Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Oct 1964, p. 10

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Two --Fag# Two Tim McHENHY PLAINDEALER Thttfidsyi October 22. 1964. Johnsburg News BEITT HETTERMANN COMMUNITY CLUB HDOANLDCSE DNIONNV.E R7 The Johnsburg Community Club wishes to announce that they are going to have a sitdown dinner followed by dancing in the club hall on Nov. 7. All the club members should have received their tickets by this time. Reservations should be in to Dick H.iller by the 31st of the month. Please notify him as soon as possible if you are going to attend this gathering. As members, you should get behind your community club and back it. You can do this and have a good time simultaneously by being in attendance on this evening. Iowa Visitors Mr. and Mrs. George Tussey and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heinz spent a recent weekend visiting Mrs. Edmund Tschudi, wife of the. late District Attorney of Dubuque. The foursome had a most enjoyable time in the Dubuque home of Mrs. Tschudi. They also stopped off to visit the Schneller family at Spechts Ferry on the Mississippi River. Babies In Tl(e News A young lad, who will answer to the name of Jeffrey, was welcomed by George and Lorie Letzter of Jak-Ana Heights on Oct. 13. The newest member of the Letzter clan weighed a healthy 7 lbs. when he arrived at the McHenry hospital. Lynne and Scotty are having a real good time getting acquainted with their new brother. Our very happiest of wishes to the whole family on the brand new baby. The West Suburban hospital was the birth place of the premature son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mack. The wee one arrived earlier than anticipated and weighed a mere 4 pounds. His weight didn't seem to be too much of a handicap as by the time his mother was able to come home, so was he. The family are now all doing fine in their apartment in the Gerry Hettermann building on Chapel Hill Road. Steven John has a sister, Dennise. Congratulations are certainly in order for the Mack family. Death Claims Two Death came to Mrs. Anna Lay of Middle avenue, last Tuesday in the Villa Rest Home where she has been confined for the last two and one half years. Funeral .services were conducted from St. John's church on Saturday, with burial in the church cemetery. Mrs. Lay was 83 at the time of her death. One son, Leo, of Barrington survives, as does four sisters and one brother. We join in relaying our sympathies to the mourning family. Our deepest sympathies are sent to Mrs. Fred Freund again this week. Her brother, Ben H. Stilling, passed away last week in the Villa Nursing Home. Just the week before Mrs. Freund lost her sister. Time Ticks Away And it is really "on the wing" as far as the dinner for the local business is concerned. The first annual affair will be held next Tuesday evening, Oct. 27, at Hettermann's. Lots of time and effort on the part of the committee has gone into this evening. If you don't take part in the fun planned evening, it will be your own loss. By the time this comes to print just about all the business people should have been contacted. Try and be there next •MDC POSSIBLE BY Space MgeTte AMAZINi ™ jimy HrttfnM Amplifier gives »mb • Mote periotmaae® tors. i AmpMierc£^3 against sad moisture. tSlcro-Litbic circuit smaller titan a match head. • 500% greater amplifier bility. • •Tele-Touch" telephons tence feature optional. Ask tar a DtMMtrafor... Hi YjEM/rH f IfcARING AIDS MALB WHIPPLE Walgreen Agency Drug Store Phone 838-4100 M. M. Whipple, R. Ph. 110 Benton St., Woodstock, DL 383-1396 Tuesday and join in on having a good time with your business neighbors. Dinner will be by reservations taken by the committee in charge. If this turns out well, the Businessmen's Association plan to make it an annual affair. Rescue Squad Calls Two calls were answered this past week by the members of the Johnsburg Rescue Squad, thus bringing the count up to 2,417. The first call on Oct. 15 took them to Sunnyside where a resident suffered a possible heart attack. An ambulance was summoned and was taken to the Woodstock hospital. The second call came last Sunday morning around 8 a.m. in Pistakee Highlands. A resident was found along the road suffering a possible sprained ankle and abrasions of the arms and legs. iShe requested to be taken to /the doc-' toTs office in McHenry. Humorous Get-Together When Millie Smith walked into Joan Freund's home last Wednesday, little did she know what was coming. Several ladies gathered there to honor Millie with a pre-silver wedding shower, so to speak. Some of her gifts were quite humorous. Joining in on the hilarity besides Millie and Joan were: Rosina Weber, LuAnn Smith, Agnes (Tony) Freund, Agnes (Frank) Freund, Barbara Gilpin, Louise Smith and Martha Freund. The group enjoyed many laughs during that afternoon. They had a very nice lunch together followed by the playing of cards. Martha baked the beautiful Cake for the "shower". Happy Birthday To Joe Dehn who will have his eleventh natal day on Oct. 25. And so I will fold up my little typewriter and steal away until next Monday. Please remember deadline of noon when calling in your news items. Hope I see you all right here next time. Be kind to each other and if you can't say something good about someone, don't say anything. The cottonwood is classed as the fastest growing tree in U.S. </•£ \ Moubn romp in a rWhite Stag m sicra's tailod unci 1939 Scallop quilted stretch nylon parka is dauntless even in high winds and snow! It reverses to nylon taffeta, in contrasting shades of winter-bright colors. Drawstring hood hides snugly under trim rolled collar. S-M-L. 20.00. Color coordinated Gold Medal stretch ski pants, 30.00. NE'S Tift SKI Mon., Tues., Thurs., 9:00-6:00 Wed. - Fri., 9:00-9:00 Sat. - Sun., 9:00 - 5:00 PHONE 385-2720 Rt. 12 -- 1 block south of Rt. 120 THE McHENRY HOSPITAL by Anthony Corcoran McHenry Hospital Administrator Aside from humanitarian aspects of hospitals and I heir great value today, they are also important from an economic standpoint. Compared to the new industrial firm developed or lured to a community, the hospital in most cases will produce more economic value to the community. The hospital operates three shifts of eight hourSreach every twenty-four hours, 365 days each year; thus the payroll is often times greater and for the most part the quality of personnel is higher. The purchase of supplies and equipment in a hospital will compare most favorably in value with any business concern. The more modern hospitals built in a community, the greater area they will draw from, and frequently the service area of hospitals exceeds the normal trade area of the community. They not only draw to the community patients who for the most part pay doctors, hospitals, laboratories, drug stores, etc., for medical services, supplies and medicine, but they also bring other visitors to the community through relatives and friends who also spend money in the community. They will return to your community many times the capital invested to establish hospitals or to enlarge them as demands necessitate. Outstanding hospital facilities are prime factors in attracting new businesses and new citizens to communities. Orderly development of hospitals Lo meet immediate as well as long-range needs is vital to any community. Hospitals, the core of health services tc the community, lo.i important to allow conflicts of interest in any form to jeopardize the success of any such efforts. Active participation by community leaders not always directly connected with the. hospitals results in more objective planning and scheduling of such efforts in the community. Hospitals have grown dramatically in number and in stature throughout America within the last 100 years. But still some people ask, "Aren't hospital facilities used far beyond actual need today because of hospitalization insurance policies?" The answer can only be an emphatic no. Modern concepts of medical care which save and prolong life are the great contributing factors to more use of hospital facilities and hospitalization plans merely provide the means through which people can take advantage of this type of care. • The-story of hospitals' vital role in our society is a dramatic one--a story as dramatic as the numbers of Americans who annually use hospitals. This year one out of every eight people will need hospital care. This need is emphasized every 474 births, 210 deaths, 174 car accident victims, 228 industrial accident sufferers and 492 victims of home accidents. And every hour Americans spend $1.8 million for accidents of all types. Doubtlessly modern hospitals and medical care are a godsend today. They cost, but they help save millions of dollars in man hours and life itself previously lost as a result of .serr ious illness and injury. Modern medical science today provides the physician and the hospital with resources that have considerably shortened the duration of illness and injuries due to accidents and have saved countless thousands of lives. Hospitals, by the very nature of the services provided, trulyrepresent a daily. dramgi of our| American way ofxlife. i Some 800 head of dfttle] were killed in India on October 5, 1893, when a severe storm hit. Many areas were covered with ice up to 4 and 5 feet deep. f Auto Insurance Cancelled? NO ONE REFUSED -- ANY ACJE Reasonable Rates Financial Responsibility Filings Stay out of "Pool Insurance" and have Full Coverage. TEENAGE INSURANCE -- Full Coverage JAN-MA!! INSURANCE 385-7667 'S SUPERquauty W.dge Bona T-B0NE or CLUB Average COOKED BARGAIN Comet/i... ib $1°° Fresh Chicken Legs Get Your Share! Sliced Bacon &$££ £ IIs Fresh Chicken Breasts >59 „ WONDERS OF TIE 1NIMAL KINGDOM 6th l!@ Week! PICTURE PACKETS 2 THRU 18 NOW ON SALE! ONLY 15c EACH! ntEI STARTER COUPON Bwiimi ttiii coupon at your A4P Food Storo WCrURIAU PICTURE ft if This coupon redeemable by an adult or a child accompanied by an adult* No Purchase Necessary Thh Offer Ceod Thru Saturday, November 31, 1M4 ' n • NEW CROP ^ORIDA SEEDLESS F J| A GRAPEFRUIT 549 K CUStRIER & IVES PLACE SETTS1G 1 place FREE for the next 5 weeks with AfcP's Dlnnerware Booklet Coupons This Week's MP Booklet Coupons • FREE CURRIER & SVSS DINNER PLATE With i $5.00 or Mare Purchsie • 50c OFF ON A4PIECE PLACE SETTING • 50s OFF ON A CURRIER & IVES VEGETABLE BOWL • 50 £%TRA PLAID STAMPS With fhe Purchjie of 2 Mb. Pk»l. of ANN MCE Com Oil Mtrgarine • 50 EXTRA PLAID STAMPS With 9 $5 00 or More Purchjie , X'*; i__ J. j V "i ] I ! BONESSi SHAMPOO pj«s Both VALUABLE COUPON ^a---- _fcj| With the purchase of the introductory packet* j olAAP . N.w J .I lOMISSE SHAMPOO i: Ttill Coupon Sfiplr«s Saturday, Oct. 24 1964 1 Special Purchase, Reg. 53* - CKEAM 11CH *n<^an '§MBnm©r Br«dl COTTAGE CHEESE 2 SWEET APPLE I Spa Luncheon Meat Chef-Boy #1? Bee EST 49* kit's Beef Burgers*.™ ST 9$ Criseo Shortening Digestible ^ean Spaghetti Sauce m 2 £ 35c Terry's larhecue Gal. Jug 69 Sin EL@i Cake cZ" JiI-0 J5. ?|® OXFORD R0VAL MUS Pieces & Stems pSj^*°c**i/crD Lake Shore Sj-T-Fine. Mer's Hoc. I Whip V Chill Assorted Flavors With 14-os. Sliced Beef pkg. 8Vi-oz. PfiniDIIDV Frozcn 3,/4"°z'1flc mZ, ibUKI Turnovers pkg. ||r FROZEN WAFFL BLUE LABEL SPINACH RENCHSZREEiiH 'SSsmJE American 15-ex. Beauty Sunny- 5-oz. field pkg. musseimak Apple-Raspberry Sauce Instant 3'/i-o2. Potatoes pkg. A&P's Own Brand «W5f0 Wt ftUflM » v pudding flavor ^ iiii Chocolate 3-«. Ch,p or oka. Lemon RI<M ff) VWMM# c Hi-C rnozfw FRUIT D8JNKS 6-ex. COS JUNIOR KLEENEX «UIS pkgof 108 cmocoiais _ OwiSw „ ft ftor'ttJa P For the Bathroom Asstd. Colors French Ice Cream Waxed Paper Detergent Built lo Power 2-lb„ 14-ox. pko. m PRUli JUICE T0MI7® JUICE MILNOTI® r BAKING r I NIK BRAN PAGHEI1 t£5££. - It SNAP IRiPSl MRil Glazed 12-0Z. Li) j f n 5c off . Label P*9- H Imj israin Topic Evaporated Hi "2? to Suit's Junior Sweet 'N' Low AI-PoDogfiod 9 Lives Cat M ^ Lipton Soup HEARTY & VIGOROUS SS'NI y/i-oz. Sugar Substitute 14vi-or. cant Chicken Flavor Cream For the Bathroom |0 Your Choice of Colors Ifeinii IS lichen Saran Plastic Wrap Crest Toothpaste Personal Ivory Soap 4 love Faeiil S@ a p « 2 tory Lifiii litsrgent 1 Contains 'family Fluoristan size rubers ng. SliO dO Tablets Oifiii Betergent 75e TieLauirirj/litergent W 19* With Green giant Bleach /M( Granules ,lM • V giant size 79* SpesSeQ «v.5« Week APPLE PIE One Price...One Quality...At ALL A&P Food SS@rof \>nv»S SSS.VO.VK3 cvv®.! >^TH£ CBEAT AILAfJIIC & PACIFIC TfA COMPARE. XT s? 5^ a ^ 'a ^ " n AMERICAS DEPENDABLE F000 MHCHAMT SINCE l«59^ft\ THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU OC?@@lH 24, 1964 8-iKSKi Size JANS PASSES JANS PAQREB Spani§i lor Cake 31-ifc.SI 01 I F. VINE RIPI T@yM©ES. 14- Lirryci . . . I ATOMS oz. tube . . 19tb . 19* @a. . .StS, mm. JONATHAN API S l°9ii. 29 * 8-lb. feag 58* . .bu. i9

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