record player. A dance contest was held and all the teens did such a wonderful job, it was really difficult to pick the winners. , Dennis Moore of Eastwood Manor and his partner, Karen Shastal of Pistakee, took top honors. Butch Wierich with Roxanne Fuson and Walt Mrotz with Alice Wierich were runners up. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hagerup and Mr. and Mrs. Gil Moore teen counsellors, with Mr. and Mrs. James Bague acted as chaperones. Final details for a hayride were arranged at a special meeting Oct. 1. The date was set for Oct. 10. We^Will-have more news for you on this outing in the next column. TThe teens are planning a Halloween dance party for Oct. 31*. At the dance one couple will receive a hit record in a dance contest. „.*rhe club is working on a point system receiving points for paying dues, being present, and volunteering for the jobs such as mowing, clean-up comnflttees, etc. These points will be used in place of the prices pf- coming parties and other outings. Birthday Parties •Melody Iverson had her party complete with balloons, hats, candy, etc., Tuesday after sehool in honor of her tenth birthday. Many games with prizes were played. Birthday cake, ice cream, and kool-aid Wfere served. ..Dennis Woolwine's birthday was celebrated with a big dinner featuring the birthday cake and ice cream. Guests were Ml", and Mrs. Fran Clark and five boys and also Dennis' grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Innocenti. .Larry Mersch had a swell time at his birthday party Thursday, Oct. 1, as he shared his day with ten boys. Many games with prizes were played but the best one of all was the scavenger hunt! Birthday cake, ice cream and soda were served. His Grandpa Timmons from Chicago also came to help him celebrate. Many of the gals got together at Andree Butler's house and celebrated Jeanne Mc- Hale's birthday. Just a bit belatedly but still lots of fun anyway. We wish you many happy returns of the day! Demonstration Party Diane Griswold from Woodstock and Carol Neff held a demonstration party in the latter's home here. At least fourteen guests attended. Several games were played with prizes. Afterwards coffee and donuts were served. Capitol Trip John and Elaine Rogers and children went to Springfield, over the weekend to see Lipcoin's tomb, home, and all the other many historical sites found there. On the return trip they stopped in New Salem. G e t-Vyel 1 W Ishes^ Hurry up and get well Yvonne Davis who has been laid up with sinus infection and cold all this past week. That nasty old flu bug is hdre again. Seems like the cold weather brings him out. He is so busy visiting both children and parents alike in the Manor that we can't keep t r a c k o f h i m . O n e h a p p y thought alone is that he doesn't stay long so you who are presently out of commission by the time we print your name you will be happily back on the old schedule again. Just the same, your friends are all wishing you well. Big City Trip Pat Borcovan and the children, Mark, David and Susan, went into Chicago's look with her mother, Mrs. Downey. They did some shopping and had a nice luncheon. The children especially enjoyed a ride on the subway. Not too many children out here have ridden nor even seen a subway so it is as great a thrill as a ride in an entertainment park! Birthday Gift Gone Craig Sigman had a sad experience just recently and we all hope his new pre-birthday bike is located and returned to him soon. He left it unlocked and parked in front of the McHenry Recreation building on a Saturday afternoon. It was a brand new black racer with white handle bar grips and handle brakes. These costly fancy bikes are precious possessions of boys his age and we hope it soon zooms home to you Craig. Our TV Starlet After a year of waiting, tickets for the popular 'Bozo's Cirucs' arrived, and so away to the TV station in Chicago went Kay Stephenson and daughter, Betsy, Donna Rohrer and children, Sandy and Brian, and Sheila Barry. (I heard that Bozo was smooching with all the redheads that day!) Little Betsy was chosen to play one of the games on camera and has a prize for a souvenier. Returning home they stopped in Skokie to visit Donna's mother, Mrs. Peters. Brownie Troop 211 The first meeting was held at 4 p.m. at the Faith church with leader Betty Radner. They elected their officers. The president is Martha Roths, secretary, Cherri Fenner, treasurer, Barbara Krebs, and door hostess, Robin Tucker. They played games and sang songs. Cynthia Doherty will be the cookie hostess Oct. 21. They are also making plans for a gala hard times Halloween party. This is becoming a regular annual party really looked excitedly forward to each Halloween by the little Brownies as they come dressed in their worse and not best party clothes including scuffed and worn shoes and battered hats. Cub Scouts Pack 162 On Nov. 1 our local Cubs, belonging to Pack 162, and sponsored by the American Legion Post 491, will begin an- -NOWLADIES' NIGHT Tuesday Nile All Drinks -- 30 MEN'S NIGHT Monday Nile 10 BEER -- glass WEDNESDAY NIGHT Spaghetti & Sauce $joo FISH FRY FRIDAY Ocean Perch $100 Plate -- I SUNDAY MORNING BREAKFAST Music Sataday Wights • Boat Bengals • Speed Boat Rides, • Picnic Area 4518 N. Riverdaie Drive Pistakee Lake Phone 385-9837 MASTERWOR Phonographs -- Radios Tape Recorders All Products of COLUMBIA RECORD SALES CORP. 10 Fabulous Models from 4-Speed Monaural Manual Portable to Deluxe Stereophonio High Fidelity Automatic Portable & Stereo Consoles TRANSISTOR RADIOS AM Portables to Delcixe AM/FM-Short Wave (6-Transistor Model & up) Portable Tape Recorders 2 speed and 3 speed F. M. Radio & Television 1326 N. Riverside Drive PSERVICE M*. ' - j ' SALES and hone 385-0979 McHenry, 111. other year. Our Manor has been well represented with boys in the past, and at present is represented by Den 2 with Dorothy Messer as Den mother. With the start of another year many boys have become 11 years of age-outgrowing the Cub Scout age level-and we hope will continue on as Boy Scouts. Any parents of 8 year old boys who have sons that would like to be Scouts are invited to attend the pack meetings held monthly at the Legion hall. We would like to see Eastwood Manor well represented once again with boys and adults. For more information please call the chairman of the Pack-Harry Durkin. Den 2 Den 2 had David Cooksy as a visitor at the last meeting. The boys are busy working on the scenery and practicing for their skit to be put on at the Pack meeting. Girl Scout Troop 436 This troop is under the leadership of Pat Kellogg. At their first meeting of the sea- Son they divided into patrols and elected their officers. They studied the Girl Scout Promise ancLLaws and played some getacquainted^ games. Girl Scout Troop 190 There are at least six Eastwood Manor girls in this troop. During their first fall meeting the leaders presented the Girl Scouts the badges earned last year. These badges had not arrived in time to be given with the others at their last meeting and mother-daughter dinner. The girls divided into Patrols and elected officers; then played some get-acquainted games. Bridge Club Bridge Club is in full swing again as the gals met at Peggy Anderson's home. Peggy served coffee and sandwiches to Mary Hadley, Marion Kreimier, Rita Simpson, Pat Kellogg and the evening's first prize winner Haroldine Peck, traveling prize winner Nellie Fidler, and the booby prize winner Marilyn Truckenbrod. Bunco Club That old Bunco Club is back for its third year of hard playing and loads of laughs and fun at Kay Mitchell's again. Kay served a delicious raisinapple- space cake and mugs of coffee. Winners this first night were Florence Tucker, first prize, Lydia Fenner, bunco prize, and Bert Stoll, booby prize. Other members of the club are Ann Ritter, Alberta Sobacki, Pam Woodbury, and Mary Lou Schaeffer. Faith Presbyterian Church News Thursday, Oct. 15 -- Senior choir meets at 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 16, Junior choir meets at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 18, The Christian Education Committee will attend a seminar for Presbyterian churches from northern Illinois at the First Presbyterian church in Rockford. Tuesday, Oct. 20, the third in a series of four weekly discussions in theology for teachers will take place at* the church. Wednesday, Oct. 21, the Christian Education Committee will meet at the church at 8:30 p.m. for Christmas program planning. Birthday Wishes On Oct. 15 we wish happy birthdays for John Barry, for Kimberly Rad as she turns into a darling three year old, and for Tommy Rogers who will be blowing out five candles. Oct. 16, Amiee Saynor will be celebrating her sixth birthday. Oct. 17 cute little Lisa Ritter will be three. Best wishes to Marie Dalton on Oct. 18. Joyce Engstrom will be observing the 19th as her natal day along with twelve year old Nancy Olson. Our new little neighbor, Cindy Rychly, will be just three on the 20th. Richard Hawkins will be all' of four years old on Oct. 21. Happy birthday wishes are extended to each and every one of you and may you enjoy many many more. Wedding Anniversaries Two wedding anniversaries this week. We wish to give our congratulations and best wishes for many more anniversaries to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Weirich on the 20th and Mr. and M^s. Dennis May on the 21st. Around the Manor Larry Moore journeyed into Chicago to attend a bridal shower Saturday, Sept. 19, in hbnor of . her niece, Colleen Moore. The shower was a luncheon held at a very nice restaurant and the food was marvelous. The bride received many lovely gifts, and Larry, besides enjoying the luncheon, had a. nice visit with many relatives and friends whom she had not seen for some time. That same evening, Gil and °Larry went to the barn to the "Fall Ball" and everyone there helped to celebrate Gil's birthday. The Eternicks spent the past weekend in Columbus, Wis., at the home of Dorothy's uncle, Ernest Huebner. They brought him to the Manor where he is now spending a week at their house recuperating from an operation. Harry and Frieda Durkin and the kids spent Sunday afternoon at the Morton Arboretum. The autumn colors attract many visitors there as the various brilliant Hues can be seen for miles around. One also gets a 'feeling for nature' as they walk thru this lovely place with the scent of pine needles in the brisk fall air! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kellogg went out to dinner Saturday evening in-observance of their wedding anniversary. Association News The regular meeting of E.M.P.O.A. will be held on Friday evening at 9 p.m. at the bam. Any resident property owner and rentor in the Eastwood Manor subdivision is welcome to attend. There are no a n n u a l d u e s . T o b e c e o m e a member you need only to attend a meeting and sign the register. Coffee and donuts are provided:" Come out and begin the new season, ftith Chairman Fred Woodbury as he and all the newly elected officers go into full swing Fri-i day evening. Let's all pull I together and see what we can j accomplish this year. , - Hospital Conducts Class For Parents : -S5*' Early announcement of the next "Preparation for Parent' hood" session at Memorial Hos' pital , for McHenry County, Woodstock, is being made so expectant parents can obtain necessary permit slips froiri their doctor. Bert Hanson, administrator at the county-wide hospital, said the free instructional classes for both mother and fathers-to-be will be held Monday nights, Oct. 19 and Oct. 26. This program has been a special service feature of Memorial Hospital for McHenry County since the fall of 1961 and attendance by both parents has been very good. The two-class sessions are conducted by doctors and registered nurses on the hospital's staff. LITTLE CHEF RESTAURANT • Breakfast • Lunch • Dinners • Sandwiches COMPLETE CARRY-OUT SERVICE Specializing in: • Chicken • Hickory Bar-B-Q Ribs PHONE 385-5296 1332 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, I1L OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FAUCET WITH A FUTURE Saves Work ...Time...Water ALTHOFF'S INC. 002.S-&8S Md *uojji x £06 uiooJMoqs AV3M Jtno joj Suhtoh 9 Sufqumid m FOR THE DISCRIMINATING HOME BUYER Ladd enterprises / I s millstream IN THE CITY OF McHBMV All City SSte rvices & Facilities in an Outstanding Home Community Millstream is Ladd'* newest home community, built after the tradition of their other fine developments suoh as award winning "Lincolnshire." Millstream is located in a superb residential section in the city of McHenry, Illinois. Millstream is fully improved with all utility wiring underground, paved streets, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, sanitary and storm sewers. All Millstream homes are built to give yOu the famous Ladd quality, value and styling. Below Are Just 2 of the Fine Homes Available at Millstream "SALEM" $19,950 3 BEDROOMS WARDROBE CLOSETS MASTER BEDROOM 14x10 FEET UPPER AND LOWER LEVEL BATHROOMS ENTRANCE FOYER WITH GUEST CLOSET LINEN CLOSET STORAGE AREAS RECREATION-FAMILY ROOM 21'xl3' FOURTH BEDROOM, SEWING ROOM OR DEN LAUNDRY-UTILITY ROOM, REAR ENTRANCE ROOFED FRONT PORCH GAS HEAT EQUIPPED KITCHEN...TERRACE TOP RANGE, OVEN, EXHAUST FAN AND HOOD, BIRCH CABINETS, DOUBLE BOWL SINK SPACIOUS SEPARATE DINING AREA "PLUS MANY MORE LADD VALUE FEATURES" ALL PRICES INCLUDE LARGE IMPROVED SITE "CONCORD" $18,500 9 BEDROOMS, OAK FLOORS FLOOR-TO-CEILING WARDROBE CLOSETS FULL BATH PLUS POWDER ROOM LINEN CLOSCT LIVING ROOM 1514 xl4V4 FEET - PICTURE WINDOW ROOFED FRONT ENTRY GUEST CLOSET KITCHEN-FAMILY ROOM 23%x 1216... EQUIPPED WITH ELECTRIC OVEN AND RANGE, EXHAUST FAN AND HOOD, BIRCH CABINETS FORMICA TOP BASE CABINETS WITH BACKSPLASH, DOUBLE BOWL SINK, VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR REAR ENTRY lAUNDRY-UnUTY ROOM WHOLE HOUSE INSULATION ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS CONCRETE DRIVEWAY CUSTOM DCCORAflB Ladd interprlses, Inc. Acnrni Escaui THB MATSOMAL ASSOCIATION Of isiss Byg&snifc chicagolanp chapter 30 F.H.A., V.A., ©sswentional Financing Available SEE AAOLHSTREAM Today Turn West fimm Route 81 at Maple Street, which in located three block* North of Route 120 In McHenry, Ilk I#

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