J .Thursday. October 15. 1964 THF MeHENHY PtAINDEALER Married In October MR. AND MI^. MICHAEL, II. MATHEWS In a beautiful wedding solemnized Oct. 3 in St. Peter's Catholic church, Antioch, Mr. Michael H. Mathews, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. 'Mathews of 3015 Lincoln road, McHenry, claimed as his bride Miss Linda J. Mirek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor F. Mirek of Antioch. Mrs. William Borchardt acted as matron of honor and the bridesmaid was Mrs. Tom Anderson, sister of the bride. Jerry Mathews served his brother as groom and groomsman was James Mirek, the bride's brother. The newlyweds are residing on Rt. 3, Antioch. Bridal Couple Kotalik Studio Photo MB. AND MRS. NORBERT ADAMS In a beautiful wedding solemnized in St. Patrick's Catholic church on Oct. 3, Miss June Marie Radloff of Lakeland Park becamc the bride of Mr. Norbert A. Adams of McHenry. SIX FROM AREA ATTEND ALPHA THETA MEETING Alpha Theta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met Oct. 13 at the Washington school in Harvard, where the president, Edith Newcomer, reported on the international meeting held in San Francisco last August. Ethel Raue gave an interesting talk on her trip to all the capitols of the world. Following the meeting, a silent auction was held of items purchased by members while travelling this past summer. Six members from McHenry attended the meeting. Gladys M|>reton of Wonder Center, Wonder Lake, is confined to Chicago Wesley Memorial hospital following major surgery Oct. 10. She wo appreciate hearing from friends. Her room numbe' 786 and the address of f hospital is 250 M. "^Superibr street, Chicago, f McHenry Hospital Patients admitted to McHenry hospital during the past week included Richard Spry and Josephine Vick, Wauconda; Marie Kohnen, Niles; Catherine Blair, June Gesaman, Fox Lake; Scott Goodwin, Carole Loitz and Janet Harwood, Crystal Lake; Walter Roed and William Richardson, Melrose Park; Bryan Davis, Bensenville; Forrest Rigg, Barrington; Kay Bradford, Jr., Mundelein; Jerome Persky, Chicago; Anna Lockhart, Round Lake; Aurelia Sanchez, Ingleside; Violet Jastrab, Melvin Whiting, Sheila Cherry, Mary C.lueck, Kathleen Mars, Margaret Deasy, Oscar Craig, Phyllis Stromstedt, Herman Hendricks, Darrel Whynot, Martin Knox, Sophie Dolderer, Doris Finney, Peter Lindemulder, Dorothy LoSchiauo, Paul Cooper, Ethel Green, Anthony Swiokla; Ayres Huizinga and Bry- BENEFIT REVIEW The Crystal Lake auxiliary of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid society feel they are most fortunate to have engaged Florence Burke Ellis to give a book review on Oct. 23 at the Maison des Legionnairs, 406 Woodstock street, Crystal Lake. Reservations must be in by Monday, Oct. 19, and tickets are available from members of the auxiliary. Interested persons in this area may call Mrs. Wm. Maypole, 338-1967. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sent flowers, cards and gifts and to all who visited and prayed for me during my recent illness at McHenry hospital. Special thanks to the nurses. Also a special thanks to the folks who visited me from Westville, Indiana. 10-15-64 Catherine Williams The meadowlaik is the state bird of Kansas, Montana, Oregon, and Wyoming. EXPERT GROOKU.G (All Breeds) • BOAHDING (Individual Kennels) • TRASHING ® BATHING lidy Beetar's fennels 1018 W. Lincoln Rd. McHenry Phone 885-2486 (1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In) McHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Vroman of Fox Lake are parents of a son born Oct. 5. Mr. and Mrs. David Davis welcomed a son. Oct. 5. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Kirk Oct. 6. The baby has been named Jamie Lynn and has a brother, Kenneth Paul, one year old. Mrs. Kirk is the former Betty Barbier^ Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. "Hugh Kirk and Gerhard Barbier. Hugh W. Kirk is the baby's great grandfather. A Wonder Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lund, announce the birth of a daughter Oct. 6. A son was born Oct. 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- Kenney of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Lee became parents of a son Oct. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peters of Crystal Lake welcomed a son Oct. 9. ( A Spring Grove couple, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Urban, are parents of a daughter born Oct. 10. Memorial Hospital, Woodstock On Oct. 7 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boettcher of Wonder Lake. Other Births Mr. and Mrs. Carl (Bill) Weber announce the birth of their iirst daughter, Janet Marie, on Oct. 9 at Sherman hospital, Elgin. The little miss has Ihrne brothers at home. The paternal grandparents.are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Sr., of McHenry and Attorney and Mrs. Herbert Krenz of Crystal Lake nre the maternal ones. Mrs. Nettie Weber of McHenry is the baby's great-grandmother. ENTERS COLLEGE Nancy Kathleen Howe, 7318 W. Route 120, McHenry has returned to Wheaton college "as a second semester freshman for the l%4-65 school year. She is a graduate of McHenry high school. an O'Neill, McHenry. Harvard Hospital Among the patients admitted to Harvard hospital during the past week were Joseph Buralli, Mrs. James Wells, Robert Nieluvowski and Mrs. Richard Soda of McHenry. Memorial Hospital Frank Jeffries of Wonder Lake and Lola Peterson of McHenry were patients during the past week in Memorial hospital, Woodstock. REWARD! Republican Candidate For McHENRY COUNTY AUDITOR Polls Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Your Vote will be Appreciated convert to gas heat by Oct 31,1964 • • • • New lower rates make gas heat a better bargain than ever!. Call your heating contractor' today • • * * Mp Celebrate our 1st Anniversary With Tfiiese-Maytag ! Friday - Siti Oli.w, Deft 16-1/ Special Prizes - Free Gifts - Demonstrations - Door Prizes 1 $ MATURING: • Hot, warm, of COLD water wash and rinto '• Automatic Water Level Control • "Modern Fabric** cycle f Two-Speed Action #> Gyrafoam Washing • Double«Spin Tobt e Surfs Saver (optional) • And many more outstanding features Here is an automatic so versatile, it wiH wasfo even your most delicate things as carefully as you would by hand. You can choose exactly the right water C2mp3rature,w»* ler level, washing action, and length of time " win ^But*^whatever fabric goes Into ^ est washes come oat... because 9 mB&m Maytag. Drop in today. OvOono nAttooc * <falhe$ txclu eive New Maytag Halo of Meat Dryer meansi "NO HOT SPOTS" t ' ^'vj krcklJ Zto#' U3VQCQ Maytag The Dependable Conventional Prices $ start at Prefer 13995 w/t w ™ CAREY APPLIANCE, la 1241 N. Green Street Phone 385-5500 SEMI-ANNUAL SERVICE SALE lockage' lt^lodes -Eyer^hjngi ivery-CarMeeds Twi<re4W$oi5 ^Complete Services ^W.ortfc- $24.I© $27 ff^ Njxyg pqys|g^Only, ; Pakijadjustmenti Stop'safely! Go safely! We'll remove front wheels; check alii components; adjust brake*; add fluid and check jntire;$ystei%J Ayailablejeparately, $1.19. f Mont-end aliqnmini Easier driving! Less wear! We'll align front end by correctin caster, camber and toe-in; cheek all parts; AMD.$AF.ETy^CHECK fNJIRE CAR! Available separately,'-.$$.50. •" JEdMPLETE 'MefdE'TUNEiUP! - • • - 'More power! Better mileage! We'll check,•cleah'and.3aju» spark plugs, points, condenser, igoition wires.jAvailabie^sepa^ ri tor W.jafS;^ fld!irWMiitS"BAiANCE(^ • Smooth.ride! Reduce wear! We'll remove front wheels; b^a'fict^ •to high-speed p/ecision; check tire-condi%n.^CLUD£S felGHTS! Available separatelyjor$5#0#""" SfcpJjAfit FtO'SH^ilRlWtfe ^ ' • ^ 4 ' - • v.. V -RbuIcoolerr pr«v«nt stalls! We'irftMb ottfewafltUfreeze^a«R Accumulated rust; refill with coolai^^^^^eWrMlfl^^ m*. Available separately, $3.50.^ ~ tlPAOCl WHEELJBEARINGS r^^Prevenf. expensive bear!rg repiacement/iWe'ircfeahroH'.old 'gibn^andj "/grease;; repack~v.-jth new winter lubri.eafjtj-^check :;all grease seateil ^Available separately, S2.00./ * A-S}*' / - ' ' 'A . .. tPricej>tu$-anti-freezn and parts as necessary Go To Goodwar Extra-Mileage Tufsyn Rubber (Toughest Ever Used In Goodyear Tires) RETREADS famous Suburbanite tread design^ D 7:15x14 ww 8t 2 trade-In tires $ •.eo/0.0 0 x 13 Mask tuboBooa piles* tax and two tires the Low-Priced winter tire with i!§Q tm<stor-tyi»e @S@mta that are built t@ hl$@ d/@@ip),..dlg In and pull BSk@ 3 traction3 A remarkable combination--extra-mileage Tufsyn rubber (toughest ever used in Goodyear tires) and triple-tempered 3-T Nylon cord for strength and resilience. Put on a pair of these great-going Sure-Grip tires and you'll be set lor snow storms with traction to spare? TIRE 3314 W. Elm Street Automotive Center Phone 385-0424 i '